I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 195 The Last Emperor, the Meteor of the Body

Chapter 195

Fairy Island.

A pure white spring.

Streams of milky white spiritual spring overflow from the crevices of the rocks, ordinary people can't drink it, but newlywed women can drink it to help them conceive and have children.


Yang Gang hugged Ling'er's delicate body, as if playing with a rare treasure.At the same time, I fetched a cup of Lingquan water specially sent by my grandma, and fed it to Linger.

"Brother Xiaoyao~~~What is this?"

Ling'er held Yang Gang's palm, separated his fingertips, and pulled out a transparent silk thread.

He looked up and asked curiously.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

He quietly opened his eyes from the Nuwa Temple.

Wang Chen knows.

Like a scumbag who just lifted his pants and left.

A snow-white nine-tailed fox suddenly opened its eyes.

The former Yuetian Emperor experienced it, and the future Ling'er may also experience it.

The icy killing intent surged from the Nuwa Temple, and directly attacked the immortal fate of the human being.

It's just that Wangchen is not clear about all of this.

As for Wangchen...

Ling'er, who drank the Lingquan water, suddenly got up, and looked at Yang Gang with rippling eyes, "Brother Xiaoyao, Ling'er is thirsty..."

With Yang Gang stepping into reincarnation, walk out of the third life.

"Human Emperor... Di Xin!"

But she found that she couldn't be happy at all.

The memory of the current life is completely recovered, and the memory of Wangchen's second life is fully realized in the evolution.

"He... already reincarnated?"

next moment.

Wangchen I, a descendant of Nuwa from ancient times, fought with Emperor Xin, the man who controls the power of heaven...

In that world, no one will change their fate against the sky.The plot progresses to three moon worshipers killing the fairy island, and grandma leads the fairies cultivated by the fairy island to fight the three moon worshipers.

The Haotian God who was hiding behind the scenes finally made a move... On the earth, countless gods and gods heard the news and moved, kicking off a prelude to a great war.

That memory became sweeter and more greasy, and Wang Chen felt an inexplicable pain more and more.

A cold voice sounded next to his ear, "Little fox, your Erlangshen brother...is dead. He died at the hands of Emperor Xin."

Wangchen took back the Huafan world bit by bit, this world that involved [-]% of her power.

To Wang Chen's first life, it was also a strange second life.

And Wangchen... Maybe she will also experience this pain in this life.

"I order you to use luck and supernatural powers...to destroy the foundation of destiny for all generations! Go..." With a sigh of resentment, Wang Chen's figure disappeared without a trace.

She held her heart tightly, already feeling an indescribable pain.

The ancient era of mountains and seas will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe.

She was completely angry.

And take this opportunity.

have to say.


The memory of Wangchen's second life gradually turned into reality and penetrated into her soul.

The little fox opened his eyes blankly.

"It turns out...there is such a bitter thing in the world?" Wangchen I looked blankly at the empty Nuwa Temple, feeling so lonely for the first time in tens of thousands of years...

Her body curled up.

Outside the Nuwa Temple.

This is the past of Emperor Yuetian's childhood.

It will definitely be... excruciatingly painful!
Not to mention the future.

In Nuwa Temple.

The night was getting darker.

The memory of Yang Gang and Zhao Ling'er's evolution in the world of fairy sword has also gone through... a few days.

The combat power of this side of the world is really high.

Wangchen II's time and space trembled slightly, and that unforgettable night finally came to an end.

Want to resist, but can't do anything.

Who knows that anyone on Xianling Island is above the Yuanshen realm, and grandma, Ling'er, and the three moon worshipers are all above the fairyland.

In the eyebrows, there was a pure but longing look, which immediately aroused strong emotions in Yang Gang's heart.

In front of Nuwa Temple.

Wangchen already resigned to his fate, his body lay limp on the ground.

The little fox raised his head blankly.

But after all, she is already Wangchen, not Yuetiandi.

A kind of pain that has continued since ancient times and cannot be eradicated even after reincarnation!
And temporarily lost Yang Gang's leadership.

He thought that the directness of the fairy sword, the realm of the true astral and the primordial spirit would be enough.

Looking at her innocent expression, Yang Gang could only hold back his anger, and explained: "Is this the Lingquan that was accidentally poured on my hand just now..."

It's just that I haven't forgotten Ling'er, and the tenderness and sweetness on Xianling Island.

All she knew was that the person she had been looking for life after life had slipped away from her eyes once again.

"Bad guy...bad guy...I hate you..."

A land of chaos.

The only thing he changed.

Wangchen's body shook suddenly.

hard to imagine.

No one can predict what the final outcome of this battle will be.

A top-level power who has long been desperate to stand on the top of the fairy will always feel an emotion that belongs to him and does not belong to him because of his second life.

The sky and the earth shook, and the rhymes of hundreds of millions of mountains and seas manifested.

Linger's experience is really... too shameful for her.

I will definitely regret it!

It's a pity that his true spirit is still wandering in the samsara, ignorant, and naturally missed the key to the development of this episode.

A jade pendant engraved with "Don't lose, never forget, immortal life and prosperity" suddenly emitted a faint divine light.A deep hole suddenly appeared in the void, and the fairy jade pendant took Yang Gang's body and the three-pointed two-edged knife into the cycle of reincarnation.


When she watched "herself" and Brother Xiaoyao being torn apart, it was as if she saw the scene where Emperor Xin casually killed Erlang God Yang Jian in front of the Nuwa Temple.

An ancient and vast temple slowly rises from the ground out of thin air.


Linger sent Yang Gang to the boat to leave...

Getting rid of this trouble, Wang Chen should have been very happy.

"In this life, I have been so close to him. I will definitely... find him back!"

Looking at the distant land, there seemed to be two figures ascending to the nine heavens, fighting fiercely.

Wangchen I was finally born!

this moment.

A cold figure stepped out of the Nuwa Temple and walked towards the Holy Land of the Human Race step by step.

From now on, every day she is in the mountains and seas, she will awaken and evolve a day's memory in the fairy sword.

Several days followed.

A human emperor and heavenly emperor who controls the authority of the ancient mountains, seas and heavens.

It's just that his situation in this life is special, and I'm afraid he will grow up as quickly as Nezha.

Sadomasochism between life and death, eternal love.

Yang Gang was indeed reincarnated under the protection of the fairy jade pendant.

Yang Gang miscalculated.

There is a trace of resentment in every whisper, and strands of tenderness and sweetness.

One is the former Moon Emperor.

Stone has three lives, and man has three lives.

The endless void.

It was [-] times more painful than the sour and astringent body breaking pain before.

The two are newlyweds, lying in bed with you and me.

For Yang Gang.

"Wang Chen, what on earth do you... want to do?" The majestic emperor Xin looked sternly, looking at the graceful woman in a moonlight robe in front of him.

"Leverage your power of heaven to find someone in reincarnation..."

Wang Chen's voice fell.

Suddenly shot.

(End of this chapter)

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