I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 199 Reshaping the physical body in the present world, Er Lang angrily reveals the list of go

Chapter 199 Returning to the present world to reshape the physical body, Erlang angrily reveals the list of gods

Suddenly, the world spun.

The surrounding moments seemed to disappear in an instant, Yang Gang stared wide-eyed, watching the world collapse inch by inch, a scene of annihilation.

Come to yourself.

It actually appeared in the eternal demon realm, in the waters of Bibotan.

"Why did you come back suddenly?"

"The scene just now seems to indicate something..." Yang Gang frowned slightly.

Then he suddenly realized that he already had the ability to frown.

At the same time, Mingjie Changhe also began to settle.

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.With one's own power, start the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods.Stepping on Qingqiu will harm Nuwa and disturb humanity.Evaluation: A steal, a thief on the avenue. 】

One memory picture after another merged into his mind.

And at this time under the blue waters.

He was holding a jug of wine and two wine glasses in his hand, with a sad look on his face, and he was heading towards Bibotan.

[In order to avoid fluctuations in the fate of humanity, you go to the Nuwa Temple to marry the mother of humanity.With the addition of luck, humanity is at its peak. 】

Yang Gang raised his head in surprise.

[You rebelled against Yin and Yang and reversed reincarnation.Together with the first generation of Wangchen, he evolved the second generation of the fairy sword world, and the eternal love calamity.Evaluation: A thousand calamities are entangled. 】

"But why did Wangchen agree? After all, the previous life was the previous life, and she didn't fall in love with me in this life, so did Huafan's first life have such a big influence? Wangchen...why do you agree?"

For a while, it even attracted the attention of some caring people.

Although his magical powers may only last once.But it is definitely a trump card!
"It was the power of Tiandao's participation in the research that year...that allowed me to cultivate the golden light that broke the catastrophe in advance."

He immediately had supernatural powers.

The river of fate continues to evolve.

Eternal love, this is the life she is destined to walk out of.

Suddenly, a strong force of heaven descended from the sky and landed on Yang Gang's flesh and blood.

[Accumulation in previous lives transforms the power of Tiandao's one-year participation in research, and the power of 21 years of research participation. 】

"The golden light just now, could it be the magic weapon left behind?"

He watched himself in the long river of fate, walked into the Nuwa temple, and finalized the marriage with Wangchen in a few words.

[In the same year, a little fox from Qingqiu originally possessed the daughter of Hou Suhu of Jizhou, planning to take revenge on the Emperor.Just like that, she was selected at a loss and became one of the concubines of the Queen's Palace. 】

Because of Yang Gang's awakening, the Everlasting Demon Realm was once again in turmoil.

Immediately slapped his head.

a time.

At this time, Yang Gang naturally didn't know what Di Xin didn't tell him.

The flesh and blood all over his body are glued together little by little, and vitality is born spontaneously. The bones, veins, and spiritual platform are connected by this magical force, and time seems to be accelerated countless times.

Because today... is Yang Gang's 'first seven'.

[After passing through the current "robbing chapter", you can keep the chance savings until the end of the first life, or you can choose to receive it. 】

When Li Chunyun flew to Bibotan.

What a price must be paid for Wang Chen to separate out a strand of clones and walk out of the Nuwa Temple.

"But in the current world, it's difficult, difficult, difficult... His true spirit may have already reincarnated!"

Yang Gang let out a scream, and couldn't help pressing his palm on his face, and couldn't look any further.

With a hint of joy on his face, Yang Gang closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the water, using his magical powers.

It is easy to understand the way of heaven in the mountains and seas, but at this time the way of heaven, earth and heaven is not obvious.The perception at that time could not be applied in the present world like the practice experience.

"What did I do in Shanhai to make such a great contribution?"

"This is... the direction of Bibotan? Is my little brother Yang Gang still alive?" In the sky, a sword fairy in green was flying with his sword.

After a long time, I didn't see any movement again, and I couldn't help but sighed regretfully.

"The golden light that breaks the catastrophe in the mountains and seas has come true!"

A wave of water surged, breaking through the magical power of the water element that had shrouded Bibotan for a while.

She... is not annoying.

The long river of fate continues to be deduced.

Combined with Yang Gang.

"The combination of physical body and magic power... Maybe this is also a pass for the sanctification of the Nine Tribulations?" Yang Gang has never practiced the method of physical sanctification, nor has anyone taught him it before. This road of practice can only be like a blind man crossing a river. Find out by yourself a little bit.

Yang Gang looked at a waterway above his head that could not be closed for a long time, and his eyes showed a hint of disbelief.

"Okay! I really put a tall hat on the name of Brother Huang..."

It is necessary to know that the world at this time is completely different from the mountains and seas.

Yang Gang snorted angrily, his face full of indignation.

"What! Don't..."

"This...is actually [-]% stronger than before?"

[Three golden chances have been transformed, and the accumulated quantity: one (white), four (gold) and one (three colors)]

That magical weapon can make Yang Gang in the fairyland stand shoulder to shoulder with several immortal kings and demon saints.

Playing against a real strong player, this is definitely an immeasurable improvement.

[Evaluation: The majesty of the emperor, the determination of mountains and seas. 】

Immediately, a golden light shot out from the celestial eye on the forehead, broke through the ten thousand li waters of Bibotan, and went straight to the sky.

"Where's my mana?"

You have a long life... you are making trouble again!

Read on.

"One year, 21 years... The two worlds are settled together! What is the power of Tiandao's participation in this year's research?"

Yang Gang only felt that the supernatural powers were running smoothly and smoothly, as if he had turned the imprint of the Dao into instinct, and he had a faint feeling of being able to control the world.

Yang Gang was stunned.

"Wang Chen's second life is also settled. So... in the Conferred God, has it not been at least a year?"

Immediately, a look of joy appeared on his face, "Three golden chances, this time I have made a lot of money! There are four golden chances in total, which should be enough to assemble a complete three-pointed two-edged sword? Brother Monkey, I'm coming..."

"A road thief? Mingjie Changhe, you stain my reputation!"

"Sure enough, I think too much."

[On May [-]th of the same year, the Nuwa Temple changed, the luck of humanity was unstable, and the mountains and seas were in turmoil. 】

【fourth year.Wen Zhong returned to Chaoge to preside over the affairs of the court.I highly appreciate your act of marrying the descendants of Nuwa.However, you and Wangchen have been married for one year, and on the surface they are loving, but in fact they respect each other like guests, and have never shown anything.Wen Zhong discussed with the ministers of the court, and in the end, he still carried the huge pressure from the Emperor, and continued the original plan to accept the harem for the Emperor...]

Yang Gang seemed to be on the scene, feeling the memory of 21 years.

in a blink.

With a thought in his mind, he also burned that precious three-color opportunity.

But breaking the calamity golden light is a top-level supernatural power comparable to that of a fairy.

all of a sudden.

In the Eternal Demon Realm, many existences also sensed the power of that golden light, regardless of the surviving power of the Immortal King's supernatural power, they set off one after another.

It's just... united with the flesh.

Therefore, if you haven't reached the realm of immortal king or demon saint, you can't control the great way of heaven and earth.

at the same time.

【The third year.In the body of Erlang God, you came to Jiuyou, Zhan Wushuang, captured the demon god, shocked the mountains and seas, and suppressed all dissatisfied voices.The name of Qingyuan Miaodao True Monarch resounds throughout the mountains and seas.With your magical powers and supernatural powers, you have gradually entered the realm of the highest immortal king. 】

"Huh? When did I think that way? Is it my own thinking in the long river of life?"

got used to it.

[In the first year of becoming the Emperor, you worked hard and learned how to govern the mountains, seas and the world, and gained a lot.It has laid a good foundation for becoming a judicial god in the future. 】

Yang Gang was puzzled.

With a thought, I can still feel a tyrannical force, a wave of supernatural power.

Thoughts fall.

It seems that they came to pay homage to Yang Gang.

Yang Gang looked at Mingjie Changhe.

【the second year.After the big marriage, you comprehend the fate of heaven and destiny, add all the laws to your body, and seal yourself the body of Erlang God as the true king of Qingyuan Miaodao, with a noble status and the number one general under the throne of the emperor.But it also caused a lot of dissatisfaction...]

Yang Gang activated his supernatural powers, and suddenly a ball of golden light emerged from the bottom of the water, and the terrifying heat wave evaporated countless water vapors around him.

Without my own participation, Wang Chen would have been tortured miserably in this life!
[You participate in the study of past lives and experience reincarnation.Entrusted by the Emperor, acting as the ruler of the Three Realms, making every effort to rule the mountains and seas, stabilizing the universe and society, and finally gaining a trace of the majesty of the Emperor. 】

[After passing through the current "robbing chapter", you can keep the chance savings until the end of the first life, or you can choose to receive it. 】

[So far.She only knew that her brother Erlangshen was not dead...but she didn't know that the Emperor of Man was you, and you couldn't tell the secret.So the situation became embarrassing...]

"Then, if my mana merges into my body, will it affect the use of supernatural powers?"

This scumbag behavior is definitely not me!Absolutely not!

"Flesh and blood collapsed, dying below the limit of his own strength. Even the immortal monarch died... and he is just an earth immortal. If it was in the legendary ancient times, maybe there is still salvation..."

To know in their eyes.

He sat cross-legged under the water.

"I... have been reborn!"

"Understood, Di Xin, Wang Chen, you two join forces to set me up!"

I saw the words on it evolve one after another, and at the same time, memory images flooded into my mind.

With his eyes closed, he carefully sensed the condition of his body, and suddenly realized that his magic power did not seem to be lost.

A majestic silver-armored god of war stood again between the heaven and the earth, under the boundless waters.

This time, the three rescues of the Stone Monkey King will definitely succeed, and I will be named Erlang God Yang Jian!

If you can get it, wouldn't it be hopeful?

Don't underestimate the [-]%.

Qingyun Sword Immortal Li Chunyun looked in the direction of Bibotan.

want here.

During the thought, four golden opportunities slowly burned.

After thinking about it for the last time, even Stone Emperor's white opportunity was burned.

Suddenly his expression changed slightly.


When Wangchen calms down, his character and consciousness are higher than anyone else in this world.

[A three-color opportunity has been transformed. 】

Li Chunyun nodded slightly, and his figure suddenly accelerated, "I have to bring the little brother's relic back to Da Zhou before the others."


Yang Gang slapped his head and couldn't help scratching his head.

I secretly prayed in my heart that I must hold back.

Otherwise, there will be some bad reputation, and the situation that has finally stabilized will be chaotic again!
【fifth year.Your emperor's body is always clean and self-sufficient, as stable as an old dog.In order to avoid the temptation of Su Daji overtly and secretly, he sent the body of Erlang God away from Chaoge to pacify the Quartet, fight endlessly, and suppress all enemies in the world.Ji Chang, Su Hu and others all surrendered and did not dare to have any rebellious heart...]

[The sixth year.Jiang Shanggao sat on the Qishan God Conferring Stage, holding a whip in his hand, and hanging the God Conferring List on his head... His eyes were blank, looking at a silver-armored general who came from the nine heavens...]

(End of this chapter)

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