I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 231 The Stone Monkey Has Arrived Outside the Dragon Palace

Chapter 231 The Stone Monkey Has Arrived Outside the Dragon Palace

Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, went to rescue the soldiers himself.

Anzi, who had been hiding in the East China Sea Dragon Palace for many years, also started to act, trying to convey this important news.Most of them do not know each other, and they only contact through a mysterious person code-named "Turtle Turtle" at critical moments.

But at this time, the floating fairy boat came onto the stage, and no one knew that Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King were no longer there.

So where did they go?

This is a deep underwater channel, with no light and no light, and it seems that even the water flow will stagnate forever.

One person, one monkey, all the way down, the sound of breaking through the sea can be clearly heard in the ear.

"This underwater channel is hidden under the waterfall of Shuilian Cave. The monkeys in Huaguo Mountain don't like water, and no one knows about this place except me. It was only after I got the blessed land of caves that I realized that this place can Connecting to the waters of the Demon Emperor's palace..."

The Stone Monkey King gurgled and spit bubbles, and the muffled sound reached Yang Gang's ears.

"From ancient times to the present, the world has changed greatly. Can this place still lead to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea?" Yang Gang asked.

"Try it and you'll know."

The Stone Monkey King said: "The Eastern Sea Curtain connects the waters of the four seas, which is the formation of heaven and earth left by the Eastern Emperor. Unless you and I restore the ancient power, otherwise...the only way!"

"However, in the ancient times, I entered here many times and took away many good things from the Eastern Emperor. Since the Huaguo Mountain and the Emperor's bedroom are still here, they can't be destroyed!"

"Okay, thank you Brother Monkey." Yang Gang replied.

"Hey, we are all brothers, why are you telling me this!" The Stone Monkey King was a little dissatisfied.

"Yes yes yes, I will go to Huaguo Mountain if something happens here, please have a drink!" Yang Gang laughed.

"I want to eat dragon meat..." the Stone Monkey King said faintly.

"At least it's a fairy dragon... Roast dragon tendon, burn dragon heart, stew dragon bone... all arranged!" Yang Gang laughed.

"Hey, it's a deal!" The Stone Monkey King was already drooling.

God knows when he developed the problem of gluttony, maybe it was the half a year he was trapped at the foot of Liangjie Mountain!

"It's a word."

The two made an agreement, and then stopped talking, and swam headlong into the depths of the seemingly endless waterway.

Time passed little by little.

Three hundred miles, five hundred miles, or even one thousand miles... The waterway is winding and winding, and the full seawater comes from nowhere, full of a mysterious atmosphere.

Yang Gang's fingers slid across the barrier of the waterway.

There is a feeling of wrinkled flesh and blood.

"The reason why this place was formed back then may be unusual..." He said silently in his heart.

Three hours later.

A tiny light finally appeared ahead.

The eyes of Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King flashed golden, and their figures suddenly accelerated.

There was a sudden light ahead.

The two of them suddenly felt that they had entered a damp and muddy space.

The surrounding area is fluorescent, filled with transparent crystals, and half of the air is filled with dense water vapor.

This place... seems to be a strange space where half sea water and half air are mixed.


A woman's exclamation sounded from below.

Yang Gang and Stone Monkey King Qiqi turned cold and looked down.

In a pool.

A small white dragon with tall horns is bathing in the pool.

"You guys... who are you... How dare you spy on this princess taking a bath!" The little white dragon turned pale with panic, his pure eyes were full of embarrassment.

Yang Gang: "..."

Stone Monkey King: "..."

Qi Qi dragged her chin, seemingly lost in thought.

"You guys, why don't you turn your heads away!" Seeing this, Xiao Bailong couldn't help being impatient, and scolded angrily.


Yang Gang finally said, "Little sister, you are taking a bath... right?"


Xiao Bailong nodded subconsciously.

"You don't have any clothes on in the shower, right?" Yang Gang asked again.


Xiao Bailong nodded affirmatively.

"Then you...you usually don't wear clothes outside, right?" Yang Gang looked at her jade-like dragon body, the dragon scales were crystal clear like jade carvings.


Xiao Bailong was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "That's right! I haven't transformed into a human form yet, and I don't need to wear clothes to take a bath, so you..."

Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King looked at each other.

Suddenly Qiqi stretched out his hand.

knock! !

Little Bailong tilted his head and was knocked unconscious by Yang Gang's palm.Then he was knocked on the forehead by the Stone Monkey King with a chestnut, and he let out an 'ow' in a coma.


Yang Gang frowned at the Stone Monkey King.

"This one……"

The Stone Monkey King withdrew his hand, "You also know that my old grandson is not good at water, and the movements in the water are a little slow, so you knocked her head on the side first... By the way, what shall we do next?"

He quickly changed the subject.

"Hide her first, don't scare the 'snake' with grass." Yang Gang said, waving his hand to separate a hole in the pool water, and 'buried' the little white dragon's body of only three feet long into it.

Then he stretched out his hand and cast a small spell to temporarily cover up his aura.

Just finished making these.

"Fourth princess...Fourth princess..." A call came from afar.

"Hide." Yang Gang hurriedly said.

"Look at me!" The Stone Monkey King chuckled, blew lightly on his fingers, and softly called 'yin'.

The figures of the two of them vibrated slightly like water waves, and they immediately disappeared from the side.

"Fourth princess... come in, the little one!" A shrinking figure came from a distance. He was wearing an official uniform in the world, a black gauze hat on his head, a turtle shell on his back, and two black beards on his lips.

The nondescript appearance looks very ridiculous.

"Fourth princess, where are you..."

The figure searched by the pool for a while, and finally shook his head helplessly, "Where did this child go, thinking he was playing again? Sigh... he is still running around at this festival!"

"It's really hard for me, Prime Minister, to take care of the old and the young..."

He stood there, talking to himself.

Yang Gang and the Stone Monkey King looked at each other and were about to make a move.

Suddenly felt a little wrong.

The tortoise prime minister suddenly showed a strange smile.

He took out a roll of paper from his sleeve and stuffed it into the crevice of the stone beside the pool.

Then he looked left and right, then shook his head and left.

for a long time.

The air swayed, and two figures gradually appeared.

"This is……"

Yang Gang took out the note from the crevice of the stone, opened it curiously, and said, "The name of the dragon king moved the rescuers... too... This name is doubtful and needs to be investigated." '

"This..." Yang Gang couldn't help being stunned.

"What's written on it?" The Stone Monkey King poked his head out curiously, looking at the words on it, a little confused.

"Brother Monkey, are you illiterate?" Yang Gang asked.

"Does the ancient one count?" The Stone Monkey King scratched his head and asked.

"Uh...it should be counted." Yang Gang couldn't help scratching his head, and then explained the contents of the note to the Stone Monkey King.

"I speculate that the old tortoise is one of our dark sons. He is passing information to Da Zhou."

"I almost caught one of my own people!" The Stone Monkey King said with a chuckle, "What is that too? Do you have a guess? Could it be the prince of your Great Zhou Immortal Dynasty?"

He was smiling all over his face, with a gossip expression.

"..." Yang Gang shook his head helplessly, "In the harem of the Holy Monarch, all the immortals are secretive. But at least it is certain that there has never been a prince in the tens of thousands of years since the Great Zhou was founded."

After all, Shengjun's original intention was to establish an eternal immortal dynasty.

What's the use of the inherited prince?
"What is that? It can't be Donghuang Taiyi, right? Or that Taishang... Hey, what is it?" The Stone Monkey King kept patting his head and said strangely: "Why can't I remember that name?"

"It should be forgotten by this world." Yang Gang said involuntarily.

"Forget?" The Stone Monkey King looked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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