It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 393 You don't want others to know the story by the window, do you?Mrs……

Chapter 393 You don't want others to know the story by the window, do you?Mrs……

After Wang Hao and Huang Minghao returned upstairs, they saw several people working on those two interesting physics experiments!

The first is the [Electrostatic Ball Experiment]

There are several precautions on the edge of the steps where the static ball is placed, and several people are watching there.

1. The electrostatic ball must be placed on an insulating table.

2. When touching the electrostatic ball, make sure that the whole body is dry and stand on an insulating platform.

3. When touching the electrostatic ball, please keep touching it with both hands and wait for 1 minute.

4. After touching the electrostatic ball, and then touching other people or metal objects, a special electrostatic reaction will occur.

5. According to the different physiques of people, there will be different degrees of electrostatic reaction, which is a safe current.

Out of the blue, Yang Mi asked curiously: "Could it be that we are required to do these two experiments? After finishing, a sensor will appear and open the door."

Wang Hao looked at her suspiciously.

What's the idea?how can that be possible?
But before he opened his mouth to deny it, the other people's eyes lit up!
"It's possible!"

Wei Daxun looked excited, as if he had seen some new continent.

And Zhang Guozhu, who was standing next to him, also looked like "seeing a savior", and obviously agreed with this opinion very much.

With the three people's supplementary words, even Huang Minghao and Xie Yilin, who kept a calm mind, seemed to be persuaded.

Judging from the expressions on the faces of the two, it seems that they are quite moved by this suggestion.

But at the same time, new problems arose!

Who is going to touch this static ball?
Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally they all set their eyes on Wang Hao, their eyes full of anticipation.

"I go?!"

Wang Hao pointed at himself in disbelief, and said helplessly, "You don't even need to try to know that this method will definitely not work."

How could Chen Xiaoxu engage in such pediatric tricks?
These two experiments are obviously used to improve the effect of the program, in order to let the audience see them embarrassing, thus creating a famous scene and causing heat...

However, Yang Mi obviously wasn't going to let him go.

Seeing Wang Hao's expression of reluctance, she immediately leaned over, her cute eyes flickering, and she acted coquettishly,

"Brother Hao, please, just go and try. You are so powerful, you can definitely complete the task smoothly, maybe you can open the door? We can also escape smoothly."

As she spoke, she had already grabbed Wang Hao's arm.

rock Me…

rock Me…

Several people at the scene, even the netizens in the live broadcast room, were stunned at this moment.

Yang Mi...

Acting like a baby to a man? ! ! !

Although the audience has long known that Yang Mi's purpose of acting like a baby is to fool Wang Hao into the stage, and then watch him get electrocuted or even embarrassing.

But this coquettish behavior still makes many male fans envious,
"That is Brother Hao, I can barely accept it. If this is another man, I will cut him up in minutes!"

"Wooooow, the goddess is so cute and beautiful when she acts like a baby, I love her so much!"

"If I'm as good as Brother Hao, can I also show up with Sister Mi? At the same time, I can be acted like a baby by Sister Mi?"

"I'm so envious of Chibi Separation!"

"Damn, the goddess's coquettish power is so powerful, I feel like my whole body is going to be crispy, so soft and cute, I really want to hug her and kiss her hard."


Netizens showed strong agitation one after another, and at the scene, Wang Hao was naturally unavoidable.

When Yang Mi was like a kitten, with big pudgy eyes flashing, and acting coquettishly to him, he naturally fell inevitably.

"All right……"

After shaking his head helplessly, Wang Hao turned around and went straight to the insulating platform.

To be honest, Yang Mi's power of acting like a baby is really strong, especially that soft and waxy voice, which makes Wang Hao very useful.

As a man, who can bear the coquettishness of a goddess with nearly [-] million fans?
In particular, the phrase "please", reminded Wang Hao of a line in an international blockbuster he had seen before.

"You don't want others to know, do you? Please, madam..."


Seeing Wang Hao stepping onto the insulating platform in her "gentle offensive", Yang Mi put away the cuteness and cuteness on her face instantly, and a touch of "cunning" suddenly surfaced on her cheeks.

The plan was successful!

However, Huang Minghao was stunned by his rapidly changing facial expressions.

The child looked shocked, and subconsciously muttered to himself: "Are all actors so scary?"

Yang Mi's behavior just now directly deceived him, so that Huang Minghao thought that she was really just acting like a baby, and had no other purpose.

But I never expected that all of this was actually staged!
The scene in front of him was so lethal to a "child" who had just turned 20, that he couldn't help but draw a conclusion in his heart:
——Women are really scary!
Under the close attention of the five people in the audience, Wang Hao stepped on the insulating platform with both feet, and walked towards the insulating ball quite calmly.


Before he could get close, arcs of electricity shot out from the static ball and directly hit his body.

In the next second, a numb feeling spread all over his body.

Perhaps for others, the state of being hit by static electricity can even cause mild pain, or a strong sense of paralysis.

But who is Wang Hao?
His physique is extremely strong, facing such a small amount of electric current, apart from making him feel a little discomfort in his body, it has no other influence.


With a soft slap sound, Wang Hao's hands were already pressed on the static ball.

In an instant, the tingling sensation surged upwards from the body, directly acting on the top of the head.

The jet-black hair stood on end in an instant, and exploded towards the surrounding air as if it had exploded.

Looking at the reflection in the electrostatic ball, Wang Hao couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, obviously he didn't expect such a situation.

But soon, he realized the reason behind it.

This is obviously static electricity that is transmitting current to the surroundings through one's own body, and hair, an extremely light external tissue of the human body, will naturally respond accordingly.

Just like now.

These bristling hairs suddenly became electrostatic conductors, standing up in the form of a conductive medium.

"Don't tell me, this is quite fun, do you want to come up and try it together?"

Wang Hao turned his head and warmly invited the audience.

"Haha, you're so ugly!"

Yang Mile giggled, she seemed to like playing tricks like this, even though she was quite timid herself.

The others also covered their mouths.

They didn't dare to imitate Yang Mi, who annoyed the Great Demon King of the Chamber of Secrets, who knows if there will be any "horrible" horror consequences?
As for Wang Hao's invitation, everyone unanimously refused.

The current "crackling" sounded, which was too scary. Even though they knew that it would not cause harm to the human body, they still did not dare.


Wang Hao shrugged and didn't care.

However, his gaze was fixed on Yang Mi who was laughing loudly.

This sister still wants to play tricks on herself?Embarrass yourself?
Didn't she think about the consequences?

1 minutes is fleeting.

Just when everyone was about to speak to remind Wang Hao, he on the insulating platform suddenly moved!

With a soft sound, he jumped down directly from the insulating platform, and behind him was a series of electric lights, which looked like "Electric Shock Boy", quite melodic.

And then, under the amazed eyes of everyone, Wang Hao came directly to Yang Mi's side the first time he rushed out of the insulating platform, and then hung his hands above her head.


Shouts suddenly resounded through the room!
Everyone looked intently, but saw that Yang Mi's long black hair seemed to be pulled by some kind of pull, and it flew up into the air, with the roots standing on end!

Several people looked up along the long hair, but saw that there were still faint electric lights flickering in Wang Hao's palm.

This scene lasted for more than three seconds.

In the end, Yang Mi's hair was exactly the same as Wang Hao's, completely blown into a honeycomb head.

"Hey? How's it going? Is it fun?"

Wang Hao raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a smirk.

"Not fun at all..."

At this moment, Yang Mi wanted to cry, she knew that she would be teased by Wang Hao, so she didn't bother just now.

It's a good thing now, if you don't steal the chicken, you will lose the rice!


After tidying up a bit, everyone returned to their previous state.

The effect of the show is already enough, and it will definitely be interesting to edit it into the feature film, especially the "cool" hairstyles of Wang Hao and Yang Mi, which will definitely make them popular on Weibo.

"So, is this experiment still going on?"

Wang Hao suddenly pointed his finger at the ping pong ball on the table, and looked curiously at the people behind him.

"Stop playing, stop playing,"

"We have to find clues quickly, or the building will collapse,"

"That's it! That's it! In this critical moment of life and death, how can you still think about playing? This idea is bad."

"Right! Everyone must be serious."


Several people talked in a hurry, for fear of being caught by Wang Hao and "ravaged" by Wang Hao.

"All right……"

Wang Hao was a little bit disappointed, he thought there was someone stronger than Yang Mi in the team, but now it seems that they are not doing well.

Soon, everyone fell into the process of searching for clues again.

Known conditions: These two physical experiments have nothing to do with clues.

Well, all that's left is the display of various large objects and some trinkets.

It's a pity that after a while, everyone still didn't notice anything unusual.

Yang Mi grabbed her messy hair and said in distress: "Could it be that the clue is not in this room?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Wang Hao in unison.

[If you have difficulties, find the captain. 】

This sentence has already become an unspoken rule!

"Go, go downstairs."

Wang Hao quickly made a decision.

Since the purpose of the existence of this physics laboratory is to increase the effect of the program, it is likely to be a means to confuse the audience.

Maybe the real password is still downstairs!
Soon, a group of people all passed the pile of stairs made of tables, chairs and benches, and arrived downstairs.

The foggy environment gave people a special hazy feeling, so that everyone always felt as if there was a pair of eyes watching them from behind!

"Is there anyone in this room?"

Xie Yilin looked around worriedly, trying to rule out possible crises.

Wang Hao shook his head, his eyes wandered around the room, and he said: "Probably not, we have already looked at it before, except for some tables, chairs, benches and books, there is nothing else useful..."

Suddenly, Wang Hao's voice froze!

Everyone subconsciously looked at it, a little puzzled, why did he suddenly stop talking halfway?
But the next moment, several people saw that Wang Hao's eyes were fixed on the books scattered on the ground, as if he was observing something.

Huang Minghao keenly sensed something was wrong, and hurriedly asked: "Brother Hao? Are you suspecting that the clues will be in the book?"


Wang Hao nodded and said, "Because until now, all we have found are these books."

"Come on, everyone, try to arrange it."

As he said that, Wang Hao stepped forward to pick up the scattered books on the ground, and then put them in the dilapidated bookcase beside him.

Yang Mi also came over with a stack of books, and asked curiously, "In what order?"

After thinking for a while, Wang Hao asked back: "How will the books in the library be arranged?"

Zhang Guozhu quickly replied: "Sort by the first letter!"

"Okay! Then we'll sort by the first letter!"

With that said, Wang Hao has already read the first letter of each book and summed it up in order.

Several people each held a stack of books, and they came over one after another to help Wang Hao.

But when all the letters were sorted, everyone couldn't help but fell into doubts!

There are so many books in front of me that almost fill the first floor of the bookcase, and if they are sorted by the first letter, they can be arranged from "a" to "yun".

"Huh? So now you guys have an idea?"

Wei Daxun scratched his head, and looked at everyone's faces one by one, trying to find some useful information.

It's a pity that, except for Wang Hao, the others looked sluggish and dazed, as if they had been demented by some unknown existence.

At this time, Wang Hao suddenly stepped back a few steps, squatted down slightly, and said, "Everyone, pay attention to the wear and tear of this bookcase. Have you noticed anything unusual?"

worn out?

Curiosity appeared on everyone's faces again, and they also followed Wang Hao's example and squatted down.

Soon, under keen observation, several people suddenly discovered the abnormality.

On the outer edge of the middle of the bookcase in front of me, there seems to be a place that is more worn, and the overall color is lighter than other places.

And the title of the book corresponding to this position - "Story by the Window"!
"A window?"

Everyone shouted in unison.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were on the window near the other side of the wall.

What can be clearly seen is that every window is covered with thick dust, as if no one has come to clean it for a long time.

These dusts cannot be easily done artificially, so it is impossible for the program group to artificially render them in order to cover up something.


What does window mean?
Wei Daxun swallowed suddenly, and asked in disbelief, "Could it be that you want us to clean all these windows?"

"How is it possible?"

Xie Yilin couldn't help giving him a blank look, deeply worried about his brain circuit.

At this time, Huang Minghao suddenly asked curiously: "You guys think, is it possible that you want us to put down the curtains?"

As soon as these words came out, several people showed expressions of interest.

"There is a possibility."

Wang Hao nodded and agreed with his thoughts.

Zhang Guozhu said with great interest: "Put the curtains? It's become popular for us boys to leave this kind of thing. You two girls should stay away, and be careful if something suddenly falls."

While talking, the four of them stepped forward and slowly pulled down the four strip curtains used to block the glass.

A few minutes later, the curtain had completely fallen to the ground, and the scene above also made several people's eyes light up in unison.

I saw that there were several holes on each curtain, and these holes were the traces of artificial tearing at a glance.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't suppress the joy in their hearts.

"Count the holes in every curtain."

Wang Hao gave instructions to several people again.

About 1 minute later, a string of brand new numbers appeared in front of everyone!


Zhang Guozhu had been waiting in front of the combination lock early on. After getting the number on the curtain, he quickly entered the four-digit password into the display box without any hesitation, and pressed the confirmation button.

Under everyone's expectant eyes, with a pleasant "ding dong" sound, the combination lock opened!

"Yeah! It worked!"

Cheers resounded throughout the audience, and several people couldn't hide the excitement on their faces, and they all found the people closest to them to give high fives to celebrate.

Wang Hao looked to his right.

Yang Mi looked to her left side.

The two looked at each other, looking at each other's afro-like shape, couldn't hold back their joy for a while.


After the celebration, everyone chose to move on.

However... just when everyone passed through the door, the scene that made everyone's hearts tremble appeared again!

The violent explosion sound appeared in front of the eyes together with the bright sparks, which shocked several people immediately.

Because of walking in front, Yang Mi couldn't stand firmly, and she fell backwards in a daze!

Thanks to Wang Hao standing behind her, he hastily stretched out his hand to pull her into his arms, otherwise she would definitely fall badly with just this one!
The raised dust filled the aisle, and several people closed their eyes one after another, quietly waiting for the moment when the dust dissipated.

Feeling the strong arms behind her, Yang Mi only felt a burst of warmth in her heart. Instead of being afraid, she felt an inexplicable feeling.

Although she is a daughter, she has always lived like a man, supporting a large company by herself, and the pressure she bears during this period is unimaginable to ordinary people.

But today, falling into Wang Hao's arms, she enjoyed the feeling of being protected for the first time!
If it wasn't for the dust gradually dissipating, she even had the idea of ​​wanting to freeze time. If she could enjoy the feeling of being protected for a while, how great would it be?

Soon, all the dust dispersed.

Everyone's faces were full of surprise and uncertainty, and their eyes fell on the position where the explosion came from.

Gravel, rubble, burning flames...

At a glance, it is full of ruins!

Fortunately, there was an iron gate separating everyone from the explosion site, otherwise, no one would have dared to stay here.

Wei Daxun greeted everyone with some fear, and said eagerly: "Let's go, let's go, don't look, and find a way to find an exit, we don't have much time left."

A group of people hurriedly turned around and ran towards the other side of the aisle.


Although there was a door at the end of the corridor, there was a line of text marked on the door lock.

[Please swipe your card to enter! 】

"Isn't it? Do I have to go back to find Ka?"

Several people looked reluctant.

The explosion has been carried out to the seventh time, and there is not much time left for them.

But I don't know why, the further you go, the more complicated the puzzle, and the weirder the way to solve it.

Just like now.

Is it marked on the door of the room that you need to swipe your card to enter?But where should I find the card?

Zhang Guozhu scratched his head, and said in surprise: "So, we don't want to open this iron door first, and then go to the explosion site in front of us to find the card?"


Wei Daxun came up and looked curiously at the iron gate in front of him.

If he was really allowed to pass through the explosion site, he would probably be scared out of his own soul!

However, at this moment, a scene that frightened him so much that he almost ascended to heaven suddenly happened!

On the other side of the iron gate, a bloody arm suddenly stretched out. If he hadn't stood far away, he might have been caught by that hand at this moment!

In an instant, Wei Daxun was so frightened that he swears, he fell down on the ground, and crawled backwards crazily.

And Zhang Guozhu, who was standing next to him, was obviously frightened.

Seeing the bloody arm stretching out, his expression changed suddenly, and he displayed the strongest reaction speed of a high jumper.

In the blink of an eye, he had already hidden behind the password lock just now, and his whole body was still in shock!

Everyone obviously didn't expect this scene to happen. Looking at the bloody arm, everyone's face was full of astonishment and surprise.

And Yang Mi and Xie Yilin even hid behind Wang Hao with terrified faces, hiding their bodies as much as possible to avoid seeing the horrible scene in front of them!

A bloody arm stretched out suddenly, and it was grabbing forward with all its strength. Anyone who watched this scene would tremble!

Not to mention other people, even Wang Hao was taken aback and almost couldn't hold back his kick.

It was also thanks to him that he quickly realized that this was recording a program, otherwise, this buddy who was buried in the ruins would be in trouble.

At this time, not only the guests present were scared, but even the netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked!
The arms that popped out suddenly challenged their guts!

"Damn it, labor and capital are scared to death! Why did this thing pop up all of a sudden?"

"Damn it, I'm almost ready to get the emergency rescue pills. Is Jie Nima playing in a haunted house?"

"Hiss! What is this thing? Why is it still buried in the ruins?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be a drama actor, right?"

"Damn? Actors are arranged at the scene of the explosion? Is it safe? Is this also learning the ultimate challenge?"

There was a lot of discussion in the barrage, and at the scene, Wang Hao, who was the first to react, was slowly approaching the bloody arm...

(End of this chapter)

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