Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 132 Mianma: I am very kind and generous, and I like the beauty of adults

Chapter 132 Mianma: I am very philanthropic, and I like the beauty of adults (ask for a monthly ticket)
"Ice Dun, Black Dragon Blizzard!"

The wind, flowers and raging waves suddenly swung out their fists, and the black dragon phantom also opened its huge mouth and roared, attacking in the direction of the faces.

The temperature of the surrounding air dropped rapidly, as if it was enough to freeze one's blood.

And feel the chilly air blowing in front of you.

Touching Xiaoxue's head with numbness, she tilted her head and said with a soft smile, "Remember to be gentle."

"The set of Chakra armor on his body is still of some value."

The moment the voice fell.

Shishui's figure also disappeared instantly, leaving only his black shadow in place.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared in front of the black dragon phantom.

In front of the gigantic black dragon, Zhishui's figure looked extremely small.

For a moment, both of them saw each other's doubts.

For him, those ninjas in the Country of Grass are considered strong.


Bang! !

At the same time, it is also the key that can unlock the treasures of the Snow Country in his mouth.

Ka Ka Ka! !

After Fenghua Xiaoxue frowned, she looked at Mrs. Asama with a proving look.

The breath on his body decayed visibly with the naked eye, and the organs in his body had obviously suffered heavy damage.

The green physical chakra quickly condensed and turned into a skeleton to protect Zhishui's body.

The violent impact directly caused the Chakra shield to vibrate violently, making an unbearable sound.

"Impossible! Ahem!!"

However, if he cannot see the treasure of the Snow Country that he has pursued all his life before he dies, he will die with peace!
"The treasure of the Snow Country?"


So far, "Chi Yue" has not shown any malice towards His Royal Highness Xiaoxue.

And it wasn't easy for the wind and flowers to take this blow head-on.

"I have never heard from my father that there are any treasures in the Snow Country, let alone any connection between the hexagonal crystal and the treasures."

Bang! !

After finishing speaking, he suddenly paused, with a look of begging on his face.

"Stupid! A mouse that only hides in the shadows and sneaks up, dares to face my ninjutsu!"

"Huh! I'm already dying! Don't lie to me again!"

"Did I stay in the Snow Country for too long, so I became a frog at the bottom of the well?"


Those scarlet pupils seemed to be watching an ant, looking at the wind, flowers and raging waves without joy or sadness.

Thinking of this, he completely extinguished those small thoughts in his heart.

Bang! !

The idea of ​​contempt had just been born, but a sudden change appeared.


Staring at the black dragon, Zhishui raised the weapon in his hand that looked like a knight's spear.

A strong force passed through the outer chakra shield and armor.

Finally, a green half-length giant holding a knight's spear appeared in front of everyone.

Feng Hua Nu Tao fell from the wall to the ground, his face flushed and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Like a fearless knight facing a dragon.

Fenghua Nutao coughed up a mouthful of blood, looked up at Fenghua Xiaoxue with difficulty, and said with a wry smile: "I underestimated you, but you still won."

"Oh! Forget it..."

Not waiting for the wind and flowers to react.

Subconsciously lowered his head and looked at his own crystal jewelry.

Shisui and Izumi nodded slightly.


The chakra shield shattered, and Feng Huayutao's body flew upside down in an instant.

But the black giant dragon turned into pieces of ice and snow like a pierced snowman, splashing around, leaving only a refreshing breeze.

The green half-length giant disappeared instantly, and Zhishui with only skeleton arms left appeared in front of him.

And the skeleton clenched its fists and slammed hard on the chakra shield on his chest.

Fenghua Nutao's words are convincing and plausible, so Santai Asama and Fenghua Xiaoxue can't help but look at each other.

Seeing the wind, flowers and raging waves that lost their resistance, Mianma praised Zhishui without hesitation: "Yue Duoming is much worse than you. When you two practice against each other in the future, remember to pass on your experience to her."

As a result, in front of the "Chi Yue", he was killed or defeated in a devastating manner.

The Chakra armor on his body was only slightly scratched, and did not cause any damage.

The Wind, Flowers, Raging Waves and Spike Avalanche are the strongest existences in the Snow Country.

It hit the wall fiercely, and was directly embedded in the wall.

"Tianzhiyuzhong" is even trying to train His Highness Xiaoxue into a qualified king.

Panting heavily, he shouted with a distorted face: "I have heard my brother say many times that the supreme treasure of Snow Country is hidden in the Rainbow Ice Wall by him, and he must use hexagonal crystals to open it!"

Seeing this, Feng Hua Nu Tao, who was still somewhat cautious at first, couldn't help showing a disdainful smile on his face.

What reason does the third husband continue to be wary of them?

The huge mouth of the black dragon seemed to swallow him completely.

"I know that I will definitely die, but before I die, please let me see what is the treasure of Snow Country!"

This is something that his father Fenghua Zaoxue asked her to take good care of, and it is the hexagonal crystal that Fenghua Nutao pursued so hard.

Ka Ka Ka! !

Seeing that the third husband who was once his father's close attendant also shook his head blankly, he lowered his head again to look at Feng Hua Fu Tao.

In an instant.

Fenghua Xiaoxue with a complex expression couldn't help being taken aback when she heard this.

Seeing this, Mrs. Asama on the side couldn't help but smiled bitterly.

With a loud noise, the green half-length giant remained motionless.

But it's not over yet.

Fenghua Nutao, who was originally weak and pale, suddenly turned red when he heard the words, and spit out blood again under the blow of anger.

This experience really broke his long-standing understanding of ninjas.

The third husband turned to look at His Highness Xiaoxue, and couldn't help but sigh inwardly: "Let them do it, I just need to protect His Highness Xiaoxue."

"Cough cough, ho ho! Or...failed?"

The next moment, the spear collided with the dragon.

From the beginning to the end, what he cared about was not the Land of Snow, but Fenghua Xiaoxue, the daughter of the monarch Fenghua Zaoxue.

—— Susanohu·Second form.

The chakra shield, which claims to be strong enough to block any physical attack, failed to block the full power of this punch for him.

After that, he showed a pleading look again: "Xiaoxue, please, take me there, and I will let you handle it later."

at this time.

As a former general, Feng Hua Nu Tao knew that he would surely die.

The wind and flowers and raging waves came back to their senses, and the arms covering the chakra shield subconsciously protected their faces.

The three of them didn't care about lying on the ground, like a dead dog in a mess.

But under Shisui's precise control, he withdrew his strength immediately after breaking the chakra shield.

On the basis of the skeleton skeleton, the chakra meridians and flesh and blood spread all over the body.

"Very good, I am very familiar with Susanoo's mastery."

Just when Xiaoxue was about to speak.

"Don't worry, there are indeed treasures."

Mian Ma suddenly smiled, and asked meaningfully: "The biggest advantage of me is that I am kind and generous, and I like the beauty of adults."

"Since that's the case, on the day of Xiaoxue's enthronement, when you are executed, witness the treasures of the Land of Snow with your own eyes."

(End of this chapter)

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