Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 226 Slug Immortal: I Don't Like Toad Pills

Chapter 226 Slug Immortal: I Don't Like Toad Pills
"Three Holy Lands, Wet Bone Forest?"

Only then did Xiao Xianglin see that the scroll in his hand was filled with various names.

Senju, Uzumaki, Kaguya, Uchiha...

"From now on, you will become my disciple, carrying Chi Yue's will."

"The first thing is to learn the art of psychics. For you now, it should be a trivial matter."

Feeling the warm palm above her head, a smile slowly appeared on Xiao Xianglin's face, and she nodded heavily: "Well, no problem, teacher."

She was naturally grateful for Mianma's trust, and knowing that this was the teacher's first test for herself, she found a place to start learning without hesitation.

Looking at Xianglin's small back, Mianma is undoubtedly very satisfied with her serious and hardworking attitude.

He intervened when Xianglin was most vulnerable and in a critical situation, and saved her and her mother's fate with the image of an extremely powerful savior.

That's why Minma decided to form a true master-student relationship with Xianglin, rather than Konoha's master-student relationship between the upper and lower ninjas who lead the team.

Uzumaki Karin's talents in other aspects are still uncertain, but her talents in medical ninjutsu are definitely worthy of recognition.

However, the normal step-by-step practice method is not suitable for a gifted child like Xianglin, and Mianma is not satisfied with training her to be a logistical support ninja.

Mianma needs an all-round nanny who can fight, fight, support, and surpass Tsunade.

In the training plan he prepared for Xianglin, in addition to the sealing technique that can exert the vortex physique, there are also core abilities similar to xianjutsu and medical ninjutsu, and he will also teach his beliefs and ideals when necessary.

Of course, if Xiao Xianglin still has the talent for scientific research, Mian Ma would not mind training Xianglin as his assistant.

As for how much Xianglin can learn from him, it depends on her own efforts and understanding.

After all, the integration and integration of fairy art and medical ninjutsu is something that even Mianma himself has never tried.


Fenghua Xiaoxue widened her eyes and shook his arm, pursed her lips and said in a resentful tone: "I want to go to the Holy Land too, I want to go too."

Mian Ma came back to her senses, and poked her forehead angrily: "You haven't even mastered medical ninjutsu, and you haven't memorized the basic theoretical knowledge of fairy arts, right? Even if you go to the Holy Land, it's useless?"

If you want to successfully practice xianjutsu, you must at least reach the level of chakra control of "medical ninjutsu", otherwise you will not be able to control and suppress even xianjutsu chakra.


Xiaoxue rubbed her forehead, and said a little dejectedly: "I really want to master it as soon as possible, but I can't help dozing off when I'm in class."

Mianma let out a laugh, and said in a calm and gentle manner: "Mr. Lu Ming is too used to you. After so long, he only learned the Three Body Art. It's too early for you to practice Immortal Art."

After that, he turned his head and looked at Mrs. Asama: "I may be away for a while, and I will trouble you next time."

"My lord, you don't have to be so polite. Everything is proceeding steadily according to our plan."

Mrs. Asama smiled slightly, and said confidently: "Even if there is an unexpected mistake, the adults in Chiyue can easily settle it."

In this war-torn ninja world, only strength is the foundation that can guarantee everything.

As for the "Red Moon" organization above the Snow Country, its members are all ninjas who can match Five Kages, and may even have surpassed Five Kages.

This is the source of confidence for Mitsuo Asama.

"Go ahead and do it."

Mian Ma was about to go outside to perform psychic skills and summon the slugs from the Wetbone Forest.

"Master Mianma, please wait a moment, I almost forgot..."

As if suddenly remembering something, Mrs. Asama sighed helplessly: "According to the statistical table submitted by Dean Nonoyu, there are more than [-] children who took refuge with their parents in the Snow Country due to the war, and most of them are He lost his parents and his home because of the war, and he has a serious illness with trauma."

"However, the popularization of psychological trauma medical treatment is not optimistic. Even if the hospital sends additional staff to work around the clock to take care of the patients, the number of patients has not decreased, but has increased."

Mianma paused, frowned and said, "Can the medical department still squeeze out more people?"

Children are undoubtedly the most vulnerable group and also the group most easily neglected.

Witnessed the tragedy of the collapse of the world, human beings killed each other, hatred, grief, and blood were engraved on the hearts of these children.

Their hearts suffered more than their physical wounds.

It is conceivable what these children will look like when they grow up if they are not corrected.

Growing up in this kind of hell, the best result is to become a person like Nagato, but more people will become bastards who participate in various actions such as destruction, killing, and robbery.

If we don’t spend time to solve this problem now, the problem will pile up in the future, and the price we will pay will be ten times or a hundred times.

However, even Konoha, which has a relatively complete medical system, has not noticed the seriousness of this problem, and has not established a special psychological treatment project for children.

Snow Country's mental health care system should be regarded as the first of its kind in the entire ninja world.

"...No one can be squeezed out for the time being."

The third husband thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "If the focus is shifted to mental health care, the manpower of the other departments will become scarce."

The implementation of this system is troublesome, not because of insufficient funds and medical facilities, but because of insufficient number of doctors.

Although a lot of money has been invested in the medical industry, it takes a long time to train a qualified psychotherapist, and it is not something that can be done in two or three years.

At present, only Snow City, the capital of the Snow Country, and some big cities have set up such departments. The rest of the villages and towns and some cities with small populations cannot be directly covered due to the shortage of manpower.

However, being able to do this, Mian Ma was temporarily satisfied.

It took Tsunade several years to implement medical reform in Konoha, but it was barely successful.

However, it is the medical system of the entire Snow Country that needs to be reformed.

"It's okay, there's no rush for this kind of thing. I'm here today to solve this problem."

Mian Ma let out a breath, and looked at Xiao Xianglin in the distance: "The laboratory has recently developed a new type of sedative drug, which has been clinically tested, and the effect is very good. It should be able to relieve the pressure here a little."

"This time I will take Fragrant Phosphorus to the Wetbone Forest, and I will also persuade the Slug Immortal to help the Snow Country. As long as I survive these few years, the situation will improve a lot."

The third husband also breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and said: "Master Mianma is still as reliable as ever, so we can let go and do it."

After confirming that Mrs. Santa had nothing else to say, Mian Ma immediately brought Xianglin to the laboratory.

"You can sign the contract now, and I will guide you how to do it."

"I see."

Xiao Xianglin nodded firmly, then bit her finger, signed her name in the vacated vertical grid without hesitation, pressed the bloody fingerprint, and signed the contract with the slug in the Wetbone Forest.

Mian Ma followed and signed the contract on it.

Just when the two were about to stand up.

White smoke suddenly appeared around the body, and when the smoke dissipated, the figures of the two had disappeared in place.

After a moment of trance.

Mian Ma opened his eyes again, and in front of him was a pale forest shrouded in thick fog.

"This is... wet bone forest?"

Mianma forcibly suppressed the body's inhalation of natural energy, took a deep breath and said with emotion: "It's really a worthy man under the reputation."

The woods are filled with a moist and refreshing atmosphere, and the thick white mist blocks the sight in front of the eyes, but the mist contains natural energy everywhere, and the density is so thick that it is surprising that the face is numb.

Mian Ma continued to look around.

As far as the eye can see, there are rows of trees piercing into the sky, surrounded by bare white trees.

It seems that it should be a very ordinary tree in the ninja world, but under the influence of rich natural energy for many years, it has grown into a material as tough as steel.

There are many palm-sized slugs climbing on the white trees, which look like snails without shells, with viscous transparent liquid still secreting from their mouthparts, flowing down the branches.

"Tsk, it seems that we have been discovered."

Seeing this, Mian Ma helplessly spread his hands: "Slug Immortal, why don't you come out and meet? We don't have any malicious intentions."

The wet bone forest, one of the three holy places, is completely different from the other two holy places.

This space in Wetbone Forest is the domain of the slug fairy, and all the small slugs are clones of it.

In other words, every corner of this forest is covered with the eyes and ears of the slug fairy, and nothing can be hidden from it.

This should be regarded as a means of protection.

However, Mian Ma didn't feel any malice, so the slug fairy should not attack him.

The slug fairy in Wetbone Forest should be very gentle and not keen on killing.

Among the three holy places, he is also the immortal who respects humans the most.

Therefore, it would be best to be able to negotiate peace.

As a terrifying shock came from the ground, a huge black shadow loomed in the thick fog.

A look of timidity flashed in Xiao Xianglin's eyes, and she subconsciously approached Mian Ma.

When she looked up, an unconcealable shock gradually appeared on her face.

so big!

What a big slug!

Although Mian Ma was a little shocked in his heart, his face remained calm all the time.

The size of this slug is terrifying, just crawling can cause the earth to shake, the effect is comparable to A-level earth escape ninjutsu.

Moreover, in the numb perception, the natural energy and chakra reserves of this slug are as boundless as the sea.

But this is probably not the limit of the slug fairy, because there are still many small slugs crawling around.

Thankfully no malice was perceived.

Otherwise, Mian Ma would turn around and run away without hesitation.

at this time.

A huge slug poked its head out of the mist and looked at the two people the size of a stone.

"Little girl, your eyes are very offensive."

Slug is a very gentle and peaceful female voice, which makes the timid Xiao Xianglin relax.

But what the slug said made her a little embarrassed.

"Are you the slug fairy?"

Xiao Xianglin leaned over slightly and apologized: "I'm very sorry, I was the one to be rude."

"Immortal is the name given to me by humans, but I am just a slug who knows how to use immortality. I hope you can call me a living slug."

The live slug said softly and kindly: "Then, can you tell me your names?"

Xianglin replied cautiously: "I, my name is Whirlpool Xianglin."

Hearing this, the live slug looked at the face again, and there was a touch of respect in the gentle voice: "I can feel your powerful strength, can you introduce yourself?"

Seemingly worried, Huolu continued to add: "Don't worry, I have a different way of dealing with humans who intrude into the Holy Land."

"Although the passage to the Wet Bone Forest is in a hidden place in the ninja world, occasionally there are very lucky humans who inadvertently break into the Wet Bone Forest."

"If it is for the pursuit of power, I will sign a contract with it. If it is an ordinary person who accidentally broke in, I will erase his memory and send it to the outside world. I will not take the initiative to hurt these lost people who accidentally broke into the Wetbone Forest people."

"That is to say, I respect your choice. You can choose to satisfy my curiosity, but you can also choose to keep it a secret. I don't have any ill feeling towards you."

Now, the face numb can be seen clearly.

According to the live slug, the psychic beasts in the three holy places have their own ways of dealing with the contractors.

If it were changed to the Longdi Cave, which is also one of the three holy places, the lost people would be lured directly into the cave, where they would swallow their stomachs and enjoy a delicious meal.

Therefore, the psychic beasts in Longdi Cave are a group of lawless, cruel and bloodthirsty snakes.

Even the toads in Mount Miaomu who have different personalities and are friendly to humans will not sign a contract with ninjas without authorization. Only when their strength is recognized by them can they be respected and recognized.

But this slug fairy named Huolu seems to be very humble and polite.

Even if the other party is a weak human child, he will give the other party the greatest respect.

However, sitting in the holy land of the wet bone forest and having the name of the slug fairy, the strength may be the strongest among the three great fairy.

It's this kind of personality.

This is really...

This is really both surprising and admirable.

"You can call me Tianzhi Yuzhong, of course, my real name is Uzumaki Mianma."

Mian Ma smiled, and said in a gentle tone: "From then on, I'll just call you by your first name, huh."


The voice of the live slug was still soft, but there was a touch of surprise in his tone: "So you are the Heavenly Ochu, please rest assured, although I have also signed a contract with Konoha's Tsunade-sama, I promise not to reveal your identity to her." true identity."

Hearing this, Mianma couldn't help being stunned, and asked curiously: "Is this really all right? If I'm not wrong, that old toad in Miaomu Mountain shouldn't have said anything nice about me, right?"

After all, the Great Toad Immortal has the ability to predict the future, so there is no reason why he can't see the huge impact of facial numbness on the future.

And the three holy places communicate with each other, so the living scorpion should also know his existence.

"...This is a misunderstanding by Master Mianma."

After a moment of silence, Huozhu said truthfully: "The relationship between the three holy places is actually not as close as you imagined, and I don't like Hamamaru's domineering character."

 Update tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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