I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 233 The Secret of Longmen Grottoes

Chapter 233 The Secret of Longmen Grottoes
The Stone Monkey King stared blankly.

A gigantic divine dragon wrapped its body around the bottom of the 'golden platform' and slowly raised a huge head.

His body may be hundreds of miles, maybe thousands of miles, thick and thick like a pillar of the sky, wrapped around another golden pillar of the sky, the circumference is about three hundred feet thick.

"It's you!"

Two divine lights suddenly lit up.

The divine dragon from ancient times stared at the stone monkey king with a pair of eyes.

Crazy, fear, resentment in the pupils... as if only instinctive emotions remained.

"it's me?"

The Stone Monkey King was dumbfounded.

There seemed to be thousands of memories surging in his mind like a tide, but when he wanted to look carefully, he found that he couldn't remember anything.

I just remember...it seemed like an extremely tragic battle.


The Stone Monkey King couldn't help but yelled in pain while holding his head.


The fragment of the Heavenly God Iron in his hand trembled crazily, wanting to let it go.

at the same time.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"not good!"

A shadow of the ancient dragon suddenly raised his head, and his body suddenly turned into a stream of light, throwing himself into the abyss of the East China Sea.

After one breath.

Liu Guang fell into the abyss and combined with the body of the ancient dragon.

The ancient dragon regained its wisdom in an instant, the divine light bloomed all over its body, and its aura was about to soar into the sky.Hum~~~ The golden cylinder wrapped around his body suddenly flashed with golden light, binding it tightly.


The ancient dragon's eyes were bulging, full of disbelief.

He had the ancient mission to suppress this treasure for tens of thousands of years with his divine body.Unexpectedly, after tens of thousands of years, it will be controlled by this treasure, and its body has almost been assimilated, becoming a glyph of entangling a dragon.

"Baby... good baby!"

The Stone Monkey King caressed that huge golden pillar obsessively, his figure passed over the head of the ancient dragon, and went down little by little.

An hour passed.

One day, two days...

The stone monkey king's eyes were slightly closed, as if he had fallen into a state of sudden enlightenment. Countless magical powers of the stick and the way of fighting were integrated into his mind little by little.

Then the flesh and blood were reborn, glowing with new vitality.

In just two days, his physical body had undergone a radical change.

The ancient dragon stared at him, his eyes full of despair.

After being restrained by the golden pillar, he didn't even have the ability to send out messages.

"This is……"

The Stone Monkey King suddenly paused, and touched a piece of raised writing.

He groped carefully, but found that it was vague, and seemed to lack some kind of trigger.

"There's still..."

He goes all the way down.

I found that every hundred miles, I felt the shape of a character.

There are seven in total.

But... it seems that there are only five.

Very strange feeling!

At this very moment, the row of fonts in gilt color circulated, sending out a powerful suction force that sucked the body of the ancient dragon to the golden pillar, almost turning it into a pancake.

"hold head high--"

The ancient dragon exerted all its strength, and finally let out a painful roar, and then the flesh and blood of its body began to disintegrate inch by inch.

"Someone invaded the secret realm?"

"Quick! Quick! Don't let him get away!"

A shout came from afar, and countless auras surged in.

The powerhouses of the East China Sea Dragon Palace finally discovered the strangeness here.


When they arrived, they saw a huge golden column slowly rising from the bottom of the sea in the hole of the abyss.

The mud and sand surged, and the sea water formed groups of whirlpools.

A huge and unparalleled ancient dragon, whose body was sucked into a pancake by the powerful force, was tightly attached to the golden cylinder at least three hundred feet thick.

"help me!"

The ancient dragon let out a cry for help with difficulty.

Then there was a 'bang' sound from the body, and it sank to the bottom and turned into a dragon glyph, shining layers of golden light.

Countless dragons froze for a moment.

"Ah—get up!"

Under the abyss, a roar suddenly sounded.

next moment.

The golden column boomed up, one hundred miles, three hundred miles, one thousand miles... All the dragons stared blankly at the sky of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, and at a tiny monkey under the Tiantian pillar.

"What the hell is... what?"

"Ha ha ha ha"

The Stone Monkey King laughed wildly, hugging the thousands of miles long Heaven-reaching Divine Pillar with his tiny body, he actually felt that this thing in his hands...was not as heavy as the Liangjie Mountains.

At this time.

He slowly turned his head to look at the East Sea curtain in the distance.

at the same time.

Outside the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Yang Gang suddenly raised his head.

"Finally, it's time to start!"

He stood up suddenly and shouted loudly: "All the army, line up!"



The Heavenly Soldiers of Great Zhou responded in unison, formed a formation, and prepared to unleash the strongest blow.

But at this time.

The sky and the earth shook, and the waves surged.

A gigantic golden column pierced straight out from the curtain of the East Sea, causing everyone to forget what they were doing.

"what is this?"

"It's so long... so thick..."

next moment.

Everyone only heard an unruly laugh.

"Hahahahaha, good brother, I'm here to help you!"

The golden divine pillar crashed down.

There was a sound of 'wave'.

That layer is like the toughest water curtain in the world, as if it has encountered a nemesis, it is as if a huge hole has been broken.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers were stunned.

Han Xiang was stunned, Jiang Jiang was stunned, and all the great Zhou gods were stunned, stunned and at a loss.

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, countless dragon and aquatic tribes were also completely stunned.

Only one person did not stay.

"The whole army is attacking!" Yang Gang shouted loudly, and suddenly rose from the point of view, wearing silver armor and holding a three-pointed double-edged knife.

the first time.

Take action on the East China Sea battlefield.


A bright knife light cut through the water curtain and cut into the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

The direction of the blade is all enemy bandits!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

The Heavenly Soldiers of the Great Zhou finally came to their senses and rushed into the East China Sea Dragon Palace one after another.

A fierce battle unfolded completely.


"There is no retreat today, brothers, kill!"

The dragons of the East China Sea rose up to fight back, leading countless aquariums to fight with the Heavenly Soldiers of the Great Zhou.

In the formerly magnificent Crystal Palace, pieces of buildings fell down and were gradually destroyed in the flames of war.

An hour later.

The battle was overwhelming, and Yang Gang led the crowd to capture the main hall of the Crystal Palace, and directly sat on the throne of the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

He looked at the sky of the Dragon Palace in the distance, and the Stone Monkey King was carrying the golden pillar, staggering here and there, as if he was trying to subdue the treasure.

Can't help but smile knowingly.

The Stone Monkey King is worthy of being the Stone Monkey King, and he obtained his natal magic weapon directly in the East China Sea.

The many means they had prepared hadn't been used yet, but they easily breached the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"how so……"

"Don't kill, don't kill, we are willing to surrender!"

Shouts resounded in all directions.

However, the answer to them was only one sentence, "Surrender, let the Dragon King of the East China Sea come and surrender himself!"

All the aquariums in the East China Sea Dragon Palace suddenly fell into despair.

Big week.

Already won.

However, their dragon king has been missing for a long time.


An officer rushed to Yang Gang and knelt down on one knee.

"What's the matter?" Yang Gang asked.

"Going back to the God of Mountains and Seas, the real dragon captured in front is the Dragon King of Xingyue Island. He is willing to exchange a secret to save his life!"

"Bring it up."


After a while.

The old Dragon King of Xingyue Island, who once oppressed Yang Gang with an earthly aura, was escorted up and knelt in front of Yang Gang.

"Who is below?"

Jiang Jiang stepped forward and stood in front of Yang Gang.

"Go back to God, the little dragon is the Dragon King of Xingyue Island, Ao Kun."

The old Dragon King of Xingyue Island said dejectedly.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Jiang continued to ask.

Yang Gang sat on the throne of the Dragon King without saying a word, and his posture was extremely high.


Ao Kun glanced at him, lowered his head and sighed: "It's about the Longmen Grottoes, if you let me go, tell us immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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