I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 220 The Golden Crow Falls to the East, Buddhism Extinct in Mountains and Seas

Chapter 220 The Golden Crow Falls to the East, Buddhism Extinct in Mountains and Seas

"Vicious dog, you dare to be presumptuous!"

Da Ri Tathagata's face changed color, and he felt a strong humiliation welling up in his heart.

this moment.

The Buddha was really angry!
He turned his hand and pressed, a huge palm turned into Wuzhishan, and pressed down on Xiao Tiangou.

"Wang Wang Wang~~"

The roaring dog stopped, showing a ferocious face, and suddenly opened his mouth to growl.

The world shook with a bang.

The huge bergamot landed on Xiaotiangou's body, but a divine light rose, and pressed the bergamot against Xiaotiangou's body.It seemed to be carrying the earth and mountains on its back, and once again roared up to the sky.

"Sinister! Since that's the case, don't blame the poor monk for bullying... a dog with his real skills!"

The Great Sun Tathagata restrained his anger, and his precious appearance was solemn, and the round of great sun behind him suddenly turned into a dharma appearance covering the sky, covering up the brilliance of the Golden Crow above the nine heavens.

at this moment.

He is the incarnation of the great sun, who can exercise the power of the sun god.

"What a stealer, usurping divine power! This heretic Buddhist sect is worthy of being a thief of the great way!" Yang Gang exclaimed.

The Xiaotian dog seemed to hear the praise of its master, and suddenly became angry.


One of its heads suddenly turned into the size of a thousand feet, opened the huge mouth of the abyss, and bit straight towards the big sun.


"Don't be reckless!"

"You stupid dog, if you lose, you will lose face to the Emperor's camp!"

All the immortals spoke out one after another.

But he couldn't stop Xiaotiangou who was obsessed with wanting to show off in front of his master.


The infinite light in the sky dimmed for a moment.

A slender black dog stood in the air, but its head turned into a thousand feet and kept expanding. It seemed to hold a round of sun in its mouth, and crazily spit out terrifying flames of real fire.

Da Ri Tathagata allowed himself to fall into the mouth of the Xiaotian dog, and suddenly shouted: "Explosion!"

A series of supernatural powers exploded in Xiaotiangou's mouth, causing its head to swell and bulge everywhere, as if it was about to burst.

at the same time.

The radiance of the sun fell from the nine heavens, which was used by the Tathagata for his own use and blessed with supernatural powers.

"Aww~~" There was a shrill roar.

In the eyes of everyone surprised.

Roaring Sky Dog turned his head to the eastern sky and let out a threatening roar.


In the distant nine heavens, there seemed to be a frightened bird song.

next moment.

Everyone in the Three Realms looked up to the east in amazement, and the sun was gradually sinking.

For the first time in countless years.

The sun rises from the east and slowly sets from the east.

the day of sunrise.

Donghuang Taiyi looked up at the golden crow with quivering feathers, with a look of astonishment.

"What are you afraid of?"


Jin Wu gave him a pitiful look, then hugged his head under the wings, unable to make a sound, and did not dare to make a sound.


The Eastern Emperor Taiyi shook his head and sighed, his brows furrowed deeply.

"After ancient times, the last golden crow in this world has become a part of the Dao and the world. What happened at that time, what are the identities of the black dog and Erlang God..."


Donghuang Taiyi slapped his head secretly.

He knew that there must be answers to these things in most of his missing Taoism and memory.

Not before the mountain.

A huge mouth slowly closed.

Just listening to the sound of 'wave', the brilliant sun transformed into by the Great Sun Tathagata burst like a bubble.

The world suddenly fell into darkness.

The myths and legends of Tiangou eclipsing the sun came from this!


Xiaotiangou hiccupped, turned around and rushed to Yang Gang's feet.

It stretched out its tongue hachihachi, looking like it was waiting for praise.There was a huge contrast with the mighty and domineering appearance just now.

"Good job!"

Yang Gang squatted down and rubbed the head of Xiao Tiangou.

The black dog narrowed its eyes immediately, with an expression of enjoyment.

This scene.

In the eyes of all living beings in the mountains and seas, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas in the sky, I feel that the world is falling apart, and my perception of life has been completely overturned.

Erlang God, Roaring Sky Dog.

The combination of this pair of master and servant is simply a strange number in the world.

An illusory true spirit rose from the earth, and cast it towards the land of reincarnation with infinite compassion.

Year of Mountains and Seas.

At the beginning of the demon tribulation of the earth realm.

The Great Sun Tathagata fell in front of the mountain, leaving behind the myths and legends of the Tiangou eclipsing the sun.

Yang Gang silently looked at the true spirit of the Tathagata, and subconsciously touched the list of gods in his arms.

"It turns out...you are not as good as one of my dogs."

The land of reincarnation trembled.

There seems to be a powerful existence who wants to transcend life and death and return to the world to fight again.


The world has its own rules.

A mysterious suction pulls the true spirit of the Tathagata into reincarnation little by little.

Everything returns to calm.

Yang Gang stood in front of Buzhou Mountain with Xiao Tiangou, and looked up at the sky again.

"The army obeys orders."

"Give it to me—kill! Today, destroy the heretics of Shanhai Buddhism!"


Endless divine light rises and turns into a gorgeous rainbow, reaching the nine heavens.

at the same time.

The Buddha light flickered in the sky, and the figures of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats descended from the void to fight against the gods of mountains and seas.

They obviously have no intention of being caught without a fight.

But in the eyes of all living beings, all this is nothing but stubborn resistance.


It is destined to be the end of the ancient Buddhism, and it is their catastrophe.

"Wang Wang Wang"

Xiao Tiangou suddenly roared at Yang Gang, with a hint of longing in his voice.

"You want to go too?"

Yang Gang patted it on the head, and said: "Go, go. The way to save all living beings is destined not to belong to this era. Today's luck is on our side...Sentient beings should not be the ones who cross the sea of ​​suffering in his Buddhist sect. The cornerstone of the great boat."

"Wang Wang!"

Xiao Tiangou raised his head, roared ferociously, and ran away with all his strength.

One after another figures fell from the sky, blood splattered, and the Buddhas wailed.

"It turns out that Buddhism was destroyed by my hands."

Yang Gang said to himself lightly.

Then he ignored it, and his body went straight into the nine heavens, falling into the boundless void and chaotic land.

This is a mysterious place, seemingly infinite, and it seems to exist in the gap between the heaven and the mountains, seas and earth.

There is no light and no wind, only a chaotic breath like the opening of the world.

Yang Gang tried to absorb a little, and suddenly felt as uncomfortable as swallowing a stone.


"This chaotic breath is really not something that living beings can absorb."

He continued to fly forward into the depths of the chaos, and began to look for the figures of the Stone Emperor and the Venerable Kutuo.


Yang Gang felt the depths of the distant chaos, hundreds of millions of miles away, there seemed to be two extremely powerful auras, sinking and floating in a strange ocean.

He had a strange feeling in his heart.

The vast ocean seems to be located in the depths of chaos, and it seems to be outside another void.Gives a feeling that has nothing to do with distance...

Yang Gang flew for a long time, but he felt that the distance hadn't been shortened by a single point.

"Strange! Sea of ​​Bitterness, what kind of world is it? Where does it exist?"

Just when Yang Gang ordered the Buddha to be exterminated.

In the depths of endless void and chaos, a sea of ​​suffering between illusion and reality.

Venerable Ku Tuo also sensed this catastrophe.

Can't help showing bitterness.

"Sure enough, in this catastrophe of mountains and seas, my luck is not in my Buddhist school. The poor monk went against the sky, and in the end he was... defeated."

He turned his head and glanced at the endless void in front of him, a body of flesh and blood crossing the sea of ​​suffering, and sighed. "Amitabha, the causal cycle of all things. My Buddhist sect has become greedy and coveted the body of the Stone Emperor, so I deserve this calamity!"

"It's only suffering for my senior brothers and thousands of disciples, and I will suffer the suffering of samsara! One day, the poor monk should destroy the suffering of samsara..."

"Hahahaha, my brother... is coming soon!"

A tall figure in front suddenly turned around, and smiled at Venerable Kutuo, "Old bald donkey, you have calculated for eternity, did you not expect this catastrophe? Today, you will fall into the hands of my two brothers!"

"Hey! Take your life!"

The figure was covered with golden hairs, all of which looked like pillars of heaven, with a ferocious face, four heads and eight arms, like an innate chaos demon god standing in the ancient world.

However, judging from its true appearance, it was a gigantic golden monkey.

This is the true supernatural power of law, heaven, phenomenon and earth.

Only the innate gods and demons who came from ancient times can control their way!

(End of this chapter)

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