I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 185 The Emperor's Secret, Nuwa Temple

Chapter 185 The Emperor's Secret, Nuwa Temple


Seeing her completely defenseless look, Yang Gang couldn't help but snorted coldly.

Suddenly, he turned around and flew out tens of miles away.

"Little fox? I don't remember saving any fox. The famous Qingqiu Fox Immortal, I dare not let you lick my feet." Yang Gang looked at Qingqiu Fox Immortal coldly, and said coldly.


The little fox stamped his feet in a daze.

The famous Qingqiu fox fairy?
Brother Erlangshen said... Is it me?

Yang Gang looked at Qingqiu Huxian who didn't look like he was lying, and instinctively felt a little hesitation in his heart.

After that, he quickly searched his memory, but he couldn't remember any fox he had saved.

He muttered to himself: "Brother Erlangshen is upright, and has never thought of his children's affair in his heart. Is it because my fox clan is naturally obsessed with Yan Xing, so the little fox is hated by him? Could it be that he likes...cute ones? "

But the legendary Nuwa Temple...

"Brother Erlangshen~~~" A little white-haired fox squatted on the ground, looking at him with watery eyes, looking extremely cute.

Yang Gang pouted helplessly.

"Brother Erlangshen, what are you looking for? Tell the little fox, okay?"

A vast and illusory place, as if it does not exist in a place of spiritual silence between heaven and earth.In an earthen temple with an ancient and vast atmosphere, a Miao Zhu dressed in a moonlight robe suddenly opened his eyes.

The future Master Fox Fairy Qingqiu turned into a little fox with snow-white fur, with a bundle of nine tails behind him, fluffy and furry, and looked extremely cute.

And Yang Gang didn't expect that the vixen, who will destroy the luck of humanity in the future, is so pure in his mind at this time.

Yang Gang found a deserted ancient temple in an underground cave thousands of miles away from Chaoge.

The two worlds are different.

It's better to stay away from her!

A drop of crystal teardrops slid down his face.

Yang Gang's expression kept changing, and suddenly he snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

"Brother Erlangshen, what are you looking for?"

"Giggle~~嘿嘤嘻~~~" The little fox jumped happily from time to time, as if wanting to pounce on Yang Gang's feet, sticking out its little tongue, full of cuteness.

The memories of 3000 years are numerous, most of which are the derivation of the long river of fate, and he actively blocked the irrelevant ones. Yang Gang didn't remember such an ordinary little fox at all.

The little fox turned his gaze, as if he had found the way forward.

Yang Gang didn't know why in the legends of later generations, Emperor Xin was given the title of "tyrant" and "King Zhou".But when I wanted to check his deeds, I couldn't find any records at all.


The streets are full of people and flowers are blooming.

At this time, the capital of the Humane Dynasty was named Chaoge.It was built on the Qishui River, and it has no national name.

It's really unlucky to be entangled by her after only going to Qingqiu once!


That vixen who would bring disaster to the country and the people would be so naive?
The other party must be talking nonsense!

It suddenly turned into a golden light and shot out into the sky.

The Chaoge at this time gives people a vigorous and upward atmosphere. The people live and work in peace and contentment, and humans and gods live together, and they are clearly separated. It is really a beautiful scene of mountains and rivers.

"Erlang God...brother." The little fox stretched out his hand, and stood there in a daze, watching Yang Gang's back as he resolutely left.

I think of the gentle look in his eyes when he hugged himself in his arms more than 2000 years ago when he was rescued from a "magic cave" by Yang Gang, who was traveling in mountains and seas.

Various spooky and deceitful stories in his reason and memory told him that this vixen...percentage was fooling him!

"Miraculous powers of luck!"

'It seems that this trip to Qingqiu was for nothing.Qingqiu Fox Immortal is already on guard against me, this place...is not suitable for staying for long! '

Three more days passed.

Three more days.

"What happened to the Human Sovereign back then, or in the future?"

Let alone looking for the first life of Wangchen.

"I've been waiting here for you!"

three days later.

Yang Gang let out an angry roar, kicked the vixen away, and scrambled and crawled out of the ancient underground temple.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" The little fox squatted on the ground with a heartbroken look on his face, "Brother Erlang doesn't want me anymore, he really doesn't like the way the little fox is now...he hates me...uuuuu why is this...I don't want me ..."

The throne of the human emperor is the supreme being of heaven and earth, and he is called the emperor of heaven and heaven, so how can he establish a country and surrender his status?
The name of "big businessman" is only taken by later generations, and it is far-fetched.

"Brother Erlang God~~~ Hug." A little fox with snow-white fur lay quietly on the steps of the ancient temple, looking at Yang Gang in surprise.

with her departure.

She crouched on the ground heartbroken, tears streaming down her face.

Can an ordinary fox become the Qingqiu fox fairy who finally destroys the destiny of humanity?

Yang Gang felt a little more urgent.

"As expected of the Qingqiu Fox Immortal in his heyday, he has a scheming heart and good acting skills! Since that's the case, Yang won't accompany me!"

a few days later.

"...to be hated!"


Millions of miles away.

Today is his third day in Chaoge.

This Qingqiu fox fairy is indeed evil!With my own strength, I can be so close to her!

Looking at his shocked expression, it seemed that he was about to throw himself into his arms.

This is the case for the emperors of all dynasties.

In the huge city of Chaoge, he found a total of ten Nuwa temples, but he didn't feel any magic.


Following the inexplicable guidance in her heart, she stepped out of the land of Qingqiu where she had practiced alone for 2000 years.

Three more days.

Say it.

The little fox squatted on the ground and looked up at the sky.

For this co-lord of heaven and earth who is likely to be the last human emperor, he would not compare it with the "King Zhou" in the mythological stories of his previous life memories.


"Go away!"

The mind can be described as pure to the extreme.I can't imagine Yang Gang's thoughts at all.

The voice fell.

"Could it be that he hates me because of the way I am now?" The little fox wiped away his tears and began to explain himself.

Suddenly his eyes turned.

"When did you show up?"

Yang Gang just picked up a piece of grass and found a deserted ancient temple in front of him.

Pushing this from one to the other makes people laugh out loud.

The little fox looked at Yang Gang with a smile and remained motionless.

"It's really bad luck! Without the traction of the long river of fate, I really am an unlucky guy...or is it that I was cursed by that little fox again?"

A wisp of blue smoke ignited from the little fox and rose into the void.

"Woohoo ~~~ Woohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhas

For a long time, for a long time.

Yang Gang was startled, and flew back several miles in an instant.


Yang Gang's figure flashed.

The current emperor gives Yang Gang the feeling that he is a wise master who works hard to rule, and a majestic master of heaven and earth.

Turning around and leaving Chaoge, he began to search aimlessly around Chaoge.

thought here.

next moment.

A flash of lightning seemed to flash in the little fox's mind.

A little fox, who was only as tall as Yang Gang's knee, jumped up and down behind him, looking very happy.

"This time, I will definitely not go wrong!"

Ever since she was accidentally rescued by Yang Gang, she has been living in secluded practice in this Qingqiu land, and has never had contact with anyone.

"Little fox...has left Qingqiu?"

His fifth kalpa might be fulfilled in the first life of Wangchen.If she hadn't been found before the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, it is estimated that in the future... maybe she will never be found!

Yang Gang frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

all of a sudden.

Days pass by.

Brother Erlangshen finally didn't chase her away, could she not be happy?

"I want to leave Qingqiu, and I'm going to find brother Erlangshen! Madam, you have to punish the little fox... the little fox doesn't care! The little fox must go to brother Erlangshen and explain clearly to him!"

The contrast of information has caused a huge misunderstanding, which may never be solved. The more the little fox explains, the more Yang Gang will not believe it.

Yang Gang's expression became more and more indifferent.

Worthy of the respect of all beings in the world!


"There is no sign of decline at all?"

"Brother Erlangshen, what kind of little fox are you looking for? Can I take you to find it? My luck and supernatural powers are very good at finding things!"


Yang Gang finally turned his head, showing a helpless face.

"Okay. I want to find the Nuwa Temple, do you dare to go?"

(End of this chapter)

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