It's reasonable for me to be versatile as a variety show guy, right?

Chapter 528 The greater the ability!The greater the responsibility!

Chapter 527 The greater the ability!The greater the responsibility!
Time is like running water, passing away without knowing it.

While Wang Hao was busy with the decoration, relocation, department integration and other related matters of the new company, another Friday arrived as scheduled.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw the neatly pressed suit at a glance.

At the same time, the sound of bowls and chopsticks colliding could be heard from time to time outside the bedroom, obviously someone was cooking.

Stretching, he turned over and got up, and walked to the bathroom.

After a brief wash, he dressed and walked out of the bedroom.

Outside the door, Zhang Qingyun smiled slightly after seeing him coming out: "The meal is ready, come and eat, the award ceremony will start at 10:30 in the morning, and the time is a little rushed."

"What have you done?"

Wang Hao stepped forward and looked at the bowls and chopsticks on the table.

"I steamed some steamed buns with your favorite stuffing of pork and scallions. I also boiled a porridge with preserved egg and lean meat. It's up to you whether you want to add salt or sugar."

While talking, she was already sitting opposite Wang Hao, grabbed the buns on the table and started eating.

After taking a bite of the minced meat, feeling the fragrance in his mouth, Wang Hao gave her a thumbs up: "It tastes really good."

"Hee hee, eat more if it's delicious."

Enough with a saucy joke, both of them sped things up.

When the time came to 08:30, Wang Hao and Zhang Qingyun got into the nanny car on time and went straight to CCTV.

This time, the "China Top Ten Outstanding Youth" awards ceremony will be held in the CCTV No. 3 studio. Because there are some rehearsals to be prepared, the program team specially asked to try to advance as much as possible.

In the nanny's car, Wang Hao suddenly remembered something, and looked at Zhang Qingyun curiously: "Hey? By the way, where is your brother?"

After returning from Singapore, Zhang Qingyun took a few days off and didn't come back until last night, and she didn't know where to arrange her brother.

"Sent back to my hometown." Zhang Qingyun shrugged and said: "After going to Burma once, this kid has learned to be good, and now he won't make a lot of noise and make a lot of money. It's unbelievable to be so good."

"Haha, it seems that those telegraph gangs are still playing a role?"


Zhang Qingyun nodded, with a complicated expression on her face.

"When I went back, I heard from him that there were many Huaxia people who were cheated in the fraudulent business park over there. They were beaten every day, and some were even killed directly. No one dared to control them. "

Wang Hao shook his head and sighed: "It's not that I don't dare to take care of it, it's that I can't do it."

After all, the place in the Golden Triangle has been separated from the country, and most of those who were tricked out were smuggled out voluntarily through snake skins, so it can't be controlled at all.

When he went to Myanmar to film "The Disciple", he passed by some office buildings specializing in telecom fraud and online gambling, and he knew what was going on inside.

But in the face of this kind of thing, he himself is powerless.

Being able to get Zhang Qingyun's younger brother back has already wasted a lot of thought, and now he has no time to care about others.

Zhang Qingyun sighed with some regret: "I didn't know until I went back to the village that besides my silly boy, many people were also deceived by lies like high salary.

The adults in the family were dying of anxiety, but they had no choice but to just watch.

It would be great if there was a movie like "The Disciple" that specifically promotes this kind of telecom fraud and the dangers of online gambling. At least it can let people in some remote areas know that there is no free lunch in the world. "

Promoting telecom fraud and online gambling hazards?
Hearing this sentence, Wang Hao was stunned for a moment, and an idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

Not to mention, he really has the script for this kind of movie!
It's just that his schedule is too full, and he can't make it at all, and he doesn't have time to fix these things.

"Let's talk about that later."

Wang Hao shook his head, and looked out the window at CCTV No. 3 studio.

Because they had specially greeted each other before they came, when Wang Hao and Zhang Qingyun accompanied them to the entrance of the studio, the staff who had already been waiting here led them into the hall.

Soon, Wang Hao met Li Xiang who had talked with him on the phone before.

But what he didn't expect was that Li Xiang's identity was not a small employee of the China Propaganda Department, but the second in charge of domestic propaganda work!

The 40-year-old has short shoulder-length hair, looks very capable, and speaks very fast. Wang Hao observed her for a while, and it was obvious that she was also impatient.


Seeing Wang Hao walk in, she raised her hand to say hello.

"Well, you're not late, are you? The road is a little congested."

"It's okay, there is still an hour, enough."

Li Xiang waved his hands. Although the two met for the first time, they seemed like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, and the verbal exchange was very comfortable.

She was not polite, and said directly: "Let me briefly explain the process to you first. First of all, the awards are presented live. You should be familiar with this aspect, so I don't need to tell you more.

Then, when the guests appear on the stage, the host will first introduce the life experience of each guest and why they won this award.

Finally, the guests will speak. You can organize your own acceptance speech, and then add a description of your vision for the future, etc.
As for the specific content, you can think for yourself. I know you quite well, and your literary attainments are extremely high. Thinking such a manuscript should not be a problem, right? "

test me?
Wang Hao frowned slightly and smiled confidently.

"Just look at it, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

"Okay, then I will arrange for you to be the last one, and the original draft will be withdrawn for you, so you can play it freely."

Li Xiang just said one sentence, and directly read the original plan according to the script, and changed it to let Wang Hao play freely.

When chatting with Liu Qingyun by chance before, the other party said that what Wang Hao is best at is creating surprises and creating surprises.

Now, Li Xiang suddenly wanted to see how Wang Hao's surprise was created?


People kept coming and going in the studio.

Wang Hao even saw several familiar faces, and the one that surprised him the most was that Mr. Sa, one of the CCTV boys, also came!
"Teacher Sa? You won't be the host of this show, are you?" Wang Hao asked curiously as he walked towards him.

"Hey? Long time no see!"

Seeing Wang Hao, Sabine also smiled knowingly.

When the two met before, they met on the program "The Most Beautiful Retrograde", and it was in that program that Wang Hao left a deep impression on him.

Now that we meet again, I can't hide my joy.

Wang Hao took out his mobile phone with a smile, and said to him: "I didn't have time to leave your contact information last time. This time, I must not miss it again. I have many programs suitable for you."

Sabine frowned slightly, and she couldn't help but feel a little curious.

While exchanging contact information with Wang Hao, he asked curiously, "What kind of program is it about?"

"A decrypted adventure variety show is still in the planning stage. I will definitely contact you as soon as I get it done."

"Okay, then I'll just wait and see."

Sa Beining smiled, pleaded guilty again, and then walked towards the backstage.

Until watching him disappear in the backstage, Zhang Qingyun, who had been silent beside him, frowned and looked at Wang Hao curiously: "Brother Hao? If I remember correctly, your schedule is already full next year, right?" ?”


"Then why did you still promise Mr. Sa that you want to cooperate with him on any variety show?"

"I just said that I have the intention to cooperate, but I didn't say that I have to shoot this variety show next year. I have to leave enough time." Wang Hao shrugged and walked backstage,
The reason why she made such an agreement with Sabine is actually because of the variety show "Star Detective".

When he was on Blue Star, apart from watching Extreme Challenge and Let’s Run Brother, Wang Hao’s next favorite was Detective Celebrity.

Among them, the variety show effects shown by Sa Beining and He Jiong always made him laugh out loud under the covers.

If he finally has the ability, he will not miss this opportunity.

At that time, both Sa Beining and He Jiong will be invited. With these two joining, wouldn't it be easy to be selected into the variety show category of China Entertainment Archives?
Of course, these are all things for now, the most important thing now is to get the awards ceremony right now.

Li Xiang made it clear that he wanted to test him, so Wang Hao would definitely not give up!
Isn't it just to give an acceptance speech on stage?

Wait for him to extract a speech from the system, and beat everyone in minutes!

Walking into the lounge, Wang Hao pretended to be a little sleepy, and then lay directly on the sofa in the corner.

From outsiders' point of view, he is taking the opportunity to catch up on sleep, but only Wang Hao knows that he has completely immersed his consciousness in the system and is conducting a new round of lottery draws.


Time is fleeting, fleeting.

After Wang Hao came back to his senses, the program had already entered the formal recording session.

Sa Beining on the stage was sorting out the line cards in his hands, and the audience was also taking pictures and taking group photos. It can be said that they were very busy.

Under Li Xiang's arrangement, the live broadcast channel was quickly connected.

And in the next second, a dense crowd of onlookers rushed in, and the barrage area was directly captured by the comments of netizens.

"Here we come! Number one! I'll take the front row!"

"Hahaha, no one wants to compete with me for second place, I am second!"

"You two idiots upstairs? What are you doing here? Can you stop posting such meaningless barrage?"

"Everyone be quiet, the awards ceremony is about to begin, hehe, it's time for the annual unblinding box again."

"I don't know who the top ten outstanding youths of Huaxia are today. It's best to bring us a familiar person, so we can discuss it on Weibo."

Not many people pay attention to this program. After all, according to past experience, most of the winners are unknown people.

These people will be popular on the day of the awards, and when the show is over, no one will continue to pay attention.

Therefore, the number of people in the live broadcast room is only about 1000 million. Compared with the previous "The Most Beautiful Retrograde" program, the popularity is simply sky-high!

But Li Xiang didn't mind too much.

Since the selection began, this annual program has not received much attention, so she is quite satisfied with the current data.

At least 1000 million viewers have been maintained, which is enough for her to make a job.


Li Xiang was suddenly a little curious. If the audience knew that Wang Hao was still among the top ten outstanding youths this year, would the popularity of the show increase a little?

She is still waiting to see.

When the time comes to 10:30, the program officially begins!
This time the awards still adopt a form similar to interviews. After the winners come out, Sabine will use some questions prepared in advance to communicate with them.

Since he can become one of China's top ten outstanding youths, he must have made contributions, so there is no need to worry about lack of topics for discussion.

Soon, the first winners began to appear.

Sa Beining glanced at the line card in his hand, and introduced: "The first one to appear is a border guard from the border of our country, and his name is Chen Xiangrong.

Just in the first half of this year, he fought bravely in a border defense conflict, defending the territorial integrity of our country, and finally won the title of first-class meritorious service!

At the border, his battle cry could be heard every morning.

Clear love, only for the motherland! "

Backstage, Wang Hao looked slightly dazed.

The beginning is a first-class hero, it seems that today's show is very grand!
Under the watchful eyes of the audience, Chen Xiangrong walked out from the backstage, greeted the audience a little cautiously, and sat down opposite Sa Beining.

Perhaps he could see his nervousness, and most of the topics he raised afterwards were about some interesting stories and crises in border defense.

When people talk about things they are good at or familiar with, they always relax by coincidence.

The current Chen Xiangrong just confirmed this point.

Since there are many people who need to present awards, each winner only has 15 minutes to play. Once the time is over, the winner needs to leave.

However, even with the strictest time limit, by the time it was Wang Hao's turn, more than two hours had passed.

Few of the audience at the scene could persist. By this time, they had almost changed.

For the sake of the picture effect, Li Xiang had to order the director team to take off their badges and go up to fill up the vacant positions.

At this time, not only the audience was exhausted and panicked, but even Sa Beining was almost unable to hold on.

Among the nine people who played just now, there are border soldiers, firefighters, people's teachers, national athletes, scientists, mathematicians, pilots and so on.

In order to highlight their deeds, he had to interact with each other constantly during the interview.

This is exhaustion both mentally and physically, and thanks to his early rest last night, otherwise, whether he can withstand it today is another matter.

It was finally the last one, and Sabine forcibly pulled herself together.

After glancing at the name on the script card and the deeds he had done, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Wang Hao comes up, he can be freed.

This kid is good at mobilizing the atmosphere, so he can just arrange for him to chat with the audience by himself, and he can also take the opportunity to sneak a fish.

Thinking of this, he immediately said: "The one who will be on the stage next, I think most of the people present, even the audience in the live broadcast room at the moment, are familiar with it."

uh-huh? ? ?

Hearing this sentence, the audience immediately became interested.


Is it still a famous person?
At this time, the only remaining 800 million viewers in the live broadcast room forcibly cheered up, and even many viewers who were about to leave stopped their movements after hearing Sa Beining's words.

Everyone is very curious.

Who is it that can be dubbed the title of "Familiar"?

At this time, I only heard Sabine introduce:

"He! For the anti-drug cause! Donated 19 billion directly!

he!To help more people!Started a charitable foundation!Dedicated to helping major villages build Hope Primary Schools!
he!Send special personnel to the major disaster areas!Invest a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources, just to help more victims!

he!Specially send people to investigate the number of orphans in major cities, towns, and villages, open orphanages, and build a home for those orphans who are displaced!

he!A separate donation channel is specially set up to help those students from poor families, sponsor them to study, get admitted to a good university, and reimburse the country!

Let us welcome Wang Hao, one of the top ten outstanding youths in the country, with warm applause, to make his debut! "

clap clap clap!
In an instant, there was thunderous applause!

The audience, who were still a little depressed, suddenly regained their spirits, and the netizens in the live broadcast room were completely excited!
Wang Hao?

It turned out to be Wang Hao!
No one expected that the last ten outstanding youths who appeared on the stage were actually someone they were familiar with!

Facing the applause, Wang Hao walked to the front of the stage.

He didn't sit down directly, but came to the front of the stage, looked around slowly, and raised the microphone in his hand.

"It's a great honor to receive such a medal today, to be honest, this award is even more gratifying to me than winning an Best Actor Award!

On weekdays, I often ask myself,

If I am a drop of water, do I moisten an inch of the land?
If I am a ray of light, do I light up the darkness?
If I am a grain of food, have I nurtured a life?
In such reflections, I gradually understood a truth, the greater my ability, the greater the responsibility!

In my opinion, since God has endowed life, it should contribute to the prosperity, peace and happiness of mankind!

Therefore, I will do my best and want to do my best to take on the responsibilities and obligations that I should assume in this society.

Here I can assure you that as long as I am still working, the charity will never stop!
I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes when I say it. In fact, I have only one wish all along.

The old have something to depend on, the young have something to educate, and the world is peaceful!

Even if it is difficult to realize this wish, as long as I am here one day, then I will keep moving towards this goal!go ahead!Move on!

never back down! "

clap clap clap!
In an instant, warm applause resounded through the audience again!

At this moment, everyone looked at Wang Hao with admiration and admiration.

Even though his goal is too lofty, he is constantly moving towards it!

With great power comes great responsibility!
This sentence was deeply engraved in the minds of everyone at the scene, leaving them with an indelible deep experience!

 The new book "It's Reasonable for Me to Live Crazy as a Stuntman" has been released, please bookmark it, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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