It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 457 It's just a banquet, why did you suddenly hold up a "protective umbrella"

Chapter 457 It's just a feast, why did you suddenly hold up a "protective umbrella"?
Painting is actually a process of "ink and wash Kung Fu", and the time consumed during it is almost immeasurable!

Some people may only need 1 minute to draw a sketch, but some people need several days or even months to draw a masterpiece.

And this "Songhe Yannian Picture", it took Qi Baishi a full day to complete it.

But Wang Hao's current situation is different.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is doing original work, but only he himself knows that this is actually a second copy of painting.

After all, he already has the structure of this painting in his mind, and he even knows exactly what the finished product looks like, so all he needs to do now is to "copy" it with a brush.

In just half an hour, the painting took shape.

As he picked up the paintbrush and lightly tapped Songhe's eyes, a beautiful, dignified image of Songhe successfully landed on the drawing paper.

After writing the name and signature on the edge, and marking the gift object of this picture, the creation is officially over.


After taking a deep breath, Wang Hao put down his brush and looked at the painting in front of him with satisfaction.

Although his behavior can only be regarded as "copying", the process of writing and painting in person made him feel deeply, and he felt a sense of clarity and ease in his mind for a while.

"Then put the couplet paper... what the hell!"

Wang Hao was just about to ask Guo Xiaoxue to take away the drawing paper, and then spread out the paper, but when he looked up and saw the heads on the third floor and the third floor around him, he was immediately frightened.

good guy?
Where did so many people come from?

Just now, his attention was almost all on the drawing paper, and he didn't pay attention to what was going on around him at all.

In addition, the onlookers were also afraid of disturbing him, so they deliberately reduced their movements, so that he didn't realize that there were so many people around him at some point!
"Hahaha," seeing Wang Hao stop writing, Mr. Guo smiled and took a few steps closer, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"I knew that you were hiding something, but I didn't expect that you are also good at painting, which is a bit beyond my expectation."

While talking, Mr. Guo picked up the drawing paper and carefully savored the "Picture of Song and Crane Prolonging Years" in front of him.

He has loved painting since he was a child, and he loves "figure realism".

This hobby has been with him since he was a child until now. If it wasn't for a coincidence that he embarked on an official career and abandoned his craft, I am afraid that he is now a well-known "big painter" in the Chinese painting circle.

After retiring, however, he picked up the craft again.

In addition to collecting many paintings at home, his own painting skills have also improved significantly, and even several works have been judged by Ren Kelai to be included in the Huaxia Literature Archives.

It's just that he couldn't bear it, so he didn't act for a long time.

In addition to having good painting skills, his appreciation ability is not weak at all.

Now looking at the details in the "Picture of Songs and Cranes Extending the Years" in front of him, he is deeply moved, and he only feels that the more he looks at it, the more delighted he is.

Ren Kelai on the side also shifted his gaze at this time.

I saw that the pines and cypresses in the painting are lush, which symbolizes the prosperity of future generations, and the trunks are straight and upright, as if praising the birthday stars for their high character and strong bones.

And the white crane under the tree opened its mouth as if about to cry, as if singing the blessings and virtues...

Every detail of this painting was handled extremely well. For a while, Ren Kelai and Guo Lao couldn't help but be fascinated by it.

Wang Hao was not used to being surrounded by so many people, so after the drawing paper was taken away, with the help of Guo Xiaoxue and Xing Feiyue, he gently spread the two couplets of paper on the drawing table.

"Do you still want to draw?"

Everyone around couldn't help feeling depressed for a while.

Today's limelight is all given away by Wang Hao. Poetry, writing, painting... are simply versatile!
Many people have already begun to wander in their hearts. When will this conspicuous thing stop?Anyway, give them some opportunities to perform!
It's getting late, and it's time for lunch soon.

Once this meal is eaten, everyone will break up!
Regarding the inner thoughts of the people around him, Wang Hao naturally has his own judgments, and he also knows that many people feel uncomfortable with him and think that his performance today is a bit too much.


Are they upset about having a fart relationship with themselves?

If you don't take advantage of this opportunity to "become holy before others", wouldn't it be a pity for the popularity value that has been continuously recorded in the account?

On the drawing table, two couplet papers were spread out vertically.

Wang Hao took a few steps back and observed the left, right, up and down positions.

The next eight characters are not easy to write. The font alone cannot be taken by ordinary brushes. It must be done with the largest brush.

After confirming the location, Wang Hao did not continue to hesitate, and picked up a writing brush about [-] centimeters long.

After glancing at the ink plate, he ordered: "Research more ink."

"it is good!"

Guo Xiaoxue and Xing Feiyue nodded together, they picked up the grinding stone, half squatted by the table and began to work.

After about 3 minutes, Wang Hao looked at half of the ink, and then said: "Okay, that's enough."

As the two women got up and backed away, Wang Hao held the pen holder tightly with one hand, and dipped directly into the ink.

The pitch-black ink instantly rendered the gray-brown vellus hair black, and as the nib rotated, the position of the belly of the pen was completely infected by the ink.

After checking the degree of ink absorption, Wang Hao nodded in satisfaction, took the pen holder and spun it in the air, and landed directly on the paper.

"Hey! Niubi!"

"This hand is really wonderful~"

"Tsk tsk, you are indeed a calligrapher who can write the preface to the Lanting collection. This technique of controlling ink is simply amazing!"

Seeing that the brush danced around in mid-air without splashing any ink stains, there was a burst of exclamation from the surrounding crowd.

Just by doing this, many people saw Wang Hao's profound calligraphy skills.

His behavior is like a martial arts competition in the arena, and the brush is like the sword in the hands of a warrior to kill the enemy. If he can't even use the "sword" that he relies on for his life, he might as well leave the stage sooner or later, so as not to embarrass himself.

From the time he picked up the thick brush, everyone had guessed that he was going to write big characters, but they didn't know how he wrote.

But looking at it now, it is estimated that it is another masterpiece of everyone!
At the same time, the surrounding exclamations also pulled Guo Lao and Ren Kelai back from their thoughts.

The two looked up subconsciously, and saw Wang Hao holding a Langhao pen, "brushing" and writing eight huge characters on the two couplets of paper.

【Holding the pine for longevity, peering with the crane】


Looking at the eight big characters written by the pen, Wang Hao smiled with satisfaction, and flicked the thick and long Langhao pen to the pen holder, and the thin string behind the pen holder swung lightly, and it was hung on the iron stand accurately.

The meaning of these eight characters is very simple.

It roughly means: "The life expectancy can be compared with the mountains, and the seniority can be compared with the cranes,"

Anyway, it's still the same sentence,
Praise is over!
After a while, everyone came back to their senses from Wang Hao's magnificent display of skills.

Looking at the eight big characters, everyone was amazed.

This kind of enlarged calligraphy is much more difficult than ordinary small characters. Even ordinary calligraphers feel that it is quite difficult to copy, let alone write so freely and casually.

"Okay! This word is really well written!"

Zhao Cigeng, who stood aside and watched for a long time, praised Wang Hao again and again, making no secret of his inner appreciation for Wang Hao.

As the chairman of the Writers Association, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, and the curator of the Huaxia Literature Archives, his feeling for words is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

He had also read the "Lanting Collection Preface" before, and it was completely different from the eight big characters now!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that these two different font styles were all created by Wang Hao alone!
Wang Hao didn't know Zhao Cigeng, but such a kind and gentle old man must be his friend.

Seeing that the other party praised him, he also smiled gently at him, and then turned to look at Mr. Guo.

"Old man, I haven't prepared anything else. This picture and the couplet are my birthday presents to you. I wish you good health and longevity."


Mr. Guo responded with a smile, and the smile on his face never faded.

"Xiaoxue, send all these to my study."

"Okay, grandpa."

Guo Xiaoxue responded, and waved to Guo Jiajun who was standing beside him, signaling him to come and help.

The old man's study room is not accessible to ordinary people. Among the three generations of the Guo family, only the eldest granddaughter Guo Xiaoxue and the eldest grandson Guo Jiajun have this treatment.

The big family not only has a large population, but also has many rules.

Seeing the "Picture of Songs and Cranes Prolonging the Years" being put away, Ren Kelai and Zhao Cigeng looked at it eagerly, making no secret of their inner envy.

This piece of work is not only far-reaching, but also of a very high standard, quite like everyone else.

The creation of this kind of work is very difficult, it can be said that it is the favorite of every lover of literature and painting, but it has become a private property.

"Old Guo, after you finish appreciating it, how about letting me appreciate it?"

After all, Ren Kelai still couldn't resist his love for this painting, so he couldn't help asking Mr. Guo for it.

Maybe it was because he was in such a good mood today, Mr. Guo didn't refuse at all, and immediately responded: "Haha, okay, after I finish admiring it, I will send it to your home as soon as possible."


After the gift-giving session was over, there was still some time before the noon meeting.

A group of people came to the shore again, played the game of the song of flowing water, and started singing and dancing again, having a great time.

But Wang Hao did not continue to participate in it.

He has achieved his goal today, there is no need to go up and continue to show, he still understands the principle of accepting as soon as it is good.

Time passed quickly, and it was noon in a blink of an eye.

The slightly dazzling sun shone in the garden, causing many people to squint their eyes subconsciously.

Seeing this, Mr. Guo immediately decided to end the game and invited everyone to the front hall for dinner.

By this time, a lot of people had already left, similar to those leaders of various departments who almost left the scene after watching Wang Hao's paintings.

Their identities doomed them to not be able to participate in this kind of game, and today's goal has been achieved, it is better to leave early, so as not to cause some unnecessary troubles.

By the time the rest of the group arrived in the front hall, someone was already arranging seats for them.

This person is Guo Lei!

On the surface, he is only the youngest son of Mr. Guo, and he only runs a folk restaurant, but behind him is a very complicated network of interpersonal relationships.

Guo Lei greeted everyone when they entered the door and began to assign positions to them.

Several bigwigs in the literary and art circles, such as Zhao Cigeng, Ren Kelai, Zuo Min'an, Zhou Liangyin, Lu Jiancun and others were invited to a table.

The four top bosses of internal entertainment, as well as some CEOs of media companies who are slightly behind them, were assigned to another table.

As for the others, they are arranged in order.

Under Guo Lei's arrangement, the venue was well-organized, and everyone was quite satisfied with their positions.

But only Wang Hao was called up alone!

He was originally sitting at the table with Fang Chao, but not long after he sat down, Guo Lei came over and patted him on the shoulder, motioning him to stand up.

Then, Wang Hao stood alone at the door with a confused face.

At first he thought that Guo Lei was going to arrange a new seat for himself, but as time passed, almost everyone else sat down, but he was the only one who was still standing.

For a while, many people's eyes fell on him, and they all showed curious eyes.

"Isn't this kid offending the Guo family somewhere? Why don't you let him sit?"

Zhao Qin had a look of gloating on his face, and looked at Wang Hao with disdain, as if excited by his current embarrassing situation.

Thinking of Wang Hao's appearance of "five people and six people" just now, Zhao Qin couldn't help the smile in his heart.

In his opinion, it is best to drive Wang Hao out, so as to relieve his hatred!
What he didn't expect was that the slap came before the smile on his face disappeared!
I saw Mr. Guo leading a group of people walking in through the door.

When he walked to Wang Hao's side, he reached out with a smile and patted Wang Hao's shoulder, inviting him, "Come on, sit with me."

Ok? !

For a moment, Wang Hao frowned wildly!
Although he didn't know who these people were following Mr. Guo, he could guess with a little thought that these must be his children and grandchildren.

After all, Guo Xiaoxue was also in the crowd at this time, and Guo Lei followed behind the crowd.

so nice!
Now a new problem arises!
Why did I, an outsider, receive such special treatment from Mr. Guo?
Is it because of the "Songhe Yannian Picture"?
impossible!Absolutely impossible!
Although Mr. Guo loves paintings, his paintings are far from top-notch, at best they can only be called top-notch.


Today, Mr. Guo mentioned him several times, and even let him sit at the main table on purpose. What is the reason?

He didn't wake up to this question until Wang Hao took his seat at the main table, and Guo Xiaoxue sat down on his right hand with a blushing face!

good guy?
"Does the Guo family regard me as their grandson-in-law?"

As soon as this idea popped up, all the doubts lingering in my mind were instantly answered!
No wonder he can be at the main table!No wonder Mr. Guo is so close to him today!No wonder Guo Xiaoxue didn't dare to look at him from the beginning to the end!
All doubts were resolved in the instant of sitting down.

But what puzzled him was why the Guo family treated him as their grandson-in-law?

Subconsciously, Wang Hao glanced at Guo Xiaoxue beside him out of the corner of his eye, and felt puzzled again.

Could it be what this girl said?
At the same time, when Wang Hao was deeply in doubt, the expressions of the other people in the front hall who were watching his movements suddenly changed slightly.

Although it looks like a simple seating order, the hidden meaning is extremely profound!

The moment Wang Hao sat down at the main table, he was already announcing a message to the outside world.

From now on, the Guo family is the most solid backing behind him.

On the main table on the left, Zhou Liangyin's face suddenly sank, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart roaring crazily: "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

He never expected that such a situation would appear at today's birthday banquet.

The most important thing is that his revenge plan against Wang Hao is still under preparation, but now such a sudden change means that his plan has been killed in the bud before it is implemented!

From now on, he can deal with Zuo Min'an. After all, the two have disliked each other a long time ago, and Guo Lao will only make peace between the two of them, but will not hinder any of their plans.

But it can't deal with Wang Hao!
To move Wang Hao is to move the Guo family!
Don't look at Mr. Guo's kind and amiable appearance now, but when he really gets angry, I'm afraid no one present can bear it.

At the same time, everyone in the entertainment circle on the other side also gasped!
They thought that today was just an ordinary birthday banquet, but they never expected that such a shocking situation would appear.

Wang Hao actually became a member of the Guo family?

Good guy!This is simply a step up to the sky!

There are many people on the Internet who feel very dismissive of those who are close to rich women and sugar daddies, but ask them in reality, if there is such an opportunity, will they firmly grasp it?

If a sentence "Auntie, I don't want to work hard" can be exchanged for [-] million, who can hold it?
At the main table, Xu Baoshan frowned slightly, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared in his heart.

He suddenly realized that things seemed to be out of his control!

A small ant that could be easily crushed to death before has turned into a big tiger in the blink of an eye!

This is a bit disgusting.

If Wang Hao is under the protection of the Guo family, then the Haohuan Media he founded will naturally give birth to a protective umbrella out of thin air.

From now on, all targets against Haohuan Media on the bright side will disappear without a trace!

And this is the power of the Guo family's umbrella!

Just a seat for dinner, Wang Hao bought an indestructible Dinghaishenzhen!

At this moment, many people secretly raised Wang Hao's status in their hearts, and some even made up their minds that they must find an opportunity to toast him later, and it is best to get acquainted with him.


After everyone was seated, the banquet began.

Delicious farm dishes were brought up one after another, with full portions and delicious taste.

Along with it, mellow white wine and fruit juice drinks specially prepared for those "family members" who don't drink.

Before Wang Hao could speak, Guo Lei, who was sitting not far from him, had brought him an empty wine glass with a smile on his face.

After the two looked at each other, Wang Hao suddenly understood...

Don't try to escape today!

(End of this chapter)

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