I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 210 The Roaring Dog Gives Treasures, The Little Fox Gives It For Nothing

Chapter 210 The Roaring Dog Gives Treasures, The Little Fox Gives It For Nothing
around it.

Surrounded by a group of fox spirits, they followed every step of the way as if facing a formidable enemy, but they did not dare to act rashly.

It was all because of the metal gun shaft held in the mouth of the black dog.

Although the gun shaft was held by the black dog, it exuded a phantom of a weapon and gave off a terrifying aura.

The appearance of this weapon.

All the fox fairies in Qingqiu are very familiar with it.

It was the weapon of Erlang God Yang Jian who became famous in the Three Realms after the First Battle of Liangjie Mountain.

Although the foxes in Qingqiu could not participate in that battle.But then Qingqiu Fox Immortal has issued a strict warning, from now on, all people, things, and things related to Yang Gang must not be offended.

He is the grandfather and grandfather of all Qingqiu vixen!
at the same time.

The divine light of the Conferred God Stage bloomed, and a section of the gun barrel slowly rose from under the foundation of the platform.

Cen Shanlin, the dog king, was injured by Yang Gang's supernatural powers, which caused his soul to be wounded, and he went crazy...

She fell limply on the ground and said to herself: "My luck and supernatural powers tell me that I can find Brother Erlangshen in Dazhou Shengjing. What should I do... I really want to find him. Unfortunately, I was locked in In the Conferred God Stage, there is nowhere to go..."

Even... a little envious.


The black dog bared its sharp teeth, and let out a low "whoosh" sound from its throat, looking at the half of the gun barrel beside Qingqiu Fox Fairy.


"Wang Wang Wang~~"

"It's you?"

It is a pity.

"Xiao Hei, do you... want to go to Brother Erlangshen?" the little fox asked strangely.



Qingqiu Fox Immortal looked at the black dog for a long time, and finally said suddenly: "You are the king of Cen Shanlin dogs, and you were also...that thin dog tens of thousands of years ago!"

The loyalty to Yang Gang in his heart made him stretch out his claws cautiously.

The Conferred God Terrace was left over from ancient times, even Qingqiu Fox Fairy couldn't break through it, and now Cen Shanlin Dog King, who is only an ordinary demon saint, naturally couldn't break through.

The little fox limply lay on the Conferred God Stage and closed his eyes.

for a long time.

Back then, a fox and a dog competed for favor in front of Yang Gang.


She turned her eyes and looked at the black dog.

Then he looked suspiciously at the sleeping Qingqiu Hu Immortal.

boom boom boom

The little fox was angry and helpless, and sat on the fengshen stage.

Then his expression sank.

A fox and a dog just like this across the Fengshentai, spouting and cursing at each other, they are all very angry.And the surrounding vixens, driven by the Qingqiu fox fairy, disperse at once.

Qingqiu Huxian stared blankly at the gun barrel, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

The black dog looked at the precarious metal gun barrel that was about to fall off the Conferred God Platform, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Wow, woof, woof~~~"

At the same time, a pair of eyes, staring closely
"Oh, I'm so sleepy..."


Qingqiu Hu Immortal was stunned.


The black dog stood up abruptly, roaring vigilantly.

for a long time.

The little fox laughed, and said teasingly: "Forget it, I wanted to tell you where to find brother Erlangshen. I asked you to send the fragments of the three-pointed two-edged knife to him..."

"Hey, Brother Erlangshen should be very unhappy without this fragment. Now that he has offended the Demon Emperor, what should he do if he encounters any danger again..."

In fact, if it looks back at this time, it will understand that it may have been tricked.

A section of the tail seemed to have accidentally rolled up half of the gun barrel, pushing it to the edge of the Conferred God Platform.

On the Conferred God Stage, thousands of thunderbolts appeared out of thin air and landed on Qingqiu Fox Immortal.

"Mad dog, simply mad dog~~~"

Unexpectedly, tens of thousands of years later, the two are still at odds.

There was a strong roar behind him.



The black dog lay on the ground, pretending not to care, but its ears were pricked up.

The black dog lay on the ground with a hesitant look on his face, as if he was thinking.

The black dog thought that the other party had discovered that he had stolen the fragments of the magic weapon, so he ran desperately to the outside of the Qingqiu without looking back, all the way unimpeded, without any vixen blocking him.



But there was a 'ding'.

He directly bounced the black dog back.

How much she thinks that she is going crazy too. Be a carefree little fox, so Erlangshen brother won't blame herself, right?
"Wang Wang Wang~~"

If it is combined with a section of the gun shaft held in the mouth of the black dog, it is a complete gun handle.

With its current IQ, it is impossible to see through this situation.

The Conferred God Stage flickered for a while, blocking the black dog's paws.

at last.

"You blame me? You blame me? You had a share in besieging him back then. It turned out that you went crazy, and instead blamed me for killing him... Damn it! It's simply hateful!" The little fox clenched his fists tightly, a little mad.

The little fox looked pale for a while, but his eyes lit up.

A layer of invisible air ripples oscillated.


The black dog continued to bark at the Qingqiu fox fairy, baring its teeth, with a very vicious expression.

The black dog came to the Conferred God Stage, raised its head, and barked at the Qingqiu Fox Immortal, with an unusually ferocious expression.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Under the Conferred God Stage where he has lived for tens of thousands of years, there are still fragments of the three-pointed two-edged sword hidden?
But she didn't know it at all!
at last.

But its current head... thinking?
The Conferred God Stage suddenly trembled.

The black dog continued to roar like mad, as if it wanted to kill Qingqiu Fox Immortal.

The little fox suddenly turned over, scaring the black dog to get down quickly.

There was a flash of emotion on Heigou's face, and then he yelled at her fiercely, as if to say: You insidious vixen, you want to lie again!
"Don't want to go?"

"Fengshentai listen to my orders and find the whereabouts of Brother Erlang..." Qingqiu Fox Immortal sat cross-legged on the ground, muttering something.A force of luck burned above her head and fell into the void.

An illusory and transparent little fox was hanging on the half of the gun barrel at this time, its body swaying with the wind, holding the gun barrel with difficulty and never letting go.

It exerted force on all four legs, jumped up from the ground, and slammed into the Conferred God Platform.

The nine tails behind the buttocks are flicking and wagging, as if they have their own thoughts.

It stared blankly at the half of the metal gun barrel that suddenly fell to the ground in front of it, and then looked up at the 'sleeping' little fox blankly.Suddenly he grabbed two pieces of grab bar in one mouthful, turned his head and ran out of Qingqiu.

It's a pity that they couldn't fight through the seal of the Conferred God Platform.

"It would be great if someone could help me to see him... He must be in great need of help now!"

"Wang Wang Wang~~~"

It doesn't know.

The black dog seemed to be tired of cursing at last, threw the metal snatch bar in its mouth to the ground, and began to rest on its stomach.It's just that once any vixen wants to get close, it will stand up suddenly and bark fiercely.

Qingqiu Hu Immortal was stunned for a moment, then looked at the black dog carefully, "Are you crazy?"

"Wang Wang?"

At this time, she seemed to have been punished by the gods, her whole body was scorched black, she was dying, and she no longer had a stunning appearance.

"Brother Erlangshen, the little fox... has come to look for you. Even if he gave up his whole body of cultivation, the little fox... will definitely come to you!" Qingqiu Fox Immortal raised his head with difficulty, but the corners of his mouth curled up with a hint of beauty. smile.

 I'm really not feeling well today. I had a small party last night and got numb from drinking.

  I originally wanted to ask for leave, but I thought about trying to write as much as I could, so I wrote 4000 and sent it first!
  People are still sweating while writing, so there may not be much content, I hope everyone can understand, it is definitely impossible to ask for leave!
  I will never update!

(End of this chapter)

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