I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 197 The Reborn I am King Zhou

Chapter 197 The Reborn I am King Zhou


Yang Gang felt dizzy, his mind was spinning, and he was stunned by Emperor Xin's words.

The human emperor Xin... the last human emperor, worked hard to govern, no worse than any human emperor in the past.

He controls the authority of heaven, and as the co-lord of the three realms, he is supremely majestic, so how could he be so irrational?

A light flashed in his mind.

Could it be... he saw something different in the infinite possibilities of the future?

For the power of heaven, the human emperors of all dynasties have fought against Haotian for countless years, holding Haotian overhead to rule the sky above, but they were unable to win a complete victory.

Could it be that the key to breaking the game lies with me?

Therefore, Emperor Xin broke the boat and took the initiative to step into reincarnation...

It seemed that even he was not sure about the future situation.

"His Majesty."

It was only at the last critical moment that the matter came out from Xuanyuanqiu.

All beings in mountains and seas can die.

Yang Gang turned his head and took a deep look at Di Xin.

Completely fell into a period of ignorance for a long time.


"I said, trust you."

As long as reincarnation is immortal, it is worth it for an existence like them who sees through everything.

At least he can't let anyone know about this before he is fledgling.

He understands.

The closed door burst open.

Yang Gang's eyes dimmed.

for a long time.

But the foundation has already been deeply rooted in the human race, rooted in the people, gods, and demons of the three realms.

"In this world, no one knows that I have stepped into reincarnation."

In this catastrophe, the Human Sovereign already has the mentality of completely breaking the boat.

Yang Gang thought of a key question.

Yang Gang couldn't help being stunned and almost exclaimed.

In an instant.

As for those ancient great gods, gods and men from all walks of life, such as the "fire god" red lotus underlord...but they can't always be around the emperor.

But there are many important figures under the Emperor's command at this time.

"Grand Master 'Wen Zhong'...Sitian Superintendent Grand Master 'Du Yuanxian'...Prime Minister 'Shang Rong'...Shang Doctor 'Mei Bo'...Ya Xiang's 'Bigan'...Sanshanguan Commander-in-Chief 'Kong Xuan' ...the Seven Monsters of Meishan 'Yuan Hong' ...Wu Chengwang 'Huang Feihu'..."

"In the short battle with Wang Chen, he has already planned so much..."

"Your burden will be very, very heavy. Erlang God Yang Jian, I trust you, but I hope that you...can raise the confidence in your heart." Di Xin said solemnly.

He saluted and said: "Chen, I pay my respects to the Emperor of Heaven."

"But I am not the orthodox Human Emperor after all, the power of the power of the Dao of Heaven, if I use a little bit, I will lose a little bit. Before completing the great cause of conferring gods, I am afraid that I must find a successor in advance, otherwise... the Dao of Heaven will still return to the Heaven Realm in the end."

He has the talent of the heaven and the latitude, can make clouds and rain, distinguish between good and evil, and is even more loyal to the emperor.

For a long time, for a long time.

The reincarnation is faint, and the countless overflowing air currents are becoming more and more turbulent.

Yang Gang hesitated again and again, finally nodded slowly, and agreed in a deep voice.

With a thought in his mind, his physical body changed, and he gradually turned into the appearance of Emperor Xin.

Start thinking about how to be a human emperor.

Yang Gang finally sat on the throne that symbolized the Supreme Being of the Three Realms.

Transformed into a mighty and handsome silver-armored god of war holding a three-pointed and two-edged sword.

Yang Gang sat on the top, his voice was filled with supreme majesty, surrounded by the breath of heaven.

Can't be split.

It is in the immortal way where the luck is prosperous and the grand luck is displayed.

The figure of 'Human Emperor Xin' suddenly turned into a streamer, piercing into the center of Yang Gang's eyebrows.

It's scary to think about it, it's scary to think about it!
"Don't think too much..."

With the help of Renhuang, Yang Gang skipped countless hours and returned directly from reincarnation to reshape his physical body.

Is this going to be driven to the shelves?What about the body of my Erlang God Yang Jian?
"As for your original identity."

Do you want him to be a King Zhou who will bear countless infamy in later generations?
Isn't he afraid that he will lose his mind by that power and walk on the road of a faint king and a tyrant?
You know, even Haotian covets this heavenly authority!


Yang Gang's whole body changed, and an aura belonging to the "Human Emperor" emerged spontaneously.

With such a human emperor and such courage, what should I do to be worthy of his selfless devotion?
"it is good!"

In the samsara, the darkness churned, and endless waves surged.

In terms of seniority, he is the elder of Emperor Xin.

Confronting the three religions of Immortal Dao... Although there is one side that can help, the real enemy is Haotian behind them.Even with the power of the emperor, the world will return to one's heart, this catastrophe... is also the difficulty of hell!


The human emperor Xin Xuxuan's figure completely collapsed.

Yang Gang suddenly raised his head and looked outside the hall.

Give him the position of emperor, Tao Zongli, and let him, a person who has never learned how to govern a country and lead an army... to manage this vast mountain, sea and world.

Yang Gang raised his head and looked at the throne above.

Yang Gang sat on the throne, resting his chin in one hand.

"His Majesty."

Encouraging the virtuous and accepting the good, establishing a harem?
He instantly searched the brief memory in his mind, and then he was stunned.


And immortality.

Yang Gang smiled wryly.

"Hahahahaha, I'll go too!"

all of a sudden.

A respectful voice sounded.

They are the last resort to check and balance Haotian.

And what he faces in the future...

"The outstanding people in my memory will be my team to conquer the world from now on. I can't be like the 'King Zhou' in that other world, who will make people alienated and cause many people to be forced to rebel."

"It turns out...the human emperor Xin has concentrated the power of heaven in this clone projection. But in this way, he doesn't even have the qualification to enter Xuanyuanqiu."

But facing Renhuang, the most virtuous person in the three worlds, Wen Zhong never dared to go beyond.

Looking at the human emperor Xin, he said firmly: "Please rest assured, this catastrophe, even if the mountains and seas collapse and the avenues perish. I... will never admit defeat!"

"I just need you to promise me to protect this piece of land, mountains, rivers, mountains and seas and all beings on my behalf! I believe that you will be able to be a human emperor!"

The human emperor Xin took a deep look at him, then suddenly raised his head and laughed.

Became... the emperor.

Then a dignified middle-aged man with a green beard stepped forward slowly.

"His Majesty!"

As a human emperor, with insight into the Three Realms, the signs of this catastrophe of conferring gods had already appeared in his eyes.

"Wen Tianshi is here, why?"


He finally lifted his steps slowly, step by step onto the throne of the Supreme Being of the Three Realms.



"It's an experiment."

Just as he was thinking, a voice suddenly came from outside the hall.

at the same time.

"What you will face in the future is probably far different from the characters I have faced in the past. Everyone is amazingly talented, outstanding people from heaven and earth, gods and gods are powerful..." Di Xin's voice drifted far away in the reincarnation ,far away.

Outside the Imperial Palace, there was a large crowd of applauding voices, "I implore you, accept the harem, and the world will be determined!"

Wen Zhong bowed his head deeply, and said respectfully: "The birth of a descendant of Nuwa has almost caused chaos in the mountains and seas, and destroyed the luck of humanity. If you look at the stars in the sky, the luck in mountains and seas, there may be ominous signs in the future."

Wen Zhong, the contemporary emperor and celestial master.

At this moment, Yang Gang's hesitant gaze gradually became firm.

a time.

The human emperor Xin shook his head slightly, as if he knew that his words made Yang Gang think a lot, and said in a deep voice: "No one can meet the future. I just think that your difference can bring something different to all living beings in the mountains and seas." .”

Wen Zhong lowered his head, hardly daring to look directly at the Emperor.

When the time comes to greet Yang Gang, I am afraid that it will be a thunderous blow with all its strength.

in a blink.

A series of grotesque pictures flashed before his eyes, and he seemed to have started a long journey of reincarnation.

His eyes turned to the outside of the Golden Luan Hall.

Yang Gang frowned, a little indescribable.


After all, Yang Gang is Yang Gang.

"When you are in the Imperial Palace, you will understand. Remember, remember, this matter... Even the most trusted person in the world, you must not reveal anything. Otherwise, the world will react by itself!" Di Xin Youyuan's voice came.

Di Xin continued: "After you entered the human palace, you will be reborn with flesh and blood, and you will return to the source, and you will still be the God of Fighting. There are some things that are inconvenient to deal with in the body of the Emperor, so you can sit in the center with that avatar projection , acting as Yang Jian."

At this moment, Yang Gang felt admiration spontaneously in his heart.

Yang Gang stared fixedly at the figure below, his eyes pondering.

No one can reveal it, otherwise the heaven and the earth will generate their own induction... That means this, the God of Haotian will know it at the first time.

Di Xin fixedly looked at Yang Gang, his majestic face full of freedom and ease.He said: "In the human palace at this time, I have left a clone projection, which can temporarily stabilize the overall situation. After you enter the master's palace, you should replace it. I also have arrangements in reincarnation."

"it is good!"

It's as if you can have a panoramic view of the entire mountain, sea and world.

"Fortunately, His Majesty returned safely. Wangchen retreated into the Nuwa Temple... However, the turmoil of Qi movement has become a final result. I implore Your Majesty, honor the virtuous and accept the good, and build a harem... Cultivate the next emperor in advance to determine the future of the universe. turmoil."

Yang Gang nodded slowly, trying to maintain the majesty of the emperor.

After pondering for a while, he said, "I heard that the Grand Master has something important to do, come into the hall and talk."


The front suddenly brightened.

He hurriedly shouted: "Where is the authority of the Dao? I am not the real Emperor, and I cannot exercise the Dao of Heaven..."

Finally saw the 'Human Emperor Xin' again.

He regained his confidence quickly.

A three-life stone wrapped in a mass of flesh and blood landed in the sky, turned into a flesh and blood body, and quickly grew into a human form.

"If you want to be a human emperor, first..."

It was only when Yang Gang's eyes fell that he suddenly reacted, and waved his hand to sprinkle a dense brilliance.

The golden light wrapped around Yang Gang's body and the Sansheng Stone, and suddenly plunged into the passage where Emperor Xin came from before.

A brief memory suddenly flooded in.

This last Human Sovereign is more courageous than all previous Human Sovereigns!

With such a great trust, once the promise is made, countless efforts must be made, so that Emperor Xin's hard work cannot be wasted.

After the first battle of Zhuolu in ancient times, it was difficult for the mountains and seas to withstand such a world-shattering war.

The voice fell.

A golden light pierced the sky thoroughly, illuminating everything in the Nine Netherworld, and actually illuminated the dark samsara.

The emperor Xin, who has worked hard for many years to rule the country, has...never married a wife!

In an instant.

Last minute.

keep listening.



"I will allow you, even if the mountains and seas collapse, and the Dao perishes. As long as you can win, even if all the living beings in this life are scattered into reincarnation, you will not admit defeat!"

At this moment, there was no one in his harem.

At this time, he was dumbfounded, as if he didn't have any wisdom.

In the human palace, a hollow hole suddenly opened.


Yang Gang turned into a human emperor and stood there in a daze.

This secret is destined to be known only by the Human Emperor, Yang Gang, and... Samsara among the Three Realms.

Yang Gang asked slowly.

"But this attempt is at the cost of your life..." Yang Gang wanted to ask, is it really worth it?The Emperor's status is so noble, and with Di Xin's courage, he may not lose to Haotian in the future battle of the Three Realms.

Yang Gang took a deep breath in his heart.

He thought about how to be a human emperor.

But never thought of it.

The first problem to face after becoming the emperor is actually the advice of the ministers to accept the harem...

(End of this chapter)

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