Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 149 Scorpion: You two, who is our target?

"That color is called fear!!"

Hidan covered his left eye and stared at the man with his right eye.

His eyes didn't blink, for fear of missing any moment.

At this moment, in his eyes.

A man dominated by the fear of death.

The extremely turbid color on his body was being taken over by pure white.

It's like a paint-smeared, ugly failure.

Those turbid colors are slowly fading away, gradually returning to their original appearance.

"Ah~ Really, so beautiful~"

Hi Duan couldn't find any adjectives to describe this change.

As soon as the leader's words came out, all the believers felt as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

To the end of his life, he couldn't figure out why this lunatic Fei Duan dared to do this?
How could the so-called evil gods exist?

This sense of disobedience, which is completely contradictory between behavior and expression, makes people feel a chill in their hearts.

Fei Duan murmured blankly, "You can't accept the Gospel of Lord Evil God, you are simply a group of heretics."

Obviously just killing brutally.

Bang bang bang! !

"Don't run away, if we don't kill him today, none of us will survive!"

Every shot can take away a fresh life, and everything that appears in front of him will not be left behind.

The four characters of fierce and cruel are vividly reflected.

Thick smoke obscured everyone's vision.

Immediately, a look of madness appeared on his face, he turned around and hacked several people to death.

"Use the detonator to blow him up!"

This guy went out once, was his brain smashed by something?
"Ahahaha! You are the ones who are disrespectful to Lord Evil God!!"

With Fei Duan's current behavior, it was clear that he wanted to kill everyone.

Just didn't wait for him to finish.

However, in the face of such a large number of people besieging and killing, Fei Duan did not feel a trace of fear at all.


"Great Lord Heretic God, your most loyal believer offers you the most perfect sacrifice."

Hearing this, a group of believers took out detonating talismans and threw them at Fei Duan.

After a while, the ground was covered with corpses.

He didn't care about the name of the dragon in the distance at all.

But Fei Duan went straight after him.


Fei Duan turned his head to look at Long Ming, and said in a reverent tone: "No matter what kind of darkness the other party lives in, I can make them bloom their own colors."


Many of the remaining believers became terrified, and hesitated for a while.

Long Ming's eyes widened immediately, and he asked angrily, "Why did you do such a thing? You are disrespecting Lord Evil God!!"

Everyone surrounded Fei Duan, looking at him with bloodthirsty eyes.

"This guy, in what mood is he killing people?!"

Fei Duan picked up the bloody March sickle beside him, grinned and said with a sneer: "What you are seeking is power, status, wealth, and killing. What use are these things to Lord Evil God?"

The group of believers behind them also showed timid expressions.

puff! !
After a piercing sound of breaking wind.

Even the well-informed Long Ming felt a chill on his spine.

After all, I haven't waited for everyone to react.

Fei Duan stuck out his tongue to lick the blood from the corner of his mouth, and shouted devoutly and fanatically.

"It turns out that I am the only devout follower of Lord Evil God."

The performance of the group of believers was even worse, and none of the group of people dared to speak out.

"You guys are not worthy to be the representatives and believers of the Lord Cthulhu!"


"Kill him! Kill this and the blasphemer!"

Long Ming, who was stared at by him, suddenly subconsciously stepped back half a step.

"Damn it!"

But the only remaining believers were still staring at the center of the explosion.

"Flying segment!"

Fei Duan's sudden attack completely caught him off guard.

The blood on his body couldn't tell which was his and which was someone else's.

With a sickle, he pierced the man from behind, and raised his hand to lift him up.

Ka Ka Ka!
Realizing that he failed to cut off Fei Duan's head, but only cut off his left arm, Long Ming quickly pulled away again.

However, the smoke gradually dissipated.

One of the believers finally couldn't bear the fear, turned around and wanted to escape from here, screaming in horror.

at this time.


"You are the first one, bathe in glory and serve Lord Evil God."

"What I see with this eye is a work of art that only I can create. This kind of beauty is incomparable to other things."

Looking at Fei Duan, who was covered in blood but still laughing wildly, the expressions of all the believers gradually became frightened.


A believer's head pierced through the short black spear thrown by Fei Duan.

Long Ming clenched the chain knife in his hand, and said with an ugly expression: "I also have an immortal body, do you really want to fight me to the death? Why don't you just retreat..."

But Hi Duan's expression was only piety and compassion.

"As long as I have the favor of the evil god, I will not die. Even if I am smashed to pieces and only have a head left, I will crawl out of hell and bite your throats off!"

In contrast, the blood and killing he once craved.

But he felt from the bottom of his heart that this was the most beautiful color in the world.

It's so rude and ugly that it can't be compared with it at all!
This kind of color without a trace of filth is the gift he wants to present to the Lord Cthulhu! !
"Fidan, you..."

The gate of the base suddenly opened, and two figures walked in from outside.

After a while, Fei Duan beheaded the remaining people one by one.

Fei Duan was like a cold killing machine fighting with everyone.

Long Ming's face turned livid, and he retreated a few steps cryptically and said, "Fei Duan has become a blasphemer, hurry up and execute him together!!"

Blood pools flowed from Fei Duan's severed arm.

The rule of the Cult of the Cthulhu is that you cannot kill each other at will, otherwise you will be executed by all the followers of the Cult of the Cthulhu.


Perhaps this is the original appearance of human beings, the most beautiful appearance.

"Look, you have also become what Lord Cthulhu likes."

The scarlet color in Fei Duan's right eye seemed to be on fire, and he laughed wildly and took the initiative to rush towards the crowd.

Although his face became paler due to the loss of a large amount of blood in his body, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

A wild laughter suddenly came from it.

Finding the right dragon name, he swung the knife directly at Fei Duan's head.

At this moment, a figure crossed the crowd and came to Fei Duan.

"Yes, that's it! Come and sacrifice your lives for Lord Evil God!"

Fei Duan stood there with scars all over his body, holding a sickle in one hand, and praying in a low voice while holding the necklace around his neck in the other.

"Then, I should send you all back to the embrace of Lord Cthulhu!"

In the end, only the name of the dragon that has survived until now is left.

Only a loud bang was heard.

Fei Duan flicked it lightly, and the man fell to the ground with his eyes fixed on him, his eyes filled with intense fear and bewilderment.

"This is what Lord Evil God wants."

"Hidan! Are you crazy?!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems that I met a ruthless person."

Looking at the tragic situation in the base hall, a look of astonishment flashed in Jiaodu's eyes.

Even if he lived for a hundred years, he rarely saw such a tragic scene outside the battlefield.

Xie on the side looked at Fei Duan who was praying, and couldn't help complaining, "This guy's devotion to evil gods is almost as good as Jiaodu's devotion to money."

"But you two, which one is our target?"

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