Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 101 The Night of Uchiha's Genocide

Chapter 101 The Night of the Uchiha Clan Extermination (4K)

"Damn old Sarutobi!"

In the sealed space, Uzumaki Kushina gritted her teeth and said, "Little Naruto's talent is obviously ridiculously strong, but that old ghost actually embezzled our family's inheritance and secret techniques."

"Just use a few C-level and B-level bad ninjutsu to fool Naruto, who cares about those rubbish things!!"

The more Kushina thought about it, the angrier she became, and then she rubbed the little Nine Tails in her arms round and flattened, making Nine Tails feel unlovely for a while.

Naruto can now be regarded as the perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, but it is still not safe in the eyes of Kushina, a mother.

Of course my son deserves the best.

"I made a decision!"

A flash of determination flashed in Kushina's eyes, he patted Xiao Jiuwei's head, and said firmly, "I want to teach Naruto all the sealing techniques of the Uzumaki clan."

After finishing speaking, she suddenly turned her head to look at the water gate beside her.

Seeing this, Minato could only smile bitterly and nodded.

As a Hokage of civilian origin, he not only has solid ninjutsu knowledge, but also has rich practical experience.

The body has the five Chakra attributes of fire, wind, thunder, yin, and yang other than earth and water.

Although his ninjutsu background is slightly inferior to that of Sarutobi Hiruzen, whether it is ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusion, or sealing art, Minato has quite superb attainments.

This is also the reason why Mian Ma chose to keep the Minato couple.

Being able to get the personal biography of the Minato couple, Naruto's current strength can still grow.

"Customer, I've been waiting for a long time! Your ramen!"

The energetic sound of hand hitting and the smell of ramen noodles directly interrupted Naruto's thoughts.

"Oh? It looks very good!"

Looking at the delicious ramen, Naruto's eyes lit up and he felt his index finger move.

Naruto clasped his hands together and said politely, "I'm going to start."

Seeing the smile on Naruto's face, the hand-slapped face couldn't stop the gratified smile.


The night is gradually falling, and the bright and clear moon slowly rises into the night sky.

And in the Uchiha Clan's land, a figure squatted on a tall telephone pole in the light of the moon.

Those scarlet eyes stared coldly at everything in the clan.

"For Konoha's peace, forgive me..."

The tone was indifferent, as if he was talking to someone, but also as if he was comforting himself.

The voice fell, and the figure disappeared instantly.

And after he disappeared, there was a sudden ripple and distortion in the air.

Obito Uchiha wearing a one-eyed mask came out of the distorted space.

"Haha~ It's time to end the fate of this stupid family."

Obito sneered, and said without looking back: "Jae, you are responsible for collecting Sharingan, but remember to leave some for someone."

A black-and-white-faced pitcher plant also slowly emerged from the ground, and the white-faced grin opened its mouth full of fangs and said, "Don't worry, I'll keep some."

It's really interesting.

Two members of the Uchiha clan actually wanted to completely destroy the Uchiha clan.

Even Madara-sama didn't do this at the beginning, it really makes people feel that the world is impermanent.

"As long as the Uchiha elites of the police force are eliminated, it will be much easier for Itachi to kill other Uchiha clansmen who live in the Uchiha clan."

Obito didn't know Jue's careful thinking, and went to the police force as soon as he moved.

At the same time, in the outskirts of the Uchiha clan's clan, many masked ninjas hide in the darkness.

They surrounded the Uchiha tribe from several directions, and then they all started to form seals.

The next moment, a transparent barrier suddenly appeared, directly covering the entire Uchiha clan.

Even if members of the Uchiha clan send out a distress signal, they will be blocked by the barrier. If someone wants to escape, they will not be able to break through the barrier at all.

Trying to break through the barrier will only face the strangulation of root ninjas.

It can be said that everything is ready and there are no omissions.

And in the shadowy root base.

Standing under the moonlight, Danzo looked up at the full moon in the sky.

The bright and clear moon seems to be stained with blood red, which looks both coquettish and evil.

"Hmph, Sarutobi, you are old, Konoha has lost Uchiha, and is the real Konoha."

Danzo showed a sneer, then turned his head to look at the calligraphy work behind him.

"Man is the same as a tree. The more he longs for the sunshine in the high places, the more his roots will reach the dark underground."

This sentence has become the root will he recognizes, and is deeply engraved in the hearts of all root ninjas.

Danzo always believes that only he can lead Konoha to prosperity.

As for Hiruzen Sarutobi, the hypocritical coward who hides in Hokage's office and "has no knowledge" of the Uchiha extermination...

He is no longer the ninja who stayed behind without hesitation to die with Teacher Tomona!


But it was at the place they ignored - Konoha Prison.

"Hey, why does it feel a little cold today?"

"If you don't listen to me asking you to put on more clothes, you won't be able to talk back. Why hasn't Daohuo come here today?"

Two jailers stood outside the prison, talking boredly.

But just when the two were talking.

A figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

The two were startled at first, then subconsciously became vigilant.

But after seeing the face of the visitor, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dao Huo, why did you appear and disappear like a ghost? It scared me."

One of the jailers complained angrily, "I knew you..."

But looking at the uncharacteristically expressionless Dao Huo, the other calm jailer frowned.

Why does Daohuo feel weird today?

"Kuisan, Jingyu."

Daohuo suddenly interrupted the jailer's chatter, and said in a calm tone: "I am very grateful for your care all the time."

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

The jailer named Keizan showed doubts on his face, but it turned into shock in the next second.

"Ho ho, ho!"

A cold light flashed across, and Keiji stared wide-eyed, clutching his bleeding neck, and slowly fell to the ground.

thump! !

"Rice Fire! You..."

Another jailer named Jingyu looked horrified, completely unaware of Daohuo's sudden attack.

In their impression, Inao is a Uchiha with a stable personality and harmless to humans and animals.

And when Jing Yu came back to his senses and wanted to take out his weapon.

Daohuo turned his head suddenly, and the moment his eyes met Jingyu's, the Gouyu in his eyes turned quickly.

Jing Yu froze immediately, and then fell to the ground.

"Sorry, but there is no other way."

Daohuo's expression was unwavering, and he directly moved the two corpses aside.

Immediately the gates of the prison were opened.


Walking into the prison, wherever the rice fire went, the prisoners who hadn't figured out the situation all fell down in the prison.

"Is it rice fire?"

Setsu in prison slowly opened his eyes after hearing the sound of footsteps.

I don't know if it's sadness, or he sighed helplessly: "It seems that this day has finally come."

He could already smell the blood on Dao Huo's body.

In other words, today is the day when the Uchiha exterminates the clan.

Daohuo looked at his grandfather and said regretfully, "I only gathered 43 children, and the others were entangled for various reasons."

His temperament is a bit peaceful, but it is still a pity that he failed to leave more sparks for Uchiha.

After a moment of silence, his gaze became deep.

"...It doesn't matter, enough is enough."

Daohuo tilted his head and asked tentatively, "Grandpa, are you still leaving?"

That man has already sent someone outside the barrier to meet them.

"Go what?"

Setsuna sneered and said: "Uchiha Itachi is the executioner who slaughtered the entire family, and I may not be any more innocent than him."

"My old life is worthless, but I, who bear such a crime, still have to die to apologize!"

He is very clear that Uchiha, who is neither willing to leave Konoha nor self-enclosed like Hinata, will end up dead no matter whether the coup is successful or not.

But what he did was equivalent to sacrificing the hope of survival of other Uchiha people for the Uchiha children.

"...Is that so?"

Although Daohuo had expected it, he fell silent.

In an instant, it was his last relative.

"Hmph, what are you thinking, brat? I couldn't be more relaxed once I die, but you will have to bear everything in the future!"

Shu Na snorted coldly, and immediately stretched out his arm, just like that, abruptly pulled it into his eye socket.


"Paddy fire."

Instantly, his expression became serious, and he looked at Daohuo with his empty eye sockets: "These eyes are to be handed over to Yuzhong of Heaven, remember, eyes are always tools, don't forget your original heart."

He has lived from the early days of the establishment of the village to the present, and has witnessed everything as a bystander.

Witnessed the Uchiha clan's betrayal of Uchiha Madara, and witnessed the Uchiha clan's arrogance and extreme emotions led by these eyes.

He understands the darkness and power contained in these eyes better than the current young people.

Even he was thrown into prison by these eyes.


The Sangouyu in Daohuo's eyes spun rapidly, and it seemed that there was even a tendency to merge.

It's a pity that he couldn't break through that shackle in the end.

"I understand."

He was silent for a moment, then took the pair of eyeballs from Shasha's hand: "Old man, then I will leave."

"Get lost! You should have left long ago!"

Shu Mo waved his hands in disgust, then turned his back to him, and said no more.


It wasn't until the sound of footsteps behind him disappeared that Su Mo turned around slowly.

The face under the shadow is full of melancholy and death.

"No one can extinguish Uchiha's flame, and the ninja world will surely witness Uchiha's revenge!"

Before that, let my old bones light the first fire.


After walking out of Konoha Prison, Inaho walked back to the Konoha border on foot.

When they arrived at an open space, a group of three or four-year-old children stood there obediently, and beside them were Kurama Yunhai and Pharmacist No Naoyu.

"Uncle Daohuo!"

After seeing the rice fire, all the children smiled in unison.

Daohuo nodded to Yunhai and the two, and also got a response from them.


When he looked at the children, a smile was already on his face: "Let's play a ninja game today."

After that, he stretched out his finger to the direction of the Konoha boundary.

"Under the leadership of Sister Nonaiyu, I will give a reward to whoever of you runs there first."


Hearing these two words, the children did not have any doubts, but their eyes lit up.

Because during this time, Uncle Daohuo often played games with them, and then gave various rewards to the winners.

This time, there were only two more people leading the team.

"Get ready! Run!"

As Daohuo issued orders as usual, Nonaiyu and Yunhai exchanged glances, and then led a group of children towards the border of Konoha.

And Dao Huo followed behind them, ensuring that no one would be left behind.

At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that there will be no pursuers behind.

No matter what, if more than 40 people march together, Anbu and Genbu will definitely be found.


At this time, in the Uchiha clan.

Some old people who had been on the battlefield vaguely sensed the abnormal atmosphere.

It's just that I don't know what happened, and I can only think that I am a bit suspicious when I am old.

In a brightly lit house, two old Uchiha couples live here.

They once also had a son and daughter-in-law who were ninjas, but they died on the battlefield of Kirigakure in the Ninja War.

Now only one grandson remains.

The old man was wearing reading glasses, looking down at the newspaper.

But he looked up at the time, and asked in confusion: "Old woman, why hasn't Xiaocheng come back today?"

During this time, Xiao Cheng has been fooling around with that kid Dao Huo.

If it weren't for Dao Huo's good temper and strong strength, he wouldn't let his grandson stay with that kid.

But usually at this time, it should have come back long ago.

"You don't feel relieved, Daohuo?"

While tidying up the bed, the old woman complained angrily: "If you have time to worry, you might as well help me! I don't know what's going on recently, and the business is getting worse and worse."

The old man hummed unwillingly: "It's true that the older you get, the more verbose you become. Who told you that you always like to give things to those brats for free."

But after all, the two of them are old husband and wife. Although the words were merciless, the grandfather still moved his body to the ground with some difficulty.

And right now.

In this silent night, there was a faint sound of footsteps outside the room.

"Huh? Is anyone visiting so late?"

Although the old lady's expression was a bit puzzled, she still patted the old man: "Go and open the door to see if anyone needs help?"

"I know, I know~"


The old man answered impatiently, and at the same time walked to the entrance and opened the door.

Just a few inaudible sounds sounded, and the outside fell into silence again.

"Old man?"

The old woman turned around suspiciously.

I saw a figure slowly walking towards her from the shadow of the porch.

The old lady squinted her eyes and looked around to see the face of the person who came, with a kind and gentle smile on her face.

"It turned out to be Itachi, it's so late, what's... eh?"

While she was talking, she suddenly glanced out of the corner of her eye, as if she saw a familiar figure falling in front of the door.

Just waited for her to react.

I just felt a cold light flash in front of my eyes.


A short knife directly pierced the old woman's heart.

Scarlet blood spattered on his face, making the Sharingan in Itachi's eyes look even more evil.

 When I write, I like to substitute characters, but when I wrote Itachi, I was disgusted by myself, so speechless. . .

(End of this chapter)

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