Chapter 194 Say hello to Kazekage-sama (two in one, ask for a monthly pass)

The sky gradually darkened, and the dark clouds overhead covered the already dim moonlight.

The river valley at the junction of the Land of Winds and the Land of Rivers was shrouded in darkness, and the biting cold wind seemed to herald the coming of thunderstorms.

Running around in this environment for a long time, the wind and sand blowing make ordinary people unable to open their eyes.

But for the sand ninjas living in the desert, this harsh climate will only make them stronger.

"Hurry up! We must arrive at that canyon before dawn!"

"Yes, Captain Mackey!"

A dozen or so figures, including Ma Ji, kept rushing around, wearing scratched forehead protectors that symbolized the status of rebellious ninja on their foreheads, and they all carried huge seal scrolls behind them.

This is the team responsible for mining tasks here in Sand Yin, and most of them are Jnin and Special Jnin who are good at Earth Dungeon.

Among the Shinobi in Hidden Sand Village, they can also be called an elite team.

They set off from the entrance of the village at noon and arrived at the border between the Kingdom of Sichuan and the Kingdom of Wind, and traveled for more than ten hours.

The northern part of the country of Sichuan is adjacent to the country of rain, and it is a small country that exists between the country of fire and the country of wind.

Although there is a certain amount of ninja power in the country, the real military strength is too weak, and there is no reputation in the ninja world.

In this scramble for mineral resources, the threat of the country of Chuan is almost negligible.

However, on the surface, it is still necessary to maintain peace and balance in the ninja world.

Therefore, Luo Sha, who is Fengying, and the second mining team stayed at the camp on the border of the Kingdom of Wind.

They will only come to support when their first mining team has a problem or sends a signal.

Maji could feel that Kazekage-sama valued him very much.

He had secretly made up his mind a long time ago that this important S-level task must be completed perfectly.

at this time.

A sand ninja who was following Maki suddenly came up.

"Maki Jonin, 500 meters away from the front, we detected dozens of chakra reactions." Sand Ninja whispered to Maji's ear with a strange expression on his face.

Markey frowned when he heard the words, and gestured silently.

Seeing this, the sand ninja team behind them scattered around without hesitation.

After a while, dozens of figures appeared indistinctly in the boundless wind and sand.

And the other party obviously also discovered a group of sand hidden ninjas in the first place.

Without the slightest hesitation, they took up the strange weapons in their hands and aimed at the Sand Hidden team on the opposite side.

next moment.

Bang bang bang! !

In the darkness, several flames exploded.

Projectiles pierced the air, sending out a terrifying howl, attacking Sand Hidden Ninja like a net.

The densely packed projectiles are very fast, and it is difficult for ordinary people to capture the trajectory.

But for a ninja with dynamic vision, the speed of these projectiles is like a turtle crawling.

What's more, the distance between the two is at least two 300 meters apart.

"Don't panic, maintain the formation!"

Ma Ji reminded with a serious face, and immediately raised his right hand without hesitation.

Chakra of the wind attribute protruded from the fingertips, slashing fiercely in front of him like a sharp blade.

"Wind Escape, Blade of Wind!"

Kakacha! !
With the crisp cracking sound, countless projectiles were directly shattered.

However, a tingling sensation suddenly came from the palm.

Seeing the splashing blood from the corner of the eye, Ma Kei's pupils shrank slightly.

On these projectiles...

"Be careful! Wind attribute Chakra!!" He roared in horror.

However, it was too late.


The reaction and eyesight of most sand hidden ninjas are obviously not as good as Maki.

Under the cover of this dense bullet, the bodies of several sand ninjas were pierced through, and they screamed shrillly.

The bullets flew one after another.

Mackey dodged and retreated around, while using the wind blade to smash the bullets.

Although he reacted quickly, because he was not used to it, it was very difficult to deal with it for the first time, and several wounds appeared on his body very quickly.

"Damn! Damn!!"

Ma Ji waved the knife in his hand, gritted his teeth and cursed secretly: "What kind of ninja tool is this? Who are these guys?!"

Although he was very angry in his heart, he quickly recovered.

"Calm down! The earth-dun ninja defends, and the wind-dun and fire-dun ninjas charge in!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Ji kicked his legs back and stepped back, seizing the opportunity to form seals with his hands.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The sand ninjas in the back row also maintained their formation, and at the same time began to form seals with both hands.

"Earth Escape Earth Formation Wall!"

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!!"

The whistling sound suddenly sounded, and Maji's fire escape ninjutsu turned into a sea of ​​manic flames.

The scorching flames engulfed the surroundings, raging towards the bullets and figures ahead.

The temperature of the air began to rise, the ground under his feet completely exploded, and countless dust was swept up.

And the dense bullets that came flying were blown away and melted in the wind and fire.

Ma Ji blocked Kunai in front of him, and stared at the several figures in front of him.

Wait until the smoke clears.

All I saw were figures in strange armor appearing in front of me.

They held guns and weapons with a sense of technology and metal texture in their hands.

However, compared with ordinary flintlock guns, the caliber of this kind of firearm is much larger, and the overall firearm is slightly bloated and delicate, giving people a cold and dangerous feeling.

Seeing the outfits of these people, Ma Ji was slightly taken aback at first.

After a moment, a sarcastic smile appeared.

"……I see."

Ma Ji said in a cold tone: "You should be the remnants of the Kingdom of the Sky, you really are a group of guys who don't remember to fight!"

Although the workmanship of those firearms and weapons looked more sophisticated, he still recognized the style and methods of these guys.

Every time a ninja world war breaks out, these small countries that are not even shown on the ninja world map are most likely to encounter the crisis of extinction.

For example, during the Second Ninja World War, Sky Country declared war on the Five Great Nations.

A country that came out of nowhere and wanted to challenge the status of the five great powers because of its ambition.

The ninjas of Sky Kingdom are good at manipulating Chakra, using a gun that can shoot Kunai to attack from a distance, and using a flying ninja to fly in the air.

Although it caused some small troubles to the five major countries at that time.


"I remember that the kingdom of sky has been wiped out by Konoha, but now it seems that there are still remnants alive."

Even though the Konoha Ninja who destroyed the country of the sky did not use any gun ninja on the ninja battlefield afterwards.

It is conceivable that the ninja tools of the kingdom of sky have long been lost.

So did these guys independently develop this kind of ninja, or did they get the legacy of the sky country?

Staring at the well-equipped "Kong Nin", Maji said in a joking tone, "You dare to take the initiative to attack us Sha Yin, are you really brave, or are you..."

As he spoke, the subject suddenly changed.

The tone was very cold: "Do you think Sa Yin is easier to bully than Konoha?!"

"Kong Nin" and Sand Ninja looked at each other from a distance, and the atmosphere between the two parties was very dignified and cold.

The scene also fell into a strange calm, only the soft sound of flames burning and wind and sand blowing.

next second.


All the "Kong Nin" put away their guns, and unanimously scattered and retreated.

All of them have firearms that combine the technology of Sky Country and Snow Country, and the firing speed and power of the bullets they shoot are already terrifying.

Coupled with the wind attribute chakra core installed in the gun...

The power of the bullet can easily penetrate the steel plate!
But they didn't think that these guns alone could deal with the elite ninjas in Hidden Sand Village.

The elite Jonin Maki of Hidden Sand Village had collected information before they came.

——Clear mind, steady personality, outstanding leadership ability.

If you wait for him to react, it will become a little tricky.

"Want to escape now? It's too late!"

Seeing this group of guys intending to retreat, Ma Ji ordered in a cold tone: "Chasing! Exterminate them all!"

After all, his feet condensed wind attribute chakra.

However, just when he was about to pursue him.

Hoo hoo hoo! !
Only a burst of wind could be heard.

Markey couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and subconsciously looked up.

I saw several black shadows like birds flying across the air at an extremely fast speed.

Mackey narrowed his eyes slightly.

After these shadows flew by, something fell from the sky.

And as those falling things got closer, those things became more and more clear in the field of vision.

That is……

Spherical objects exuding unstable chakra fluctuations.

Markie's expression changed instantly when he saw this.


He only had time to cry out.

Then, use the fastest printing speed in this life.

But the air attack came too suddenly.

As soon as Markey yelled out his words, he already saw the sphere in front of him.

At this moment, he felt that time had slowed down, and the fear of death welled up in his heart.

He just watched helplessly as the spherical object in front of him gradually exploded.

In the next second, the flash and bang erupted together.

"Earth Dungeon Earth Flowing Wall!!"

boom! ! !
The sea of ​​flames set off by the explosion engulfed everyone.

The screams of the sand ninjas were covered by the terrifying roar.

After a while.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the ground was covered with blood.

Dozens of sand ninjas were either dead or injured, and fell to the ground without exception.

Only a dilapidated stone wall remained, in front of which sheltered Machi who was curled up in it.

If he hadn't successfully used ninjutsu one second before the explosion, he might have lost his voice like everyone else.

"Damn! Damn! Forget about these guys' flying ninjas!"

These "kongnin" in front of them are completely different from the group of guys they met a few years ago!

The other party has been keeping a distance from them, and they are very clear about each other's strengths and weaknesses. They are definitely ninjas with rich combat experience.

Blood trickled down and slid into Markey's eyes.

I felt dizzy before my eyes, and the bones in my whole body seemed to be shattered.

But even so, he stood up with a distorted face.

"Must, we must notify Lord Kazekage..."

Before he had time to wipe the blood off his face, Markey took out the flare from his pocket.

But when it was about to launch.

However, the wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone's palm, which directly prevented the launch of the signal flare.


Mackey's body froze instantly.

He didn't notice that someone approached him silently.

Enduring the severe pain, he took out Kunai, turned around in a panic and stroked backwards.

The man directly resisted Kunai, and said in a low tone: "It's me, don't be nervous, Ma Ji will bear it."

The person who came was the Fourth Kazekage · Luosha.

Seeing that familiar face, Markey couldn't help being taken aback for a moment.

Immediately, with a look of shame on his face: "Master Kazekage, I..."

Markey wanted to die already.

He completely lost the face of Yinsha Village.

Boom boom boom! !

Luo Sha waved his arm lightly, and a large piece of gold dust was like a shield, blocking the explosion above his head.

"Don't talk about that yet."

He looked at Ma Ji with a serious expression, and said in a solemn tone: "What's going on, why are you in such a mess."

"Master Kazekage, those guys have fast-flying ninja tools, and launched a sneak attack on us from above, so we were caught by them without knowing it for a while."

Maji was full of resentment, and said angrily: "In addition to that kind of flying ninja, they also hold a strange firearm in their hands, which can continuously fire projectiles with wind attribute chakra. If you are not careful, you will be shot."

After all, the human body is made of flesh and blood, but the jnin and zhongnin have stronger comprehensive mobility than the jnin, and they are not easy to be shot by that kind of guns by using the instant body technique.

"In other words, did they rely on those ninja tools to catch you off guard?"

Luo Sha thought about it.

He had never heard of any faction possessing such a peculiar ninja tool.

But when it comes to flying ninja world...

During the Second Ninja World War, the Kingdom of Sky, which was once wiped out by Konoha, did some research on this aspect.

"I see."

Luo Sha patted Ma Ji on the shoulder: "Hide here first, wait until I get rid of them."

Looking at the extremely reliable Luo Sha, Ma Ji nodded heavily.

"Yes, Kazekage-sama."

As long as Kazekage-sama does it himself, any enemy can be easily dealt with!
However, just when the two of them were about to take action.

A chakra fluctuation that made them feel depressed suddenly appeared.

at the same time.

A figure exuding a terrifying aura appeared in "Kong Nin" at some point.

Wearing a red three-eyed cat face mask and a black coat.

"This distance seems to be just right."

Looking at the thick gold dust, Uchiha Izumi nodded with interest.

"Then, let's say hello to Kazekage-sama!"

After finishing speaking, his hands began to seal, and a large amount of chakra accumulated in his mouth.

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Spit out a surging sea of ​​flames from his mouth, and release them towards Luo Sha and the two in one breath.

A bright red fire appeared on the desert, directly illuminating the darkness of the entire world.

Seeing this, Luo Sha's pupils shrank, and he slapped his hands on the ground suddenly, and the chakra in his body surged wildly.

"Magnetic Dunge Sands Waves!"

A large amount of placer gold exuding golden light gathered, building a ten-meter-high solid wall in the air.

boom! !

The sudden and terrifying sea of ​​flames attacked the gold dust that was not inferior to the flames.

Huolang and Shahai attacked each other, and launched a contest of equal strength.

Seeing such an impactful scene, Luo Sha's indifferent and confident expression instantly dissipated, and his face became even more gloomy.

"Huo Dun, who is comparable to gold dust, who is this guy..."

(End of this chapter)

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