After the words fell, Fenghua Xiaoxue walked out slowly with a majestic expression.

The young girl's face was cold, her eyebrows and eyes lingered with a noble aura, and she was dressed in a lavender costume that was extremely eye-catching.

Mian Ma was half a step behind and followed closely behind.

He was wearing a purple straight gown, with a gold silk spider pattern belt of the same color tied around his waist, and his slender body stood upright.

Even if you have tried your best to suppress your breath.

But that rich and handsome face and clothing still exuded an inherent nobility.


Seeing His Royal Highness Xiaoxue appearing together with Tianzhi Yuzhong, the expression of Mistress Asama, who presided over the ceremony, changed slightly.

According to the etiquette of the Snow Country since ancient times, no one can take that position with his successor.

This is disrespect to heaven, earth and ancestors!
But the numb eyes suddenly glanced at him.

Then under the gaze of everyone in Snow City.

A slight tremor came from the snow-covered ground.

Fenghua Zaoxue seemed to be able to see everyone, and that kind smile faced all the people of Snow City.

Mrs. Asama who was in charge of the grand ceremony took a step forward and said in a solemn voice, "Your Highness is respectfully invited to ascend the throne!"

"Hahaha! That's very difficult."

It is simply to regard the traditions handed down from ancient times as nothing!
But looking at Xiaoxue who was bending over in front of her, she recovered from her numbness.

Everyone looked up in surprise.

Fenghua Zaoxue asked with a smile, "What kind of princess is it?"

She looked up at Mianma, and said softly, "Please crown me."

The voices of the crowd resounded through the sky.

——There is a crown representing the power of the daimyo.

This is unprecedented in the entire ninja world.

It's like a god is painting with a brush.

After finishing speaking, he walked behind Xiaoxue and tied the hexagonal crystal around her neck.

The dignified and orderly servants, the respectful and obedient officials, and thousands of people raised their heads and looked at this side from a distance.

Witnessing the succession ceremony of the first female daimyo in the history of Snow Country.


Fenghua Xiaoxue seemed to realize something, and turned to look at the face beside her.

"You see."

In an instant, there was a raging wave below the castle.

"Is this... a miracle?"

But it's not over yet.

The "man" who has been standing behind her.

An outsider crowning the country's lord, this is in the Snow Country...

and also……

It was Fenghua Zaoxue who had passed away, and Fenghua Xiaoxue who was a child.

The appearance of this scene directly stunned everyone present.

at this moment.

Many guards, many ninjas, and ministers and generals all knelt down on one knee with excited faces.

"Believe in the future, then spring will surely come."

Someone in the crowd came back to their senses and shouted frantically: "Under the leadership of His Highness Xiaoxue, the Snow Country will surely move towards a more brilliant future!!"

As the gentle and kind voice came out, green shoots burst out of the ground as if in agreement.

Even Fenghua Xiaoxue on the high platform couldn't help showing surprise.

Fenghua Zaoxue first smiled, and then said meaningfully: "However, if you regard your dreams as your beliefs and never give up on pursuing them, your dreams will definitely come true!"

He stood behind Xiaoxue, as if talking to everyone in Snow City: "Here, stands a beautiful princess."

For some reason, I felt a little uneasy.


Everyone looked at everything around them, and their eyes were full of murmurs.

At the moment when the voice fell.

Then, under the gaze of countless people.

Civil and military officials and many guards all said loudly: "Your Highness is respectfully invited to ascend the throne!"

Xiaoxue hesitated for a moment before slowly answering: "Be gentle, strong, and righteous, Your Royal Highness."

"Your Highness!!"

Those two figures were not others.

Facing this subversive change, everyone fell into a trance.

However, the third wife's heart trembled, and she quickly lowered her head and did not dare to say more.

The voice fell.

"Who is that guy who popped up out of nowhere?"


Fenghua Xiaoxue looked calmly, looking at the stone table beside her.

Under the amazed eyes of everyone, the surrounding ice and snow began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Boom! !

"What's going on, it feels so warm..."

The surrounding scenery has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

...His Highness Zao Xue, who has passed away, is actually talking to them now.

A strong warmth suddenly poured into the bodies of everyone present.

As an outsider, she put this crown symbolizing power on Fenghua Xiaoxue's head.


Following the movement of Fenghua and Xiaoxue, the civil and military officials and many guards slowly bowed their heads.

In the sky covered with rainbow.

The sun's light gathered and shone down, forming an incomparably gorgeous rainbow of seven colors above everyone.

Xiaoxue raised the crown, but suddenly stopped.

Looking up, you can see the entire Snow City.

"A miracle! This is a miracle!!"

Just when everyone fell into a daze.

Bells and drums sounded.

The green grass and bright flowers began to grow, just like the clean painting paper was dyed with colorful colors.

At the same time, at this very moment.

But no matter what, the assassination is a done deal.

Here, you can take in the entire Snow City.

They walked through the corridor step by step, walked towards the stairs built at one end of the hall, and boarded the suspended terrace of the castle.

The snow country covered by ice and snow seems to have turned into a paradise full of spring.

He showed a sincere smile, and directly took the crown from Xiaoxue.

Fenghua Zaoxue smiled and asked Xiaoxue, "What does Xiaoxue want to do after spring comes?"

Mian Ma raised her index finger, stuck it to her lips, and said softly, "This so-called miracle is not over yet."

The delicate green grass, the gurgling stream, and the gorgeous and magical rainbow in the sky.

Xiaoxue said in her childhood, "I want to be Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Two illusory figures slowly emerged in midair.

Fireworks suddenly rose in the distant sky, complementing the long ringing bells above Snow City.

By the time she finished speaking, her baby fat face was already full of excitement.

Fenghua Xiaoxue silently looked down at the dark figures.

"Who is he?"

And some people with bad intentions also frowned.

The rest of the people also came back to their senses.

As soon as these words came out, even though his face was numb, he couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Looking up at Fenghua Xiaoxue on the suspended terrace, the gaze in his eyes was extremely hot.


Just haven't waited for her to finish.

just like……

Bang! !

There was no emotion in those calm eyes.


"Brother, could it be you..."

They stared closely beside Fenghua Xiaoxue, that majestic man with extraordinary temperament.

In the ears of everyone, the sound of gurgling water actually sounded.

"Your Highness!!"


Inside Snow City, inside the castle palace.

The deafening shouts went straight to the sky!
At this moment, in this small country covered by ice and snow.

The germ of hope for a new era was born.

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