Chapter 143
"Come with me and develop your pupil technique."

Noodle Mahjong Uchiha Shin brought into the laboratory built of special materials.

After a while.

A more detailed and accurate ability test result can be obtained.

Uchiha Shin's technique for the left eye pupil is called "Thousand Blades", and the technique for the right pupil is called "Thousand Wrists".

"Thousand Wrists" can mark objects, and then consume pupil power and chakra to copy them.

There is no upper limit to the number of replicas, as long as the pupil power and chakra are sufficient, they can be copied forever.

However, the strength of the replica cannot exceed that of the main body, and the finer and more powerful the object, the greater the consumption of the pupil technique.

Those replicas can be stored in the different space built by "Thousand Blades".

Uchiha Shin is not only able to freely take out the stored replicas and use them, but also use multiple replicas to attack opponents like arrows from different spaces.

Glancing at Shin Uchiha who couldn't wait to open the scroll, he said calmly with a numb face: "Remember, since I can give you all this, I can take it back naturally."

Penn paid no heed to his offense.


"Pack up your things and go for a walk outside with me."

"No matter what, I, Uchiha Nobu, will be sent by the adults from now on!"

After finishing speaking, he threw a scroll to him.

"Tens of thousands of kunai, shurikens, and explosive charms smashed over. Killing those ninjas and middle ninjas is like mowing grass. It can be called a gunpowder bank of human flesh."

Nowadays, there are still many areas that need to be changed in Snow Country, and the members of "Red Moon" are all sent to work by Mianma.

But the impatience could still be heard.

As for the promise and flattery from Uchiha Shin's mouth, Mianma replied noncommittally: "If that's the case, don't let me down."

But even so, Uchiha Shin is barely capable of fighting.

Uchiha Shisui wants to help him train a shadow guard, and finally form a department hidden in the shadows called the net.

"When I go back this time, I have to discuss with Payne about changing partners."

"I don't know, and I'm not interested. Isn't that guy talking all the time?"

But Kadotsu completely disregarded his partner's life and death, and used ninjutsu of mass destruction at every turn.

"Aren't you there yet?"

Not to mention those who are more than "shadow".

"If you hadn't insisted on walking, we would have already got the bounty by now!"

He said in a tone as cold as a dead man: "Aren't you in the country of soup? Just go and check the origin of the cult."

"Like a maggot attached to a bone, like a shadow, like a king in person", this is the shadow guard and the net.

It took two days to kill the opponent.


"Uchiha Shin, you have opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan."

"But your current strength and potential are too weak. Just a pair of kaleidoscopes is not enough to change anything. I don't lack this kind of power, so I can't be regarded as a full-fledged member of the organization."

Although the world of technology is also very strong, the core of this world is always chakra.

"Uchiha Nobu's pupil technique can indeed be used like Infinity Sword System. For conventional ninjas, the power of this pupil technique is indeed terrifying."

So Mian Ma never planned to make him a full member from the beginning to the end.

At the same time, it is located in the country of soup in the northeast of the country of fire.

"But, why can't I use the Kaleidoscope Sharingan now..."

The corners on the side kept walking, and said in a calm tone: "We will be there soon."

"Yaoshidou provided some useful information."

However, for the job of the bounty hunter, Scorpion is now gradually becoming much more comfortable.

Looking at the guy with eyes all over his body, he said calmly with a numb expression: "Theoretically, as long as your pupil power and chakra are enough, you can always use the kaleidoscope Sharingan."

The scorpion is almost unbearable.

Uchiha Shin subconsciously touched his abdomen.

"Cthulite, right? I know."

Now Uchiha Shin's ugly appearance is really unbearable to look at.

Although Kakuzu looked unwilling, he nodded.

In the dark forest shrouded in moonlight, a figure wearing a mask walked quietly like this.

Nobu Uchiha knelt down on the ground respectfully, but his face showed embarrassment again.

None of those "shadows" would be hissed by Kunai and Shuriken.

And Izumi Uchiha will serve as the chief instructor of the Snow Country Army, and he will train those wastes who can only rely on Chakra armor.

Therefore, Mianma chose to encourage the already useless Uchiha Nobumiao.

Mian Ma thought about it, then shook his head and said: "But if there is no magic weapon, then it is still dispensable for unconventional ninjas."

Because he was hiding in the crimson amber, Xie's voice seemed husky.

The target of the assassination this time is an A-level defected jonin from Sand Hidden Village, and the reward is 500 million taels.

Jiaodu frowned, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Is there anything else?"

He is now in a hurry to exchange the corpse for money.

But these eyes...

Immediately, he lowered his head and said respectfully: "Follow your lord's order."

Based on the experience of face numbness, generally such nagging things are related to Datongmu.

"What do you know, the process of receiving the bounty is the happiest, I have to enjoy it."

After all, the place he is going to next is the very mysterious cult of evil gods that is rarely mentioned in the original book.

The two were walking in the forest like this, but they suddenly stopped at the same time.

The scorpion on the side asked in a low voice: "The Cult of the Evil God? Why is Payne suddenly interested in such inexplicable things?"

No matter in terms of talent, strength, or character, Uchiha Shin is bad from the inside out.

Feeling the strange gentle chakra in his body, his body couldn't help trembling.

Everything in front of him suddenly became dim and distorted, and a figure wearing a red cloud robe with a black background gradually emerged.

Since becoming a partner with Jiaodu, his puppet consumption rate has increased sharply.

And he was carrying a fresh and warm corpse on his shoulders, and behind him was a strange figure with an ugly face and a tall figure.

After the words fell, Payne's phantom in front of him gradually dissipated.

"This is how to use the four-image seal. When you want to use the kaleidoscope, you need to unlock the seals of the sharing eyes."

Scorpion couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Jiaodu carried the corpse on his back again, and said in a cold tone: "It's that pharmacist, I don't know what ecstasy soup he poured into Payne, but recently..."

Just didn't wait for him to finish.


Xie snorted softly, and interrupted directly: "Compared to you, that guy is much more pleasing to the eye."

(End of this chapter)

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