Chapter 130 A Reliable Sense of Security

"Instant Body Shadow Killing Formation!"

The moment the voice fell.

Countless black afterimages burst into flames in an instant, and swung the dagger in Xue Nin's hand.

Senhan's saber light set off an ear-piercing explosion, and directly attacked the Xueren from all directions.

Buzz! !

Santai Asama's complexion was pale, and he could only feel ringing in his ears.

And Fenghua Xiaoxue, whose ears were covered with numbness, also stared at the scene in front of her with dumbfounded eyes.

Bang bang bang! !

I saw sparks bursting from the chests of Xue Ren, and sparks fell one after another.

He has already seen the strength of "Heaven's Yuzhong".

Moreover, when praising, no one would say who is stronger than ants.

The Chakra shield around him flickered for a moment, and then turned into Chakra and dissipated in the air in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this, Spike Avalanche in the distance shrank his pupils instantly, and couldn't help being startled.

Just standing there, dozens of Snow Ninjas were chopped into pieces.

Namma will wonder whether it is correct to bring them back from the Pure Land and the Uchiha tribe.

However, Xue Ren's strength is too weak, and he will only lazily rely on the power of the armor.

The golden chakra dissipated in the air, reminding him with neither joy nor sadness.

Langya Xuebeng didn't hesitate at all, and directly pushed the stunned Feixue Chuiyan beside him to him.

But no matter how unwilling he was, his consciousness gradually fell into darkness.

Ka Ka Ka!
Chakra exuding golden light quickly condensed into a skeleton arm, and a huge golden long sword was also held by the skeleton arm.

The golden sword light streaked across the ground, directly cutting him in half!
His upper body fell to the ground with a "slap".

The lower body actually staggered a few steps, and finally twitched a few times and fell down.

Immediately without stopping, he walked deeper into the palace.

And the armor that lost the chakra shield directly burst open under the terrifying fire escape.

As a ninjutsu user, Langya Xuebing is well aware of how powerful ninjutsu is.

With the size and weight of this white whale, it is enough to crush a person into a meatloaf.

It was such a powerful ninjutsu that used all its strength, but it was defeated by that guy with even stronger power.

——This is a combination of beast and shadow.

It's just that he didn't expect that "Amaterasu Ming" and "Tsuyomi Ming" who followed him like followers were so powerful.

After Xiaoxue reacted.

I saw that the hard white whale made of ice and snow was cut from head to tail by this blow, completely cut in half from the middle.

Just when the third wife was in a panic and wanted to protect Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"Although it is the first time to cooperate, it looks good."

In the blink of an eye, the two figures came back behind Mian Ma again.

Killing a Spike Avalanche doesn't even make him stand for a moment.

I can't help but marvel at the strength of the "Chiyue" organization in my heart.

Fenghua and Xiaoxue followed subconsciously.

If it is said that killing ordinary snow ninja before, there is no intuitive feeling.

Just as Mrs. Asama was full of thoughts in his mind.

In order to prevent being attacked by the weird "wind escape ninjutsu", he also deliberately chose a location far away to use ninjutsu.

"His Royal Highness Xiaoxue!"

Mrs. Asama came back to her senses, and helped her eyes on the bridge of her nose.

Chakra armor is definitely not weak.

Thinking of this, her steps became more confident and steady.


It all happened between the electric light and the flint.

"Unexpectedly, the strength of these two people is also so terrifying."

The facial numbness at this time is like a king holding a king's sword, which is more dazzling and majestic in this dark night.

But I didn't expect it at all.

Just like that, he died in front of them without any waves.

Unfortunately, when he stood in front of the numb face, the ending was already doomed.

"Avalanche! You..."

But in the eyes of Fenghua Xiaoxue and Asama Santaifu, that is not the case.

In the end, I completely lost my breath.

Spike Avalanche, his strength is only weaker than Feng Hua Nu Tao.

It was such a powerful snow ninja.

Amidst the mournful wailing, the warm flames illuminated the faces of everyone present, but ruthlessly devoured the lives of all Xue Ren.


Mianma commented indifferently: "Don't forget what I said, whether it's eyes or hatred, it's just your power, don't put the cart before the horse and be manipulated by power like these snow ninjas."

Looking at that steady figure, he couldn't help but smile a little more on his face.

Standing in front of Tian Zhi Yu Zhong, he was crushed to death like an ant.

The footsteps forward are still steady.

"I don't want to die..."

And the other "Amaterasu's Life" was short of breath, but his breath seemed to be hidden in the air.

"Perhaps, His Highness Xiaoxue's choice this time will bring some unexpected surprises to the Snow Country."

The white whale fell to the ground and shattered into chunks of ice.

At the same time, he is also one of the people that Fenghua Xiaoxue fears.



An icy sound came, and a huge white whale made of ice and snow suddenly rolled out of the ground.

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you follow up?"

It was thought to be a close battle, but it was resolved by these two people directly and cleanly.

"It's really a reliable and warm sense of security."

boom! !

"how is this possible?!"

After all, regardless of the reaction of the two of them, they followed suit step by step.

Bang! !

Langya Xuebeng's eyes were full of unwillingness and fear. Under the desire to survive, he even crawled with his hands for a moment, and blood kept gushing from his waist.

Wait until Asama San Taifu and others come back to their senses.

Izumi Uchiha glanced at the two people who were stunned, and interrupted their thoughts with a sound.

Then the performance of the Chakra armor was fully activated, and he turned and ran.

"Let's go."

Slowly raised his arms.

Don't wait for them to react.

And Spike Avalanche hadn't run a few steps.

The golden sword glow traced a graceful trajectory in the air, and collided with the huge white whale.

Without the armor of the Chakra shield, one can only ignore hidden ninja tools such as kunai and shuriken, and is powerless in the face of the powerful fire ninjutsu.

The golden sword glow cut across Feixue Chuiyan's body, but it showed no tendency to stop.

Can't even block half a step.

People in these small countries are really making a fuss.

"Ice Escape: A White Whale!"

Immediately, facing the huge white giant whale, the golden long sword slowly slashed down.

Facts have proved that his judgment is very correct.

As "Tsukiyomi", Izumi Uchiha still has a wild and dangerous aura like a wild beast.


If "Amaterasu" and "Tsuyomi" can't even beat these snow ninjas.

Then he calmly raised his head and looked at the white whale that was swooping towards him.


After realizing that he was invincible.

Then this time killing Spike Avalanche in such a devastating manner, it really made the two of them feel unbelievable for a while.

The blue core of the Chakra armor was also completely destroyed by a single blow.

Three fiery dragons roared at them.


What chakra armor, what ice escape ninjutsu, what wind and flowers, raging waves, crying waves...

In front of this country's Changli, they are all just chickens and dogs!

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  Finally, beg for a wave of monthly tickets orz.

(End of this chapter)

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