Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 116 Hama Wan: Go and Prepare the Immortal Talisman

Ji Lai also blinked, looking obviously confused.

Didn't see it, but heard it?
What kind of answer is this?
"In my dream, as long as it involves the Son of Doom, it will become very blurred."

Immortal Toad said while recalling: "My prophecy must have been disturbed by something, but I don't know if the Son of Destruction was intentional or not."

Fukasaku and Shima couldn't help being taken aback when they heard the words, with surprise on their faces.

"Can the Son of Destruction actually interfere with the Grand Master's ability to predict?"

Although the old man can only see some fragments of the future through intermittent dreams, he has been invincible since the millennium.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident today?
Isn't the ability of this son of prophecy too terrifying?

"Then Great Immortal, what did you hear, can you tell me?"

The Great Toad Immortal was silent for a moment, and said neither happy nor sad: "If there is a god, how can I bear that I am not that god..."

"Fearful kings, bow down and serve your lord, and accept the teachings of the empty throne."

"I will give you the inheritance of the kingdoms, and all the ends of the earth will be yours. I will send you to the road of extinction. The anger will spread like this and burn everything."

Obviously the tone of Immortal Toad is still so calm.

But in the ears of Shima, Fukasaku and Jiraiya, there was a faint sense of overbearing coercion.

"Comparing yourself to a god? Sounds like an arrogant, cruel guy."

Jilai also frowned, showing a thoughtful expression.

For the Son of Destruction, he now has two countermeasures.

——Before it grows up, find the Son of Destruction, educate and guide it, or deal with it decisively.

To be honest, disposing of it directly is somewhat against his philosophy.

But after hearing what Immortal Toad said, I feel that the Son of Destruction seems to be born evil, destined to bring the ninja world to destruction.

After all, the Great Toad only said that the Son of Prophecy could be guided, but he didn't say whether the Son of Destruction could be guided.

Instead, it was directly predicted that all ninjas including Konoha would disappear, accompanied by the flames of war and death that swept across the entire ninja world.

With all the ninjas gone, the ninja world will naturally be destroyed with it.

"The Son of Destruction may be destined to go deeper and deeper on the path of destruction, and it is impossible to correct his thoughts through guidance and education."

Thinking of this, Jiraiya couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, and his hesitant eyes became firm.

No matter what, the Son of Prophecy and the Son of Destruction must be found first.

If you can't find it, anything you say is just a whimsical idea.

"I understand."

Ji Lai also cheered up, and said excitedly: "Whether it is the son of destruction or the son of prophecy, I will try my best to find them!"

"Great Immortal, then..."

Ji Lai also raised his head and was about to say goodbye to Immortal Toad, but the next second he couldn't help but twitched his eyes.

snoring~ snoring~
On the stone platform, Immortal Toad closed his eyes again and let out sweet purring sounds.

Jiraiya also looked at Fukasaku and Shima helplessly: "Then I'll leave first, time is running out now."

"go Go."

Fukasaku waved his hand, and did not forget to tell him: "If you encounter an unexpected situation, don't rush up directly, and remember to call me and his mother."

"Don't worry, I understand."

After all, Zilai also hesitated for a moment, and finally walked out of the fairy hall step by step.

A burst of white smoke exploded, and Jiraiya's figure disappeared outside the hall.

And just after he left.

In the main hall, the snoring sound in the mouth of Immortal Toad suddenly stopped, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"Ahem, destiny..."

It couldn't help coughing twice, and looked far into the sky.

The turbid brown-yellow frog eyes flashed a touch of depth.


Fukasaku and Shima, who were squatting on the stone platforms on both sides, also hurriedly looked at the big toad sage after hearing the sound of coughing.

"No problem."

Immortal Toad said calmly, "Fukasaku, Shima..."

"My lord, tell me."

"Go and prepare the Immortal Talisman in advance."

Fukasaku and Shima were taken aback when they heard the order from the Great Toad Immortal, but immediately realized something, and their expressions became extremely horrified.

"The Talisman of the Immortal?!"

The Immortal Talisman, that is the most precious treasure of Mount Miaomu.

This talisman is full of fairy chakras, which is the ultimate use of the power of nature, and can even bring the dead back to life to a certain extent.

The Great Toad Immortal once used the Immortal Talisman to save the younger brother of the Six Paths Immortal Otsutsuki Yumura, and this allowed Yumura and Yuyi to win the final victory in the battle with Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Now the Elder Master asked him to prepare the Immortal Talisman in advance, which means...


Shen Zuo hesitated for a moment, and finally asked: "Can you tell me what the Immortal Talisman is for?"

"Did you see something?"

You know, the Immortal Talisman is not a common item like the Detonating Talisman.

Both Longdi Cave and Shibone Forest, which are as famous as Mt. Miaomu, cannot make fairy talismans. Only Mt. Miaomu has the secret method to make talismans of immortals.

However, facing Fukasaku's doubts, Immortal Toad didn't have the slightest idea to solve them.

"When the time comes, you will naturally know the use."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes again, snoring softly, and fell asleep again.

But before the consciousness completely fell asleep.

The domineering and cold voice echoed in its ears again.

"We hang high in the sky, we will live forever and see forever, we will set the foundation of all ages, all people are like dragons, this world will last forever!"

"The sun and the moon are the witnesses, the heaven and the earth share the lessons, and the immortals, devils and gods listen to it!"

Longevity and long vision, the foundation of all ages, everyone is like a dragon, immortal...

What an arrogant declaration! !

Even the emperor of the country of the ancestors and the goddess of Mao couldn't do it.

The emperor of the ancestral country only has the idea and ability to unify the ninja world, but has no power to maintain the order of the ninja world.

The goddess Uno only has the power to unify the ninja world, but has no idea or ability to maintain order in the ninja world.

in its prophesied picture.

Those figures hanging high in the sky, facing tens of thousands of ninjas...

In the deep night sky, the blood moon exuded an ominous and coquettish atmosphere...

And the "immortal" in the "immortal, devil and god" in that population...

It should refer to the three holy lands that inherit immortal arts, right?

"That guy actually wants to control the three holy places?"

Thinking of this, Immortal Toad's heart sank.

It was also aware of the threat of the Son of Destruction to the Holy Land, and it just used words to guide Jiraiya in some biased ways.

For example, the sentence: "If there is a God, how can I bear that I am not that God."

In fact, what it heard was: "If there is a god, how can I bear that I am not that god... Therefore, there is no god in this world!"

According to the prophecy, ninjas will indeed disappear in the ninja world, and the three holy places will even be affected.

But the destruction of the ninja world and the destruction of human beings that Jiraiya envisioned do not exist.

"Ambitious and arrogant guy..."

Immortal Toad, who has been cultivating his mind and character for thousands of years, is in a slightly gloomy mood at this time.

"Jiraiya, do it with confidence, I will never let you die before stopping him."

I just hope that everything is still in time...

The moment the thought arose, the consciousness of the Great Toad Immortal was completely overwhelmed by the exhaustion that swept over him.

Immediately, he fell into a deep sleep.

"...Is that so?"

Fukasaku at the side saw the elder fell asleep again, and sighed softly after a moment of silence.

He didn't ask any more questions, and jumped off the stone platform directly.

The elder has lived from his ancestral country to the present, and has created Miaomu Mountain single-handedly. It took thousands of years to make Miaomu Mountain more and more prosperous, becoming a prestigious holy place for fairy arts.

At the same time, he silently guards the peace of the ninja world in the dark and maintains the balance of the ninja world.

Whether it is Fukasaku or Shima, they are all in awe of the Great Toad Immortal from the bottom of their hearts.

But sometimes, I feel that the elder's words and deeds are incomprehensible.

"Since using the Immortal Talisman means that important people are going to die, why can't I tell Ziraiya in advance?"

Isn't the future immutable?

Is it to ensure that the future will not be out of control?
and also……

"The old man looks very weak, is he injured?"

In addition to doubts, Fukasaku also had a little ominous premonition.

A bold idea could not help popping up in his head.

"Could it be that the elder has become so weak now because he peeped into the future of the Son of Destruction?"

How terrifying is the Son of Destruction, so that even the great master who is a fairy can do nothing?
"No! How could the Grand Master become weak because of this reason!"

Fukasaku shook his head like a rattle, and hastily dismissed this wild conjecture.

Immediately, he looked far away, as if he saw beyond Mt. Miaomu.

A trace of worry flashed across his frog pupils.

"No matter what, Zilaiya, you must be careful."

If possible, I really don't want this Immortal Talisman to be prepared for Xiao Zilai.

And this moment.

Jiraiya, whom Fukasaku was thinking about, had already returned to his hotel room in Yunokuni.


Ji Lai also stood by the window, looking at the reddish red moon in the night sky, he couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"It's easy to say, but the ninja world is so big, how can I find the Son of Destruction and the Son of Prophecy?"

Are you going to ask the teacher for help?
But in this case, that cunning old man will definitely take the opportunity to make him Hokage.

"But I really don't want to get caught up in those meaningless things!"

Jilai also showed an anxious expression, and scratched his long white hair in some distress.

But the next moment, the figures of the two suddenly flashed in his mind.


Ji Lai also thought about it, and then shook his head helplessly.

He has no time to pursue his friend who has gone astray.

The most important thing now is to find the Son of Doom and the Son of Prophecy.

"Maybe, I can try to bring Tsunade back to Konoha?"


Time passed, the night gradually faded away, and the morning sun slowly rose from the horizon.

When the first ray of morning light broke through the mist, villagers began to appear on the quiet Konoha streets.

As if it was the same as before, there seemed to be no difference.


The alarm clock at the head of the bed was about to ring, and Naruto on the bed suddenly opened his eyes before that, waking up from his sleep.

Immediately, he stretched out his arm as usual to turn off the alarm clock.

As usual, Naruto dressed, washed, and prepared breakfast...


Also, feed the pigeons.

After finishing all this, Naruto looked out the window with a calm expression.

"Have you left?"

Yes, it has already left.

Mian Ma brother...


Baige was very keenly aware of Naruto's strangeness.

Spreading its wings, it flew straight to Naruto's shoulder, then stretched its neck and rubbed against his face.

"...Humans are really hypocritical creatures."

Naruto came back to his senses, raised his hand with complicated eyes, and stroked the soft and white feathers of the white pigeon.

"From now on, only you will be with me, please take care of me."


Seemingly understanding Naruto's words, the white pigeon also responded softly.

But the peaceful atmosphere of the years has just risen.

"Hey Hey hey!"

A voice of resentment suddenly sounded beside Naruto's ears, interrupting Naruto's complicated thoughts.

"Come on, Naruto, Mommy will be with you too, right?"

"...Dad, he's here too."

Hearing the mother's voice with a special oral habit, and the father's slightly embarrassed tone.

Naruto's eyes twitched involuntarily.

Although he was already trying to accept these cheap parents, it was still difficult to get used to their existence in a short period of time.

After all, there were two people and one fox living in his body, which gave him a strange feeling that he couldn't describe.

But after this gag, the inexplicable melancholy in my heart dissipated a lot.

"Father, mother, Mr. Fox, good morning."

Naruto managed to pull himself together, and after saying hello to the two of them, Yihu.

The hands began to form mudra quickly, mobilizing the chakra in the body.

"Shadow Clone Technique."

White smoke exploded, and a clone with a gentle smile appeared beside him.

"I'm still going to school today, are you going to train?"

Seeing that the main body shook his head, the avatar was not surprised.

He nodded slightly to show that he understood, and then disappeared in place in an instant.

In the sealed space, Kyuubi, who looked loveless, was held in Kushina's arms. After sensing Naruto's shadow clone going to the death forest, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.


Kyuubi asked suspiciously, "Naruto, don't you need body training today?"

"Today is a special case."

A smile flashed in Naruto's eyes, and he explained in his heart: "If there is no accident, Brother Mianma probably left me a lot of practical homework last night."

After all, it doesn't matter whether Kyuubi understands or not.

Naruto let out a long breath, straightened his clothes, opened the door and walked towards the ninja school.

Jingle Bell! !

Until stepping on the bell as usual, I came to the familiar classroom.

Under Iruka's helpless gaze, Naruto sat in his seat.

"Naruto-kun, good morning."

Ino, who was always full of energy, just greeted Naruto feebly after seeing Naruto today.

Seeing this, Naruto's azure eyes flickered slightly, and he gradually approached Ino.

"Why do you feel sick, Ino, are you sick?"

As he spoke, he lifted Ino's blond hair from his forehead, and put his hands on his and Ino's foreheads respectively.

"It's not hot, what's going on?"

"...Eh? Ehhhh!"

Feeling the warm touch on his forehead and hearing a gentle voice next to his ear, Ino, who was in a daze, came back to his senses.

Immediately, his face turned red and hot at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Me! Me, me... I'm fine!"

Ino couldn't help but feel embarrassed, subconsciously wanting to avoid Naruto's palm.

But not waiting for her to do anything.

Naruto had already retracted his arm naturally.

"What's wrong?"

Meeting Ino's eyes, Naruto blinked and asked knowingly.

On the premise of a good relationship, making just the right intimacy can greatly deepen the relationship between the two.

However, if it is too much, it is a bit too much.

It's easy to be annoying, only to have the exact opposite effect.

"Woohoo! As expected of my son!"

In the sealed space, Kushina sat carelessly on the beach.

Looking at the picture outside, she shouted excitedly: "Naruto, quickly take this little girl! Let her be my daughter-in-law!!"

And Minato stood aside, with a smile in his eyes, just quietly watching everything in front of him.

Looking at Kushina who was overwhelmed with joy.

Looking at Jiu Lama who was ravaged by her in her arms.

Looking outside, Naruto was constantly chasing his target.

"so good……"

Minato couldn't help showing a look of relief on his face.

I felt even more grateful for that mysterious person named Mian Ma in my heart.

If there is no facial numbness, Minato can't imagine what kind of life Naruto will live.

I can't even imagine how sad, distressed, and guilty Kushina would be when facing such Naruto.

"No, maybe Kushina will suppress her emotions and go to comfort Naruto instead."

Minato smiled bitterly, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

"I will use everything I have to make up for the mistakes I made."

After witnessing everything now, he realized how wrong he was.

What ninja world, what Konoha village, what will of fire...

None of these can compare to the happiness of the one you love!

But at this moment, Naruto's mood is not very good.

Hearing his mother chirping and cheering, the corners of Naruto's mouth couldn't help twitching.

He barely suppressed the gentle smile on his face.

Ino had also regained his composure.

Only the remaining rosiness on her face could prove her shyness just now.

"I'm fine."

Ino calmed down, hesitated for a moment before saying: "Naruto, have you... heard anything?"


Naruto tilted his head, wondering: "What do you mean, what did you hear?"

"Didn't you realize that Sasuke wasn't here today?"

Hearing this, Naruto turned his head and looked to the other side of the classroom.

Sasuke's seat was empty.

Naruto frowned, his expression gradually becoming serious.

"What happened Sasuke?"

He turned to look at Ino and asked, "Is this the first time he's late? He used to come to the classroom very early."

The two looked at each other, Ino's eyes dodged and he didn't dare to look at him.

"Sasuke him, he..."

Ino hesitated for a moment, and finally gritted his teeth: "Something happened at Sasuke's house!"

"His parents are dead!"

This is the news she overheard from her parents' conversation after she got up today.

On the way to the school, I couldn't believe it and confirmed with Shikamaru and the others.

She really didn't want to tell Naruto about it if she could.

After all, in her impression, the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke is also an enemy and a friend.

"If Naruto knew what happened to Sasuke's house, he would be very sad and anxious."

Naruto's eyes flashed when he heard this, but his expression became extremely shocked.


The chair slid on the ground, and there was a tooth-piercing sound.

It directly attracted the attention of everyone in the classroom.

But when Iruka looked towards the direction of the sound, Naruto's figure had disappeared on the seat.

In an instant, the veins on Iruka's forehead burst out.


Master Reader asked me to update more, so I will update more. There was an accident today, and I didn’t have enough time, so I checked five hundred words.

I will continue to base QAQ with [-] tomorrow.

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