Chapter 240
"Ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

Taoist Wuya looked into the distance, his expression was full of deep-seated hatred, "This nine-day nail-head book was forged by the eternal hatred of my nine brothers! This time, I will definitely avenge our brothers' ancient vengeance! "


Yang Gang, who had already left, suddenly felt his heart skip a beat, and subconsciously looked back.

The look is a little strange.

It's just that the instinct feels a little bad.

"Wuya, Yalu's Ya... I always feel a little familiar. But these are two worlds after all, and some 'familiar' people's names are all chosen by me, can't it be such a coincidence?"

He wanted to turn around and go back to Wu Ya to make sure.

But he found that as the sun rose, the laws of the world automatically pushed him a little bit away from the Fusang tree.


On the other two sides, Taoist Wuya also sent Xiaotiangou, Jiang Jiang, and Hanxiang away, but did not attack them.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but Yang Gang has already involved all his energy.

Time soon came to the second day.

'call out--'

The wooden arrow pierced through the air and pierced the forehead of the grass man 'Yang Gang' fiercely.

The two life lights on its shoulders kept shaking and almost went out.

"Don't worry, don't worry! There are still seven arrows... It's your time of death hahahaha! I will wipe away your soul and true spirit together, so that you can live forever and never be reincarnated!"


Taoist Wuya stood in Wuchao, laughing wildly.

The true spirits of all living beings belong to the imprint of the Great Dao, and ordinary power cannot be obliterated at all, only the survival of the fittest in reincarnation itself, or some kind of dark method.

For example, this nine-day nail-head book!

in the sky.

A Golden Crow slowly ascended to the Nine Heavens, shouldering the heavy responsibility of illuminating the Three Realms.

Many powers in the Three Realms are sensitive to the discovery that the sun has become increasingly hot these days, bringing one drought after another to the earth.

The so-called every war will have disasters.

This year may be a year of catastrophe!
Some people of insight can't help but worry.

Is it right or wrong for them to support the Great Zhou's conquest of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands and bring such disasters to all living beings?
After five days.

Han Xiang and Jiang Jiang wandered aimlessly in Yanggu, looking for the traces of Yang Gang and Xiaotiangou.

"It's so hot." Jiang Jiang kept waving his hands, fanning the inside of his collar.

It's a pity that the bulging chest is too big to open any gaps at all.

"It's too hot, there's no way to go on like this!" Han Xiang had already taken off her palace attire, and changed into a cool blouse. She was also sweating profusely from the heat, and the thin gauze was stuck to her snow-white skin.

"It's really not possible, let's get out first." Jiang Jiang suggested.


Han Xiang nodded solemnly.

The environment here is getting closer and closer to the ancient times, which makes her feel a little worried.

The temperature in Yanggu has been getting higher and higher these days.

The repulsive power of the rules of heaven and earth is getting stronger and stronger, they can no longer get close to the Fusang sacred tree, and they can only breathe for a while at night when the moon is shining.

The plains in the distance.

A figure staggered, walking on the ground blankly.

"Auntie, there seems to be someone in front." Jiang Jiang said.

"Human? It's him!" Han Xiang's eyes flashed with moonlight, and she managed to exert a little supernatural power with pure power of the sun.

They were stunned to find that the swaying figure was actually Yang Gang, whom they had been looking for so hard.


The second daughter hurried away.

The distance of dozens of miles flashed by.

at last.

They saw the person they had been thinking about for days.

It was at this time.

Yang Gang looked at the two figures flying towards him with a dazed expression, his body softened and he fell to the ground slowly.

He fell into a coma directly.

"Yang Gang!"

The second girl exclaimed and hugged his body left and right.

"What happened to him?" Jiang Jiang panicked, his lips turned white with fright.

"The body is so hot, there is no trace of injury, it seems that someone has plotted against it!" Han Xiang calmed down a little, groped Yang Gang for a while, and then judged.

"Auntie, what should I do?" Jiang Jiang pressed his lips tightly.

"Find a safe place first, and try to heal him when the moon shines at night!" Han Xiang said.

"it is good!"

After a while.

Holding Yang Gang in their arms, the two women found a rare source of water in the Yanggu Land, cast a spell to build a small wooden house, and put the unconscious Yang Gang in it.

Then wait for the night to come.

Because they found that only at night when the moon was shining, they could use their magical powers a little bit.

at last.

Night fell slowly.

A round of bright moon slowly rises over the treetops.

Han Xiang and Jiang Jiang put their hands on Yang Gang's chest and back one by one, sending magic power into his body.

A stream of mortal power and lunar mana poured into his body.


Yang Gang shook his whole body, bounced Jiang Jiang out from behind, and then threw himself forward, hugging Hanxiang, who was covered in the cool moonlight, into his arms.

His body trembled, and his expression suddenly eased a lot.

"Let me go!" Han Xiang blushed and kept pushing Yang Gang's chest.

Subconsciously looked at the sluggish Jiang Jiang.


Han Xiang exerted all her strength and finally pushed Yang Gang's embrace away.

"Auntie, don't move!"

Jiang Jiang's voice suddenly rang in her ears.


Han Xiang turned her head in a daze.

"Look at him..." Jiang Jiang pointed at Yang Gang's face, which turned into a look of pain again.

"He has the power of the real fire of the sun in his body, so he likes the power of the lunar moonlight in you. Aunt... Please." She held Han Xiang's hand and pleaded.


Yang Gang leaned forward again, instinctively clung to Lou Hanxiang, and closed his eyes.


Han Xiang's mind was buzzing, and she was completely stunned for a moment.

"You, you..."

"Auntie, save him!" Jiang Jiang said eagerly.


Han Xiang looked at Jiang Jiang, and then at Yang Gang, who kept rubbing his head in his arms, and his expression gradually eased.

I just felt my heart beating wildly.

"Don't worry, aunt, just hug. If he dares to move, I will break his hands and feet, and I won't let him ruin your innocence!" Jiang Jiang said firmly.

"it is good."

Han Xiang gritted her teeth and closed her eyes.

The cool and thin clothes were pressed against Yang Gang, and the skin on his body seemed instantly sensitive countless times.

On the face as bright as the moonlight, smears of pink continued to bloom.

at the same time.

She also continuously injected the power of the lunar moon in her body into Yang Gang's body, just like in ancient times, Yang Gang injected the power of pure yang into her body.


Han Xiang hesitated for a moment, then looked at Jiang Jiang.

Shyly said: "Jiang Jiang, can you turn around first?"

"Huh? Oh, good."

Jiang Jiang understood what Han Xiang meant, and was very grateful for her sacrifice.

Hearing this, he immediately turned around and turned his back to them.

But there was no intention of leaving the hut.


Yang Gang's fiery body shook, and he breathed out in Han Xiang's ear.

Then he fell limply into Han Xiang's arms, with his head resting on her chest.

"This bad guy!"

Han Xiang cursed secretly in her heart, but her expression was a bit confused, "You bullied me in ancient times, and you still bully me now... I really shouldn't care about you, I deserve to let you suffer from the fire!"

Moonlight flowed.

Shine on the three of them.

The atmosphere is charming and awkward.

In his sleep, Yang Gang felt that he was thrown into a soft and cool embrace, his tensed brows gradually eased, and his soul gradually entered a river of bright stars, and seemed to enter a star full of moonlight.

Suddenly murmured in the mouth: "Please turn around, baby."


Han Xiang and Jiang Jiang were all taken aback.

"Auntie, he... told you to turn around?" Jiang Jiang looked ashamed, but still looked at Hanxiang cautiously and tentatively.


Han Xiang looked at this couple, and her mentality suddenly collapsed.

(End of this chapter)

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