Chapter 171 Onoki: Can Chiyue be used by me?
"Where are you playing?"

"Wu" couldn't help but be slightly startled when Jianma dodged the attack inexplicably.

Immediately, there was an even more angry roar.


The huge sharp claws fell on the face like raindrops.


"No! Stay where you are!"

"No! No! Left!"

In the spiritual perception of "Enlightenment" and under the high-frequency attack, Mian Ma escaped all the attacks like a stroll in the garden.

Bang! !

With a numb face, he smiled sarcastically: "I probably know your ability, so the next test is..."

After the Anbe ninja retreated, Onogi sank to think.

Onoki flipped through the information, lowered his head and asked Anbe Ninja: "Has the investigation of the identity of the attacker in Ghost Lamp City been clear?"

Soon, the smoke gradually dispersed.

Chiyue, the center of heaven.

It cut its huge arm to the ground neatly.

That sound almost penetrated the world, and the endless explosion light seemed to engulf everything in front of it.


"Oh, it seems that I have hit the mark."

Just like that, he stood upright in front of the explosion beam, directly splitting the explosion beam into two from the beginning to the end.

But the fear in it cannot be concealed at all.

Looking at the ruins and flames ahead, the surviving ninjas were left blank.

Then a chaotic and miscellaneous black ball was formed, exuding extremely terrifying chakra fluctuations.

The numb face is covered by a golden skeleton, and the skeleton holds a huge golden lightsaber in its arm.

"Yes." Anbu Ninja stepped back respectfully.

Mian Ma slowly walked in front of "Wu".

Immediately, its ferocious mouth slowly tore open.

The Anbu ninja appeared in the office of the Tsuchikage Building with a teleportation technique, and put the intelligence document in his hand on the table in front of the third Tsuchikage Onoki.

After all, it is a prison jointly organized by the five major countries and managed by Caoyin Village.

Sensing Suzaku's characteristics, he frowned numbly, but relaxed after a while.

The huge wind blown by the flapping of the wings scattered the surrounding dust and gravel.

"Stupid! Arrogant! Small human beings are trying to resist me, it's really... ghah!"

After another blow was missed, "Wu" roared angrily, "Why! Why are your thoughts and actions completely different!!"

He likes this kind of thing that has no body and can be kneaded and flattened at will.

Under the astonishing eyes of some surviving ninjas, they disappeared into the sky at a terrifying speed, leaving only a mess.

Looking down at the worm-like monster, he said softly with numbness and disdain: "I'll set you free and let you be used by me!"

A deep meaning flashed in Onoki's cloudy eyes: "Continue to investigate, and make sure to find out Chiyue's purpose and details."

In the office of Tuying Building.

The crimson Suzaku screamed and flapped its wings and flew out of the spell.

"You damn human!!"

"So, that's all there is?"

However, before it finished speaking, the laughter suddenly froze again.

"Physical strength!"

Ka Ka Ka! ! !
The huge "enlightenment" in his body turned into pure energy, which was swallowed by him bit by bit.

呲! !

What Ohnoki is worried about is which big country is doing things behind this.

Thinking of this, Suzaku also flapped its wings and landed slowly.

Mian Ma sneered, "I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

Green, White, Zhu, Xuan, Kong, South, North, Three, Jade!

The military power in it is not something anyone can provoke.

Hearing this, Ohnoki's movement of looking through the information suddenly stopped.

Bang! !

But he was cut in half by Mian Ma's huge sword.

The "Zhu" in the nine psychic spells behind Mianma glowed brightly.

Everything on both sides was erased in the blink of an eye, leaving only a narrow blank space behind the numb face.

Among the five great ninja villages, the one who got the news first was Yanyin Village, which is the closest.

Everyone present firmly remembered the name that Uchiha Itachi said.

"Sense and fly?"

The wings lay low on the ground, and they rubbed their numb cheeks affectionately.

The wail of "Enlightenment" resounded through the world.

"According to the information provided by the bounty hunter, it is a man from the Chiyue Organization, code-named Tian Zhi Yu Zhong."

After Mian Ma stood up, he stretched out his sharp claws and grabbed the box of bliss.

Mian Ma seemed to be looking at a tool, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Accompanied by yelling from embarrassment, the wreckage of the house was directly grabbed by "Wu" and smashed to the face.

This is the first time in decades that an attack on Ghost City has taken place during a non-war period.

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."

Mian Ma looked at Xiang Wu calmly, with a bit of regret in his tone: "As a chakra-like creation, your strength is far worse than that of Kyuubi. At best, you are just a failure of the old man of the Six Paths."

"Oh, it looks like the tailed beast's body has the same purpose, is it a chakra-like creation?"


But it was only a moment before he recovered.

The dark black chakra like tailed beast jade was mixed together, and began to gather towards its mouth continuously.

And it is obviously not as good as the strongest nine-tailed beasts and eight-tailed beasts, and it is estimated that they can be ranked in the middle level among the nine-tailed beasts.

"Enlightenment" shook his painful head, and the insane emotion just now calmed down a bit.

"Nine-faced Beast · Seal Transformation!"

"To shut up!!"

"What do you know?! My strength is invincible, I can"

"Yes, alone."

In the impact of the explosion, a dazzling golden color was revealed.

After confirming that his blow really hit, "Wu" couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately let out bursts of weird laughter.

"Well, talk is better than nothing, at least it can save me time on the road."

As he spoke, he slowly raised his arms and quickly formed seals in his hands.

The Ghost Lantern City jointly established by the five major countries was attacked. Of course, such a major event cannot be hidden from other countries.


"Quack quack!"

And Mian Ma, who was standing there, was completely swallowed by the light.

Mian Ma threw out a punch with all his strength, kicking "Wu"'s huge body spinning and rolling into the distance, directly flattening a large piece of ruins.

"Really, one person destroyed Ghost Lamp City."

"……one person?"

"It's really boring."


next moment.

boom! ! !
Black chakra spewed out in the direction of the numb face like a cannonball.

A strong sense of oppression erupted from his body, and nine circular psychic spells emerged behind him.

It rolled and struggled on the ground like a bug, but it still couldn't get rid of the shackles of the seal transformation.

"Wu"'s bulging head was crushed, and the entire ground centered on "Wu" was smashed to pieces by this blow, forming a deep hole.

The black magic formula gushed out from the "Zhu" and spread towards the "Enlightenment" who had lost the ability to resist.

The huge golden saber slashed straight across.

Immediately afterwards, it was slashed with a knife, and the huge legs were also removed, leaving only the pitch-black body falling to the ground.

"Lord Tuying, this is the notice and reward order issued by Caoyin Village."

The voice of "Enlightenment" suddenly stopped,

The main reason why "Enlightenment" is difficult to deal with is that the ability to sense maliciousness is almost equal to the unsolvable foreknowledge, plus it has super mobility of flying,
But aside from the special ability to sense malice, "Wu"'s combat power is at the level of ordinary tailed beasts.

This sense of disobedience, which is completely different from reality, coupled with this sense of shame at being teased, made "Enlightenment" roar even more angry and irritable.

An organization named Chiyue.

And a powerful ninja codenamed Tianzhiyuzhong.

Is it possible to use it like that Akatsuki organization?

Recently, a rare mineral vein named "Gelel" was discovered in the Land of Winds.

(End of this chapter)

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