Chapter 159 Reformation of Snow City
Inside Snow City, the capital of Snow Country.

The transport vehicles were loaded with various materials such as stone and wood, and were slowly driving towards the central area of ​​Snow City.

Residents on both sides of the street made way for the transport team.

Although there was some curiosity in the eyes of the transportation team, there was no dissatisfaction.

During the succession ceremony of Princess Snow, almost everyone saw the "miracle" that appeared in Snow City.

Most of the people in the Snow Country believe that His Highness Xiaoxue will bring hope to the Snow Country and the people.

What's more, some time ago, Snow City had undergone a road renovation and reset.

For ordinary people, the original roads in Snow City are not very smooth, especially on rainy days, it is quite difficult to walk.

As a result, His Royal Highness Xiaoxue defied all opinions and proved with facts what it means to "build roads before getting rich".

The well-organized roads not only facilitate the travel of Snow City residents, but also attract more vendors to Snow City, driving a virtuous circle in all aspects of commerce.

Presumably, when the country's roads are fully renovated, each city can be connected into a whole.

This made those subjects have nothing to say, they could only obey His Royal Highness Xiaoxue's order honestly.

At the same time, in a forest in Snow City.

Hundreds of civilians gathered around the woods, silently watching the back of the man in front of them.

And under their gaze.

The man slowly raised his arm, waving his fingers lightly like playing music.

Brush brush! !

Accompanied by the imperceptible sound of breaking wind, countless wind blades passed through the forest.

Then the trees fell almost simultaneously, shaking the ground and kicking up clouds of dust.

Under the man's extremely fine manipulation, the wind blade cut off all the redundant branches and roots, leaving only bare tree stumps in the end.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them.

But after a moment of silence, heated discussions erupted at the scene.

"Only one person, in less than a minute, completed a task that would take several days for a small team?"

"This, is this the power of a ninja?!"

"If I remember correctly, the adult said that we can also use ninjutsu in the future?"

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and move the wood!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately came back to their senses.

With a deep sense of joy, he walked into the woods with excitement, and used brute force and tools to carry those trees onto the transport vehicle.

At the same time, they were still discussing the ninja-sama who just used ninjutsu.

But when he looked over, the man had disappeared.

And on the mountainside next to the woods.

"My lord, the materials for building the military area have been collected."

Kurama Yunhai stood beside Mianma, and said respectfully, "Master, please go there yourself. The people of Snow City respect His Highness Xiaoxue very much. In fact, just leave it to them."

"Don't think so much, Yunhai."

Mian Ma smiled helplessly: "It's not that I don't trust you, it's just that I want to see the process with my own eyes. Showing ninjutsu by hand can also improve their enthusiasm."

It is now in the initial period of reform, and the construction work of various facilities is in full swing.

You need to see it with your own eyes to be at ease.

Next, he plans to conduct on-the-spot investigations in various cities in the Snow Country.

See if you've overlooked anything.

"However, it is really a constructive system to set up a special military area in Snow Country and clearly separate the military area from the residential area." Kurama Yunhai said with emotion.

The five major ninja villages have always been mixed with ninjas and civilians.

He had only seen this way of dividing warriors and civilians in the capitals of the five major countries before.

However, the master classifies ninjas and samurai as military categories, and divides them into two different groups from those civilians who do not know ninjutsu.

And both samurai and ninja are collectively referred to as "soldiers".

Kurama Yunhai has never heard of this reform method before.

"It's normal."

Mian Ma chuckled and said: "The military region must implement absolute secrecy measures, this is for the safety of ordinary people."

It is an extremely stupid behavior for Konoha to confuse military and civilian concepts.

It is completely treating those civilians as "military reserves" and "economic reserves."

In addition to slightly boosting the economy and military of Ninja Village, it will only lead to the emergence of various disadvantages.

Of course, this is also related to the imperfect selection system of ninjas.

In essence, those ninjas do not belong to the daimyo, but exist independently as a powerful military force.

Therefore, the nobles and daimyo would not be kind enough to help Ninja Village select talents from the cities under their management.

Therefore, they can only rely on the villagers of Ninja Village to be self-sufficient.

They are both civilians and future ninjas.

The Five Great Ninja Village is militarizing the village in this simple, crude and loophole-filled way.

When any irreversible problems arise, the internal conflicts will be transferred to the outside through the ninja war.

No one thinks about what the root of the problem is, they just think about getting rid of the person who caused the problem.

This has almost become an endless loop in the ninja world.

Mian Ma would not kill the chicken to take the eggs and let this kind of thing happen in the area under his jurisdiction.

There are also residential areas, commercial areas, and military areas that must be clearly divided.

All the people are soldiers is just a manifestation of the incompetence of a ruler.

It is the foundation of a country's prosperity and strength that each performs its duties.


Mian Ma seemed to be thinking of something, and suddenly turned to look at Kurama Yunhai and said, "The knowledgeable talents I asked you to search for, how are you looking for now?"

"According to the goals you set, recruiting and searching are already underway across the country."

Hearing Yunhai's answer, Mian Ma nodded and said: "We must pay attention to this aspect, those Uchiha children need to be properly guided."

The sharing eyes of the Uchiha clan can easily lead the Uchiha clan to extremes.

But in the final analysis, it is all because of immature outlook on life, coupled with the influence of various negative emotions.

After all, the so-called ninja schools in the five great ninja villages now only cultivate a group of killing tools.

Children under the age of ten can go to the battlefield and directly witness the tragedy and cruelty of war.

Not to mention their children, even adults who see those hell-like scenes will feel evasive, timid, and fearful.

And these children have to face this cruel scene at a young age.

It is natural to be easily stimulated by negative emotions and open your eyes, and then become pessimistic and negative, and your personality will become more extreme.

If you want to completely change this situation.

Educational issues can never be ignored, and educational reform is imperative.

Schools are now being built in various districts.

Those intellectual talents have also begun a nationwide search.

At that time, their experience and knowledge will be recorded in various forms, and then passed on to the next generation through education.

Only by summing up experience and lessons can we know the essence of things and innovate on this basis.

This will promote the healthy growth of those children and allow those "flowers" to cultivate correct and positive life values.

Mandatory implementation of "six-year compulsory education", and then set up different levels of educational institutions, to gather those graduates to higher-level places, to teach them more profound knowledge.

Mian Ma hopes that "ninja" can become a profession, not the "destiny" that those children have no choice.

They can be soldiers with ideas, but they cannot be ruthless tools to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

If it wasn't for the financial situation, Mian Ma even wanted to change the "six-year compulsory education" to "nine-year compulsory education".

But in the final analysis, Mian Ma only guided in the general direction.

After all, there is a big difference between his previous life and the ninja world, and copying the knowledge from the previous life cannot solve everything.

He only needs to provide some theoretical framework and general direction. More professional problems need to be solved by professional people.

(End of this chapter)

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