Naruto: The whirlpool noodles that came out of Infinite Tsukiyomi

Chapter 255 The Collision of Two Kinds of Darkness

Chapter 255 The Collision of Two Darknesses

boom! ! !
After the purple-black mist drilled into Huang Quan's open chest cavity, the tangible fluctuations centered on the magma, and a scorching blood-colored beam of light shot up into the sky instantly.

This blood-colored beam of light completely enveloped Huang Quan, and began to spread and fluctuate in all directions, forming a huge blood-colored halo, and even continuously spread towards the surroundings, completely covering the entire mountain range!
"Hoo ho ho--"

The roar of the monster pierced the eardrums, and the ancient monster bathed in the brilliance of the magma and completely woke up.

The ground gradually began to collapse, the magma was constantly rolling, and a distorted figure loomed in the beam of light.

"Hey! Destroy everything!"

The voices of Huang Quan and Yaoyao overlapped, appearing extremely strange and crazy: "Witch, open your eyes and watch, I will destroy everything you value!!"

"Looking at the end of the ninja world being destroyed by the end, watching those who protect you continue to die!!"

The sprite's body completely struggled out of the sealed portal, and its terrifying figure was tens of meters high, almost reaching the top of the cave.

Countless pitch-black tentacles are like a group of demons, constantly extending upwards and surrounding them, twisting and surging their bodies.

Hitting the nearby mountain wall, the rocks collapsed and shattered, and the magma continued to rise underground, creating a scene like the end of the world.

"How, how is this possible?"

Maitreya's delicate face was full of disbelief, "How could the seal be cracked so easily?!"

"Nothing is impossible."

Mian Ma calmly looked at the scene in front of him, and said in a calm tone: "Huang Quan learned a lot from Orochimaru, and integrated the soul and body of the monster into the body like a tailed beast."

That is to say, Huang Quan is now the "Spirit of God".

The seal against sprites is of no use to them.

at this time.

Several ferocious snake heads instantly locked onto the face standing in front of him, and the blood-red snake pupils were full of destructive and greedy desires.


The moment the roar fell, a black light and shadow flashed in front of Mian Ma.

A pitch-black snake head opened its bloody mouth wide, and the fishy smell spread, wanting to swallow it into its mouth and tear it into pieces.

The ferocious sharp teeth are exposed in front of the numb face, and a sense of sensibility surrounds the surroundings.

"Mouth stinks."

With a numb face and expressionless face, he punched the snake's head with a backhand.

That small fist collided with the huge snake's head.

boom! !

This seemingly self-indulgent punch directly turned the snake's head into smoke and dissipated in front of the numb face.

Mian Ma also noticed the particularity of sprites.

It seems more capable of unlimited recovery.

Even if its head is hammered, it can still be automatically restored.

A snake head collapsed, and several snake heads grew again immediately, as if it was impossible for this sprite to be defeated.

"It seems to be the fusion of soul and body, but in essence, is it more like a twisted chakra?"

This is a characteristic that other tailed orcs do not have.

The numb face is slightly cold, while dodging the attack, it is still analyzing the "characteristics" of the sprite.

"Haha, small human beings, have you realized the power of monsters?"

As if he decided that he couldn't kill himself with facial numbness, the spooky voice became wild again.

"You'll never beat me!"

"Combining the power of monsters and humans, I am now an immortal existence!"

Maitreya, who was standing behind the numb face, subconsciously clenched his fists when he heard the words.

"I will not let you succeed! Even at the cost of my life, I will seal you up again!"

Seeing that there was nothing she could do about the numb face, she immediately made up her mind, and her eyes became firm.

Finally, he looked at Xiao Ziyuan reluctantly, and then ran towards the direction of the sealing technique.

As the maiden of the kingdom of ghosts, from the moment she was born, she shouldered the mission of sealing monsters.

This is her duty, and it is also her destiny, she will never be allowed to break out!

However, before she could run a few steps, she was grabbed by the arm.

"I said, let me come."

"Mian, Master Mianma..."

Maitreya turned his head to look at Mianma behind him, and then looked blankly at "Mianma" in front.

"This is the technique of shadow clone?"

A shadow clone can hold back the sprites and Huang Quan?

"Why are you so surprised?" Mianma said with a slight smile, "Although he can't kill him temporarily, he can't hurt me, so he can only barely survive."

Hearing this, Maitreya tentatively asked: "Have you got the information you want?"

"Yeah." Mian Ma nodded slightly, "But the final seal will require Zi Yuan to cooperate with me."

The witch's sealing technique is still effective for Huang Quan, who is now a spooky Jinchuriki.

However, most of the current priestess' power has been transferred to Xiao Ziyuan.

Shion has not been able to grasp that formidable power.

Therefore, Mian Ma needs to weaken Huang Quan first, and then he will lead the seal.

"Is that so?"

Hearing this, Mitreya also heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, she couldn't stop Huang Quan at this moment.

As sprites said, Miko is undoubtedly pathetic.

Every time a war breaks out, the power of sprites will increase dramatically and the difficulty of sealing will increase.

The ninja world has gone through several ninja world wars, and the large amount of negative energy produced has been swallowed up by sprites, and its power exceeds that of the past.

On the contrary, she, who has lost her strength due to childbirth, has nothing to do about it.

Huang Quan can easily defeat her weak spirit body with just one blow.

"Let me and Xiao Ziyuan handle the following matters."

Mianma turned to look at Maitreya, and said calmly, "You should come into my body first and wait patiently for a while."

Maitreya also knew very well that she couldn't help at the moment, so she nodded and threw her spiritual body into the numb mental space.

Although the spirit body cannot stay permanently in the ninja world, it can at least keep the spirit body for a long period of time and will not collapse too quickly.

At the same time, Huang Quan also noticed the situation here.

"Bug! How dare you play me!!"

Realizing that he had been fighting with the shadow clone for a long time, several snake heads began to besiege the numb-faced shadow clone frantically.

After defeating more than a dozen snake heads in a row, the shadow clone finally completed its mission and dissipated into the air in the form of smoke.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!"

Huang Quan became more and more crazy, the roar shook the cave, the rock wall collapsed, and magma surged up.

"I will tear you apart, so that your soul will not enter the pure land!!"

The next moment, a dark torrent spurted out from the magma.

The world was instantly dyed black, spreading towards the location where Mianma and Ziyuan were located.

"Haha, spread it, invade it!"

Huang Quan roared and laughed wildly: "In front of my strength, you can only become nourishment to improve me!"

The fiery desire to destroy the world, and the twisted and crazy pleasure, are released with laughter.

He had never been so happy and dripping.

"Ni, Nissan..."

Xiao Ziyuan hid behind Mianma, timidly clutching the hem of his clothes.

"Don't be afraid." Mian Ma smiled slightly and patted her head.

Immediately, he took a step forward and stood in front of her.

Huang Quan roared with his increasingly unhuman voice: "Death!!!"

In an instant, countless tentacles like giant pythons swayed out of the magma, and suddenly pulled towards the position where the facial numbness was.

Not only was it fast, but it was also extremely powerful. The several-foot-thick stone wall was easily crushed like a block of tofu!

"Roar!!" Huang Quan's bloody eyes flashed raging joy, as if he expected to be ravaged and trampled under his own power.

Mianma slowly raised his head, looking at the huge sprite, three scarlet gouyu slowly emerged.

During the crazy rotation, it turned into strange lines and condensed in it.

I saw, with a calm expression on his face, he said softly:


The moment the voice fell, the terrifying Chakra rose from his body.

In the black-red eyes, the strange lines turned slightly, and the chakra instantly condensed into a dazzling golden light like the sun, illuminating the entire space.

Ka Ka Ka Ka! !
The substantive Chakra bones spread under Mima's feet, turning into a bone-like giant and wrapping Mima and Ziyuan in it.

With the continuous burst of pupil power, golden flesh and blood formed on the shape of the skeleton, and was finally completely surrounded by the chakra armor.

Susanohu, the fourth form!
The golden giant stood on the ground holding a red gold long sword in the shape of a horizontal knife.

That is an existence that is not inferior to sprites at all!

Mianma stood inside the giant's body, like an emperor looking down on the world, watching the roaring attack, his eyes gleaming with oppression and majesty!

"Chi Xiao."

He held his palms empty, slowly raised his arms, and said in a deep voice, "Cut!"

The next moment, the red gold long sword in the giant's hand ignited flames.

A bright and gorgeous sword light cut straight down from top to bottom!

Pfft! !
When the sword swung down, there was no obstacle encountered in the process of slashing, as if cutting through a cloud of air, several tentacles were easily chopped into pieces.

Purple-black mist burst out from the tentacles' wounds!

The entire land was marked with a terrifying deep sword mark!


The sprite's painful cry resounded through the heavens and the earth, making people's eardrums ache.

This sound is like a sharp stone passing through the glass, causing that hoarse and unpleasant noise.

The attack with terrifying power directly touched Huang Quan's soul.

"How could you hurt me?!"

The purple snake's head was shaking in the air, with unavoidable panic in its distorted posture.

Panic and fear spread in Huang Quan's heart.

This guy's attack can actually hurt him!
"Jumping Clown."

With calm eyes, he stared at the sprite in front of him, feeling the power brought by Susanoo.

He has now been able to directly activate Susanoo's fourth form, but this will also bring him a certain amount of pressure.

Even if he just maintains this state, he can still feel the dryness in his eyes.

Fortunately, Mianma has a fairy body and can maintain Susano for a long time without suffering the side effect of vision loss.

Of course, it won't work for too long.

The immortal body of this level is still limited after all.

The next moment, the horizontal knife in Susanoo's hand was raised again, and the ignited red gold flame merged with the long sword.

The fear that burns the soul surrounds the monster's heart.

That eye, the cursed race?
Why can't he see the slightest darkness in his eyes? !

Only, the red gold flame that burns the soul!

"No, it's impossible!"

Huang Quan's hoarse and strange voice overlapped, and he roared: "In this world, except for the witch, there is no power that can hurt me!"

Countless snake bodies writhed frantically, completely falling into a state of madness.

As a combination of negative emotions, it can clearly perceive the power of those flames.

"nothing is impossible."

The golden flames reflected on his numbed cheeks, making him even more divine.

"Before you were sealed here, you didn't realize how terrifying the outside world was. When you were at the bottom of the well, you would only think that the sky was only as big as the mouth of the well."

"It's just that you live in a small ghost country and are rampant. Your narrow cognition makes you have no idea how vast the outside world is."

"In your opinion, witches are your worst enemies. They have special powers and can seal you up."

"As everyone knows, there are countless existences in this world that can destroy you!"

After the words fell, Mianma swung his arm down again, and the burning horizontal knife in Susano's hand slashed straight down!

boom! ! !
The huge red-golden blade cut off several heads directly, and instantly turned into a purple-black mist and drifted away.

The red golden flame wrapped around it completely devoured its body in an instant!
The sprites, which are mainly alienated chakra, have become the best fuel for the flame.

"Ah! Not enough! Not enough hahahaha!!"

The sprite's body was shrouded in red gold fire, and it screamed in pain: "I am an immortal existence! As long as the darkness still exists, I will never perish!!"

Enduring the pain of the flames burning his soul, the sprite turned his attention to Mianma again, and countless pitch-black tentacles began to stretch out at a high speed, breaking through the blockage of the magma.

"Kill him!!"

"Just kill him and the flames will go out!!"

The voices of sprites and Huang Quan split, and there was fear hidden in the endless madness.

Just kill this despicable human being and everything will return to the way it was.

Face numb, he watched a large number of pitch-black tentacles flying towards him, and stood there calmly without any movement, just calmly watching the sprite in the magma, showing its ridiculous and pitiful struggling posture.

Pooh!Puff puff puff! !

Before the countless outstretched tentacles touched Susanoo's body, the red-gold giant sword swept away, cutting off the dark tentacles protruding from the magma without leaving a single one.

Blue-black blood splashed out, and countless tentacles fell powerlessly into the magma.

The magma rolled into a raging wave and splashed everywhere.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!" The sprite's howl became even more horrific.

Although these attacks couldn't deal a fatal blow to it, it was an even more humiliating and irritating expression for the arrogant Huang Quan and the sprites.

It can no longer maintain the calm and calm it should have.

Humans who were supposed to be ants!

It should be me who is in sight of victory!

Why did it end up in this situation? !

In the midst of extreme anger and humiliation, the sprite's dark chakra is hot and frantic like magma bathing the body.

It's just that its madness, in Mian Ma's eyes, is nothing more than a desperate beast, making its final struggle in front of the hunter.

"Spirits, like witches, are pathetic existences."

Mian Ma looked at the sprite and Huang Quan who were constantly splitting and merging, and felt a little pity for this monster sprite.

This darkness is the terrifying force accumulated by the ninja world from ancient times to the present.

The sprites feed on this, and naturally they also have to bear the impact of the negative emotions on their minds.

It's hard to imagine even the face numbness, how much darkness a monster like sprites bears.

And in this case, the ghost can actually guarantee that his sanity will not be annihilated.

Mianma once carried the darkness of the entire [Monthly Reading World].

All kinds of dark words kept lingering in his ears, trying to pull him into the boundless darkness, trying to make him lose his sanity as a human being.

To some extent, it has some similarities with the current sprites.

However, pity is pity, and Mianma has no intention of being merciful.

"Is pupil power alone not enough?"

Mianma showed a thoughtful expression: "It seems that we still need to use the power of witches."

The nature of sprites is very special.

He is a collection of negative emotions, all kinds of desires, and he feeds on them.

The power of sprites does not lie in its huge chakra and its infinitely regenerated body.

Its most essential darkness is the monster's greatest weapon.

For humans, it is a deadly virus that is difficult to resist.

Even Mianma, who has developed immunity to negative spirits, can only force his will not to be distorted by this darkness.

But it is different from the darkness of the world that he once carried. This darkness comes from thousands of human beings. It is like a gangrene attached to the bone. It is very difficult to get rid of it when it enters the body.

Constantly in the void of the heart, affecting the numb mind.

Unless it is like Dou, using the fairy mode to temporarily let himself abandon Chakra and cut off the channel of dark resonance with sprites.


"Is it the darkness of human beings?" Mianma's eyes flickered coldly, "Ants are just ants, and even gathering together can't change this fact."

For Mian Ma, who had once endured the darkness of the entire world, there was nothing in this world that would shake his faith.

Human beings are human beings.

It is because there are too many things that cannot be let go, and too many desires that need to be released.

This will become the nourishment of the sprites and be captured by the sprites.

As long as there is still a trace of darkness in the hearts of human beings, sprites can be resurrected again.

The only power that can restrain it is the sacred power of "Witch".

However, the time he had been in contact with the "Witch" was too short after all, and he was unable to enter the "state" similar to the fairy mode by himself.

"In that case."

Looking at the "darkness" that wanted to invade Susano's interior like a gangrene, the numb face slowly moved forward until it completely broke away from Susano's body.

"Come and try."

Mian Ma opened her arms and said with a slight smile: "See if you plunged me into the boundless darkness, or I swallowed your darkness!"

In an instant, those surging darkness froze.

Then, like a hyena smelling food, it turned into a dark torrent, rushing towards the face at a terrifying speed.

It's like a vast ocean covering the sky, and the fishy smell spreads, as if you are in a slaughterhouse!
Different from tentacles and heads, it is the most essential darkness of sprites, and it is the crystallization product of its condensed darkness.

"Hahahaha, arrogant human beings!!"

The sprite, whose whole body was covered in flames, let out a mocking laugh: "You will pay a heavy price for your stupid decision!"

That is the power of darkness that humans cannot stop!
Human beings are a combination of selfishness and greedy desires. In front of its most essential dark crystallization, no matter how powerful a ninja is, there will be a gap in his heart.

The darkness and desires in the depths of human hearts are the blows of despair that human beings cannot avoid!
No matter who it is, it will be corroded by this darkness!


Mianma's body was shrouded in darkness, and Xiao Shion suddenly became confused, and subconsciously wanted to get out of Susanoo and walk towards Mianma.

However, she has not taken three steps.


In the purple-black mist, came a numb and indifferent voice: "Be obedient, hide behind me."

Hearing that voice that didn't seem to be losing her mind, Xiao Ziyuan's face showed joy.

But it quickly turned to worry again.


"Believe me!"

Between the numb words, there is no doubt about it.

At this time, the numb figure was completely swallowed by the darkness.

The looming pitch-black figure began to distort, unable to maintain the appearance of a human being.

On the hot rock wall, a black shadow of an extremely ferocious monster was projected.

However, when sprites' scarlet eyes flashed with joy.

In the hazy purple-black mist.

A pair of eyes eroded by the strange darkness slowly opened.

An ominous and evil aura burst out from that figure's body without interruption!

As if aware of something, the sprite's scarlet pupils shrank suddenly.

"how is this possible!?"

His dark power...was fading away?

Do not!
It is that human being who is encroaching on its darkness!
"Roar!! You are not human at all! You are a monster through and through!!" There was an unconcealable panic in the angry roar of the sprite.

This monster in human skin intends to turn its darkness into its own nourishment!

It, a monster sprite, has been reduced to human food! !

But among human beings, how could there be a peculiar existence that can withstand the terrifying darkness? !
"No no no! You monster! You can't do that, it's my power, mine!!"

Neither Huangquan nor sprites could accept that the power they were proud of would be plundered by others.

The sprite immediately took action, and more tentacles shot out from the magma, rushing towards the body shrouded in purple-black mist.

In any case, this monster cannot be allowed to take away its unique power.

But just when the countless tentacles were about to touch the face numb.

next moment.

boom! ! !
The darkness covering the body suddenly expanded, and the evil black-purple light and shadow bloomed wantonly in the cave!

A non-human arm covered with black and purple scales slowly stretched out from the mist.

In an understatement, he grabbed the tip of a tentacle.

The sprite's body hidden under the magma gradually felt abnormal.

Its body moved involuntarily, and its main body began to move out of the magma.

"Wait!! What kind of power is this?!"

——That monster actually wanted to pull its body out of the magma? !
Don't wait for it to react.

"Give me... get out!!!"

A hoarse and terrifying low-pitched drinking sound came, and Yaoyao instantly felt a more terrifying force coming.


Accompanied by an unbearably painful roar, the sprite's body instantly protruded from the magma.

And sprites finally saw the true face of that "monster".

It was a humanoid monster covered in purple-black dragon scales, as if wearing purple-black armor, with a pair of black wings on the back!

(End of this chapter)

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