I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 192 Conferred God Stands on the Stand, the Real Wangchen 2nd World Opens

Chapter 192 Conferred God Stands on the Stand, the Real Wangchen Second World Opens


Cai Linger kept vomiting letters to Yang Gang and Yun Linger, extremely anxious, as if shouting: Stop fighting!


The confused two didn't listen at all.

Yun Ling'er's snow-white neck suddenly lengthened, and she let out an intoxicating hum.

Then he lowered his head abruptly, his gaze flashed with confusion and murderous intent, and he bit Yang Gang's neck hard, but halfway through, his strength suddenly became very weak because of a certain evil hand.


Cai Ling'er became anxious immediately.

Suddenly, light flashed all over his body, and his figure swelled and changed constantly.In the end, it turned into an enchanting and charming woman with a snake tail and full of imperial aura.

next moment.

【You entered Yuhang Town ten years in advance.All karma and fate come from this. 】

this day.

Haotian was unable to destroy the Emperor's heavenly authority from the front, so he wanted to rebuild a supreme fairy court with the help of the flourishing power of the otherworldly immortality.

"This life-and-death sadomasochism is not only the difficulty in Yuetiandi's heart, but also the difficulty in my previous life. Sister Ling'er... the happiness in this life should be guarded by me!"


A strong suction directly pulled him in.It also embedded in his mind the story that made countless people feel uncomfortable.

"Hmph, how do I remember that this queen came first?" Cai Ling'er's eyes cleared up a little, and then she fell into a deeper confusion.The racial nature of the snake-human race made her ten times weaker than Yun Ling'er's resistance to that medicine.

The ginger fairy who is at ease in the world.

The old man lowered his head and sighed lowly.


Right now.

It might really never come out.

in the cave.

"About the story about Nuwa's descendants, that woman who abused so many people that she was also called Ling'er..."


Wang Chen looked at the three figures in the picture, the two 'selfs'... a strange feeling in his heart, as uncomfortable as being scratched by a cat.

Everything around him suddenly became real.

"Jiang Shang...respect the decree of the master."

The old man on the bank of the Wei River finally stood up slowly, took the list of gods that fell from the sky, beat the whip, and then bowed respectfully to the otherworldly place above the sky, but his expression was somewhat compassionate.

"Even if you...even..." She pursed her lips again, "It's just intersecting with my snake shell, it's nothing."

"here it is……"

"Her story back then should have been miserable, miserable."


"Brother Antarctic."

Its appearance is somewhat similar to Yang Gang at this time.

Yang Gang looked at Mingjie Changhe.


The shore of the Wei River.

He said: "Under the order of the master, the fate of the gods will be unsealed. I am here now, and my master has given you the list of the gods. I ordered you to quickly go to Qishan to build the platform of the gods, and hang the list of the gods on the stage."

Yang Gang lay on the ground in a daze, completely suppressed by the two women.

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he remembered the town he met when he first entered the world of transformation.

She is the only supreme god!
"Break defense?"

"Brother Xiaoyao, my name is Linger...Zhao Linger!"

[The young Emperor Yuetian was born on Fairy Island, dreamed into Taiyin, evolved into all generations, and practiced the way of Taiyin's great dream.However, in the first evolution, she fell into eternal love, life and death sadomasochism. 】

"Then, should I help her resolve the difficulty in her heart, or let her experience the difficulty again?"

"If it is said that this world is influenced by the stories in my heart, then... am I now the Li Xiaoyao ten years ago?"

Yang Gang walked to the door of an inn.

the other side.

he knows.

"Seed cakes, sell sesame cakes! One piece with one grain, five yuan with three grains..."



If he is really him.

But because of the special nature of this area, the true spirit did not step into reincarnation.

His eyes lit up.

Yang Gang evolved the martial arts against the sky, and fought Cai Linger and Yun Linger alone. Seeing that he was about to reverse the situation, he grabbed Yun Linger's long legs with one hand and pierced the sky with his spear.

And this time.

At the critical moment when Yang Gang and Cai Linger were about to pierce the sky with their spears, she finally broke free from her mortal world.

In the future, all generations will bear that endless resentment, and countless reincarnations... cannot be washed away.

"If you weren't him... In this life, before I transform into a Tao, I can only stay in it forever!"

A memory was stuffed into Yang Gang's mind out of thin air.

"Jiang Shang obeys orders."

"Although you are in the Mortal Transformation World, you don't have self-awareness. But unintentionally..." She moved her lips, but she couldn't utter some words in the end, "Then enter that world and try it!"

Wangchen's vermilion lips were slightly pursed, and a smile that she didn't even notice appeared at the corner of her mouth, she seemed a bit proud, "You must have never imagined that I could still molted out, leaving a whole body in the world of transformation."

As for why she didn't end the evolution of this life, she also wanted to see what changes Yang Gang could bring to herself.

The figure hiding in the void, understands that the person below has a special identity, whether it is past life or present life...

Thinking in his heart, Yang Gang stepped into Yuhang Town silently.

Wang Chen was dressed in a moon white robe, staring coldly at the three figures who were vying for the 'turf' in a water mirror in front of him.

"This is really... My fate is up to the sky, not up to me!"

A solemn voice descended from the nine heavens, turning into a gleaming golden wooden whip and a phantom of a mysterious scroll.

All of this... I don't know if it is causal involvement, or a coincidence.

"Jiang Shang... Starting today, since he was expelled from the teaching, everything he said in this life has nothing to do with the teachers and brothers in the teaching." Jiang Shang slowly bowed to a certain existence in the distance.

Just like the later generations... the Holy King.

Is it...

There is no reminder of settlement opportunities, participation in research, and no follow-up deduction. I know in my heart that I still failed.

The deepest, most unforgettable, and least daring story in her heart happened here?
"This life, it seems...isn't a simulation anymore?"

This is... nothing at all!
Wangchen kept comforting himself.

Although Yang Gang's physical body died in the hands of "Human Emperor Xin".

A free and unfettered immortal who once jumped out of the three realms and was not among the five elements.

All kinds of yelling and selling sounds came to the ears, and the pedestrians on the street were like water, flowing continuously.

Let's see if he...is he the one who sat in the world of mortals and waited silently when he was Emperor Yuetian.

On Fairy Island, the little girl smiled happily.


Yang Gang meditated silently, strolling in Yuhang Town ten years ago, "Mingjie Changhe reminded that Emperor Yuetian was also born on a fairy island back then. In the end, he was swept away by a certain chaos, and he fell into eternal love, and he could never find him again." When I saw that person, my heart was hard to calm down."

If Wangchen hadn't broken the defense, he would almost have allowed Yun Linger to break the defense.

And that indescribable existence, with eyes piercing the sky and earth, was staring at him coldly.

The Antarctic fairy has long since vanished without a trace, untouched by cause and effect.


"...Why is he so different from others?"

A big hand descended from the sky, obliterating everything.

"So, have I succeeded in this life?"

Taking a deep breath, her full chest kept rising and falling.

"But will the storyline of this life develop like the story in my heart? I'm afraid not..."

The emotions in my heart were finally fully aroused.

Huge karma fell on Jiang Shang.

"Ten years in advance, enter Yuhang Town."

Yang Gang returned to Mingjie Changhe, and sighed regretfully.

Then I saw a town in the style of a Jiangnan water town in front of me - Yuhang Town.

However, Yang Gang found that he seemed to be a bit out of tune with the people here.

She snorted coldly, her eyes flashed with cold murderous intent, and she was about to make a move.

"Here comes the candied haws!"

"At this time, I am Li Xiaoyao. Ten years ago, I was entrusted by Zhao Linger's mother to flee Nanzhao with Zhao Linger and grandma riding a phoenix, and put them on a small island. What is the name of that small island? Well, It seems to be Fairy Island..."


at the same time.

Although he called him senior brother, he didn't mean to be humble.

Seeing this scene, Wangchen in the Nuwa Temple couldn't stand it anymore.

That uncle, who was established as a teacher in the demon realm, should have also coped with this catastrophe.

There were tears in the old eyes.

"Give you the most precious whip, this whip has 21 sections, and each section has four seals, a total of 84 seals. It can beat the eight righteous gods on the list of gods, but anyone who refuses to obey discipline can be intimidated. There are eight The first treasure in the department."

When he saw the name of the inn, Yang Gang understood his choice in his heart.

[The sun burns the sky, and the sun falls. 】

He couldn't help thinking of Mingjie Changhe's reminder.

"In the future, when the catastrophe comes together, all the gods and spirits of the three realms will be included in the list. They will not be reincarnated, and will never be destroyed forever. This is the opportunity of the Great Dao, and the three realms are most fortunate."

The door of the inn slowly opened.

There seemed to be a soft, sad piano sound in Yang Gang's mind, and the name of that piano sound was 'Never Lose, Never Forget'...

An old man with gray beard and hair was holding a fishing tackle, sitting on the bank of the water in obscurity.

The long river of fate suddenly bloomed.


a time.

The queen's weak and boneless snake body directly squeezed into Yang Gang's arms, and started a fierce battle with Yun Ling'er.

"My name is... Yang Xiaoyao." Yang Gang in memory smiled.

He suddenly waved his hand.

Died at the hands of Emperor Xin.

"Bastard! How dare you... how dare you really..."

"If you were him..."


Re-entering the Three Realms will set off the biggest storm in this life.

A handsome young boy came out yawning.

Cai Ling'er, who turned into a snake queen, licked her tongue and looked at the two people who were entangled.

Jiang Shang raised his head and looked at the cloudy sky.


In the Huafan world.

Did he really fail?
In Nuwa Temple.

Wangchen stared coldly at the empty world in front of him.

His straight back seemed to bend down.

"Wangchen's second life love calamity has finally begun!"

Isn't it called Yuhang Town?

"In broad daylight...shameless!"

"Not good! This stupid woman's grilled fish..."

For some unknown reason, Wangchen's heart suddenly twitched.

This time, I have already accepted the biggest cause and effect in this mountain and sea.

Just when Yang Gang fell into the world of transformation and was at war with Wang Chen's mind.

this moment.

But if he enters the deepest part of Wangchen's heart, a world that even she cannot perceive.

In the distant sky, there seems to be a great avenue roaring.

"this person……"

Yang Gang, who could have interfered with the direction of this catastrophe, couldn't help himself, and fell into the eternal but endlessly evolving world of Huafan.

"But the general outline should be more or less the same..."

A new world is slowly unfolding in front of Yang Gang.

But he...has a reason why he has to accept it.

"Big brother, what's your name?" A young girl with a clear and fairy air looked up at the handsome young man in front of her, her eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

"Get out of the way, obviously I came first!" Yun Linger scolded angrily.

My master sits high on the nine clouds, and the futon speaks truth.

The old man stared at the void and sat majestically.

But now he's... dead.

Nuwa Temple.

A line of words "Yun Lai Yun Qu Inn" is written on the plaque.

Yang Gang is still thinking about what the next story is.

Wangchen I suddenly hummed softly and opened his eyes.

[Wangchen Second World——Sadomasochism between life and death, eternal love. 】

The icy eyes were like Yun Linger's, flashing a trace of confusion.

Yang Gang opened his eyes.

Sleeves fluttered.

Li Xiaoyao ten years ago and Li Xiaoyao ten years later finally met at this time.

Just like the Emperor Yuetian back then, and Wangchen now.

The cycle of cause and effect, under the entanglement of the long river of fate, finally formed a closed loop of reincarnation.

 Today is this chapter, close to 4000 cough cough cough, be it, tomorrow will resume 6000 update.

(End of this chapter)

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