Chapter 102

On Qingyun Ferry, the murder is not guilty?
Ning Guogong was stunned on the spot, as if mourning his concubine.

For a time, I was full of tears and full of sorrow.

"Zer, my Ze'er!"

On Qingyun Ferry, murder is not guilty.

This is the rule that has been established since the establishment of Qingyun Zhengdu.

He must be the younger generation on Qing Yundu, and he broke the rules by attacking Yang Gang.

As for Jiang Jiang and Bai Suqing...

They can make Doumu Shenjun take action, because both of them are fairyland seeds.The 'Heavenly Knife' who was slashed by Yang Gang, a real gangster, did not have this kind of treatment.

The only one to blame is Ning Youze himself, why did he make such a show.

Why do you want to curry favor with that Bai Suqing, that woman who has been engaged to her for a long time?

It's only to blame... Ning Youze couldn't distinguish the situation.

After Song Youque in the previous life was cut off from his fate, Ning You in this life has merged with the previous life with his true self, and he has disappeared from everyone.

How does it compare with Yang Gang?

Ning Guogong looked at Yang Gang with hatred.

But as long as he is on Qingyun Ferry, he can't do anything to Yang Gang.


Ning Guogong suddenly turned his head and looked at Qingyun Terrace where the Yang Mansion was located.

"Mrs. Yang, my son's life. Your Yang family... must give me an explanation today!"

"Duke Ning..."

The faces of everyone in the Yang residence were gloomy.

Surprised, surprised, and even angrily looking at Yang Gang in the sky.

"How dare he..."

"How dare he... bring such trouble to my Yang family!"

"Such a rebellious son, Mrs. Tai, why don't you hand him over to Duke Ning's government for disposal!"

Everyone in the Yang family was in sympathy, and they all spoke out to severely punish Yang Gang.

Even though he has shown extraordinary talent, they only have jealousy in their hearts, thinking that it was caused by a sneak attack.

Beside the lonely cliff.

Yang Bo, who was ignored by no one, was paralyzed on the ground. Frightened by Yang Gang, he dazedly wiped the blood splashed on his face by Ning Youze, and put his palm in front of his eyes.

Look at the scarlet blood.

Suddenly, the crotch became hot, and I couldn't stop the urge to urinate.

"Mother, he wants to kill me! He really wants to kill me! Hurry up, hand him over to Ningguo Duke's mansion, kill him..." There was a cry like a pig being killed.

Right now.

Yang Gang suddenly coughed twice.

He opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, as if he had already suffered internal injuries from the 'reluctant' sneak attack just now, and Duke Ning's sword.

This time.

It further confirmed the thoughts of everyone in the Yang family.

Only the few experts in the fairyland present showed strange expressions in their eyes.From their eyes, it can be seen that Yang Gang was not injured at all.Killing one is better than slaughtering chickens and dogs.

He is definitely a talented and beautiful jade who has suddenly emerged in this year's Qingyun competition.

What is the purpose of doing this?
Yang Gang was coughing up blood.

Yang Fu was silent.

Duke Ning's mansion was roaring.

The onlookers watched this farce and couldn't help but be very interested.

People who looked at the Yang Mansion and Ningguo Mansion showed disdain.

Qingyun Zhengdu has a life and death, and Ning Guogong's son was killed, so he used this extraterrestrial trick to put pressure on the Yang family, which is really embarrassing.

And Yang's silence is even more contemptible.

Such an excellent son-in-law was born in the clan, and he was not cared for. I heard that he was sent out to be a lowly son-in-law, whose life and death were controlled by others like a slave.

Now facing pressure from Ningguo government.

I dare not speak even more.

The more silent they are, the more unbearable everyone's opinion of the Yang family will be.

This Zhongyonghou Mansion has been rich for five generations... In this generation, how many women and children have been reduced to the head of the household?
ZTE is really hopeless!
"Mother..." Mrs. Lin looked at the silent Mrs. Tai with a questioning expression.

The noise around him grew louder.

Mrs. Tai looked hesitant.

If Yang Gang is really pushed out, the face of the Yang family today will be completely lost.

But if not...

Thinking of this, Mrs. Tai felt more resentment towards Yang Gang in her heart.

This pervert!

And at this time.

Qingyun crossed to Yang Gang's side, but there was a figure approaching.It was a white dragon with horny head and jade-like horns.

He walked up to Yang Gang and stood with his hands behind his back.

Indifferently said: "Are you Su Qing's nephew?"

Yang Gang glanced at Ao Bai and ignored him.

"Heh~~ I have some skills, but I'm too arrogant."

Ao Bai sneered, and said disdainfully: "How about letting me meet you? I won't bully you either, I will also suppress the realm in the real realm and fight with you."

Yang Gang stared at the people in the Yang Mansion below, completely ignoring Ao Bai's voice.


"On Qingyundu, each depends on his ability. You are afraid of war in your heart, but you can't help yourself!" Ao Bai's expression turned cold.

'What a licking dog. '

Yang Gang's eyes turned slightly cold, but he still ignored him.

He just stared at the people in the Yang Mansion below.

Just then.

On the Yangfu Qingyun platform.

"Mother." Mrs. Lin leaned against Mrs. Tai's ear, and whispered: "Why don't we choose a compromise method and take the initiative to break off the relationship with Yang Gang. From then on, what he did has nothing to do with my Yang family. Nothing to do."


"Cut off the relationship..." Mrs. Tai lowered her head, her face full of fatigue.

He couldn't help but rubbed the center of his eyebrows, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Sighing, "I'm tired, everything... I'll leave it to you to decide."


Lin's face immediately beamed with joy.

She immediately stood up and looked directly at Yang Gang in the air.

He said coldly: "Mr. Ning, everyone, please listen to me. In fact, Yang Gang's household registration was registered in Weiyuan Duke's mansion half a year ago. On the family tree of Yang's mansion, Yang Gang has long since disappeared. name."

"Since Yang Gang has already married, he should have moved out of Yang's mansion long ago. It was only because of some reason that Mrs. Tai was kind enough to keep him at home temporarily. Who would have thought that this rebellious son would never change after repeated admonitions and made such a heinous mistake!"

"What he did should have nothing to do with my Yang family."

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed.

Looking at the eyes of everyone in the Yang family, they became more and more disdainful.

The mistress of the Yang residence...

Aren't you afraid that these words will completely break the backbone of the Yang family's children?

Such an outstanding disciple of his family, although he is much worse than Bai Suqing, Jiang Jiang and others, is still very good.

It was fine if she didn't protect her, but because she was afraid of the power of Duke Ning's mansion, she pushed Yang Gang out in full view.

In front of the world's three mountains and five mountains, the world's fairy mountains, dragons, phoenixes, and demons, all the dignitaries in the holy capital have lost face!

Yang Gang looked cold and listened silently.

The corner of the mouth quietly evoked a sneer.

Based on his understanding of these women in the Yang Mansion, sure enough... nothing exceeded his expectations.


Lin's words are not finished yet, and the more explosive ones are yet to come.

"This is just one of them."


"Seventeen years ago, that crazy woman came to Yang's Mansion with this rebellious son in her arms. It was the old master who was weak-hearted and took them in. So, the mother and son are actually..."

"At all, I am not counted as a member of the Yang family!"

A sound fell, like a thunderbolt in the hearts of everyone.


"This Yang Gang... isn't actually the blood of the Yang family?"

"Shocking secret!"

"But why... the Zhongyonghou Yang Tianyou actually took her as a concubine and included her child in the family tree?"

"This doesn't make sense at all! Could it be that Yang Gang is the illegitimate son of Marquis Zhongyong outside?"

"The bastard's counterattack, the master's family is invincible... It's too mysterious at this time!"

On Qingyun Mountain, the fire of gossip in everyone's hearts couldn't help burning blazingly.

And Yang Gang on Qingyun Ferry.

Turning around suddenly, she stared at Lin who spoke.

An awe-inspiring murderous intent suddenly surged like a river.

It made her tremble.

"So... I'm not the blood of the Yang family at all?" Yang Gang muttered to himself.

Staring at Lin's figure, his eyes seemed to be bloodshot.

Killing intent surged.

Since they are not of the same bloodline...

Since there is no kinship...

So all these years, they have made things difficult and bullied, and why?
Just because their mother and son... were born humble?
I really want to kill someone!

(End of this chapter)

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