Chapter 191 Sasuke, become Hokage (4k for monthly pass)
"I suggest you take back what belongs to you from Kakashi Hatake."

" don't need to say it."

The expression under Obito's mask froze for a moment, and then he glanced coldly: "Of course I know what to do!"

The reason why he didn't take back his left eye from Kakashi was because of the little thought in his heart that he didn't want to mention.

It is also because after the death of Namikaze Minato, who can use time and space ninjutsu, there is no one in the ninja world who can really threaten his safety.

After all, with the right eye's "divine power · virtualization" characteristic, one eye is enough to make him invincible.

but now……

Whether it is facing the huge meteorite that fell from the sky, or facing Nagato who can exert the power of the eye of reincarnation.

If he only had one right eye, he could barely protect himself.

Other than that, nothing can be done.

"I don't understand what you are still hesitating about now."

Heijue continued to encourage: "If you can have a complete pair of kaleidoscope Sharingan, you can not only use the pupil technique of the other eye, but also use Susanoo, which is only called the power of God!"

"Or rather..."

Hei Jue paused, and said meaningfully: "Do you want to give up the ideal of unlimited monthly reading for the sake of the so-called bond?"


Obito's one-eyed eye suddenly widened, but he couldn't say a word when he looked at it.

In fact, this is not the first time they have discussed this topic.

After being repulsed by that guy in Tian Zhi Yu Zhong, he himself took the initiative to mention this matter to Jue.

But this time it was absolutely voluntary, and even used a questioning tone.

Now that Obito couldn't give a reason, he suddenly couldn't step down.

tick tock... tick tock...

The two fell into an eerie silence.

Only the sound of rainwater dripping from the top of the cave echoed softly in the small and dark cave.

Silence for a long time.

"...Bring soil."

Hearing that Hei must no longer refer to him as "Blade", but directly call his real name.

Obito's body stiffened suddenly, and his heart sank.

"I am Madara-sama's will."

Heijue stared at Obito closely, and said in a low tone: "If you still can't make up your mind, we are willing to help you."

Bai Jue also echoed with a smile: "Hee hee, yes."

Although I don't understand Obito who killed Master and Mistress with his own hands, why he has been hesitant about this matter.

But Heijue doesn't care about Obito's thoughts.

If we say that when "Red Moon" first appeared, it only had a faint sense of foreboding.

So now the sudden appearance of the Hamura lineage made Heijue feel an unprecedented sense of crisis.

The people of Hamura's lineage have always assumed the responsibility of guarding the six seals and the golems of the heretics. It can be said that they were born to stand against him.

And from the meteorite that fell from the sky, it can be seen that Hamura's lineage also has a powerful power comparable to the eye of reincarnation.

They have now noticed the existence of Ninja World and Nagato.

If those guys are determined to descend from the moon to the ninja world, Nagato's current strength alone may not be able to solve them.

It can be said that it is imperative to strengthen the strength of the Akatsuki organization.

However, Nagato just wants to collect the nine-tailed beasts and get the power of the ten tails, so as to deter the ninja world and use fear and pain to achieve peace in the ninja world.

Therefore, agreeing with the Obito of the Moon's Eye Project is the key that Heijue really values.

The power of Obito and Nagato in Akatsuki's organization must be balanced.

"...Absolutely, now I am Uchiha Madara!"

With erratic eyes, Obito immediately pretended to be indifferent and said: "You just need to do your own thing well, and you don't need to remind me."

After all, without waiting for Hei Jue to respond, he continued to ask: "Have you found any traces of Orochimaru?"

Realizing that Obito was deliberately changing the subject, Hei Jue couldn't help feeling a little more dissatisfied in his heart.

This guy with soil is holding a chicken feather as an arrow, and he really regards himself as Uchiha Madara.

If not there is no more suitable candidate.

Hei Jue really didn't want to hand over the "Eye of the Moon" project to this immovable waste.


Orochimaru knows too much, and it must be resolved as soon as possible.

So Hei Jue could only suppress his dissatisfaction temporarily, and replied in a calm and low tone: "Oshemaru showed up in Tian Zhiguo not long ago, but Orochimaru disappeared in front of Bai Jue in a blink of an eye."

"Tian Country?"

Obito was startled for a moment, then frowned: "I heard that a small ninja village was established in that small country recently?"

"Well, a small ninja village called Yinnin Village was established with funding from the daimyo of Tian Zhiguo."

Jue nodded and said: "I guess Otonin Village has something to do with Orochimaru, but I don't know what he is planning, and where is the specific hiding place."

"Then continue the investigation."

Obito gave the order first, and then murmured irritably in a low voice: "It's really a slippery stinky snake. It has no ability, but the ability to save its life and escape is first-rate."

Hei Jue nodded at first, and then sarcastically said in his heart: "It's as if there is any difference between you and Orochimaru. '

Orochimaru at least has a brain that is smart enough.

And Obito really doesn't have any special skills other than running away.

'Well, it would be nice if there were more convenient chess pieces. Heijue sighed secretly again.

Obito didn't know what he was thinking, so he stood up and said, "Let's go, come with me to Konoha."

The appearance of Chi Yue and Tian Zhi Yu Zhong in the sky really caught him by surprise.

Moreover, now there are enemies that need the cooperation of the entire Akatsuki organization to deal with, which makes Obito's idea of ​​improving his strength even more urgent.

Without enough strength as a guarantee, the Moon's Eye project is impossible to talk about.

Although he still has some obstacles in his heart, he still cares more about the "Eye of the Moon" project.

As for Kakashi...

"Everyone will meet again in the perfect world of infinite monthly reading."

A flash of determination flashed in Obito's eyes.

Immediately, without waiting for Hei Jue to continue to say something.

Stepped into the distorted space vortex with one foot, and disappeared into the dark cave directly.


At the same time, in Konoha Village.

"Sasuke, don't be distracted, just concentrate!"

Next to a waterfall, Zilai also leaned against a tree lazily.

And Sasuke was sitting cross-legged on a stone slab in the tree with his eyes tightly closed.

It could be faintly seen that his body was trembling and shaking, and the irritability on his face became more and more obvious.

As Sasuke's body continued to tremble, the shaking range gradually increased...

next second.

Sasuke fell straight from the tree to the ground.

Then he stood up annoyed and patted the dust off his body.

Then, very skillfully, I wanted to continue jumping up the tree.

"Okay, let's do that for today."

Jilai also suddenly said: "If you continue like this, your mood will only become more and more irritable."

He didn't intend to let Sasuke practice immortal arts, he was just trying to sharpen Sasuke's impetuous temper.

After all, this is different from learning ninjutsu.

If the practice of immortality is too hasty, it may endanger the life of the immortal.


Sasuke's expression looked a little unwilling, but in the end he just lowered his head in response.

But after a while, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiraiya again.

"Jilaiye... teacher..."

Sasuke looked frustrated, and said unwillingly: "Do you think I might catch up with Naruto, am I really inferior compared to him?"

"Naruto has now completed the combination of wind attribute chakra's nature and form change, but I still can't master the nature change and form change of fire attribute chakra."

"I don't have the terrifying heart and physique of Naruto, and I can't even enter a state of meditation as he likes."

Naruto's usual training time is obviously less than half of his, but the practice progress of ninjutsu and senjutsu far exceeds him.

The distance between the two seems to be close, but in fact there is a boundless gap between them.

"Oh, what a troublesome brat."

Jiraiya stretched out his arms carelessly, and rubbed Sasuke's head vigorously.

"Damn it, old pervert! What are you doing!?"

Sasuke slapped his palm away angrily, and straightened his messy black hedgehog hair.

But when he raised his head, he couldn't help being stunned.

The eyes of the two met, and they happened to see the gentle look in Jiraiya's eyes.

"Hahaha, you are good enough now."

Jiraiya put his arms around Sasuke's neck with one arm on his hips, and said in a bold tone: "In my eyes, you are not bad at all, little devil."

"However, it is not a good thing to carry hatred all the time."

Looking at the tsundere kid with a frustrated face, Jiraiya's eyes were full of smiles.

During this period of practice training, he has basically figured out Sasuke's character.

——He is a brat with a hard mouth and a soft heart, with a cold face and a warm heart, who likes to pretend to be cool.

To Jiraiya, Naruto is perfect in every way, and perfection is somewhat unreal.

Compared with Naruto, Jiraiya actually prefers Sasuke with some minor flaws.

After all, even he, the Sannin, has a little quirk of his own.

And Sasuke, who was born in the Uchiha clan, his talent is indeed worthy of the name of genius.

Whether it is ninjutsu skills or actual combat experience, there is a visible improvement in each training.

Even if he is placed in the entire Uchiha clan, he can quickly stand out from it.

Unfortunately, his target is Naruto.

A perfect ninja who takes into account both heart and talent.

"Hey! If it were me, I guess it's not as good as Sasuke."

Zilai also sighed helplessly in the bottom of his heart.

Immediately looking at Sasuke, he said in a gentle voice: "It's not like you don't know what happened to Naruto when he was a child. He has been sharpening his character and heart since he was a child."

"If you want to catch up with his progress in fairy art practice, you will naturally have to spend more time honing your xinxing."

Sasuke looked up at Jiraiya, and asked with a little confusion in his eyes: "Then what should I do, I have obviously tried my best."

Although he didn't mention the problem, Jiraiya understood his troubles.

"...hatred, and revenge."

Ji Laiya was silent for a moment, and said with a distressed expression: "Even if I want you to give up hatred and revenge, you will definitely not listen to me."

After all, the entire Uchiha family was wiped out by his beloved elder brother.

Even if this kind of thing is placed on his Jiraiya, there is no guarantee that he can let it go easily.

"So my suggestion is that you can set a longer-term goal like Naruto did."

Ji Lai thought for a moment before asking, "For example, what are you going to do after revenge?"

What to do after revenge?
Sasuke couldn't help but froze.

Then, out of nowhere, he remembered what Naruto had been whispering in his ear all this time.

Before the brain could even react, the mouth responded immediately.

"I want to find a wife, accumulate property, have children, and revive the Uchiha."


The smile on Jiraiya's face froze suddenly, and he picked his ears in disbelief.

Find a wife, accumulate property, have children, revive the Uchiha?

Why is this process spit out from Sasuke's mouth so skillfully?

"Little devil, your ideal is too vulgar."

Jilai also supported his forehead, and then said in a playful tone, "You might as well just become Hokage, and whoever you want to be your wife at that time, isn't that all an easy thing?"

"If I remember correctly, Naruto also wants to become Hokage, maybe you can compare."

Naruto's ideal is to become a great ninja like the Fourth Hokage.

Isn't that equivalent to wanting to be Hokage?
Jiraiya equated the two as a matter of course.

"Become Hokage?"

Sasuke was silent for a moment, then replied sullenly: "I don't have such an idea yet."

He didn't even know what "Hokage" meant.

For him, "Hokage" is just a title.

"However, if I can defeat Naruto while reviving Uchiha, I can give it a try."

"Good good."

Zilai couldn't help laughing, and joked: "Then you have to work hard, teacher, I will support you."

He didn't take Sasuke's words to heart either, he just regarded it as a prank between children.

"Mr. Jiraiya." Sasuke said suddenly again.

"what happened?"

"Thank you."

"……a ha ha ha!"

Jiraiya was taken aback for a moment, then squatted down and brought his ear to Sasuke's side.

With a humble and unscrupulous look on his face, his tone was playful: "It's a bit windy, I didn't hear what you just said clearly?"

Sasuke's face turned red first, and then he pushed Jiraiya's head away expressionlessly.

"I take back what I said earlier."

"It's really touching that my lovely disciple would thank me." Zilai also chuckled.


Zilai also seemed to have thought of something suddenly, with an intriguing smile on his face: "I'm so tired from training today, how about letting Master take you to relax?"

Sasuke subconsciously nodded.

However, when looking at the slightly wretched smile on Jiraiya's face, I couldn't help feeling an ominous premonition in my heart.

It's just not waiting for him to repent.

Zi Lai also grabbed his arm, and said excitedly: "Let's go! Master will take you to see the world!"

 Ask for a wave of monthly tickets, recommended tickets.

  You can go to bed first, and it’s still [-] words when you wake up

(End of this chapter)

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