I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 108 Break through the sky with strength, cut everything into pieces!

Chapter 108 Breaking through the sky with strength, smashing everything!
The young swordsman who appeared in front of Qingyun Road was dressed in black, with a firm face, holding a dark red long knife with evil eyes inlaid on the handle.

One person, one knife, standing in front of Yang Gang.

There is an air of looking down on the world all over her body, as if she wants to break through the world, fate, and compete with the world.

On the road to Qingyun.

Suddenly, four big characters that stand out from the past and shine through the present - Daomo, Yangling.

Everyone stared blankly at the figure of the 'Knife Demon'.

Then he turned his head and stared at Yang Gang in a daze, dressed in black, with a handsome face and unyielding determination.

Looking at the dark red Blood Drinking Demon Knife in his hand.

This man... this knife...

The same.

Just the same!
The same clothes, the same blood-red long knife, even the breath and cultivation level are almost exactly the same.

Except for the slight difference in appearance, Yang Gang and this 'Sword Demon' seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

A strange feeling rushed into my heart.

A thought suddenly flashed through everyone's minds, and they couldn't help but feel their scalps go numb.

This 'Sword Demon'...could it be his previous life?
In his previous life, he was also a mythical genius!

Countless long breaths resounded on Qingyun Mountain.

'I am on the road to Qingyun, challenge myself? '

As soon as this idea came out, everyone felt completely numb.

Both lives are mythical arrogance... What kind of heights will such a person reach in the future?If in the future, he awakens for the second life...

No, no, no, that's impossible!Absolutely impossible!
At this moment.

Even the immortals in the sky fell into surprise and thought.

On Qingyun Road, a person who is exactly the same as the passer-by appeared. Has such a situation happened in history?

Who is the sword demon?
Why has the world never heard of his legend!
"..." When the 'Sword Demon' appeared, Jiang Jiang was equally shocked.

She looked at Yang Gang foolishly.

He looked at the 'Knife Demon' in front of him again.

Thousands of years have passed, and the years seem to have never passed on 'him'.He is still the fearless boy from thousands of years ago.

The two figures gradually overlapped in front of Jiang Jiang's eyes.

She couldn't help but opened her mouth wide open, her cold and white face of world-weariness was actually somewhat cute in contrast.

On the Qingyun Terrace of Ningguo Duke's Mansion, a scholar struggled to find the books in the bookcase.

"Where...where...that ancient book...where is it? The Sword Demon...yes, the Sword Demon..."

"found it!"

"Hiss... this is my book, Travel Notes to the Northland!"

The scholar held the book in his hand, his hands trembling.

The Legend of the Sword Demon... That period of secrets hidden in the long river of history will finally be revealed to the world.

And this time.

Qingyun Road.

Yang Gang looked at the "Sword Demon" condensed in front of Qingyun Road, and suddenly a strong fighting spirit surged in his heart.

It was even stronger than when facing Song Youque just now!
Tiandao... After all, he was once defeated.

But fighting against his 'self'...is an unprecedented experience.

Can he defeat the 'self' who is exactly the same as him regardless of his cultivation, realm, or sword technique?

If it can... it will be a realization that surpasses all limits!

When Yang Gang raised the blood-drinking magic knife in his hand.

The 'Knife Demon' on the opposite side also raised his knife together, and his aura suddenly rose sharply.

"Burning the sky!"

The scorching sun turned into a knife, and the two rounds of covering the sky emitted brilliant light, illuminating the entire Qingyun Mountain.

In the shocking eyes of millions of people, they crashed together.

Everyone stood there dumbfounded, watching this true battle of mythical Tianjiao.

In the previous life, the "Sword Demon" had practiced for 30 years, and the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations reached its pinnacle.

Yang Gang absorbed hundreds of wisps of Qingyun's immortal energy, and the power of Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants has also improved to a higher level, no worse than himself in his previous life.

The collision of terrifying strength stirred up thousands of storms and swept away most of the three thousand zhang Qingyundu River, almost cutting it in half.

This knife.

Yang Gang has no reservations.

Fighting against the self in the previous life, there is no way he can keep his hand!
"Mountains and seas!"

It was cut out again.

If the previous battle between Yang Gang and Song Youque was to demonstrate the basic dao of the sword in the human world, this battle between him and the "demon of sword" in the previous life is to evolve the mystery of the peak of the dao of the sword in the world.

One knife, one collision after another.

The incomparably mysterious artistic conception of Dao of the Sword has already made the swordsmen present completely incomprehensible.

The eyes of each one are like seeing gods.

I just felt my legs and knees were sore and weak, and I had an urge to kneel down and worship.

This is the harvest of Yang Gang's previous life.

Battle with Song Youque, the infinite potential forced out under extreme pressure!


The extreme light rolled up countless fiery auras and blasted them in all directions.

The three-thousand-foot Qingyunduhe was almost cut off in the middle by the aftermath of this blow.


Yang Gang laughed heartily.

This feeling of being evenly matched and trying his best with every knife made him feel an unprecedented sense of exhilaration.

"Sit and forget!"

The ethereal and uncertain breath suddenly emerged.

The two sabers of sitting and forgetting cut out a mysterious knife together.It has shown the world that the sword technique is not only fierce, invincible and domineering, but also has the ultimate mystery of artistic conception.

On the Qingyun platform.

Regardless of the dignitaries of the holy capital, the descendants of the three mountains and five mountains, or the monsters, dragons and phoenixes, they all looked dull.

When Yang Gang showed his strength without reservation.

The peerless sword moves time after time shocked the bottom line of their hearts and raised their shock threshold infinitely time after time.

The scalp is numb, and the tongue is also numb, completely numb!

It turns out... is this the real mythical arrogance?

Compared with Yang Gang, what Ning Youze was like before, those arrogances in the Yuanshen realm who were fighting for the crossing in the Qingyun... are nothing but bullshit!

They finally understand that the true arrogance has nothing to do with realm or origin.

When you fight against the primordial spirit with the true gang, in adversity... Slay Tianjiao!

"It is worthy of being qualified to become the gatekeeper of the second gate of the Qingyun Road after the Heavenly Sword. The name 'Sword Demon'... is worthy of the name."

"But this time, he fights himself. How can he win?"

"I think that if he doesn't break through the primordial spirit, I'm afraid he really won't be able to beat his past self."

"But if it's a draw, or even a loss...he won't be able to enter the third level, get the favor of the Qingyun rank, the treasure, and engrave his name on the road to Qingyun."

Someone sighed and said: "With each successive generation of Qing Yun, it is becoming more and more difficult to carve one's name on the road to Qing Yun... No wonder no one has been able to truly leave his name in history for 500 years!"

The outcome of this battle has reached a point where no one could have predicted.

They firmly believed that Yang Gang would not lose.

But... Facing this other self, how can he win?
Fentian, Shanhai, Yuanshen, Zuowang... Fentian has five sabers, the knives are dazzling.

Jiang Shusheng's eyes on the Qingyun Terrace were dull.

I can't help but think of my own evaluation of Yang Gang during the Yang Mansion's banquet before, "The things contained in your knife are too many and too complicated, so complicated that it is beyond my control."The Heavenly Knife is a very pure way of the knife... It depends on you how you will go in the future. '

Thinking about it now, he couldn't help blushing.

"Such a knife is far beyond me..." What qualifications does he have to evaluate the person who surpasses himself?At this moment, Jiang Shusheng couldn't help secretly rejoicing that what he practiced was the method of spears and halberds, not the way of swords.

And at this time.

The battle has also reached the most critical moment.

Yang Gang and the "Sword Devil" condensed by Qingyun Road suddenly flew up at the same time, with a shocking momentum, suddenly condensed and belonged to himself.

next moment.

At this moment, the endless Zhanqing Zhengang is poured into the fluid, and it is blessed on the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations with the power of Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants.

Then cut out at the same time.

This knife has no color, no abnormality.

Only the incomparably terrifying power holds the blood-drinking demon sword with a strange and blood-red color.

Above the blue sky.

All the immortals of the Great Zhou showed strange lights in their eyes.

In this knife, they seem to have seen, in the world - the ultimate power.


This is not all about Fen Tian's fifth knife.

next moment.

Yang Gang and the 'Knife Demon' both burned the real gang in their bodies, the primordial spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the power of nine dragons and nine elephants.

From the dragon elephant, into the magic robbery.

As if to burn everything, I cut it out with a single knife, with a sense of determination that I can't help my fate.

This is the real magic knife.

It is a real desperate knife.

Do everything, just to kill the enemy.

Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions completely changed.

"No, stop them!"

"If this knife goes down, it will definitely end in the end of both sides! Both of them must die!"

"You can't let a mythical genius die here!"

Everyone's faces changed.

Including Jiang Jiang.

For the first time in his life, his confidence in Yang Gang was shaken.

There was even a hint of panic in his eyes.

Under the Sifang City, the abyss of demonic calamity.

Yang Ling sacrificed himself just for the scenes of Ni Zhan Tian Dao, as if playing back in front of his eyes.


She suddenly rushed towards Qingyun Road.

'Knife Demon' is a picture of the arrogance gathered on the road to Qingyun, who can give up everything and burn the last glory of a short life.

But Yang Gang is the pride of the world, a living person.

This knife goes down and burns everything.

Even if he wins, he has nothing left!

Why is he so stupid!

Why are you so... stubborn!

Everything is too late.

Two blood-colored long knives cut through the sky and collided with each other.

The extreme collision of the two worldly powers seemed to shatter the void, directly piercing through the barrier of another world.

Yang Gang and the 'Sword Demon' were condensed in mid-air.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

A deep black hole suddenly exploded from the location where the two knives collided, as if connecting to another void world.


I saw an illusory gate of the Nine Nethers emerging behind the 'Knife Demon'. His shoulders sank, as if he was carrying an endless weight, shouldering a certain mission of cutting off fate.

Holding the magic knife tightly with both hands, he exerted force suddenly.

That gate of the Nine Netherworld seemed to give him infinite pressure, and it also gave him infinite strength.

The power of the Devil's Tribulation Sword is fully displayed!Pressing down on Yang Gang's Blood Drinking Demon Knife, he retreated minute by minute.

"Hahaha, hahahaha" Yang Gang held a knife in both hands, facing the endless pressure, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

The same illusory Nine Nether Gate appeared behind him.

Perseverance, determination. Regardless of everything, even death without regret.

Break through the primordial spirit?


If he breaks through the primordial spirit, he will lose.

In terms of mood... already lost!
If you want to defeat the 'Knife Demon', you have to put it to death and survive.

If he is not so decisive, and does not let go of all scruples, how can he defeat his other self?
"My life is up to me... not up to God!"

The Blood Drinking Demon Knife suddenly burst into light.

The blood light filled the sky and went straight into the blue sky.

The reddish-brown blade buzzed and trembled, shaking out one after another illusory phantoms.

A wave of decisive belief, which seemed to be real, suddenly plunged into the blade.

this moment.

The Blood Drinking Demon Knife in Yang Gang's hand seemed to be a bit heavier than that of the 'Knife Demon'.

this moment.

Yang Gang seemed to hear a 'boo' sound in his body, and the golden body of the Demon God of Hundred Tribulations, which had already reached the peak of the world, had once again increased its power by a 'trace'.

The power of Nine Dragons and Nine Elephants, adding another point, seems to have completely penetrated another realm.

From finite to infinite.

The Blood Drinking Demon Knife suddenly rolled out, and the indestructible blade seemed to cut a piece of white paper, easily breaking the Blood Drinking Demon Knife in the hands of the Sword Demon, and separating the 'Sword Demon' body that was exactly like him.

Thoroughly cut through all false, real, tangible and intangible things in front of you.

This sword demon calamity, once again sublimated to the extreme realm, has completely escaped into another realm.

Break through the sky with strength and smash everything.

From the world to the extreme of the earth!
 Didn't this chapter break on purpose?Little black guys blackmail me again, be careful that I show my chick feet!
  In other words, if I don't ask for a monthly ticket, don't you all vote?
  Come on!

  I worked overtime today, I took time out of my lunch break to write this chapter already, okay~~~
  The next chapter, wait until the evening!I love you! (Little Heizi)

(End of this chapter)

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