I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 104 The Jade Emperor has not arrived with a celestial talisman, Qingyun Xianlu...for whom?

Chapter 104 The Jade Emperor hasn't arrived with a celestial talisman, who opens the Qingyun Fairy Road?

The aura on the other party's body was completely different from that of ordinary Yuanshen masters.

This Dragon King of Xingyue Island is actually a strong man in the fairyland!
Is that life force in one hand the power of creation of heaven and earth from the powerhouse in the fairyland?
It's amazing!

The long knife in Yang Gang's hand is eager to try.

Whether it was in the Northern Land Spear Demon, or the Guanghan Immortal Prison, or in the Three Lives and Three Worlds in the Book of Stones, he had never seen the power of a fairyland powerhouse.

At this moment.

He really wanted to try... With his strength, he could defeat Tian Dao, that pervert favored by fate.

Can you cut a wonderland?
The Dragon King put Ao Bai in his sleeve, turned his head and looked at Yang Gang coldly.

"Okay! What a soulful sword! At such a young age, you actually use your true energy to condense your soul. Your satin bone foundation...is very good! This sword...I need at least a hundred years of cultivation before I can recast my son's body."

"You said, I want to..."

"I want you a hammer!" Suddenly there was a violent shout.

Everyone only heard a sound coming from the void above.

next moment.

A black-bearded strong man who looked like a savage emerged from the clouds.

I saw the bowl in the left hand holding a dragon inside.

He glared at the Golden Robe Dragon King angrily: "Donghai Xiaolong, dare to pretend to be in front of me, Old Chen?"

Say it.

Put the bowl in his hand straight upside down on his head.


The endless air of water, like the gathering of the four seas, directly rolled up the dragon clan of Xingyue Island and threw them towards the direction of the East China Sea.

"Speak the truth, let the old dragon with the stumped horns in your house come and talk to me, Old Chen! If you can't explain it, then give it to me..."


With a shout of anger, the mountains and rivers were shaken.

Qingyun Pavilion fairyland power - Chen Yushi.Catch the dragon with one move, showing the spirit of the fairy dynasty.

The long knife in Yang Gang's hand, which was eager to try, suddenly froze.

These people...why do they keep getting in their way?

Yang Gang smiled helplessly.

He couldn't help but sighed, feeling rather regretful in his heart.

of course.

He's not an asshole either.

In this competition for Qingyun crossing, if outsiders want to kill a young man with the ambition of Qingyun, they have to ask the immortals of the Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty above!

Then next.

Qingyun Road, the battle of Tianjiao... you will not interfere with me, will you?

Yang Gang always kept in mind that there is still a second shackle on his head, which has not been opened yet.

The identity of the son-in-law of the White House!
The Dragon King of Xingyue Island was slapped away.

Let the world know that there is a huge gap between fairyland and fairyland.

Ordinary fairyland can only live on the Qingyun Terrace, but the real power has already been invited to the top of Qingyun Mountain.

a time.

The world's heroes on the Qingyun River calmed down the shock in their hearts one after another, and continued to fight for the Qingyun River.

But the people on the Qingyun Terrace couldn't calm down the surprise in their hearts.

Master Feng Boyu, a great power in the immortal dynasty, actually made a move because of Yang Gang?
"He... isn't he in the real world?"

"Why did you condense the primordial spirit?"

Everyone was puzzled.

At this time, Yang Gang did not participate in the Qingyun struggle, but looked curiously at the essence of Qingyun entwined around his fingertips.

Inhale silently.

Feeling the changes in his body, his expression changed slightly.

"This Qingyun Qi...is a bit interesting."

At this time, the Albatron Terrace below.

Everyone is also discussing his miracles.

It was still the knowledgeable middle-aged Taoist who dominated the discourse.

He said: "The realm of Yang Gang is indeed the real realm. The ray of primordial spirit power in the poor Taoist temple has not been trained by the three evils of the primordial spirit, there is no aura of extreme yin and pure yang, it is full of mixed world gas."

"However, although it is far less pure than the real primordial spirit, it is as vast as the sea, like a great sun."

"The reason for this may be that his cultivation method is special, and the foundation is very solid, and he has gathered a ray of primordial power in advance. Pindao estimates that his cultivation method, which lays the foundation for the realm of body training, may have surpassed the ordinary three dragons and three dragons. The top foundation building method of elephant power."

"That must be one, an extraordinary skill."

"This son... has such understanding and perseverance in the real world, he is really gifted! His future achievements may... be as good as that of Bai Suqing and Jiang Jiang."

Everyone was shocked.

Not inferior to Bai Suqing and Jiang Jiang?Isn't that... there is also a possibility of stepping into the fairyland?

It was... such a high evaluation!
Those idiots in the Yang Mansion, who did they reject?
Everyone in the Yang family was flogged again.

Immediately, someone worried and said: "Unfortunately, he has already offended the Ningguo Mansion and the Dragon King of Xingyue Island. That is a strong man in the fairyland..."

"In the future... I'm afraid it will be difficult!"

At this time, Yang Gang just finished absorbing a wisp of Qingyun Qi and opened his eyes.

Just heard this sentence.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help sneering.

He has already become enmity with Duke Ning's mansion, and in the Great Zhou Dynasty, how could he be afraid of a little dragon that lives outside the Eastern Sea?

Big deal... Find a child in the future, help him awaken his past life, and train him well.

Let him slaughter your dragon clan of the four seas on my behalf in the future!

Since then.

Yang Gang suddenly turned his gaze to Qingyunduhe, looking at the wisps of light Qingyun Qi, and at the heavenly talents from all over the nine heavens and ten places struggling to compete for Qingyun Qi.

There was a fighting spirit between his brows.

The wisp of Qingyun Qi essence was inhaled into the body just now.

He found that his physical body and primordial spirit had acquired a little purity.

This is something that ordinary pills and food supplements cannot do!

Only the very treasured treasures of heaven and earth can make up for it.

This kind of effect is for people like Bai Suqing and Jiang Jiang who have no shortage of resources since childhood and are extremely loved.

Not much of a natural benefit.

For them, perhaps only the innate youthful energy obtained after defeating the mythical Tianjiao on the road to Qingyun is the real benefit.

But for Yang Gang.

His recent cultivation base has improved too fast, and his body seems to be riddled with holes.It looks powerful, but in fact there are many small loopholes.

Such a loophole may not be considered a weakness for now.

But when he is promoted to the fairyland in the future and realizes the way of perfection, it will be a point that needs to be made up for sooner or later.

Originally, Yang Gang didn't care much about Qingyun Qi.

Because there is no Qingyun order, he can also challenge Qingyun's road.This is absolute confidence in one's own abilities.

And now...he had changed his mind.

Qingyun fights for crossing, if you don't fight, why don't you just go there in vain?
Now that Ning Youze and Ao Bai have been beheaded, there is no shortage of more.

Well today.

Let him, a good-for-nothing bastard, shine once again!

"Burning the sky!"

One style is like the sun falling, the knife light comparable to Tianwei, cuts through the sky, and goes straight into the blue clouds.

Yang Gang, who had been silent for a long time, shot again.

He actually directly entered the tens of thousands of Tianjiao who were vying for Qingyun Qi.

The river of blue clouds, fight for crossing, fight for crossing.

It's like the long life, the world of mortals.If you don't fight, it will be in vain.

It's been a waste of time!
"Kill!" The frenzied sword light cut through all obstacles like a bamboo.

Yang Gang fell into the crowd, like a tiger into a herd of sheep, the ordinary Realm is not his enemy at all.

As soon as the saber qi was touched, he fell down, and if he resisted, he would die.

Even if someone from Yuanshen Realm met Yang Gang and faced the terrifying sword light, they did not dare to beat him up.

They are all the pride of the heavens everywhere, and at this critical moment, they are under the watchful eyes of everyone.

If you win, you will only win a Realm Realm.

If you accidentally lose...

Just like Na Ning Youze and Ao Bai, their reputations were ruined!
"Hahaha, come on! Let's fight!"

In the blink of an eye, Yang Gang had entered the center of Qingyunduhe.

Here is the most intense essence of Qingyun Qi, and there are also the three mountains and five mountains in the world, the most outstanding and unruly arrogance of all parties.

Everyone is in the realm of primordial spirit.

Each of them is like a big wave washing sand among countless people, and there is no one in a million.

They are worthy of Yang Gang.

However, with only a long knife, he became more and more courageous as he fought.

One knife out, all directions open.

Every time a knife is dropped, a strong enemy in the Yuanshen realm will be defeated.


A loud shout resounded above the sky.

"Eight hundred autumns in the year of Taoism..." The black knife with golden patterns fell down, picking up a tiger-headed demon spirit.Yang Gang laughed heartily, "Hahahaha! I never flew a sword... to take the head."

Another knife fell.

The sword light, like mountains and seas, frightens the heroes in all directions.

In an instant, the five arrogances of the primordial spirit realm were all beheaded under Qingyun.

The wild and unruly poems are still clear, "The Jade Emperor has not had a celestial talisman..."

He suddenly froze.

Looking forward, there is a young man who comes from a fairy mountain outside the world, with an ethereal temperament like a sword fairy.

Cut out.

He yelled loudly: "...Fuck Ujin, you're a fool!"

The black-gold-colored sword pierced the sky in an instant, rolling up endless green energy.

A knife.

Straight away, the young man who looked like a sword fairy was chopped down under Qing Yun without any resistance.

Pairs of stunned eyes couldn't help but look at the lonely figure in the center of the Qingyun River.

For a moment, it seemed to be the center of the world.

The heroic poems, the shocking sword spirit.

Set off the blue clouds and cross the river, there are endless stormy waves.

Shocked all the arrogants on the Qingyun River were horrified.

The millions of spectators on Qingyun Mountain were stunned.

"Eight hundred and autumn years since I attained the Tao, I have never taken a flying sword to take a human head. The Jade Emperor has not had a celestial talisman, and Wu Jin has slipped away?"

"What an arrogant poem! What an unruly true spirit!"

"One man alone against the crowd, this...is he still human?"

"True Astral Realm...he is still in the True Astral Realm!"

"A concubine and son-in-law...hidden for so many years, he can do this to this extent!"

Qingyun mountain top.

Many fairyland eyes reveal strange light.

"The Jade Emperor didn't have a celestial talisman, and Wu Jin slipped away?"

"My son, how courageous! How dare you write the name of His Majesty Shengjun into the poem?"

"Hahaha, good! Good! My old Chen likes this kid's personality! Hahahaha"


In an instant.

On the top of Qingyun Mountain.

A bright fairy road slowly emerged in front of the world.

On Qingyun Mountain.

All the immortals turned their heads.

Once upon a time.

Only when the Holy King's edict falls, the road to Qingyun will be opened for the world.

This time, it was a rare occurrence that he showed his whereabouts on his own initiative?

The Jade Emperor did not have a talisman.

Who is Qingyun Fairy Road for?

Which young man whose aptitude is comparable to that of the mythical arrogance shocked the Qingyun road filled with the names of the mythical arrogances?

PS: 3000 words, please ask for a monthly ticket and a reward.

Brothers, I will continue to work hard on coding!I will leave the rest to you!

There is at least 1 update today, and there is a high probability that there will be 2 more updates!
come on! Come on!

(End of this chapter)

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