I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 242 Although the emperor is dead, his ambition will last forever

Chapter 242 Although the emperor is dead, his ambition will last forever

Feathers fluttered one after another, and golden blood spilled from the sky.

The ancient Human Sovereign struck with all his strength, gathered the luck of the entire Human Dao family, and finally wounded a Golden Crow.

The ancient Golden Crow turned his head slowly and saw the figure of the Human Sovereign.

Immediately shouted: "The humble human race, dare to participate in the battle of the gods? Die—"

Terrifying flames swept over, scorching the world, completely enveloping the exhausted Human Sovereign.

at the same time.

The heat on the ground rose sharply.

A scream came from a distant place.That's... the screams of countless innocent souls of the human race!
"I did my best."

The ancient human emperor burned his body in flames, and his body turned into coke little by little.Hearing the wailing of countless fellow clansmen, he couldn't help but smile miserably.


Immediately, he saw the blood of the Golden Crow flowing, and laughed heartily.

"Hahahaha, I'll go too!"

The voice fell.

His body exploded into countless ashes and scattered on the ancient land.

Tragic, tragic.
The ancient Human Sovereign used his own life to prove to the world that although humanity is weak, it has the ambition to shake the sky!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Humanity is unyielding, it will last forever!"


The Emperor's death seemed to be a fuse.

A figure of a human race came from a distant land, holding on to the belief that death is as home as home, and went forward...

Although the emperor is dead, his ambition will last forever.

Although the human race in ancient times was small, they had an unyielding will to carry on from one generation to the next!

this day.

Countless years of accumulation of high-ranking powers in the human race have all been torched!
But for the sake of the tribe, they did not hesitate.

The tragic bloody battle was clearly imprinted in the eyes of the ancient races.

You must know that there were countless races in the ancient mythology, and the human race struggling to survive on the earth was just the weakest tribe.

Except for the innate gods.

On the earth, there are also exotic beasts that multiply and grow independently, the top dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns... countless races of dragons, scales, hairs, feathers, and kuns.

In this period, they are the protagonists of the world!
These races are inherently powerful, and the impact of the Golden Crow Hengkong on them is not as great as that of the human race.

But if the Golden Crow is allowed to indulge and frolic.

Destruction... sooner or later would come upon their tribe.


Another golden divine bird rose from the land of Yanggu and turned into a sun that covered the sky.

Six days passed.

Hundreds of millions of miles of land turned into scorched earth, and the closer the tribes were to the place where the sun rose, more and more tribes began to be sunburned to death.

The tolerant races finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Golden Crow, you can't wait to die!"

"As the emperor's sons, the Golden Crow Divine Bird, how could you be so indulgent in killing!"


"In order to deal with the Lunar Star, you are so cruel to all living beings, the Sun God Palace is not worthy of the position of the Lord of Heaven and Earth!"

A number of ancient powers emerged and roared at the six golden crows.

The land of Yanggu.

Yang Gang silently watched the great power of the human race fall to the earth, his body turned into scorched earth, and watched the tribes of creatures fighting hard for their own survival.

A shocking anger completely burned in my heart.

The vertical eyes on the forehead instantly condensed and formed, as if representing the justice of the world, exuding a majestic atmosphere.

In the dark.

He seemed to feel the will of the sentient beings in the world, fused into his eyebrows.

The power that turned into terror merged into the phantom of the golden crow standing on the forehead, and condensed into one after another of the sun-shooting arrows.

This is a terrifying will.

Once activated, it will destroy the world!

"I need weapons, I need weapons that can carry the power of the common people! I must shoot them to death! All golden crows must die!" He roared madly towards the sky.

A pair of pupils were bloodshot.

Three inches of golden light appeared in the vertical eyes, which turned into six solid arrows.

Su'e stared blankly at Yang Gang's appearance, her eyes gradually became idiotic.

"All this time, I...was I too weak? A mortal dared to express revenge against the Golden Crow in the sky. The Sun God Palace broke through the Lunar Star, but I never thought that I could take revenge..."

"Can my ability really take revenge?"

"It can be done, yes, I can do it!"

Su'e's heart gradually became firmer.

He clenched the heart-eye pendant on his chest, and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, she felt it!
She finally felt that there was an inexplicable power in the pendant.

"As long as I can arouse the power of this pendant, I can also have power. For revenge, Su'e can also... sacrifice everything!"

She murmured firmly in her heart.

It's just that Su'e at this time doesn't know what kind of eternal hatred will be caused in the future because of this oath.

And this time on the other side.

Yang Gang has put his ideas into action.

Countless fiery flames came from all directions and were forcibly swallowed by him.

His aura skyrocketed, increasing crazily.

Just a growing smell of instability.

His body seemed to be a time bomb, once it was triggered, it would explode.

He has made a decision in his mind.

When the body reaches its limit, it ascends into the sky and fights against the Golden Crow!
Until the dead.


A sharp cry sounded from the ground.

Two scorching suns rose into the sky, emitting terrifying heat waves to the earth.

Eight days turned into the sky.

Push back all the enemies who invaded Yangu, and at the same time completely turn the ancient world into a fiery melting pot.

All the bottom races in ancient mythology fell into despair at this moment.

Seeing the bodies of the clansmen around him being scorched and turned into mummies, tears rolled down their eyes.However, it was evaporated by the heat wave and turned into water vapor in an instant.

this day.

All ancient beings were deprived of the right to cry.


Another shout spread from Yanggu all over the world.

The ninth Golden Crow was finally born!
The roiling heat wave radiates to the nine heavens and ten places, and even many Houtian gods can't bear the scorching heat, and hide in the faraway lands.


A clear and crisp drink sounded from below the land of Yanggu.


The goddess, whose breath was as small as a firefly, did not attract anyone's attention.

Under Yang Gang's dull gaze.

Su'e suddenly opened the skirt of her chest, took out a heart-eye-shaped pendant hidden in the snow mountain, and held it in her hand, as if she was holding a peerless treasure.

"This is……"

Yang Gang's eyes suddenly shrank.

But I heard the goddess Su'e shouting: "Today, Su'e, a disciple of the Taiyin, shot nine golden crows at Yanggu!"

"Artifact, shape change!"

The voice fell.

The pendant in her palm flickered.

Gradually grow and transform into a bow of cold moon and ice, the whole body is crystal clear, and the vermilion rope on the pendant turns into a bow string, like the boundless world of mortals that cannot be cut off by the heavenly dao.

In an instant.

Streams of cold solar energy kept spreading out, dispelling the scorching heat around him.

Su'e looked solemn.

One hand held the ice bow lightly, and the other slowly pulled the bowstring.

A pure power of the sun automatically condensed and turned into a translucent ice crystal arrow.

"go with!"

Su'e shouted softly.

The ice crystal arrow transformed from the power of the sun shot into the sky with a 'swoosh' sound.

'Puff Chi~~'

this moment.

Time seemed to stand still.

All the gods, ancient beasts, and nine golden crows turned their heads in astonishment.

Looking at the heroic woman on the ground holding a plain bow and covered with the power of the moonlight.


A golden crow was pierced through the chest and abdomen by a cold arrow, and the real fire of the sun was frozen by the ice crystals of the moon, and extinguished little by little.

It flapped its wings and fell powerlessly to the ground,

Jin Wu looked up to the sky and let out a mournful cry.

As if telling his brother: Give me—revenge!
(End of this chapter)

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