Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 141 Sarutobi Hiruza: Everything is for Konoha!

Chapter 141 Hiruza Sarutobi: Everything is for Konoha!
"I'm just afraid that Minato's enemies will secretly retaliate after the identity of Naruto's fourth son is announced."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a moment, then carefully explained: "It's just that I didn't expect that such rumors would suddenly appear in the village."

"When I wanted to stop it, it was too late."

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen's explanation does have some truth.

But since he didn't want to be bothered by such nasty things, it didn't mean he didn't know anything about them.

How could you believe this flawed reason?
After sneaking back to Konoha yesterday, he had already secretly visited Naruto.

Naruto was in school at the time, and when chatting with his classmates, he had a gentle temperament and was kind to others.

Although I don't know why Naruto didn't inherit his parents' big house, but lived in an old and small house.

But it seems that he has perfectly inherited the appearance and character advantages of his father and mother.

Presumably Naruto is really doing well, and the old man should have taken care of him.

But in the end, he chose the wrong path and ran counter to his teacher.

In the end, it caused the isolation and indifference of the Konoha villagers towards Naruto.

Finally, he slumped down on a chair.

"It seems that using illusion to stimulate the spirit is not suitable for everyone."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi shook his head firmly and said: "If we lose Jinchuriki again, we old guys can't hold the village at all."

"Old man, I don't care how you play, but you shouldn't implicate Naruto."

——Using the pupil power of all Sharingans in the whole body to supply a pair of eyes in the eye sockets may really turn quantitative changes into qualitative changes.

Thinking of this, Jilai couldn't help but sneered: "Oh, I suddenly understand Tsunade and Orochimaru a little bit."

The reason why he was able to sit firmly on the chair under his buttocks.

Rubbing his chin with a numb face, more thoughts came to his mind.

"Oh, pass it on to the young people?"

In the room separated from him by the wall, Shin Uchiha, who closed his eyes tightly, was weeping and wailing.

That is his most proud disciple.

But seeing the old man's embarrassing expression, Jiraiya's heart couldn't help softening again.

"You are already old, it is better to pass on the position of Hokage to young people as soon as possible, this is the last advice from my disciples."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi supported his forehead, and said with a distressed expression: "Even if I want to pass it on, which young man can I pass it on to?"

"Ahh no!!"

For him, the old man is a relationship between master and father.

Mian Ma shook her head, and said coldly, "If it weren't for your body's research value, I really don't want to waste time on you."

Xin, who was lying on the test bench, shook his body, and sat up in a state of anxiety and silently.

Uchiha Shin immediately showed panic.

Hearing Jiraiya mention Orochimaru, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's old face suddenly sank.

According to his current amount of chakra, he will be drained by Sharingan within 5 minutes.

Judging from the way Naruto has shown, his talent is as good as Minato.

As a person who was entrusted by the second generation to suddenly succeed the third generation of Hokage during the turbulent war.

It would be a waste of talent to stay in the village all the time.

"Although I also feel sorry for Naruto, you should be very clear about the current situation."

Mian Ma looked at Nobu Uchiha, and said to himself: "For a talented and loving person like Izumi Uchiha, it is already very difficult to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan with a double illusion."

It's all about relying on your own beliefs and means.

At this moment, he was once again disappointed in his teacher.

Jiraiya sighed with a complicated expression.

If Jiraiya couldn't become Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen would never allow him to take Jinchuriki away.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!!"

It is indeed possible in theory.

And he didn't want Naruto to continue to be stared at in the village.

There were bursts of wailing sounds full of fear and pain.

Looking at Jiraiya who jumped out of the window, the smile on Sarutobi Hiruza gradually disappeared.

Across a glass wall, Mianma was recording data on the computer expressionlessly.

It's just that in the process of "collecting styles and materials", some strange things were discovered.


"Unless you stay in the village and inherit the Fifth Hokage position."

Jiraiya's "heroic" character does not allow himself to be trapped in Konoha by those disgusting things.

So Mian Ma has a simple and bold idea.

He neither has the strength to calm down troubled times like the first generation, nor does he have the domineering power to suppress the situation like the second generation.

Zilai is also very clear that perhaps the person spreading the rumors is not his teacher.

"All of this is for Konoha."

Suddenly, the movements of Minma's hands stopped, and he lowered his head to look at Shin Uchiha.

At the same time, in the small laboratory of Snow Country.

"Old man, you... you can do it yourself."

Jiraiya's tone could not help but slow down: "I will take Naruto away from now on, and I will teach him personally."

If Naruto hadn't been smart and sensible, I still don't know what it would look like now.

"Don't pretend to be dead, get up for me!"

Naruto's mind is not yet mature enough, and Jinchuriki is a power that must be held in the hands of Hokage.

The awakening of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan requires sufficient pupil power to achieve a qualitative change.

"My lord! My lord!"

But speaking of it, his sharing eyes didn't show any role in the original work.

"If I remember correctly, according to the original timeline, Shin Uchiha has Sharingan implanted all over his body, and there is no rejection."

But in order to hold Renzhuli in his hands, he must be letting go and pushing the boat along the way.

So, is there any other way to make pupil power stronger?

Obviously, Jiraiya did not intend to become Hokage.

Even if Uchiha Shin's body does not produce rejection, it does not mean that his Chakra and spirit can control so many Sharingan.

Immediately walked towards the window, jumped down and left only one sentence.

As for the guilt towards Naruto, then he does have some.

But the emotion of regret has never been there before.

Jiraiya mentioned Orochimaru now, no doubt sprinkled a handful of salt on his wound.

As soon as this word comes out.

"But Shin Uchiha is really weak enough. There is no sign of opening the kaleidoscope at all. Instead, he is about to have a nervous breakdown."

He didn't care about his current embarrassment, and knelt down on the ground, begging: "Please give me another chance! I will give everything to serve you!"

But the plot in "Unflammable Turn" really can't stand scrutiny.

The only value he has left now is his special body.

If there is no final value, then there is only one result waiting for him.

——Become a cold experimental material.

He doesn't want to die yet, he hasn't opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan yet.

(End of this chapter)

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