Chapter 121 Heaven to Hell

"I'm going out for a walk to relax, and I'll be back soon."

Uchiha Izumi, who was slightly relieved, smiled from the bottom of his heart at his mother.

Whether it is an illusion or a hallucination, you only need to go out and have a look.

After all, Itachi-kun...

The blood on Uchiha Itachi's body really makes people care.

"Yeah, let's go, the pressure is too much, it's better to go out and relax."

Seeing his mother nodding in agreement, Quan didn't put on any equipment either.

In a blink of an eye, the figure disappeared into the room.

The next moment, she appeared on the streets of the Uchiha clan.

"I remember that the patriarch's house is in the direction of...there."

Quan Wei squinted his eyes and looked around, and immediately determined a direction, and went there in an instant.


The flickering figure is constantly passing through the calm, dim streets and alleys.

"It's normal, very quiet, just the same as usual."

So what happened just now was just a false alarm?

Looking at the lights of every house, and the shadowy figures under the lights.

The dignified and tense delicate face gradually became more relaxed, and Quan's mood began to become relaxed and comfortable.

These are obviously common sights.

But now, Quan felt an unprecedented warmth and warmth, which gradually gushed out from his heart and slowly spread to his limbs.

"Although those pictures are really scary, the joy of finding it again is really hard to suppress."

Uchiha Izumi smiled, then stopped in front of a mansion.

This is the residence of the patriarch's family.

Looking into the brightly lit room from the outside, one could faintly see a few figures sitting around the table.

dong dong!

Quan went to the door and knocked, then took a step back and folded his hands in front of him.

Not long after, I vaguely heard the sound of steady footsteps appearing in the hallway behind the door.


"Ah you are……"

The door was slowly slid open, and what appeared in front of Quan was a middle-aged man with a serious face and a deep temperament.

——Uchiha Fugaku.

The patriarch of the Uchiha clan, the captain of the police force, and the father of Uchiha Itachi.

"Master Patriarch, I'm Izumi Uchiha, I'm very sorry for bothering you so late."

Izumi Uchiha leaned over politely, and asked obediently: "But because I will go out of the village to perform a mission tomorrow, I want to confirm the details of the mission again."

Confirm the details of the task.

This was just an excuse she made up at will.

It's just an excuse to open up the conversation and ask other questions.

But Fu Yue's next words were beyond Quan's expectation.

"Oh, I remembered, it turned out to be the spring."

As if remembering the identity of the girl in front of him, Fu Yue's frown suddenly relaxed, and his expression changed from serious to gentle.

Seeing this look in Quan's eyes, he became a little simple and honest.

"I want to wait until I inform you that your one-week mission has been canceled by the client."

Uchiha Izumi was stunned when he heard this.

The task was actually canceled by the client?
"Huh? Izumi, do you have any questions?"

"No, no."

Hearing Fu Yue's words, Quan subconsciously shook his head and said, "Or, that would be the best."

Although it feels a little sudden, I can spend a few more days with my mother.

"Yeah, it's really good."

Fu Yue smiled sincerely, and said in a tone of emotion: "Itachi also quit Anbu and joined the police force, so he won't be so busy in the future."

"It's been a long time since our family got together as well as today."


These two short sentences, and the information contained in them, made Quan show his consternation again.

Itachi Uchiha is at home now.

And this undoubtedly further confirmed her conjecture.

"But, Itachi-kun, you actually quit Anbu?"

Izumi Uchiha couldn't help frowning, and the thoughts in his mind became chaotic.

That's not bad news.

And on the contrary, it is still good news.

Itachi-kun no longer needs to live in the oppressive atmosphere of Anbu, nor does he need to suffer so much.

She will spend more time with Itachi-kun.

In this way, she will have more opportunities to express her feelings to Itachi-kun.

But, but...

"It must have been too sudden."

"Ah, it's a bit sudden, but it's true."

Hearing this, Fuyue smiled gently and said, "If Izumi wants to find Itachi in the future, he can do so at any time. There is no need to worry about Itachi going out of the village to perform missions."

As soon as these words came out, Izumi Uchiha couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Anyway, it sounds good."

But suddenly, he noticed the teasing gaze in front of him.

He couldn't help blushing in embarrassment.

Uchiha Izumi bowed slightly to Fuyue: "Then, then I won't bother you, I will visit another day."

Immediately ignoring Fu Yue's reaction, he hurriedly left the patriarch's mansion.

Walking on the streets of the clan land, Quan's mood gradually relaxed.

Thinking of what happened tonight, a smile flashed in his eyes.

"so good."

It was like coming from a cruel purgatory to a beautiful paradise.


In the next few days, Konoha was also very calm.

But it is not without the slightest change, everything happens subtly.

The Uchiha clan and the high-level Konoha reached a certain consensus.

An old Uchiha joined Konoha's decision-making layer, and Uchiha's voice in Konoha was strengthened.

The police force is no longer the private property of the Uchiha clan, and foreigners have begun to join the police force.

Konoha's high-level officials have promulgated comprehensive regulations, and the law enforcement power of the police force has been recognized from top to bottom.

The reputation of the Uchiha clan in Konoha has begun to reverse.

In this harmonious environment, Konoha became more and more prosperous, and everything looked so beautiful.

And Izumi Uchiha also became a ninja, and finally joined the police force.

Located in the Police Force Building in Konoha Center.

At this time, dozens of members of the police force had gathered on the first floor of the building.

As the captain, Uchiha Fugaku stood in front of everyone, his serious eyes swept over everyone's faces.

In front of the five teams, there were five sub-captains standing respectively.

Uchiha Itachi, the sub-captain, is among them.

He perfectly inherited the talents and abilities of the Uchiha clan.

His reputation outside even surpassed Fuyue's "Evil Eye" name, and he was feared by ninjas from other countries.

Moreover, his will and ability have also been recognized by everyone present.

In the future, it is likely to become one of the candidates for the Fifth Hokage or the Sixth Hokage.

Of course, he is also the target of Uchiha Izumi's pursuit and worship.

Beside Uchiha Fugaku, Izumi wearing the uniform of the police force stood in front of everyone.

"Hello, seniors!"

Her tone was neither humble nor overbearing: "I am Uchiha Izumi. I am very happy to work with you. Please take care of me in the future."

For a moment, members of the police force below looked at her with curious and friendly eyes.

The atmosphere looks very harmonious.

"As Izumi Uchiha said, from today onwards, she is a member of the police force."

Uchiha Fugaku put his arms around his chest to introduce, and pointed to Uchiha Itachi's team and said: "Izumi, the team you are in is the second team of Uchiha Itachi."

Uchiha Izumi couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words.

After a moment of silence, he nodded.


Jianquan walked in the direction of Itachi.

Fu Yue said to Itachi meaningfully: "Itachi, I will leave Quan to you to guide her, let her get used to the rhythm of the police force as soon as possible."


Itachi Uchiha nodded solemnly.

After a while, Fuyue disbanded the team.

Members of the police force also left one after another to carry out internal work in the village.

Until the end, only Itachi's second unit remained on the first floor of the police force building.

Itachi Uchiha looked at his team members and said calmly, "Everyone except Izumi Uchiha can leave."


After the others left, only Itachi and Izumi were left.

Izumi's eyes met, Itachi's serious expression gradually softened, and he said in a teasing tone: "As you can see, I will take care of you from now on, Uchiha Izumi."

"……I understand."

Quan's expression was a bit complicated, but he just nodded slightly.

Itachi looked at Izumi suspiciously, not understanding why she showed such an expression.

From a few months ago, Quan's mood seemed to be very wrong.

It's just that whenever he asked about it, Quan would just shy away and change the subject.

"It's really hard to guess what a woman's mind is."

Itachi couldn't help but sighed secretly in his heart, then looked at Quan and said, "Come with me now, let's go to patrol the village together."

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward and walked out of the building.

Seeing this, Quan didn't say much, but followed Itachi obediently.

The two walked together in silence, one behind the other.

"Itachi, come on patrol again!"

"Well, good morning ma'am."

Along the way, the villagers on both sides of the street greeted Itachi friendly.

But I saw Uchiha Izumi following behind him.

"Itachi, is the girl behind you..."

Some gossip aunts will come up and ask about the relationship between the two half-seriously and half-jokingly.

In the face of these people's questions, Uchiha Izumi just smiled reluctantly and did not respond.

"Ah, don't think too much, ma'am."

Uchiha Itachi on the side will take the initiative to step forward and explain in a gentle tone: "For the time being, it is just a relationship between friends and colleagues."

"Oh~ we are friends and colleagues for the time being! I understand, I understand~"

These aunts also understood what he meant when they heard this, and immediately smiled as if they had discovered some little secret.

Uchiha Izumi did not make any explanation or justification from beginning to end.

This made those people more sure of their guesses.

The two of them walked all the way to the vicinity of the death forest before their ears completely stopped.

That is at this time.

Uchiha Itachi stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at Uchiha Izumi with a smile: "Do you want to find a place to rest for a while?"

Quan, who followed behind, also stopped in his tracks.

Looking at Itachi with a gentle smile, a look of struggle flashed in her eyes.

After a long silence, he shook his head and refused: "There is no need to rest, I am not tired yet."

But Itachi was obviously just asking as usual, but actually had no intention of listening to her opinion at all.

Before Quan could answer, he had already walked towards the forest of death.

"Is that so..."

Izumi Uchiha looked at his back and smiled bitterly: "Is this the end?"

Perhaps, it's time to make a break.

Thinking of this, Quan took another step forward.

Following the figure of Itachi, Quan's figure was gradually swallowed by the shadow of the death forest.

The two walked back and forth like this.

Itachi slowed down a few times on the way, and Izumi had no intention of following up.

Seeing this, Uchiha Itachi sighed secretly, and had to let her walk on her own.

After a while.

wow wow wow~
The two walked out of the forest and came to a clear stream.

"Ah~ It's been a long time."

Itachi sat on a rock by the stream, looked at the scene in the distance and said with emotion: "In the past, we often practiced ninjutsu here, so many years have passed before we know it."

Uchiha Izumi lowered his head and slowly came behind him.

Yeah, it's been so long before I know it...

She's been very, very happy all these years.

You don't need to go out of the village to do those threatening tasks, you can stay in the village with your mother, and have a friend who appreciates each other...


Uchiha Itachi looked at the distance without looking back at this time, and after hesitating for a moment, he finally said: "If I remember correctly, we have known each other for ten years, you..."

Itachi, who usually looks decisive and rational, rarely showed embarrassment at this time.

If those subordinates saw it, they would not believe their eyes no matter what.

This is obviously the appearance of a love affair, right?

But Quan, who used to be reserved and indifferent, is now uncharacteristically neither happy nor sad.

"You want me to be with you, don't you?"


Uchiha Itachi was also stunned by this straight ball.

However, Quan didn't care about his answer.

Instead, he nodded slightly, looking into the distance with complicated eyes.

"If I choose to accept everything."

"Then one day in the future, you will put the ring on my finger with your own hands."

"Our children have been living in a peaceful environment since they were young. They don't have to feel the cruelty of war, let alone listen to the wailing of the battlefield."

"The child will also move in the direction I hope to become an ordinary person with healthy body and mind."

"I will live peacefully until the age of 70, and die one step ahead of you."

"You will hold my hand by the hospital bed, and I will pass away with no regrets and a peaceful smile."

Izumi Uchiha used a calm tone, constantly sketching the bright future he wanted.

This is the future she sees.

This is also the future she desires most in her heart.

After Quan's words were finished, Uchiha Itachi on the side also came back to his senses.

He turned around and asked with a puzzled expression, "Quan, what are you talking about..."

Just didn't wait for him to finish.


There was a muffled sound piercing into the flesh, and Uchiha Itachi's eyes suddenly widened.

"Quan, you, why..."

Facing his doubts, Quan never looked at him from the beginning to the end, but looked into the distance alone: ​​"You say, which one is easier to accept, the false beauty or the cruel reality?"

Then he asked himself with a wry smile and answered, "There is no doubt that it is the former."

However, it was obviously a false illusion, so why did you let her know?
Self-deception or something.

It's really sad.

Also, being friends, husband and wife with the executioner who killed his mother.


"It's really a disgusting future!"

Uchiha Izumi bowed her head, the shadow of her hair covered her face, but tears could not stop falling from her eyes.

"Humph! Humph hahaha!"

She was crying and laughing as if she was out of control: "I really want this kind of future, I really don't want to believe that you will do that kind of thing!"

"But, but!"

Quan's whole body was trembling with tears streaming down his face, and then he raised his head abruptly.

The eyes became scarlet, and the shape of three hook jade emerged.

Her eyes were full of resentment and anger: "No matter how much I deceive myself, every time I see you in front of me, I can't help but want to vomit!!"

Although she desperately told herself in her heart.

That was just an illusion, Uchiha Itachi couldn't have done that kind of thing.

However, her mother, her clan, and everything around her is beautiful.

Even the nightmares every night reminded her all the time.

This is just her wishful thinking!
Her mother had already died under the butcher's knife of Uchiha Itachi!
This is just a bright future that Uchiha Itachi specially fabricated for her!

The warmth of being with my mother, and the pain of pretending to be ignorant despite knowing it is false.

Uchiha Itachi appeared in front of her every time.

That hypocritical face, that appearance of every word and deed, will deepen the resentment and pain in her heart time and time again!
The strong hatred from the bottom of her heart continued to torment her day after day, year after year.

Up to now, I can't restrain it at all!
"Uchiha Itachi!!"

puff! !
At the same time as the voice fell, Kunai also pulled out from Uchiha Itachi's heart.

The blood that kept gushing out also splashed onto Quan's face and clothes.

And the next moment, everything in front of him began to distort and deform.

The gurgling brook, the bright sunshine, the fresh air, and the slowly falling Uchiha Spring...

All of this is gone.

The sky turned into night in an instant, and she appeared in her home again.

"This is me, have I escaped the illusion?"

Uchiha Izumi just showed a look of joy, before she could react.

An indifferent and familiar voice suddenly came from beside him.

"Is your hatred only to this extent?"

This cold tone made Uchiha Izumi couldn't help but tremble all over.

Immediately, he slowly raised his head and looked at the figure in front of him with a blank expression.

It seemed that in an instant, he fell from heaven to hell again.

Uchiha Itachi stood there, looking at her coldly.


The butcher knife in his hand was pulled out directly from his mother's heart.

The gushing blood splashed directly onto Quan's dazed face.

This is reality.

This is an extremely cruel and cruel reality.

That delicate cheek gradually became distorted.

A pair of scarlet eyes filled with tears were instantly filled with hatred.

"Ah! Itachi Uchiha!!"

Her Sharingan, full of anger and hatred, began to spin rapidly, and she yelled hysterically, "I want you to die!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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