Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 224 You shouldn't let the sorrow of the world become the sorrow of these children

Chapter 224 You shouldn't let the sorrow of the world become the sorrow of these children (seeking a monthly ticket)

In the office belonging to Mianma, various sealed boxes are neatly and orderly filled, and these boxes are all kinds of precious books of the Uchiha clan and the Uzumaki clan.

Among them, books on the application of family ninjutsu and sealing techniques occupy the majority, such as chakra introduction, ninjutsu system, ninja combat application, psychic beast system, blood follower limit research, code interpretation, ninja experience and so on.

There is also a part of the secret cultural history of various ancient times that only ancient famous families such as Uchiha and Uzumaki will retain.

For Mianma, the books involved in the ninja world from ancient times to the present are all worth reading and studying.

After all, the culture of the previous life cannot be copied to this world. Institutions and regulations, people's livelihood security, quality education, etc. all need to be systematically sorted out and then innovated and adapted.

If you want to be a qualified ruler, you need both strength and wisdom.

Over time, Mian Ma also developed an interest in reading.

"Sure enough, it is very different from the previous life..."

Mian Ma sat at the desk, looked down at the scroll, and raised the corners of his mouth with interest.

As he lived in this world longer, he felt more and more differences between this world and his previous life.

Some strange phenomena in the ninja world actually have proper reasons.

The aborigines who were born and bred in the ninja world may be used to it, but Mianma will not have the illusion of "darkness under the lamp".

The human group is actually quite a xenophobic race, but the small group of ninjas holds most of the resources and rights. In fact, the ninjas are essentially different from ordinary people.

Even if the villagers in those ninja villages are not ninjas, most of them are descendants of a certain ninja, or their descendants may become ninjas.

The power of ninjas can be used not only for fighting, but also for construction and production, which will definitely increase their strength extremely quickly.

A ninja village that integrates military and civilian use will become a self-sufficient independent force, so there is no need to rely on nobles and ordinary people.

But the entire ninja world seems to be deliberately ignoring, and even suppressing ninja power for people's livelihood.

Just as a military organization in the form of a semi-mercenary, it accepts the restraint of the noble daimyo. The nobles and ninjas maintain a certain degree of balance of power, and they have to rely on each other while being afraid of each other.

How do ordinary people view ninjas?

——It’s just a profession, a group that can be hired with money.

"It seems that someone is subtly manipulating the overall direction of the ninja world behind the scenes." Mianma secretly sighed with twinkling eyes.

No wonder the Sages of the Six Paths also choose to "die of old age" and stay in their pure land to wait and see the ninja world.

Because human beings do not need gods who came to the world, even if the gods were human beings in the past.

"Ninja has always been a closed system based on blood ties, supplemented by master-student inheritance, and family and groups control power."

Mianma thought to himself, "If you want to popularize the extraordinary power of ninjas to the public, you must minimize the difference between the ninja army and ordinary people."

Not only in terms of ninjutsu and secret arts, but also in terms of identity recognition.

However, this kind of thing is not like ninjutsu and biological experiments. There is no one around him to talk to, so he can only slowly explore and observe by himself.

"It is not only necessary to carry out ideological and cultural education to the people of the country, but also to export economics and culture to other countries."

Snow Country has always attached great importance to the education of external and internal cultural export, and it is also steadily advancing.

As for opening the economic doors of countries...

Mian Ma looked at several flower pots on the balcony, where orange irises were planted.

This is the first iris variety he bred. Not only can it be propagated by seeds, but it can also bloom for several years.

And the purple-black iris that is on fire in the ninja world is just a garbage variety that has been cultivated many times. It can only be propagated through bulbs. It blooms once a year in April and May. The flowering period is only about ten days, and the roots will grow around September. Produce new bulbs.

Nowadays, there are more and more aristocrats seeking to buy irises, and people's admiration for irises is getting stronger and stronger.

But the flowering period of this kind of flower makes the storage time not long. Even if the price of iris is rising, those producers have no way to quickly increase the supply.

The supply cannot increase in time to meet the strong demand, which makes many people see the business opportunities.

More powerful speculators began to buy bulbs, reducing the supply by hoarding bulbs or monopolizing iris supply channels.

The "consumption stage" of buying and selling tulips directly is transitioning to the "investment stage" of buying and selling tulip bulbs.

A crisis called "economic bubble" is secretly emerging.

"However, the foam is not big enough now, and the bullets have to fly for a while."

Mian Ma shook his head, put down the secret in his hand, and looked at the unfolded scroll.

This scroll recorded the names of people written in blood one by one, and red bloody fingerprints were pressed under each name.

In addition to the people from the Uzumaki Clan, there are actually people from the Uchiha Clan, the Senju Clan, and the extinct Yuki Clan.

These are the top giants and ninjas in the ninja world.

Turning to the beginning of the contract scroll, there is a very familiar name.

— Wetbone Forest, Slug Fairy

This is a signed contract scroll from "Dampbones Forest".

"Compared with those historical secrets, this is a surprising enough discovery."

The spatial orientation of the two holy places of Longdi Cave and Mount Miaomu has already been obtained from Dou and Naruto.

I didn't expect that the scroll of the Wetbone Forest contract that I valued most would be obtained by coincidence.

Looking at the ninja names on the scroll, Mianma gathered his chakras in seals with both hands, and then slapped towards the last two names.

"Contract seal!"

As the chakra gushed out from the palm, the black spell was also revealed, and the color of the two names gradually became lighter, and finally disappeared completely on the scroll.

"Heh, in this way, the secrets of the three holy places can be revealed."

A smile appeared on his numb face, he bit his finger, and wanted to sign his name in the vacated vertical grid.

However, the movement of his hands suddenly stopped.

According to the records of the Uzumaki Clan, the slug fairy has a gentle and friendly personality.

The performance in the original work is also much better than that of White Snake and Toad.

Even if something really happened in the wet bone forest, he could return to the ninja world at any time by virtue of the psychic contract.

"No worries, maybe you can be bolder."

Thinking of this, Mian Ma stood up, took the contract scroll, and walked out of the office.


In a classroom of Snow City College.

"A person's own ninjutsu is activated by mobilizing the chakra in the body. Ordinary chakra is obtained by mixing one's own body energy and mental energy, and the senjutsu chakra is... Xiaoxue!"

On the podium, a teacher with red hair is giving a lecture.

However, when he saw a certain "His Royal Highness" who was fishing, he said helplessly, "The course of immortal art is very difficult. If you fail the exam, I will tell the third wife."

Hearing this, the other students couldn't help but let out a burst of good-natured laughter.

Fenghua Xiaoxue, who originally planned to pass the note, saw that she was found, and couldn't help blushing and begging for mercy: "Yes~Yes~Teacher Lu Ming~"

However, after just sitting upright for a while, he began to wander in class again.

Seeing this, Whirlpool Lu Ming had no choice but to shake his head helplessly.

Although as a competent teacher, he sincerely hopes that the monarch can be more serious in class, learn some useful knowledge, and become a wise queen as soon as possible.

But looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue's lack of interest, it can be known that she is not interested in fairy arts at all.

Thinking about it, this guy has no interest in learning ninjutsu, not to mention the boring basic theoretical knowledge of xianjutsu.

Forget it.

Anyway, I didn't expect this His Highness to learn fairy arts, as long as he could pass the theory test, it would be enough for him to do business.

"Really, why do you still want to learn fairy arts?"

Fenghua Xiaoxue propped her chin lazily, and turned her head to look at Yakumo on the left: "Yakumo, you listen so seriously, can you really understand?"


"Little Yakumo~"

Even the peaceful Yakumo is harassed by her.

"Xiaoxue, you almost failed the exam last time."

"If you fail the exam a week later, you'll be nagged by those old men."

After finishing speaking, he stopped talking to Xiaoxue and continued to listen to the class seriously.

This is the knowledge of immortal arts. Although it is only an entry-level basic theory, it cannot be learned elsewhere.

As a monarch, Fenghua Xiaoxue can be willful, but as a member of the Kurama clan, she cannot be willful.

Seeing that Yakumo ignored her, Xiaoxue also felt bored.


She lowered her head and broke her fingers, sighed and muttered, "There are still three days before the holiday, time flies so slowly."

The days of becoming a monarch were not as beautiful as she imagined.

Although she has become the monarch of Snow Country, Xiaoxue is still a child, and she still doesn't know how to manage the country.

Therefore, the current Snow Country is managed by Mrs. Asama and his group of ministers.

And Xiaoxue still needs to go through systematic study and complete all the courses like ordinary children. Only after graduation can she manage Snow Country better.

However, when her father Fenghua Zaoxue was still there, the courses in the palace were only two hours a day.

Now I have to spend nine hours a day on textbooks, and I still have time to deal with government affairs after I go back.

For her who is extroverted and impetuous by nature and has poor ninja talent, such days are like hell.

Xiaoxue sighed secretly in her heart: "Suddenly, I feel that filming is not so tiring."

But for the next work, I still have to wait for Ji Lai Ye to submit it.

I really want Elder Sister Quan to lock Jiraiya in a small black room and write manuscripts day and night!

Just when Fenghua Xiaoxue was mourning in her heart, there was only one wall separating the corridor.

"Master San Taifu, and...Master Mianma?"

The teacher standing outside the classroom was startled when he saw the faces of the two visitors, especially when he saw the person in front of Mrs. Asama.

"Sorry, I didn't receive the message..."

Mian Ma waved her hand indifferently: "Don't worry, I'm just here to hang around... You continue to be busy with your business, there is no need to care about me."

"Yes, if you need anything, please let me know." The teacher from the Uzumaki clan said respectfully.

Mianma turned around and looked at the immature faces in the classroom.

What Konoha has always called "the will of fire" is that where the leaves dance, the fire is also endless.

Its meaning is that the fire will always shine on the village, and then let the new leaves sprout, which is the eager expectation of the older generation for the healthy growth of the young.

At the beginning, Senju Zhuma hoped that generations of Konoha ninjas could pass on this will of inheritance forever.

Although I don't quite agree with the empty part, Mian Ma has to admit that this sentence makes sense.

Anyway, adults will grow old and die, and those children are the hope of the future.

Mianma, who has lived in the ninja world for many years, is very aware of the strong and weak parts of this world.

Although the people of the five major countries are suffering, they can barely survive.

But small countries such as the Land of Rain and the Land of Grass are really full of hell on earth.

Killing, robbing, exchanging children for food, moral degradation...

The aristocrats only cared about protecting themselves, they didn't care about the life and death of the people at all, and turned a blind eye to the occurrence of these tragedies.

The sins caused by the adults make the weaker bear all the pain.

And the weakest are these children.

There are too many suffering children in this world, too many to be accurately calculated by numbers.

They bear the pain and hatred of the war, and when they grow up, they continue to pass this hatred to the next generation, and then continue on endlessly.

If such a thing cannot be resolved, even if Menma rules the ninja world with power, it will only result in a chaotic world.

Therefore, Mian Ma proposed the "Street Children Shelter Plan".

For him, the development of children is a priority.

After a long silence, Mian Ma asked, "Are all the orphans here?"


The third husband paused, sighed and said, "Except for those children who have died."

He nodded expressionlessly.

Most of the children in this elite class are children of refugees or orphans who lost their parents.

However, even this group of children with tragic backgrounds has already mastered the most basic three body skills, and their physical strength and chakra control ability have also improved significantly.

Among them, the outstanding ones have even begun to learn higher-level advanced subjects such as battlefield tracking, disguised escape, and stealth assassination.

You must know that in the ninja schools of the Five Great Ninja Villages, the most basic three-body skills are not assessed until graduation. Students of this kind of commoner background are almost cannon fodder that are not even counted as ninja.

If you go to the battlefield, you can only explore the path and consume the enemy's ninja and chakra.

Mian Ma would not allow the children of Snow Country to become victims.

"Third wife, you said..."

Mianma asked in a complicated tone: "When these children grow up, will they rely on their own strength to take revenge on the world?"

The third husband was stunned for a moment, then thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "My lord, to be honest, I don't know."

"But all I know is that we're doing the right thing, and I believe what you said."

"The sorrow of the world should not be the sorrow of these children."


Mian Ma sighed deeply: "I hope so."

It could be right, it could be wrong.

In the eyes of others, he may be a very kind person who has implemented many policies that benefit the people's livelihood in the Snow Country.

However, Mian Ma knew very well.

I am by no means a pacifist.

He just wants to make the world the way he wants it to be.

Changing this boring world is his real purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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