I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 249 Don't Call Me Auntie!

Chapter 249 Don't Call Me Auntie!

On the coast of the land of Yanggu.

Yang Gang seemed to have been hit by a body-holding spell, and every inch of his body was stiff.

He understands the complicated feelings of the woman behind him, but he doesn't understand... why she has changed like this.


"Don't call me aunt, at least at this moment, don't call me." Han Xiang's voice sounded in her ears with a hint of resentment.

"Cold fragrance."

Yang Gang put his hands on the jade arms around his neck, with a guilty expression on his face.

"do not want!"

Han Xiang withdrew her hand like an electric shock, and said in a low voice, "Don't touch me!"

But the body is still sticking to Yang Gang's back, leaning his head on his back, looking at the bright moon in the sky.

Yang Gang could feel the fullness like a full moon.

But under the pure moonlight, there is no trace of beauty in my heart.

There is only one kind of unspeakable distress.

Su'e, who was infatuated with the previous life, and Han Xiang who helped him a lot in this life.Although I didn't do anything wrong, but to them...

"You said."

Han Xiang faintly said: "In my previous life, would I steal your elixir in the end?"

Yang Gang's heart skipped a beat when he heard this.

How uncomfortable would Hanxiang feel if she knew what to do next?

"Should...not." He tried his best to control his tone and said calmly.

"But I'm so scared!"

A pair of jade arms hugged Yang Gang's neck again.

Han Xiang whispered in his ear: "Past life and present life are one person, but not the same person. Although Su'e is not me, she is still me back then. I am afraid that she will end up on an irreversible wrong path..."

"I'm afraid that this is a blind date, and the love is too deep, I won't be able to get out..."


Yang Gang stretched out his hand again.

This time he didn't let Hanxiang run away again, held her jade arm tightly, and said firmly: "Believe in me, and also in yourself. The past life is the past life, and this life is the present life. We can get rid of the bad things in the past life."

"If you thought it was important in your previous life..."

"Ahem~" Yang Gang coughed, and felt that the words "must be grasped" in the back were really suspected of being a scumbag.

Instead, he said, "It's easy to get out of the obstacles of knowing and seeing. With your heart and mind that is devoted to the Tao, you can definitely do it!"

"Focus on Taoism?"

Han Xiang smiled wryly.

It might just be in her nature.

Although the ancient Su'e didn't mention the matter of revenge again, she who fully accepted the memory of 30 years knew very well how much Su'e longed for power in her heart.

It's just that because of her feelings for Yang Gang's previous life, she has kept this longing in her heart.

And today's self.

The female sword fairy who practiced outside the world for 300 years in her previous life, isn't that the case?
If Su'e in the previous life really lost Yang Gang.

She... would really steal the elixir.

A person soars to the heavens, seeking a chance for revenge!

"You must know, you must know what I did later, right? You have awakened the memory behind, right?" Han Xiang hugged Yang Gang's neck tightly, feeling a little emotional, "Can you tell me? ? Yang Gang, tell me..."


Yang Gang opened Han Xiang's arms and turned the whole person around.

Hug from the back to the front.

Looking seriously at her face, he said, "I don't remember, and I don't know what happened afterwards. Is it important? After all, it was a previous life, which happened in the ancient past."

"Be sober, grasping this life is the best way to get out of the barriers of knowledge and vision!"

"I... I really can't tell, I can't tell... Is it Su'e or Hanxiang... Yang Gang, help me, please..." Hanxiang covered her face with her hands, drop by drop Crystal tears flowed down her cheeks from under her palms.

Yang Gang sighed.

I understand in my heart why Hanxiang is so abnormal tonight.

It is all because of the awakening of 30 years of memory at once, which leads to confusion about self-cognition.

"Hey, don't think about anything for now, just calm down for a few days. After we leave Yanggu, we will make a good plan." Yang Gang rubbed the black hair on Hanxiang's head, and gently poured her into his arms.

A touch of moonlight shone on his face, full of helpless apologies.


Hanxiang in her arms snorted softly, and her trembling body gradually calmed down.


But Yang Gang couldn't see it, her face was full of resentment.

How could this wooden head know that the reason why I am in such pain is more because of myself in this life...

for a long time.

"bad guy!"

Han Xiang suddenly opened her small mouth, and bit into Yang Gang's arms.


He immediately raised his head and took a deep breath.

"Auntie, what are you doing?"

Han Xiang raised her head and gave him a sideways glance.

"Still asking me? Let you be dishonest"

Say it.

She blushed and struggled to get up, and quickly trot away from the shore.

"I'm here to ask you to eat. Hurry up... don't make Jiang Jiang think too much!"


Yang Gang rubbed his chest, then suddenly lowered his head.

All of a sudden, he looked stunned.


Yang Gang shook his head helplessly.

"You can't blame me. I was already full of pure yang energy, but I was attacked by the real fire of the sun again."

After a while.

Han Xiang and Yang Gang returned to the hut one after the other.

I saw two hot rabbits already prepared on the table.

One for stew and one for charcoal grilling.

There is also a bloody front leg that seems to be intended to be eaten raw?

"came back?"

"How long has it been?"

Jiang Jiang asked suspiciously.

"No. It just took some time to find him."

There was still a hint of pink on Han Xiang's face, and she tried to be calm and authentic.


Jiang Jiang nodded calmly.

She trusted Han Xiang [-]% and always had a grateful heart.

But for Yang Gang's dishonest hands.

She has already experienced it deeply.


The relationship between the two is very different in seniority, since they wake up, the matter should be over.


When Yang Gang came back, he found that Jiang Jiang still didn't give him a good face.The whole person is as cold as a fairy in the moon palace, and she is carved out of the same mold as Han Xiang.

"Hey, eat, eat!"

Yang Gang smiled embarrassingly, and sat down on the main seat.

"Get up, this is for my aunt. Don't you understand the principle of orderly seniority?" Jiang Jiang grabbed his arm and sat down while holding Hanxiang.

"Yeah, yes, yes." Yang Gang continued to smirk.

"Let's eat."

Jiang Jiang said calmly.

Although she is still immature, she has unknowingly established the demeanor of a big woman.

The three of them finished their meal in silence in this weird atmosphere.

The night is getting darker.

Yang Gang was lying on the wooden bed alone, looking at the moonlight beside the bed, but he couldn't fall asleep.


On the other bed, the even breathing of two women could be heard.

After all, he and Jiang Jiang have no status yet, and with the presence of 'outsiders', it is naturally impossible to share the same bed.

Thinking of Han Xiang and Jiang Jiang on the other side, thinking of their identities in previous lives.

Yang Gang couldn't help laughing wryly, "That's all. In the ancient past life that was constantly being cut and messed up, if you can't enter it, you can't enter it..."

'Suo Suo~~'

There was a faint sound.

Yang Gang immediately closed his eyes.

But I felt a figure quietly walked to my bed and stopped for a long time.

His eyes seemed to be watching him silently.

"Who could it be?" Yang Gang thought in his heart.


A soft figure came up to him, and actually burrowed directly into his arms.

"Isn't it? Auntie, you dare to come here?"

Yang Gang was startled.

(End of this chapter)

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