Chapter 235 This is... an absolute trick!
In the Daming Mansion of the Land of Fire.

There are two old men sitting facing each other, and in front of them is an endgame chessboard.

After pondering for a long time, the luxuriously dressed old man pinched the chess piece and slowly landed on the top of the chessboard.

"...Oh, I've already lost."

Looking at the chessboard that has become a foregone conclusion, Shimura Danzo sighed, and then flattered with a smile: "Your Excellency Daimyo's chess skills are really getting more and more sophisticated. It must be difficult for the entire ninja world to find someone stronger than you."

"Oh, there are only two of us here now, Danzo, what are you doing so politely, it's just a bad move."

Yuan Xiuqi covered the lower half of his face with a folding fan.

Although the words that came out of his mouth were full of humility, his smiling eyes showed that he liked Danzo's flattery very much.

"Haha, I haven't played chess with Xiu Qi for a long time."

Danzo was no longer polite, and changed his address to friends.

These two old men are Konoha advisor Shimura Danzo and fire country daimyo Enshuki.

"Yeah, before I was in power, you, Ri Zhan, Menyan, Xiaochun, Jing..."

Yuan Xiuqi's old face also showed a look of nostalgia for the past: "The years are really unforgiving, we are all old."

The age difference between him and the five apprentices of Senshou Banjian is not too big, and it was thanks to him that Sarutobi Hiruzen was able to secure the position of Hokage.

But Danzo shook his head when he heard the words.

"Jing has already left, and Men Yan, Xiao Chun, and Ri Zhan are indeed getting old."

There was a little stubbornness in his tone, and he smiled lightly: "But you and I are not old yet."

"Hizan wants to imitate Tomona-sensei, but unfortunately he is not brave enough, he can't control the darkness of Konoha, let alone my darkness."

In front of this old friend, he has no hypocrisy at all.

Yuan Xiuqi was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and replied meaningfully: "The chess game is open and transparent, even if you cut off your own arm, as long as you are good at calculating, you can still win."

"But on the battlefield, the enemy's methods are unknown, and cutting off one's arm is courting death."

"I can beat you at chess, but I will lose badly in war."

"It is true that Sun Zhan cannot control your darkness, but don't forget, there is also His Excellency Hashirama's granddaughter."

Of course he understood what Danzo meant.

Both inside and out of these words, he was surrendering to himself, hoping that he would help him become the Fifth Hokage.

However, Tsunade Hime is still there, and she must not move.

Since the last ninja world war, although the situation in various countries is stable on the surface, as a daimyo, he is very clear that the countries are only friendly on the surface, and they have been accumulating strength in secret.

The numerous invasions in the ninja world have revealed the fact that the undercurrent is surging, tearing away the fig leaf of superficial peace.

The Land of Fire is now surrounded by wolves, looking around and watching, Konoha is now green and yellow, and is in a difficult situation. Tsunade's combat power as a Sannin is indispensable in the war.

"Tsunade, heh..."

Danzo's face fluctuated a little, but it turned into a sneer in an instant.

And like he said, his ambition is not old yet.

Compared to his plan, the outcome on the chessboard is just to pass the time.

"Let's not talk about that, this time I brought you two gifts."

With that said, Danzo took out a scroll and opened it in front of Yuan Xiuqi.


Looking at the pot of flowers exuding a peculiar fragrance, Yuan Xiuqi put away his folding fan and took a sharp breath.

The scent of flowers makes people relax, and the restlessness and gloom in their hearts dissipate a little.

"This is... an iris? It's still the original variety that hasn't been diluted?"

Yuan Xiuqi leaned closer to the iris and looked at it carefully, with an unconcealable love on his face.

Among the nobles, there are "Four Elegances": fighting incense, tasting tea, flower arrangement, and hanging paintings. Among them, incense is the first, followed by flower arrangement.

The iris flower has both "fragrance" and "flower way" at the same time. It can adjust the breath, clear the nose, open the mind, and reconcile the body and mind in an invisible way, which can eliminate inner tension and irritability.

Not only the viewing effect is directly full, but also the special effect of tranquility.

The significance of the iris among the nobility today has long surpassed its practical value, and is gradually becoming a status symbol.

"This is a good thing. I can't even buy it. Where did you get it?"

Hearing this, Danzo patted his beard, smiled triumphantly and said, "Xiu Qi, I won't hide it from you, this was given to me by Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."

The Nine-Tails Pillar?
That Uzumaki Naruto who perfectly mastered the power of Nine Tails?
No wonder this guy Danzo is confident of seeking the position of Five Generations of Hokage.

Is it because you have already gained the trust and allegiance of Nine-Tails Jinchuriki?
Yuan Xiuqi's heart was full of surprise and bewilderment.

This was indeed beyond his expectation.

In Yuan Xiuqi's impression, Danzo is a lunatic.

Not only will others be used as tools, even his own family, even himself, can be used as tools that can be used.

It is precisely because of Danzo's determination and will that so many ninjas are attracted by the darkness of Danzo, choose to join the inhuman root organization, and are willing to sacrifice their lives for Danzo's ideals.

Even that "genocide weasel" is the same.

This is what Yuan Xiuqi admires most about Danzo.

"Danzo, you are really amazing, it seems that I underestimated you."

Yuan Xiuqi half covered his face with a folding fan, squinted his eyes and said, "I'm a little curious about what your second gift is now."

After a while, the two came to the secret laboratory of the Land of Fire together.

The place is filled with the mixed smell of disinfectant, and the experimenters in white coats are all busy with their work with their heads down.

In the almost sealed cabin, a man in civilian clothes was restrained on the operating table, his eyes full of panic.

But his paralyzed body was already powerless to resist, and he could only falter and make unintelligible sounds.

Across a transparent glass cabin, several root ninjas wearing masks stood behind Danzo and Yuan Xiuqi.

Danzo glanced at Yuan Xiuqi beside him from the corner of his eye.

Judging from this advanced secret laboratory.

Yuan Xiuqi is also an old man, and he still has the ambition to dominate the ninja world in his heart.

Turning his head away, Danzo ordered with a blank face: "Let's start."

The experimenter standing next to the operating table nodded.

Immediately, he picked up a dark red pill and stuffed it into the man's mouth.

About ten seconds later, the man's body suddenly trembled.


Under Yuan Xiuqi's curious gaze.

Saliva flowed from the corner of the man's mouth, his pupils turned scarlet, and the whites of his eyes were gradually stained with black.

A scarlet chakra gushed out from the man's body, gradually turning into a chakra coat covering his body.

Seeing such a physical change in the man, Yuan Xiuqi put down the paper fan with a "snap", showing an expression of horror that could not be concealed.

"This is?!"

At this moment, an evil and violent wave emanated from the man's body.

"Hiss! Roar!!"

With a crazy and wanton roar, there was no human reason in his eyes, only the strong desire to kill like a beast.

Under the man's violent struggle, the restraining straps made an overwhelmed tearing sound.

The experimenters all showed expressions of fear, subconsciously wanting to escape.

Danzo said calmly: "Hai."

A root ninja standing behind him immediately formed a mudra, and aligned his index fingers and thumbs in front of him, aiming at the man.

"The art of passing the heart to the body!"

The frantically struggling man stopped for an instant.

But that insane consciousness made "Hai" break out in a cold sweat, trying his best to suppress the man's instinct.

"Ho-ho! Ho--"

Not long after, the man suddenly opened his eyes wide, blood sprayed out from the seven orifices, and he lost his voice motionless.

Danzo looked down at the timer in his hand, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Two minutes and nine seconds, 13 seconds longer than my previous test in Konoha."

Yuan Xiuqi also recovered from the horror at this moment.

Looking at the man in such a miserable state of death, a trace of surprise and disgust flashed in his eyes.

Half-covered his face and turned his head, looking at Danzo next to him: "That pill, could it be..."

"Well, it's just what you think."

Danzo nodded with a smile, and said, "That's a drug that was initially developed based on the Nine-Tails Chakra, and now the second phase of the experiment has begun."

The second stage requires more civilians and ninjas to conduct human experiments.

But ninja subjects are very valuable research resources, and Danzo could not find so many ninja resources in peacetime.

Therefore, the support and investment of Yuan Xiuqi was needed.

"Two minutes and nine seconds, this is a forbidden drug that will kill you."

Yuan Xiuqi understood what he meant, and asked straight to the point: "I can support your research, but can the side effects of the medicine be suppressed? How long will it take to complete the goal of the second stage?"

In the prison of the Land of Fire, there are as many materials as you want.

Whether it is an ordinary person or a wandering ninja, everything is there.

As for how many people died and what kind of people died, he didn't care as the great name of Fire Nation.

The most valuable thing in this world is human life, and the least valuable thing is also human life.

With just one order, countless people can be exposed to the wilderness.

This is the power of being a daimyo of the five great powers.

He only cares about how beneficial this enhanced drug can bring him.

"After all, it is a tailed beast Chakra. For ordinary people, there will definitely be side effects, such as chakra running wild and internal organs being corroded..."

Danzo replied in a deep voice: "However, as the progress of the experiment progresses, the side effects will become smaller and smaller. With sufficient resources, the second phase will only take one year."

"How much money do you need?"

Danzo paused slightly, and said word by word: "The initial investment is the sum of Konoha's military expenditure for one year."

Yuan Xiuqi's hand holding the folding fan couldn't help trembling.

"Hiss! So many?"

"If you want to quickly complete the target, the investment in the early stage is only a lot. As for the later stage, it is an astronomical figure, and only money is not enough, and more researchers are needed."

Danzo's expression was also a little embarrassed.

The money involved here is indeed too huge.

Because of the impact of the ninja world war, Konoha still needs to cultivate and live, all of which are invested in cultivating ninja strength and pensions, so there is no money left to develop other industries.

Otherwise, Danzo would not be willing to hand over this technology to the daimyo.

Yuan Xiuqi supported his forehead, hesitated for a moment, and asked again: "What will happen if you give it to a ninja?"

"It depends on the physical fitness of the user. You can take one jonin at a time. The boost effect is very good. It can be immune to some illusions, and the side effects are not fatal. It can be relieved within 24 hours."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuqi let out a breath slowly, and looked at Danzang deeply.

"You really gave me a great gift."

"Temporarily put a part of it into use among warriors, and you can tell me if you need any research here."

Danzo nodded without hesitation.

"Okay! I will keep up with the development progress."

The roots are too weak, the leaves are too weak, and even the Fire Nation is too weak.

The current international situation is extremely complicated. For the current Konoha, it is necessary to use all means to become stronger.

This is the purpose of Danzo's development of this banned drug.

At this moment, the door of the laboratory was pushed open.

Those were three people of different shapes shrouded in black robes, they walked in and knelt down in front of Yuan Xiuqi.

"My lord."

Only then did Danzo see the gray-haired brown-eyed boy behind them, he frowned and asked doubtfully, "Are these people..."

Yuan Xiuqi half covered his face, stretched out his hand and explained: "Hema, one of the original Twelve Ninja Guardians, has now become my personal guard. Those three are Hema's subordinates. Not fate."

"As for this child..."

After a pause, Yuan Xiuqi smiled and narrowed his eyes: "His body has been transplanted with the remaining part of the Nine-Tails Chakra, and has become a fake Nine-Tails Jinchuriki."


At the same time, an underground arena in the Land of Waves.

Two ninjas, a man and a woman, are fighting with all their strength, and various physical techniques, ninjutsu, and illusions are constantly attacking each other.

The auditorium was already filled with well-dressed spectators. While they were cheering and cheering, they also showed cruel and cruel smiles on their faces.

And in the highest compartment of the arena.

Thick glass walls cut off the noise from outside.

Sitting on the sofa was a tall, handsome middle-aged man wearing sunglasses.

"Your Excellency, Kurama Yunhai, you haven't been here for a long time, and you want to take something good from me this time?"

The man's tone was a little oily, and he looked at the sea of ​​clouds sitting opposite him.

The director of the Robin Group, a member of the Pommel Horse Clan, is also a subordinate of the Lord Master.

I heard that Kurama Yunhai is over 50 years old now, and it was the master who made him look so young.

"Don't say that, Oyajou En."

Yun Hai took out a scroll and gave it to him, and said with a smile: "This time, I'm following the order of the Lord, and I'm here to give you a fat job."

Miyashiroyan took the scroll with a wry smile, and sighed secretly.

The last time Kurama Yunhai came to the Kingdom of Waves to look for him in person, he took away Feng Xin who had the blood succession limit · Tai Dun, and Qian Nao who had the blood succession limit · blood dragon eye.

Afterwards, many good seedlings were poached from his arena one after another, and there were many ninjas with blood inheritance limits.

"Okay, okay, let me see what the fat job is..."

After spreading out the scroll, Oyajo Yan was a little careless at first.

But as time passed, the more he looked down, the more serious his face became.

For a while, a needle could be heard in the box.

After reading it, Miyashiroyan stood up abruptly.

He let out a deep breath, showing a helpless smile.

"This is a desperate plan... If I follow the plan above..."

The kind that can't be washed even if it is whitewashed, after this round, I don't know how many businessmen and nobles will have their families ruined.

"The guy who came up with this it a devil?"

 A little late, still digging
(End of this chapter)

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