I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 218: The Black Dog Roars to the Sky, and the Eastern Emperor Retreats!

Chapter 218: The Black Dog Roars to the Sky, and the Eastern Emperor Retreats!
"What do you mean?"

Donghuang Taiyi's voice came from far away in the sky.

Even if Yang Gang was invincible and controlled the Dao, he couldn't perceive where he was.

Buzhou Mountain.

When Donghuang Taiyi heard Yang Gang's words, he couldn't help but flash a little puzzled.

Trapped in the world where the two treasures of Hetu Luoshu and Donghuangzhong are condensed, even if he has monstrous power, he can control [-]% of the power of heaven, which can increase his own supernatural power.

It is also impossible to break the seal and return to the mountains and seas.

The reincarnated body of the Stone Emperor was trapped in the chaos of the two worlds because of these two treasures.

Otherwise, how could that clinkingly poor worldly Buddhist sect be able to suppress the Stone Emperor?
"His Majesty the Eastern Emperor..."

Standing in the sky, Yang Gang slowly raised the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, "You may not have heard a saying that the strongest power is often broken from the inside!"


Donghuang was stunned.

next moment.

His expression completely changed.

"The power of heaven that I brought this time is more than [-]%!" Yang Gang chuckled, and the magic weapon in his hand suddenly fell, the rich power of heaven and the supernatural power of the great way, combined with his extremely powerful physical strength.

With a bang.

Slashed above the void in front of him.

This knife.

It was as if when he was in the Northland, he condensed all his beliefs with one knife, and shattered his inexplicable fate.

Slashed at the foundation of the world.

The heaven and earth collapsed, and the Dao rhyme manifested.

In this world constructed by Fanghetu Luoshu, every inch of space simultaneously presents pieces of broken lines.

God... collapsed.

Mountains, seas, everything...all shattered like glass.

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Yang Gang whose aura suddenly surged around him in astonishment, a pair of deep eyes flashed an unbelievable light.

"how is this possible……"

"How is it possible for the Human Sovereign to lend half of the authority of the Heavenly Dao to you! Unless he has already died..."

The world completely collapsed.

The void in front of Buzhou Mountain was cut open with a knife.

Holding a three-pointed two-edged knife, Yang Gang jumped out of the void.

With a burst of shouting: "Eastern Emperor Taiyi, come to fight!"

"The reincarnated body of the Stone Emperor has been suppressed by Venerable Kutuo in the chaotic land on Buzhou Mountain. The two are fighting. If you rush there now... there is still time! However, Venerable Kutuo crossed the sea of ​​suffering with a golden body. Fighting for hundreds of millions of miles in the great road, you are no weaker than me!"

Only a chuckle was heard.

The Donghuang Taiyi's furious expression suddenly changed, and he turned around and left without any hesitation.

Yang Gang couldn't help being stunned on the spot.

He never expected that Dong Huang, with such a distinguished status, would be so decisive.

"This battle is unsuccessful, return to the boundary!"

A magnificent voice spread throughout Buzhou Mountain.

a time.

All people, gods, monsters, and beasts were stunned for a moment.


Thousands of monsters and strange beasts retreated towards the boundary of the land like a tide.

Yang Gang stood where he was, hesitating for a moment.

Sighed: "Don't chase. Donghuang wants to leave, no one can stop him!"

"Order to rectify the team, and wait for the follow-up reinforcements to arrive, and then enter the boundary to attack!"


A famous god will gather around Yang Gang, bowing down to obey orders.

Looking at the receding figure of the Eastern Emperor in the distance, Yang Gang couldn't help flashing a look of admiration.

The majesty on his body gradually dissipated, and he sighed softly, "As expected of an old guy who has lived from ancient times to the present! Honor and disgrace are not worthy of the true spirit, and there is a limit to advance and retreat. This catastrophe has just begun..."


Donghuang Taiyi also turned his head and took a deep look at Yang Gang.

There was a look of doubt and surprise in his eyes.

"He... in ancient times, who was it? The power of the heavens given to him by the Emperor... How much is there?"

A great battle is over.

Yang Gang won a small victory in his first battle with the Supreme Emperor of the Earth Realm, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.


A small win for him.

In the eyes of all beings in the mountains and seas, it was an incredible feat.

What happened in the Hetu Luoshu world that caused the furious Donghuang to retreat so decisively.

I don't understand the camps of humans and demons.

The gods and gods can't understand it either.

Even God Haotian, who was standing aloft and watching the battle in the heavenly realm, didn't understand.

The world of Hetu Luoshu is isolated from all auras, and even his ability cannot see through the mystery.

He could only sigh inwardly, "Eastern Emperor...the Lord of the ancient Heavenly Court, what a scheming heart!"

Immediately looking at the countless fallen creatures on the earth, a faint joy appeared in his eyes.

"Kill it! Kill it! Kill it fiercely...the more you kill, the more chaos the world will have the better...hahahaha" God Haotian sat high in the ninth heaven and let out a burst of inexplicable laughter.

But at this time Buzhou Mountain.

Yang Gang had already preliminarily rectified the army formation, and then raised his head, with the supernatural power of Tianmu under the blessing of the power of heaven, he could instantly see through the void and chaos.

I saw a mysterious place.

this moment.

The existences hidden in that space one by one were suddenly horrified.

"Not good! Buddha...he is coming!"

"Quickly ask the Buddha's decree!"

"No way, the Buddha is now fighting with the Stone Emperor, fighting in the sea of ​​suffering, comparing the physical body and the primordial spirit. If one is not careful, even reincarnation will not be able to bring back his true spirit..."

"What should I do? If that Yang Jian breaks in, I'll be in danger!"

in the void.

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, whose bodies are glowing like the golden light of the Great Dao, all have worried expressions on their faces.

In ancient times.

They gain power with great ambitions, and practice great powers.

But in the mountains and seas, there is no place for them to show their holiness.

Therefore, these first-generation Buddhas and Bodhisattvas can only imitate this and learn from that, just like a group of thieves in the Dao.

This is the hardship of self-establishment.

But they firmly believe that as long as they follow Venerable Kutuo, the ancestor of all Buddhas who leads all living beings in the three realms in the sea of ​​suffering, they will be able to transcend eternity in the future, pursue the true trace of Tao, and cross the sea of ​​suffering.

This is the teaching purpose of ancient Buddhism.

It is more grand and illusory than the three religions of immortality that are transcendent.


Ku Tuo Zun wants to suppress the body of the Stone Emperor, and get a glimpse of the mystery of his body.

There was only a group of them who were bitter and haha, facing the Erlang God who even the Emperor of the Earth did not dare to face the edge.

"How can this be a good thing!"

A group of Buddhist masters had a bitter face.

It's not that they are incompetent, it's that Erlang God Yang Jian, who controls the power of heaven and power, is too powerful!
"Everyone, I have a plan!"

Suddenly, golden light bloomed all over his body, and the Buddha who appeared with a big sun behind him spoke.

"Oh, what is the Tathagata's plan?"

Everyone inquired one after another, hoping that the always wise Buddha could save them.

Da Ri Tathagata saw everyone's eyes and smiled slightly.

"Since we can't fight against the enemy, we can only outwit it! We can use the method of motivating the general, motivating that Erlang God to bind his hands and feet, and only send his subordinates to fight against us on the mountain."

"Just hang on for a while, and when the Buddha returns from the sea of ​​suffering, there will be a slight possibility of survival!"


The Buddhas looked at each other and asked, "I've heard that Erlang God Yang Jian is unparalleled in his wisdom and tactics, so how could he easily fall for our provocative trick?"


Da Ri Tathagata smiled and said: "I have seen his record, he has never been defeated, and he can be called the number one God of War in the mountains and seas. Even the Supreme Emperor of the East is now avoiding battles and retreating. But because of this, he must be arrogant and conceited. !"

"Later, I just need to tout it a little bit and set it up high. You said, what will happen to him?"

He looked at the surrounding Buddhas with a hint of complacency.


"Makes sense."

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas nodded with joy.

"Then I'll wait, who's going?"

asked a bodhisattva.


All eyes were on Dainichi Tathagata whose smile was fading away.

"You... what are you looking at me for?"


Buzhou Mountain.

The three eyes on Yang Gang's forehead shone with golden light, and finally found a mysterious chaotic void on the edge of the endless illusory pole on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

"found it!"

he read softly.

At this very moment.


There was a long bark.

Buzhou Mountain.

A fine black dog stepped on the head of a unicorn beast and roared loudly towards the sky.

With the departure of thousands of demons in the demon realm.

The dark clouds in the sky dissipated, and a bright sun rose from the east.

"Aww, aww~~~"

Roaring Sky Dog looked at the Great Sun Golden Crow in the sky, its eyes were shining with hunger and thirst, and instinctively tried to widen its mouth, as if it wanted to swallow that round of great sun straight into its mouth.

It can be described as ambitious.

But as Erlang God's dog, what does it matter if you eat the sun to satisfy your cravings...?

(End of this chapter)

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