Chapter 215
And this time.

In the Treasure Pavilion separated by only one wall.

The little fox named 'Su Ji' was in a daze with a blank face.

The owner of Zhenbao Pavilion, a middle-aged man around 50 years old, was lying quietly on the ground in the corner.

the other side.

A black dog growled at her from time to time, but was tied by a chain and could not break free no matter what.

It wasn't until the little fox got annoyed by the noise that he glared at it.

Angrily said: "Stop barking, if you listen to me, I will let you play next door. However, you must not reveal your identity. Otherwise, we will all be trapped in this holy capital!"

"You stupid you understand?"


A trace of hesitation could not help showing on Heigou's face.

The smell of the owner is right next to it, it is almost dying of anxiety, but the little fox just won't let him go out...

The black dog thought about it.

at last.

With a low growl, he nodded slowly in agreement.

The little fox said again: "Okay. I only allow you to smell him, but if you dare to reveal your identity on your own initiative, hehe, don't blame me for withdrawing the supernatural power to make you reveal it! Don't forget to go to You are the most powerful one to besiege Brother Erlangshen once!"


The black dog could only nod aggrievedly.

How did it know that the little fox was not worried about it revealing its identity, but did not dare to reveal its identity in front of Yang Gang now.

The little fox groaned and chirped, easily handling the black dog.


She fell into a daze again, with a confused look on her face.

Outsiders thought she had confused the owner of the Treasure Pavilion.

In fact, the other party just fell under her illusion, and has been lying in the room for the past two days.

These two days.

After the little fox entered the holy capital, he inquired about Yang Gang's news in many ways, and found an old vixen who had been hiding in the holy capital for many years, and asked her for advice.

The two foxes studied together, and finally found that there are all kinds of superb beauty around Yang Gang.

Just one less...friend's wife.

The old vixen said firmly: "Based on my thousands of years of experience in seducing men, if I want to get close to him quickly, this is the only way!"


The little fox looked serious.

The old vixen nodded quickly, Aunt Xindao, please go, today I escaped from the holy capital overnight.


The little fox listened to the coquettish ideas of the old vixen, and disguised his identity.Prepare to penetrate into the interior of the place near the water tower first, and then slowly attack Yang Gang.


She is also a theoretical expert, with basically zero practical experience...

"What exactly went wrong?"

Inside the Treasure Pavilion.

The little fox rested his chin in thought, with a look of unwillingness.

Little did they know that a huge crisis was approaching.

At this moment, there was a commotion from outside.


A maid's voice came from outside the door.

"what's up?"

The little fox sat upright, his voice soft and authentic.

"The hostess of the Red Dust Carving Fish next door came to see the master and wife." The maid responded.

"Oh? Mistress..."

The little fox's expression turned slightly cold, and he smiled coquettishly: "Shengjing Xiaoshashen, a fairyland... with such an identity, dare to call herself the mistress? Are you worthy!"

The maid outside the door waited for a moment.

Suddenly there was a creak, and the door opened.

The maid subconsciously glanced inward, and saw that her master was fast asleep on the bed, very sweet.

"Your master is asleep, don't disturb him."

The little fox brought a gust of fragrant wind and went straight downstairs.

After a while.

In the living room of Zhenbao Pavilion that she saw at a glance, a tall figure holding a spear was facing her.

"The figure is good, but if it is too tall, men may not like it. Hmph!" The little fox snorted inwardly.

Walking towards Jiang Jiang, she said softly: "My slave, Su Ji, met Miss Jiang."

"Jiang Jiang."

The tall woman in front turned around slowly, her gaze fell on the little fox's face.

this moment.

The two were startled together.

"What a charming face! She really is a foxy girl?"

Jiang Jiang thought silently in his heart, his cold eyes became colder and colder.

That gleam of cold light seemed to turn into a bolt of lightning, blasting fiercely into the little fox's heart.

She froze in place, her heart pounding.

A cold and proud face that existed tens of thousands of years ago gradually came to mind, overlapping with Jiang Jiang's face.

"you you……"

Her eyes were fixed on Jiang Jiang's face, and her small hands in her long sleeves clenched subconsciously.

His legs trembled, his lips quivered, and his teeth seemed to be chattering up and down.

It is difficult to paint the bones to paint the skin and paint the fairy.

She had only seen this arrogance of the worldliness on the face of that noble being.

And only she...has the right to dislike everything!

The little fox's teeth were chattering, and he almost couldn't stand upright. He secretly said in horror: "No way! How could it be, how could it be her?"

"you know me?"

Jiang Jiang couldn't help frowning, showing a puzzled look.

The performance of the new hostess of Zhenbao Pavilion is a bit too weird!
"Ah... no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, yes, of course!"

The little fox came to his senses in an instant, and forced himself to be calm: "Who doesn't know the prestige of the Little Sha God of Shengjing? The scene of the suppression of Zhu Qinglong on Qingyun Mountain two months ago has already been spread all over the world!"

"Miss Jiang, you are really..." She gave a thumbs up and praised dryly: "The hero of the female middle class! The most amazing woman in the world, haha, hahaha..."

A pair of eyes looked back and forth on Jiang Jiang's body, and their eyes were all searching.


The doubt between Jiang Jiang's brows still persisted, but he couldn't think of any reason.

Seriously said: "Jiang Jiang came to the door today to inquire about something."

'coming. '

The little fox's heart skipped a beat, and a fine layer of cold sweat leaked out of the snow-white vest of the purple gauze skirt.

I remembered the scene that happened in front of the Treasure Pavilion just now.

She understands that this 'hostess' is here to ask the teacher for her crimes!

"Miss Jiang, please."

A forced smile appeared on the little fox's face.

"I want to ask you..."

Suddenly, a powerful aura rose from Jiang Jiang's body, pressing down on the little fox.

She felt a chill all over, and almost knelt down to Jiang Jiang.

'Your Majesty... This is definitely your Majesty's scary! '

" front of the door today, why did you seduce my...husband." Jiang Jiang hesitated for a while, and finally said the last two words.

The little fox's mind went 'boom', completely confused.

"Husband... Jun?"

She actually opened her mouth to recognize a man as her husband?

It's over, it's over!

The little fox looked desperate.

Jiang Jiang has already recognized Yang Gang as her husband, so how can she fight?
Do I deserve it?

'Why...why did this have such a noble status, why do you want to rob brother Erlangshen with the little fox? ...'

"Yes, my husband."

Jiang Jiang nodded affirmatively, and silently clenched the spear in his hand.

A cold killing intent instantly awakened the little fox from the shock.

"I,, I didn't, I didn't seduce him! Ma'am, you misunderstood!" The little fox was terrified in his heart, so frightened that the possessed soul almost flew out.

After going through the stage of ancient times, especially the battle between Wangchen and Emperor Xin, she knows how powerful this noble existence is!
"What lady?"

Jiang Jiang was taken aback.

"Ah You……"

The little fox was also stunned, watching Jiang Jiang's performance carefully.

Finally felt something was wrong.

If the woman in front of her is really that noble being, there is no reason for her not to recognize herself!

Could it be... She hasn't awakened her ancient memories yet?

'How, how is this possible?But apart from this explanation, there is no other possibility! 'Thinking of this, the little fox fairy suddenly felt ecstasy.

When the panic in my heart gradually dissipated, the clever head took over Gaopo again.

She quickly regained her senses, her eyes rolling.

He bowed to Jiang Jiang, and said softly: "I said Madam Boss, you misunderstood. The slave family has always followed women's morals, and you have just arrived in Shengjing, so you must not tarnish her reputation."

"Is it?"

Jiang Jiang calmly looked at the little vixen who talked teasingly.

In this case, it may be able to deal with ordinary women.

Even if you can't cheat, at least you can prevent the other party from looking for trouble on the scene.

But who is Jiang Jiang?
da da da~~
The sound of crisp footsteps touched the little fox's heartbeat step by step.

She secretly swallowed her saliva, and tried to calm down: "Mother, boss lady, you believe me, there must be some misunderstanding."


Her words did not stop Jiang Jiang's footsteps.

Seeing Jiang Jiang getting closer and closer, the little fox became more and more flustered.

Explained: "Really! My family has never practiced before, and today I just accidentally fell into his arms..."


A crisp sound of applause echoed in the Zhenbao Pavilion.

The little fox covered his face, looking in disbelief at Jiang Jiang who was a head taller than him.

"You, don't play tricks on him in the future."

Jiang Jiang lowered his head slightly, stared at the little fox's face condescendingly, and said softly: "If you don't behave like a woman again, don't blame the spear in my hand for being ruthless."


The little fox snorted softly.

The tip of the red-tasseled spear hit her chest, sinking two inches deep.It seems that if you go a little further, you will insert your heart!

Her face was instantly pale.

Nodding in horror, "I know, I know! I swear, I will never dare again..."

"Shut down your rhetoric."

Jiang Jiang interrupted her and said, "I didn't come here today to listen to your explanation."

She looked at the little fox's figure, showing a bit of disgust, "If you are Yunying's unmarried body, I, Jiang Jiang, welcome you to fight with me at any time, but you are like this..."

"...Does it match?"

His chest suddenly loosened.

Jiang Jiang had retracted his spear and turned around to leave.

A red and white blouse brought a gust of breeze, compared with the scent of the little fox.

It can be described as heroic and refreshing.


The little fox stared blankly at Jiang Jiang's back.

The arrogance in Jiang Jiang's eyes before leaving was like a spear piercing deeply into her heart.

"Am I... worthy?"

a time.

Grievance, inferiority complex, fear... All kinds of complex emotions poured into my heart.

The little fox's eyes gradually filled with crystal clear moisture.

The gauze skirt soaked in sweat was also wet.

But she didn't realize that the floor she was stepping on under her pair of jade-foot embroidered shoes had already wet a small area.

 Ask for a ticket! !

  Ask for a ticket! !
  "Brother, can you...can you give me a monthly pass?" The little fox raised his tail, looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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