Chapter 247
In Yanggu's hut, time seemed to stand still this time.

Jiang Jiang held two rabbits in his hand, staring blankly at the two on the wooden bed.

Yang Gang hugged Han Xiang from behind, and held the moon in one hand, but forgot to let go.

And Hanxiang...

She felt numb all over.

Whether it is the touch of the body, or the thinking that seems to be struck by thunder.

The whole person was frozen in place, and he forgot to struggle.

for a long time.

It was Jiang Jiang who broke the calm.

"Are you awake?" She said lightly, turned around and put down the rabbit in her hand.

It seems that they did not see the strange state of the two.

"Yeah, I'm awake."

Yang Gang nodded quickly.


Han Xiang scolded in a low voice.

"Oh, good."

Yang Gang quickly let go, stepped back a little, and then sat up.

It's just that one hand still maintains a grip, and it seems that even the muscles are frozen.

Yang Gang only felt buzzing in his head.

In today's scene, he already felt that a huge storm was coming.

Han Xiang in front of her pressed her chest and sat up blushing.

She turned her head and gave Yang Gang a hard look, her expression was very complicated.

Just when Yang Gang was ready, he took the initiative to meet his face and accept a slap.

But Han Xiang got up and left the wooden bed, walked to Jiang Jiang and helped her start cleaning up the rabbit, saying: "Jiang Jiang has worked hard these days, to protect our safety from alien beasts, and to take care of our food and drink, Not like some people... huh."

"It's all right. Auntie, look, this rabbit's hands and feet were dishonest just now. It actually wanted to pick fruit from the tree, but I finally caught it when it fell. Let's chop off this hand first!"

Jiang Jiang held a rabbit's front leg and held a stone knife, raising the knife with his hand.


A rabbit leg flew up, blood spattered three feet.

Some bright red blood even splashed onto Han Xiang's chest.

She didn't care about it, and she and Jiang Jiang stripped the rabbit's skin and bones with a smile, and the movements were extremely skillful.

wooden bed.

Yang Gang frowned, and subconsciously looked away.

It seems unbearable, but also empathetic.

But the two people who were supposed to be very concerned about Yang Gang's condition actually started to take care of the two rabbits as if nothing had happened, without even looking at him.

for a long time.

Yang Gang couldn't help turning his head to look at the backs of the two women, his face was full of bewilderment.

What happened these days?
The two women talked and laughed like sisters, and they turned a blind eye to their unintentional actions just now.

Yang Gang sniffled his nose, feeling a little sour.

"Jiang Jiang..."

Yang Gang carefully moved closer to the two girls, and gave a weak cry.

Jiang Jiang turned around and washed the rabbit with water from the tank beside him.


Yang Gang looked at Han Xiang pitifully.

"I'm going to light the fire." Han Xiang rolled her eyes, her face was slightly rosy, and she also turned to ignore Yang Gang.

"How about I help you?"

Yang Gang said enthusiastically.

"get out."

"Go away!"

Han Xiang and Jiang Jiang shouted coquettishly at the same time, raised their eyebrows and raised their eyes, and pointed to the door.


Yang Gang nodded aggrievedly, and tiptoed towards the door.

Wait for a distance.

He suddenly ran wildly and ran hundreds of meters away.

Then he let out a long breath.

The seemingly harmonious but depressing atmosphere in the room made him feel a little out of breath.

"Scary! It's even scarier than the breath of the ancient emperor!"

Yang Gang patted his chest with lingering fear.

And when Yang Gang left.

The two girls in the room also stopped at the same time.

Looking at each other, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

Han Xiang felt uneasy for a while, and was about to explain.

With an apologetic expression on his face, Jiang Jiang suddenly knelt down towards Hanxiang.

"Jiang Jiang, what are you doing?"

Han Xiang exclaimed, and quickly grabbed Jiang Jiang's arm to prevent her from kneeling down.

"Auntie, I'm sorry."

Jiang Jiang lowered his head, his face full of guilt, "You have been wronged by Japan these past few days, and today Yang Gang did, did... such unruly things to you! It's all my fault, it's all my fault. I shouldn't be begging you... I should just let him die!"

"do not talk."

Han Xiang stopped Jiang Jiang's words, and comforted softly: "This is a matter of life and death, how can I be like a child? I am his aunt, so I should save him. Inadvertently, some skin-to-skin relatives, I, I don't mind..."

"But, aunt, your innocence"

Jiang Jiang couldn't help raising his head.

"How can I care about this as a practitioner outside the world?" Han Xiang smiled, trying to show an open-minded attitude.


But this ancient scene kept replaying in her mind.

these days.

She was forced into his arms by Yang Gang.

From the beginning of the frontal hug to the sentence "please turn around, baby", her ancient memories have been continuously revived.

Day by day, Han Xiang was gradually unable to resist Yang Gang's dominance, and he turned to hug her from behind.

Just like when the two joined hands to shoot the sun in ancient times.

"Aunt really doesn't care?"

Jiang Jiang looked puzzled, and asked suspiciously.

"Really. Don't care."

Han Xiang shook her head slightly, and turned around slowly.

The expression on his face could no longer be controlled, revealing a trace of resentment, "I am his elder, why would I care about this? Besides, he was unconscious because of his injury. It's to blame... it can only be God's will." !"

Han Xiang sighed faintly.

God willing?

If it is God's will, why not let yourself be born a few years later in this life.

If it was God's will, why didn't he let Jiang Jiang meet him earlier?

Scenes from the past emerge.

Encounter in ancient times, the amazing feat of shooting the sun together, and the leisurely years of traveling the ancient land together...

Such a great hero, during those magnificent years, which girl would not love him?
Han Xiang can be sure that the ancient self has already fallen in love with her to the bone.


What is she going to do now?
How will she face Yang Gang in the future?

"I just hope that he won't awaken that memory... Otherwise, I'll really have no face to see him!" Han Xiang said silently in her heart.His hands were tightly intertwined, and his brows were full of resentment.

If it happened today, everyone can still treat it as a memory of the previous life.

Draw a line with this life.

But with today's incident, Jiang Jiang bumped into her on the spot. Hanxiang really doesn't know how to face the two of them in the future.

the other side.

Yang Gang sat alone on the shore.

Looking at the crescent moon above his head, he couldn't help scratching his head in annoyance.

He didn't dare to go back and face the silent Jiang Jiang and Han Xiang.

"Love tribulation, really love tribulation!"

Yang Gang sighed, and then looked at the follow-up derivation of Mingjie Changhe.

【fifth year.You and the goddess Su'e traveled the land, mountains and rivers, participated in the study of the ancient avenue of good fortune, and your cultivation gradually deepened.You no longer rely on the power of artifacts, but you can also fight against many strange beasts in ancient times. 】

[The eighth year.You have finally been promoted to the realm of a god-man, and your cultivation level is equal to that of Su'e.The combat power is several times stronger than it.You understand in your heart that compared with the current state of cultivation, the god-man is probably an earth immortal.The Great God is about Xianjun. 】

[However, the way of ancient times is different from that of ancient times. If you let a great god fight with a fairy, you can chop the latter into the stars with a wave of your hand. 】

[The tenth year.You and the goddess Su'e lived in Luoshui in seclusion and lived a peaceful life. 】

[Time passes year by year. 】

[Under your restraint, Su'e no longer mentions the matter of ascension to the heavens for revenge and the search for the lunar star.However, she is still somewhat dissatisfied with you... After all these years of living in seclusion, the two of you have always treated each other with respect and abided by your duties. 】

[People from the outside world say that you are a couple of immortals, but only she knows that there is always another person in your heart. 】

[Facing your avoidance, Su'e can only hide her feelings in her heart, and never dare to show them. 】

【She's afraid. She's afraid that she won't be able to control her emotions, and she's also afraid of making you feel embarrassed. 】

(End of this chapter)

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