I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 255: Longtai Congeals the Dharma, Fusang Becomes an Earth Immortal!

Chapter 255: Longtai Congeals the Dharma, Fusang Becomes an Earth Immortal!
"Everything has two sides."

"Jiang Jiang, your power of the world of mortals is everywhere, but you can't find it everywhere. This arrow is a small part of my understanding when I was studying your 'Tao'. Therefore..."

As Yang Gang said, he slowly let go of the bowstring in his palm, "I will name this arrow an arrow that does not exist! The name is - nothing!"

'call out--'

The invisible scream resounded through the Hibiscus Sacred Tree, but it had no effect on the surroundings.

However, a miraculous scene appeared.

The huge Golden Crow bird in the sky suddenly shook its body, its wings and feet struggled instinctively as if suffocating, its eyes protruded, and then it could no longer flap its wings, and fell straight down from the sky.

But in the eyes of the outside world.

The phantom of the peerless god-man shot out with an arrow, without any abnormality.The sun in the sky suddenly fell to the earth, and the light disappeared completely.

this moment.

The world fell into darkness.

A round of bright moon took the opportunity to show its way from the west, and the power of the thick moonlight sprinkled the nine heavens and ten places like a liquid, and everything can be easily absorbed to improve cultivation.

In an instant, I don't know how many creatures have received the kindness of the lunar star and embarked on the road of cultivation.

But most of them are hindsight.

At this time, the most concerned thing for sentient beings is that the sun in the sky has disappeared, what will they do in the future?
"The sun... went out?"

"Then... will it rise in the future?"

"This... how can this be done!"

All beings were dumbfounded, a little at a loss.

When the sun harms them, all sentient beings wish for their complete annihilation.

But when the sun really disappeared, they thought about how they would live without the sun in the future.

The food in the field needs sunlight, the growth of flowers and plants needs sunlight, the change of seasons needs the sun... If we lose this round of eternal sun, wouldn’t it be like the human race in ancient times, always facing wind disasters, fires and ice disasters? ... Endless catastrophe?

Just like the souls who step into practice, they need to face the three tribulations of the primordial spirit.

All living beings are panicked.

Looking at the east silently, waiting for the sun to rise.

However this day.

The sun never rose again.


A shrill cry echoed in the Land of the Rising Sun.

The beasts in Yanggu lay down on the ground in horror, covering their eyes with their front paws covering their heads.

Hibiscus tree.

A bright golden light shines from the center of Yang Gang's eyebrows, which is actually connected with the big sun in front of him.

Streams of pure real fire from the sun transformed into pure yang aura and merged into his body.

The power turned in his body and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It seems to be turned into mana, and it seems to turn into the foundation of the flesh.

"He is practicing with the help of the real fire of the sun? Can his body withstand such a huge power of real fire?" Han Xiang stood aside, a trace of worry flashed in his eyes.

Huge hibiscus tree.

A big sun hung on the branches, and there was no more sound.The body of the Golden Crow Divine Bird gradually lost its original shape and turned into a round sun, leaving only pure flames.

The real fire of the sun absorbed by Yang Gang is like a drop in the bucket.


A violent breath rose from his body, as if about to explode.


An inexplicable force surged.

It was as if countless creatures on the earth were praying and worshiping on their knees.

A wish power belonging to the common people shrouded Yang Gang.

This is... the luck of all people!
Yang Gang smiled slightly, and let out a breath of foul air.

The violent power in the body subsided in an instant.

Boom boom boom...

The nine bridges of heaven and earth above his head solidified instantly.

An illusory stone platform gradually condenses on the top of the Shenqiao.

An illusory 'Yang Gang' sits cross-legged on the stone platform, engraving a series of supernatural powers on himself and the stone platform below him.

Longtai Faxiang!

After shooting the sun, with the help of the endless power of the sun's real fire, he was finally promoted to the realm of the earth fairy.

"So you've become an Earth Immortal? So fast~~" A gleam of joy flashed in Jiang Jiang's eyes.

Immediately, the red lips pursed slightly, as if a little dissatisfied.

Yang Gang was promoted too fast.

And except for the life of the Northern Gun Demon, she has not yet 'awakened' any past lives.

Could it be that in the future, with the power of a lifetime, he will become an Earth Immortal?

Naturally, Jiang Jiang didn't know that she had already awakened, just forgetting, forgetting, many things in the world were automatically forgotten by her power of the world.

Unless... In the future, the ancient Wangchen I will be truly awakened.

To that extent, there is no difference between the first life and the ninth life.Wang Chen can simulate a whole life by himself!
Han Xiang on the side was also happy for Yang Gang.

Then, instead of beings in the Three Realms, he asked Yang Gang the same question.

"The Golden Crow is dead. The sun, will it rise tomorrow?"


Yang Gang nodded and looked at Jiang Jiang beside him with a smile.

"From now on, there will be no more golden crows in the world, only the sun."

There was a flash of surprise in Jiang Jiang's eyes.

"Yes. From now on, there is only the sun in the world!"

This arrow was shot with her strength combined with Yang Gang's body, so he knew best what the result would be.

She explained softly: "My arrow had no effect on the Golden Crow's body that was ruled by the heavens and the earth. It completely killed its soul and true spirit. It was originally dying, and wanted to be buried with the heavens and the earth. But..."

"Yang Gang's arrow saved the world."

"do you understand?"

Yang Gang asked Hanxiang with a smile.

"Yeah, I got it."

Han Xiang nodded slightly, but looked at Jiang Jiang, who was full of mortal power.

A strange color flashed in his eyes.

'This arrow... Her strength doesn't seem to be worse than mine? '

'But the previous lunar star was out of phase...my strength matches that of the lunar star, why can she do it too? 'I thought of the two figures in the huge ice coffin of the Lunar Star.

Han Xiang couldn't understand it.

But she knew in her heart that the future of her past life, and Jiang Jiang's past life in ancient times... were not easy!
Those two bodies are themselves!

"It's over, we should go."

Yang Gang patted Xiao Tiangou's head, turned over and rode on it.

He waved to the two women.

Jiang Jiang naturally flew up and sat down in front of Yang Gang first.

Then he turned his gaze to Hanxiang.

"I... I can go by myself."

Han Xiang's complexion turned slightly red.

The catastrophe is over.

She doesn't have the face to hug Yang Gang again.

Say it.

The goddess of the moon palace flew up lightly and landed on the earth, with her sleeves fluttering, like a fairy rushing from the moon palace above the nine heavens to the earth to find her lover.

"Hmph. Let's go."

Jiang Jiang took the initiative to grab Yang Gang's hand and put it on his lower abdomen.

It seems to be swearing sovereignty.

After going through all this, she, who was pure in heart, became a little bit defensive towards Han Xiang, an aunt.

"Hahaha, let's go!"

Yang Gang hung up Jiang Jiang's nose, looked at Qing Leng Yujie's lovely wrinkled nose expression, smiled and drove the Xiaotian dog to fly down the hibiscus tree.

A catastrophe that has spread from ancient times to the present world has finally been calmed down in the hands of Yang Gang.

And outside.

But there are various legends about him.

Especially on the second day.

The sun finally rose in the east again.

All peoples cheer, all living beings celebrate!
A catastrophe subsided and did not affect them.

Crazy wishes of sentient beings emerge from the east and gradually gather around Yang Gang.

(End of this chapter)

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