I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 110 Young Qingyun, Desire is higher than the sky!

Chapter 110 Young Qingyun, Desire is higher than the sky!
Qingyun Terrace of Weiyuan Duke's Mansion.

Old Mr. Wei Yuan sat on the wicker chair and looked at the sky quietly.

Suddenly shouted: "Yanhui."


A middle-aged man came over.

"Are you still sticking to your own ideas?" Old Mr. Weiyuan said indifferently.

"Father..." Bai Yanhui looked up at the sky, with a troubled expression on his face.

In the past, he doted on his daughter and didn't want her to spend her whole life with someone he didn't like like him.Even... that person is still a waste of bastard background.

Now it seems... this Yang Gang is a good match in terms of temperament and talent.As for birth...

For Yang Gang now, is it still important?
A look of shock suddenly flashed in Bai Yanhui's eyes.

He always guessed that his father had his own reasons, but he couldn't say anything.Could it be... is it because he already knew there was a day?

Father has long seen that Yang Gang is a potential dragon hidden in the shallow pond of Yang's mansion?
But father, why... didn't you say it earlier!
Now that the Bai family has repeatedly postponed the marriage, that young man must have felt resentful...

Look at Bai Yanhui's expression.

A trace of bitterness flashed in the old Weiyuan Gong's eyes.

In fact, how could he have known earlier?

Although it is true that when I fell in love with Yang Gang at the beginning, part of it was because I observed secretly and felt that he had a good heart.

But there are more reasons that cannot be said...

Old Duke Weiyuan looked at the Qingyun steps in the sky.

A flash of fear suddenly flashed in his eyes.

The wind and rain are everywhere, and the catastrophe is approaching.

Although the Great Zhou Xian Dynasty was not in danger of establishing a reserve or standing in line, it had an unprecedented new situation created by the Eight Departments.

No one can defy His Majesty's will.

But he didn't want Bai Suqing, who had the appearance of a fairyland, to be included in the Eight Divisions early on, and to become the first pawn in the future Great Zhou Conquest of Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and the establishment of the Supreme Immortal Dynasty.

If it is done, it will be full of wind and rain...

If not...

If a little true spirit falls into this Qingyun step, it will be eternal, and there will be no chance of reincarnation!

In the unprecedented chaos in the future, he wants to ensure that the Bai family can have a fairyland who can protect the family's inheritance.

He wants Bai Suqing to stay in Bai's house, step through the gate of fairyland, and communicate with the divine bridge of heaven and earth.

Become a fairy in the world of mortals and live a thousand years.

Rather than one of the eight gods, a god with everlasting incense.

There are too many considerations in this, but he can't say it.

Once you say it, it will be beyond redemption...

"Su Qing." Old Weiyuan was fair.


Bai Suqing stepped forward, looking a little dazed.

What happened today had a huge impact on her.

"Have you seen the Duke of Ning's Mansion?"

Old Duke Weiyuan said softly: "Now that Yang Gang has gained power, they have been killed by the sons of the family, but they dare not say a word. You must understand that power... also needs strong strength as a background."

In every duke's mansion, the ancestors have appeared in the fairyland strongman, and made great contributions to the Great Zhou.

But now, time flies.

The fairyland of Ningguo Duke's Mansion has long passed away, and the fairyland of Weiyuan Duke's Mansion... the same longevity is approaching.

After a hundred years of retreat, there is no trace of the fairy trail.

"The generation of my Duke Weiyuan's mansion is not good enough. Only you, a woman, can carry this great banner. The future will be turbulent. If my Duke Weiyuan mansion can have one more living mortal fairy, after I go back, grandpa hopes you , can protect my Bai family for thousands of years."

"Grandpa... Suqing is devoted to cultivation, only to become a dragon and ascend to heaven. In her heart... there is no love for children. If you don't get married in the future, you can protect your family."

Bai Suqing gritted her teeth tightly, and the cyan dragon tail in the white dress was tightly wrapped around her jade legs, a little unwilling to say.

"I'm old, I'm injured, I don't have a few years left to live."

Old Duke Weiyuan shook his head and said, "Suqing, do you have the heart... After watching grandpa grow old, you still have to think about the funeral of the family? Looking at my White House, getting weaker and weaker?"

"Grandpa..." Bai Suqing opened her mouth, but was speechless.

The old man looked at his granddaughter and smiled kindly.

He knew that Bai Suqing was arrogant, and if he wanted her to agree, he had no choice but to rely on her family's righteousness.

Bai Yanhui said: "But father, now that things have come to such an extent, the Yang family has separated from him, we..."

"Isn't that good? We... picked up a big deal!"

Old Weiyuan said fairly: "The people of the Yang family treat him like this, we will treat him with all our heart from now on. This child is now a widow in Shengjing, he wants to cultivate and take care of his crazy mother at the same time, how can he take care of it?"

"He entered the White House, and this is his root."

"Yang Gang's life deed household registration has already been registered in my Bai family. As long as the life deed exists, he is a member of my Bai family. Although this is a bit shameless, but for the continuation of the family... the old man is willing to risk his face. "

"Yanhui, don't let me down again. After going back, take the initiative to cut Yang Gang's low status, let them get married as soon as possible."

"But... what if he doesn't agree?" Bai Yanhui hesitated.

"When he loses, you can bring Su Qing over there and apologize to him." Old Mr. Wei Yuan closed his eyes wearily, and said quietly: "Give him enough face in front of the people of the world. Tell the world Man, Suqing... is married to him. I believe... there is still room for change."

"Those who achieve great things are unyielding. Compared with the prosperity of the family for thousands of years, what is the momentary honor and disgrace?"

"The old man doesn't want my Bai family. Like the Yang family, it will still be the object of the world's ridicule after a hundred years."

"You... do you understand?"

Like everyone present, Mr. Wei Yuan didn't think that Yang Gang could continue to win.

Qingyun Sword Immortal has been famous for thousands of years, and his comprehension of swordsmanship has already escaped into the fairyland.

The distance between the world and the earth is unreachable.

How can the young Yang Gang, who is also a mythical arrogance, win?

This time, no one really liked him.But even though Yang Gang was defeated, in their hearts, he was no different from winning.This defeat is not the fault of human beings, it is really God's will.

On the road to Qingyun.

A moment of confrontation.

More than ten rounds have passed.

A completely different feeling arose in Yang Gang's heart.

Different from the domineering and decisive swordsmanship, Qingyun Sword Immortal's swordsmanship is like changing in the wind and clouds, without traces to be found.

Fighting against such an opponent is quite as comfortable as meeting a bosom friend in the mountains and rivers.

This Qingyun Sword Immortal seemed to be giving him tricks on purpose!

After a while.

Not only Yang Gang saw it.

The immortals of the Great Zhou in the sky and some people of insight around them all saw the trickiness of this battle.

Rather than saying that the third test is a test for Yang Gang, it is better to say that it is a temper for him.

Qingyun Road chose Li Chunyun as the gatekeeper of the last pass, there is definitely a purpose!
A sword, a sword
Yang Gang's saber technique became more and more rounded and uniform, the edges and corners faded away, and gradually entered the state of simplicity and unpretentiousness.

There are some people who can improve themselves infinitely in battle.

Li Chunyun looked at Yang Gang, his eyes became more and more appreciative.

Suddenly he pulled out the blue long sword behind him.

Is the road to Qingyun intentionally releasing water for Yang Gang?

Do not!
In fact, he has been recognized by Qingyun Road.

When Yang Gang defeated himself in the second level and sublimated in the extreme realm, it is meaningless to pass the third level.

This point, only he, who has experienced it, knows best.

The treasure of the Qingyun rank, I like the young man in the world who has the ambition to rise to the sky.It's not uncommon for the young Tianjiao who has crossed the road of Qingyun to get its favor!

Ordinary people who want to let Qingyun Road release water must have this qualification!

What does it matter to him, Li Chunyun, to release water on the road to Qingyun?

It's not easy to meet such a junior with an outstanding heart and talent. His heart has been lonely for thousands of years, and his heart is already itchy!
all of a sudden.

A shocking sharpness pierced the sky.

Nine days away, a ray of divine sense passed through the long steps of the Qingyun Road to the sky and fell into Li Chunyun's body.

The Qingyun stage barked and shook, but it seemed that the weak and delicate body of a young woman could not resist this extremely powerful sword fairy's edge, which was invaded brutally.

Spiritual thoughts instantly infect the body of green energy condensed on the path of Qingyun.

Li Chunyun completely controlled this temporary body.

"Hey~ Shu Chang!"

Li Chunyun smiled casually.

Looking at Yang Gang, he said seriously: "Little brother, try my sword——Qingyun."

After all, a sword came through the air.

Like a fairy flying outside the sky, ethereal and uncertain.

"it is good!"

Yang Gang also smiled.

"Senior, give it a try too, my newly realized sword——Qingyun."

Qingyun to Qingyun.

The two of them used one knife and one sword, and they used the same move.

all of a sudden.

The power of "spirituality" was born in Yang Gang's body, and it turned into flowing water and poured into the blood-drinking magic knife.

A knife went straight to the blue long sword.

in the eyes of the public.

I just feel that this knife and sword seems to be full of the belief of wanting to be higher than the God, an unyielding thought of resolutely fighting against fate.

What was cut out by this knife was not only the understanding of the two people's sword skills and swordsmanship.

It is Yang Gang's lifelong belief, his and Li Chunyun's unyielding ambition to rise from the dust!
Young Qingyun, desire is higher than the sky!
The clash of swords is crisp and sweet.

The two most steadfast beliefs in the world collided fiercely at this moment.

Just like the two strongest weapons in the world colliding, the final result is either a tie or a loss for both sides.

And their results, once again greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

I saw Yang Gang's body trembling.

Standing in the void with both feet, the exhausted strength of the whole body was continuously added from within the body, and the blue sword light condensed by the aura of Qingyun was suddenly cut into pieces.

The light of the knife was like a streak of frost and snow, leaving a scar between Li Chunyun's eyebrows.

"In the world, the ultimate power is so good..." With a lonely sigh, Qingyun Jianxian gave Yang Gang a blank look, and his figure turned into a wisp of green energy.

Yang Gang's eyes were fixed, and he quietly looked at his body, and there seemed to be a peerless sword light flashing across his body.

But like boundless water, with no support or support, it dissipates in an instant.

"Good!" Only a sigh of admiration remained.

The figure of Qingyun Sword Immortal Li Chunyun disappeared without a trace.

The third hurdle of the road to Qingyun - pass.

The wind is clear and the clouds are thin.

There was no sound on the three thousand zhang Qingyun Mountain.

The third hurdle of the most difficult road to Qingyun was passed just like this...

With the words 'Qingyun Sword Immortal, Li Chunyun', the light dissipated and fell back to the Qingyun steps.

Immediately, a ray of innate green energy was thrown into his hands, swallowed by Yang Gang, and turned into his own foundation.

He looked at the place where Li Chunyun disappeared, with a slightly regretful expression.

This last knife and sword was originally supposed to be a shocking show.

It's a pity that his extreme strength, and Li Chunyun's last gleam of peerless sword glow, have already surpassed the limit that can be carried by the photo of Tianjiao manifested on the road to Qingyun.

Qingyun road releases water.

It's because it understands that the condensed photos of Tianjiao can no longer stop the current Yang Gang.

Just like Song Youque's picture before, he completely gave up resisting the knife.Because it can't be stopped at all, there is no need to stop it!
Yang Gang's reputation as a mythical arrogance is well deserved.


The blue light is brilliant.

The sky-reaching long stage transformed by the Qingyun stage shook suddenly, and gradually condensed a dazzling and brilliant name-Sword Demon, Yang Gang.

It seems to announce to the world that at this moment, another mythical genius is born in the world.

Leave a name in history, just today!
Everyone's chest was surging.

The entire Qingyun Mountain was completely silent.

Just today, they witnessed with their own eyes a mythical genius who rose from the dust and carved his name on the road to Qingyun with the ambition of Qingyun!
Sword Demon - Yang Gang.

Just like in the Northland, replace the spear demon with the sword demon.He completely replaced his previous life and became a mythical arrogance living in this world, who will continue the legend of the sword demon here!

All the people quietly waited for Yang Gang to walk down the road of Qingyun to meet the most dazzling Qingyun youth in the holy capital.

Right now.

Yang Gang's gaze suddenly turned to Qingyun Terrace where Duke Weiyuan's Mansion is located.

Old Duke Wei Yuan, Bai Yanhui and Bai Suqing's hearts suddenly sank.

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

What does he want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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