Chapter 251
"Sure enough, if people want to seek death, most of them are self-defeating. Do you think that if you are on a hibiscus tree, I can't do anything to you?" Yang Gang suddenly raised the three-pointed double-edged knife in his hand.

I saw the brilliance flowing all over the body of the divine soldier, and gradually began to change its shape.

This ancient artifact can inspire power and change shape according to the owner's will.When Yang Gang personally experienced the calamity of the ancient sun burning the sky, it can naturally transform into a peerless and invincible bow.

"This...this is..."

In the black nest.

Taoist Wu Ya looked under the tree, his eyes flashed with intense shock.

"How is it possible... this treasure, how is it possible to..."

"It belongs to me, why is it impossible?"

Yang Gang held the red divine bow with one hand, put the other hand on the bow string and slowly pulled it away, "In ancient times, I was able to punish the heavens and shoot down nine days. Today, I can still destroy your divine body with one arrow!"


Taoist Wu Ya showed a startled look on his face, and suddenly shouted: "Nine-day nail-head book, give me—explode!"

There seemed to be nine roars in Yang Gang's sea of ​​consciousness, even Han Xiang and Jiang Jiang beside him could hear them.


After nine roars in a row, Yang Gang still stood calmly on the spot, and even the phantom of the nine golden crows with vertical eyes on his forehead became more solid.

On the other hand, Wu Ya Taoist.

Suddenly, he was backlashed by supernatural powers and spells, his face was bleeding from his mouth and nose, his black hair was loose, and he stared blankly at Yang Gang who was gradually showing his supernatural power under the tree.

A fiery red arrow gradually condensed on the bowstring, filled with strong pure yang energy.

"The Golden Crow in the sky has form but no soul, and only acts on instinct. If I guess right, you should be a ray of soul that the Golden Crow has cultivated for many years, right? come down?"

Yang Gang pulled the divine bow in his hand into a full moon, and said calmly.

"No, you can't kill me! You can't—"

Taoist Wuya's eyes suddenly flashed with extreme horror.

next moment.

The divine arrow suddenly left the string and pierced through the air.

Taoist Wu Ya wanted to hide, but where could he hide?
The arrow dodged in ancient times and the sin committed are destined to be paid back in this life!

'Puff Chi~~'

The divine arrow pierced through the eyebrows, and Taoist Wuya's eyes froze instantly.

His body gradually faded and dimmed, as if there was no form at all...


From above the nine heavens came the terrified wailing of the Golden Crow.

The hibiscus sacred tree shook, and countless branches and leaves fell.

among the three realms.

All the creatures looked at the sky blankly. A great sun rose from the east and gradually set from the east.

This is the first time, and the only time in their lives, to see such a spectacle.


A desolate bark.

Above the sky, a huge black dog phantom appeared.

It raised its head high and opened a huge mouth of the abyss, as if it wanted to swallow that big sun in one gulp.

"Tengu eats the sun?"

"It's broken, there is a big problem in the Land of Sunrise!"

Many great powers in the Three Realms panicked in their hearts.

If something goes wrong in the Land of Rising Sun and the Three Realms fall into eternal darkness, it will be an unprecedented catastrophe.

"Howling dog?"

Yang Gang looked at the phantom of the black dog in the sky, and his expression was happy.

Then frown.

What he wanted to kill was Taoist Wuya, and it was not the body of the Golden Crow to destroy his soul.

The body of this thing has now become like the rules of heaven and earth, and it is a forbidden area in the hearts of many powerful people, and it must not be moved rashly.For the safety of all beings in the Three Realms, it cannot be completely destroyed.

Otherwise, it is the enemy of the whole world!

He just lost his mind.


Nine angry cries seemed to come from ancient times, and seemed to come from the depths of samsara, and there was a trace of gloom in the rigid sun.

all of a sudden.

Nine phantoms emerged from the hibiscus tree, surrounding the Golden Crow, turning into a mysterious ring of fire.


The supernatural phantom of the Xiaotian dog wailed, his mouth was on fire, and he quickly fled from the air with his tail between his legs.

It's okay to bully the single Golden Crow, but it's too embarrassing for a dog to face the top ten Golden Crows born at the same time!
"Hahaha, hahaha..."

A loud voice came from the tree, tens of thousands of miles away, "Da Yi, you can't kill me! You can't kill me! It turns out that my father left behind this backhand, hahahahahaha"

Taoist Wuya's voice roared wildly: "I am immortal! When I gather the strength of nine brothers, I will destroy the world!"

A stream of flames emerged out of thin air, and the temperature of Yanggu suddenly increased, like a huge melting pot of heaven and earth.

Yang Gang stared at the sky and sneered, "The old guys from ancient times dare to come out to make trouble? Since I was able to shoot you down, is still possible!"

Say it.

He slowly bent his bow and set his arrow, and at the same time, a golden crow phantom shook from his vertical eyes on his forehead, turning into a fiery red arrow.

After staring at it for a moment, he suddenly turned his head and said, "Auntie, I need your help."

"it is good."

Han Xiang instantly understood what he meant.

Only with Yang Gang's own strength, he is not absolutely sure.

She stepped forward slowly, and her temperament changed quietly, as if she had become the ancient Su'e again.

Slowly leaning her graceful figure into Yang Gang's arms.

"Here we come." Yang Gang took her hand and placed it on the bowstring.


Han Xiang nodded silently, and the magic power of the sun poured out all over her body.

all of a sudden.

A bright divine light flickered.

The fiery red magic skill gradually changed, becoming a strange longbow with the upper half fiery red and hot, and the lower half transparent and cold.

Han Xiang turned her head and smiled at Yang Gang.

Suddenly a sense of tacit understanding arises spontaneously.

Jiang Jiang on the side stared blankly at the gesture of the two embracing each other, and the miraculous bow in their hands.

Pupils are like earthquakes.

Are they... are they hiding something from me?
An illusory arrow condenses in the air.

The power of water and fire entangled on it, like two dragons going out to sea, aiming at a golden crow in the sky.

This scene is very similar to Yanggu in ancient times.

Han Xiang kept transporting the lunar mana in her body into the divine bow, but her body completely fell into Yang Gang's arms.

Her eyes gradually became moist.

"I'm Hanxiang, and I'm also Su''s all me, past life, this's me! Why is this...why...he already has Jiang Jiang, why...I'm his aunt..."

"Yang Gang...Da tell me, what should I do?"

The divine bow was gradually pulled into the shape of a full moon, and it was about to be shot.

Right now.


There was a sound of leaves fluttering.

The sacred Fusang tree in front of him swayed its branches and leaves wildly, blocking the line of sight between Yang Gang and the golden crow in the sky.

"Even you want to stop me?"

Yang Gang frowned, a flash of anger flashed across his face.

Holding Hanxiang directly, he flew up and flew towards the sun in the sky.


A force of rules from heaven and earth automatically repelled them, pushing the two away bit by bit.

Yang Gang and Han Xiang took a step forward, and that thrust pushed him back a step.

The two of them went in and out like this, standing still.

(End of this chapter)

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