I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 174 The golden light on the ground, the curse backfires

Chapter 174 The golden light on the ground, the curse backfires

bang bang bang ~~
Outside of Bibotan, the waters of thousands of miles are turbulent, Yang Gang and the Nine-Headed Little Saint fought, and 'unknowingly' they have penetrated into the waters in the hinterland of Bibotan, causing countless dragon monsters.

And this time.

The Nine-Headed Demon Saint and Wansheng Dragon King of Liangjie Mountain also received the news and rushed over after hearing the news.For some reason, they suddenly remembered the scene of the mountain of corpses and blood when they arrived at Bibotan half a year ago, and they couldn't help feeling a little uneasy.

"It shouldn't be, right?"

"With that little sword demon, can it be compared with the reincarnation of the Stone Emperor?"

Among the green hills.

A blue light lingered on the Conferred God Stage, nine huge fox tails danced crazily, powerful breaths shook the demon domain, and even a mysterious existence in the demon palace cast attention.

"Qingqiu fox... hum!"


A huge nine-tailed white fox roared upwards.

The blue light in the sky dissipated.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal's figure flashed, and she transformed into a graceful woman in a light blue long skirt, with a charming figure, a pair of tall and straight, full and abnormally plump, and her slender thighs looming under the skirt, like two pieces of jade pillars, White and delicate.

There are nine snow-white long tails behind her, swinging flexibly behind her, it seems that because the transformation has not been completely completed, two lovely fox ears emerged from the hair full of black hair.

"Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun, Yang Jian... Great Zhou Tianjiao, Sword Demon... Yang Gang." Qingqiu Fox Immortal raised a pair of charming eyes, the eyes were clear to the bottom, no longer confused in the past.

She stared at the sky in the distance, and seemed to be able to see Yang Gang who was fighting the Nine-Headed Little Saint in the distant Tianshui Demon Territory.

"My good 'Sanggong', good 'Daddy'..." Qingqiu Huxian spit out two words slowly, her white and charming face was full of cold murderous intent.

tens of thousands of years.

There are still people in this world who dare to offend her like this?

Could it be that you have forgotten how the fate of humanity in ancient times was destroyed!
"When I recover all my mana and get out of trouble, I will let you, Yang Gang, suffer from thousands of thunders to kill your body, and then taste the torture invented by the emperor Xin!" Qingqiu Huxian said through gritted teeth.

Although she has not yet completely transformed and recovered the mana of the ancient times, she has awakened part of the ancient memories.As the majesty of the Lord of Qingqiu, he actually called a younger generation 'ant' for a month, and... Daddy?
Thinking of her own appearance during this time, she couldn't help but feel ashamed and indignant.

"Ahhh, I can't take it anymore!"

Qingqiu Fox Fairy shouted coquettishly, "Fengshentai, listen to my orders! Curse Yang, Yang, Yang...ah, damn it, why is his name Yang!"


Just as Qingqiu Fox Immortal was thinking hard about Yang Gang's name, and was about to curse him with luck and magical powers.

In the Bibo Pool.

The battle between Yang Gang and the Nine-Headed Saint has also reached a critical moment.

Today, he condenses and awakens the sixth life, builds a double heaven and earth bridge, sanctifies his body to reach the second catastrophe of nine catastrophes, and bears 3000 years of practice memory. Everything else far exceeds.

However, the nine-headed little sage on the opposite side didn't even know that the catastrophe had come, and he was confident in taking down Yang Gang to claim credit for his father and grandfather.

Right now.

"Where are you running?" The Nine-Headed Little Saint shouted, catching up with Yang Gang who seemed to be trying to escape.

Unexpectedly, he turned around suddenly in the middle of the journey, and crashed into the arms of Xu Gao, the little nine-headed saint.

A slope suddenly rose from the surface of the water.

It seems that a huge monster is about to break out of the water.

next moment.

Yang Gang held the head of the Nine-Headed Little Saint with both hands, biting the blood-drinking magic knife in his mouth, and pulled him out of the water under the astonished eyes of thousands of dragons.

A huge head with wide-open eyes flew down into the lake.


The remaining eight heads of the nine-headed little saints roared in pain.

"Let go of me! Let go of me! You despicable villain, how dare you sneak attack... What are you guys still doing, come and help me!" He roared angrily at his fellow spectators watching the theater.


Thousands of dragons surrounded Bibotan, and countless weapons and spells attacked Yang Gang.

bang bang bang~~
Yang Gang stood on the surface of the water, motionless.

All the weapons and magic spells fell on him, but they just splashed the starting point of the fire, leaving white marks one after another.

"Hmph, sneak attack?"

Yang Gang's eyes swept across the surrounding Bibotan aquarium, and then he tore it apart in front of all the monsters.

A head of the nine-headed little saint was thrown away again and fell into the boundless waters.


The nine-headed little saint struggled frantically, but found that he couldn't break free from Yang Gang's terrifying divine power.

His heart suddenly sank, and he felt a trace of remorse, "He wants to kill me! He can really kill me! What kind of pervert is this, the flesh body is so tyrannical? I shouldn't, I really shouldn't underestimate it ..."

However this time.

He suddenly felt his hands and feet loosen.

Yang Gang let go of him suddenly, and stood on the water in a void.

"Since you said I was a sneak attack, then I'll show you what a sneak attack is." Yang Gang slowly raised the Blood Drinking Demon Knife, and a metal fragment in front of him floated in the air and landed on the center of his eyebrows.

next moment.

A golden light flashed between Yang Gang's eyebrows, and the blood-drinking magic knife suddenly cut out.

all of a sudden.

A great sun appears in the sky, reflecting each other with the sun in the sky.

Two days turned into nothing.

After ancient times, a supernatural power that had long been lost and buried deep in the memory of many people reappeared in the Three Realms.

"Uh..." The Nine-headed Little Saint was stunned and didn't react at all.

The blood-drinking magic knife had a golden light all over the sky, and it cut through his remaining seven heads.

puff puff puff puff
Seven times in a row, the sound of sharp blades cutting through the flesh was clean and neat.

Seven huge heads flew up at the same time.

Fourteen eyes were blank and astonished, looking at Yang Gang who was standing quietly on the water with a knife in his hand.

The power remaining in Yang Gang's head exploded instantly, turning nine heads into ashes at the same time.

"Beheading your nine heads is not as good as beheading Xingtian's two heads." Yang Gang snorted dissatisfiedly, put away his knife and stood up, and turned to look at the thousands of aquatic dragons around him who had already stared blankly.

all of a sudden.

A circle of dragon monsters in the water took a step back, looking terrified.

This human monster is so murderous!
"You...what do you want to do?"

"Don't come here!"

The huge shadow of half a year ago resurfaced in their hearts again, and a pang of remorse suddenly rose in their hearts.

Just now, I really shouldn't have helped the Nine-Headed Little Sage to deal with the Great Zhou Tianjiao!

However, it was too late.

"Didn't you just want to kill me? Come on!"

Yang Gang shouted sharply.

Without any nonsense, he directly killed countless behemoths.

The sky full of murderous intent turned into a huge net, which ruthlessly covered hundreds of thousands of aquatic animals.

this moment.

It seems that they are not surrounded by hundreds of thousands of aquatic dragons, but surrounded by him alone...


With a scream, limbs and arms flew up one after another, and broken bodies fell into the Bibo Pool, a bloody atmosphere enveloped the thousand-mile waters.

At this moment, Yang Gang seemed to be the knight incarnate in the poems, killing a monster in ten steps, and never staying behind for a thousand miles.

With his current ability, his incomparably powerful physical body can almost ignore the attacks of ordinary earth immortals and below, which is no longer a gap that can be made up by numbers.

It was a one-sided kill.

One person, Tu Wanyao.

At this moment, Yang Gang - is crazy!

At the end of the fight, Yang Gang even went straight into the Bibotan Water Mansion, ransacked the entire resplendent water mansion, obtained countless treasures, and then left.

Entering the demon realm alone, beheading hundreds of thousands of demons in anger.

If this scene is seen by outsiders, they will not be able to believe that it really happened.

The surviving Bibotan aquariums were almost limp on the water surface. Looking at Yang Gang's leaving back, their hearts trembled and their eyes were dull.

Half a year ago, a Stone Monkey King came.

Half a year later, another sword demon came.

What kind of evil happened to their Bibotan Shui Clan!
At this time, Yang Gang had already flown to the border of Tianshui Demon Realm.


Two beams of light flew from outside the sky at an extremely fast speed.

It took only a moment to catch up behind Yang Gang.

It was the Nine-Headed Demon Saint and the Ten Thousand Saint Dragon King who were full of anger.

They had been to Bibotan before, but they saw a scene full of mourning. The water in the entire water area was stained red with blood, and countless stumps and broken arms were floating on the water.

that moment.

The two demon saints almost got angry and vomited blood and died.

"Yang Gang, I want you to never be reincarnated!" The nine-headed demon sage roared and chased after him frantically, the hatred in his eyes seemed to bleed.

"You two are too polite, and they are still sent here."

Yang Gang turned his head and smiled.

But he didn't use the Qiankun bracelet.

A golden light suddenly flashed between his brows and landed at his feet.

all of a sudden.

The sky is full of golden light.

A golden light flashed between heaven and earth, and Yang Gang's figure was lost.

The Nine-Headed Demon Saint and the Wansheng Dragon King behind him froze in place, with blank expressions on their faces.

"This... what kind of magical power is this?"

Of course they don't know.

Yang Gang has evolved in the long river of life for 3000 years, and he has already anticipated the possible situation in the future.So it took a full 300 years to finally comprehend a supernatural power.

He named this supernatural power: Zongdi Jinguang.

This is a supernatural power specially researched for escaping. Combined with the golden light that breaks the catastrophe, and then burns all the mana in his body, even the immortal king can't catch it and catch him.

If the tragic death nine-headed little sage saw this scene, he wondered if he would crawl out of the cycle of reincarnation, and roared in grief and anger: "With such supernatural powers, why didn't you use them earlier?"

An hour later.

A golden light fell on a mountain in the Eternal Demon Realm.

The geology here is peculiar, the mountains are full of flames, stretching for thousands of miles, and the temperature is comparable to the magma in the core of the earth.

Yang Gang staggered, but he lost his strength after using the 'Zongdi Jinguang'.

Sitting on the ground.

There was a 'hissing' sound.

The tiger skin group suddenly burned, and he turned into a naked savage again.

"What place is this?"

Yang Gang suddenly didn't care, while looking left and right, a name 'Flame Mountain' suddenly flashed in his mind.

Right now.

He suddenly discovered that there was a red cave in front of him, and there seemed to be endless flames raging inside.

"There's a hole here..."

"Could it be that today I want to experience the treatment of the protagonist of Destiny, and if I am in danger, I will have an adventure? Come, go in and have a look!"

"Settle down here first, and after digesting the resources I got from Bibo Palace, it should be enough for me to advance to the fourth level of Shenqiao."

"Then, we can enter the Conferred God Tribulation!" Yang Gang thought in his heart, suddenly, in Qingqiu at this time, the enchanting and sexy little fox finally brightened his eyes, and remembered his name.

"Yang Jian, yes! His name must be Yang Jian!"

"Fengshentai, listen to my orders!"

Qingqiu Fox Fairy danced wildly with nine tails behind him, and shouted: "Curse Yang Jian that he can't live and die, his body will suffer from fire and water forever, he can't live and die, he can't live and die!"

The fragments of the Conferred God Platform under her feet began to bloom with the divine light of the ancient times.

There seemed to be wisps of strange breath burning, escaping into the void.


Qingqiu Fox Immortal was still furious, and couldn't help cursing, "Ahhh, smelly Yang Jian, one day, I will let you crawl over obediently and lick Grandma Fox's feet!"


The Divine Light of the Conferred God Stage trembled.

He turned back in an instant and hit her with a bang.


Qingqiu Fox Immortal let out a scream.

It turned into the true form of the nine-tailed white fox on the spot, with strands of blood overflowing from the corners of its mouth.

"Why, why is this happening?"

She raised her head and looked at the sky with a dazed look on her face, "My Conferred God Stage, why did it backfire..."

(End of this chapter)

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