Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 145 Fei Duan: Lord Evil God said that he despises these rubbish

Chapter 145 Fei Duan: Lord Evil God said that he despises these rubbish

Under Long Ming's gaze, Fei Duan, who was nailed to the statue, snapped off the flesh of his arm.

Then he casually pulled out the jet-black short spear stuck in his body, and threw it aside.

"Bah! It hurts! It really hurts~"

Hidan spat out the bloody saliva in his mouth, cursed and stood up.

Although it is not the first time to experience the feeling of death.

But the pain of being pierced was still so clear.

This painful feeling is really...

"It's so cool!!"

Fei Duan picked up the pitch-black short spear at the side, and under Long Ming's slightly helpless gaze, directly pierced his heart.

Now is a good time to test Fei Duan's current "Immortal Body" and "Dead Secretary's Blood", and collect some more detailed and precious experimental data.

Although the time that Fei Duan can maintain the blood of Si Si Ping is still very short, as long as the undead Fei Duan has enough chakra, he can continue to use the blood of Si Si Ping.

Long Ming was secretly vigilant in his heart, but on the surface he just smiled lightly and said, "High-quality sacrifices are relatively rare. If you want, you can also go outside to find satisfactory sacrifices."

The other Tang Nin was so frightened by this weird scene that he peed his pants, with tears and snot running down his face.

After searching with the mind eye of Kagura, he keenly sensed that there is an abnormal chakra in the ground.

Long Ming smiled and shook his head, dismissing this nonsensical thought.

It was only after Mianma woke him up and opened Sharingan that he was barely immune to this "killing" desire.

But with his strong will, this kind of provocation is not a problem at all, and he can still keep his consciousness clear.

"Wait for this guy to come back from the outside, and then clean up the door with other believers."

But Uchiha Shin on the side has no such will.

At the same time, in the underground of the former site of Tangren Village.

"This is the perfect combination of immortality and death! With this, I can kill even the Five Kages!!"

A pair of scarlet claws gleamed coldly, as if blood was dripping down all the time.

In the secret room, two terrified ninjas wearing Tangnin forehead protectors were tied to huge wooden stakes.

After entering the ground, he was filled with the desire to "kill".

"Didn't that idiot, Hiduan, only focus on quantity and not quality?"

This thing is invisible to the naked eye of ordinary people, and the complete outline can only be seen by relying on Sharingan or perception ninjutsu.


And listening to Fei Duan's wayward and crazy words, he looked at the short spear shining coldly in front of him.

Fei Duan, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up, with a devout look on his face.

puff! !
When Fei Duan opened his arms and pierced his heart, he fell backwards in a large font with a relaxed face.

The evil thoughts and desires that had been suppressed in Mian Ma's mind began to be mobilized.

The incantation, Death by Blood, is a secret technique that he accidentally obtained when he was traveling in the ninja world.

But in a blink of an eye, it turned into irritability and depression.


At the same position on the chest, there was an identical wound, and a stream of blood spurted out.


"I want to! Of course I want to! Where? Where?!"

Mian Ma looked at this so-called evil god thoughtfully, then shook his head and said, "No, there should be other things?"

But looking at his wound that was healing rapidly, Long Ming couldn't help showing a gratified smile.

At this moment, his eyesight has become slack, his whole body is soaked in blood, it seems that his breath has dissipated, and he is completely dead.

"If I can also succeed in obtaining immortality in the experiment, Hidan, a mindless idiot, will be useless."

Long Ming looked at Fei Duan, his eyes flickered slightly and he said, "Do you want to offer sacrifices to Lord Evil God?"

And at this moment, Tang Nin in front of him suddenly yelled in pain, his eyes widened.

It can't really be something inexplicable like the instruction of the evil god.


"What kind of evil god is just a false god combined with multiple forces."

"Is this guy really stupid enough to have hallucinations, or is he deliberately pretending to be like this to test me?"

"Master Cthulhu said that this level of low-quality sacrifices is simply a tarnish for him, and he needs higher-quality sacrifices!"

It can use the enemy's blood as the casting medium, enter the formation drawn by its own blood, and make the target of the spell suffer any damage suffered by the caster.

"As expected of Lord Heretic God's most steadfast believer, he has been able to hear Lord Heretic God's motto just like me."

The smile on Long Ming's face gradually dissipated, and his brows were tightly wrinkled.

Next, Long Ming brought Fei Duan into a secret room.

And the other is the believers who have no brains, and they firmly believe in the existence of evil gods.

"When you come back, I will personally hold the ceremony of the deputy leader for you."

But these two kinds of people undoubtedly respect him as the leader and leader, and Fei Duan's current performance is really beyond his expectations.

He licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and said: "As the most devout believer of Lord Heretic God, of course I should personally find a sacrifice for Lord Heretic God!!"

"Could it be that he had hallucinations because of some omissions in the taboo experiment?"

The faces of the two were extremely pale, their wrists had been cut, and the blood could not stop flowing into the grooves under their feet.

He has to choose a suitable weapon, so that he is worthy of his status as the most devout believer.

Fei Duan even walked up to the two of them excitedly, picked up one of the bowls of blood and drank it with his head up.

Although Hi Duan's expression was a bit painful, there was also a kind of joy and comfort like ascending to heaven.

After leaving the Snow Country, Minma took Uchiha Nobu and went straight to Tangnin Village in the Country of Tang.

Strange white lines crawled up his skin in a special pattern, and the skin all over his body turned into a strange black, which looked extremely terrifying.

Hi Duan directly stabbed another Tang Nin's heart with a short black spear,

The face is ugly, the haori on the body is wide open, and the breasts are exposed.

But when he planned to continue to observe the process of Hidan killing another Tang Ninja.

"Master Cthulhu responded to me!"

Turn around and walk to your secret room, ready to do some experimental preparations.


Now there are only two types of people in the Cult of the Evil God.

It seems that his brainwashing was very successful!

"It seems that you are still very energetic."

"Hahaha! Lord Cthulhu, your believers are going to offer sacrifices for you!"

After laughing wildly, he waved the short spear in his hand again, poking blood holes in his body.

Long Ming, who was observing and recording all this, also licked his lips, showing an excited look.

When Long Ming heard his babbling words, the smile on his face froze immediately.

Think for a moment.

"Hahahaha! Why didn't I think of that!"

Fei Duan bent down and laughed maniacally, while bending down, he began to draw a spell on the ground with the remaining blood.

Then just kill him more, that's fine.

This is not a good sign, and we must find a way to solve this hidden danger.

This secret technique is indeed terrifying. At this stage, there is no way to avoid it. The effectiveness of the spell will only be lost after the caster leaves the formation.

After entering the ground, the extremely hidden power became more obvious.

Just after he finished speaking.

With bursts of wailing and laughter, the smell of blood permeated the entire secret room.

The so-called "undead body" is nothing more than a semi-finished taboo experiment in the scroll of "Spell: Death by Blood".

And Long Ming looked at his back, dissatisfaction and doubt flashed in his eyes.

Hiduan was stunned for a moment, then a sudden smile appeared on his face after he realized it.

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking about Long Ming, turned around and walked towards the arsenal of the Cult of the Heretic God.

He made up evil gods and gods of death to deceive these idiots. How could such things exist in the ninja world?

"I've already heard the response from Lord Evil God, he needs those more powerful sacrifices!"

Goo-dong~ Goo-dong~
"Hahaha! That's right, that's it!"

Lord Cthulhu doesn't exist at all, so Fei Duan must be dissatisfied.

"My lord, is the evil god something that is just ugly? Does God really exist?"

"Is this thing a combination of natural energy and Chakra?"

One is to find a big tree to enjoy the shade, and the evil god doesn't care at all.

In the eyes of others, there is a blank, but in the eyesight of the face, there is a huge phantom floating in the air.

Fei Duan took out a short black spear from his bosom with a joyful expression, and pierced it into his chest with a reverent expression.

The chakra in his body began to surge and quickly transformed into a special force, and the appearance of the whole person has undergone tremendous changes.

But it has to hurt one's own body to be effective, so ordinary people can only use it a few times.

And the face numb on the side has already opened Kagura's eyes, looking in front of him indifferently.

Feel a sense of connection with the "evil god" and "sacrifice".

But just for a moment, he showed a helpless smile again and said: "You can choose the sacrifices here, isn't this enough for you?"

Nobu Uchiha, who was covered in a black robe all over his body, looked puzzled, and a pair of scarlet Sharingan eyes were looking at the empty place in front of him.

And that Tang Ninja who was cast by Hidan.

The moment the spell is completed.

"Fei Duan is indeed the most precious treasure given to me by Lord Cthulhu."

Hearing Fei Duan's resolute and excited answer, a look of complacency and sarcasm flashed in Long Ming's eyes.

"I have to complete my forbidden experiment of immortality while this idiot is leaving."

"Ah~ really, really comfortable~ I can feel that Lord Cthulhu is watching me~"

Fei Duan drew out his short spear and pointed at the dragon name, and shouted dissatisfiedly: "These low-strength garbage will only tarnish Lord Heretic God and my belief in Lord Heretic God!!"

Faced with such a situation, Long Ming and the two were completely indifferent.


He extended his consciousness and tried to touch this evil god.

And ready to cut off consciousness at any time.

 I'm so busy with homework left by school today, it's so annoying.

  There are [-] words in this chapter, and there are [-] words left today, and I will update it after I wake up.

(End of this chapter)

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