I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 261 Bloody Battle 5 Zhuang Guan, Patriarch Wanliu

Chapter 261 The Bloody Battle of Wuzhuang Temple, the Patriarch of Wanliu

For an instant.

All the immortals present stood up.

Most of the people seemed to have expected it, their eyes flickered, staring at Yang Gang and Emperor Shi.Some people unbuttoned their Taoist robes, revealing fluffy bodies and sharp minions, and they had the ferocious faces of monster races.

There were only a few people present, their faces were dazed, and they didn't understand what happened.

The Wanshou Mountain Ten Thousand Immortals Festival unexpectedly mixed in so many monster races?

For a moment, they had a feeling of imminent disaster.


A sneer suddenly sounded.

Shi Huang scratched the back of his hand, bared his teeth and looked around, "With you bunch of trash, you dare to fight my two brothers?"

The entire Wuzhuang Temple was silent.

All the eyes of the demons were looking upwards, that middle-aged Taoist with an immortal demeanor.

They really don't qualify.

But what about the Great Immortal Zhenyuan who has been enlightened for a long time and whose practice is unfathomable?
"Hahaha, two friends, why don't I go on a trip outside the sky?" The Great Immortal Zhenyuan laughed and suddenly waved his hand.


Everyone felt that the world had changed in an instant, and the entire Wuzhuang temple had been moved to another place.

A place of chaos and nothingness.

"This is... the land of chaos outside the sky?"

"Great Immortal Zhenyuan, send me back quickly!"

A few immortals looked at the ancestor of the earth immortal, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and their faces showed panic.


At this point no one cares about their feelings.

Murderous intent permeates the entire Wuzhuang Temple.

The war is about to start.

"I don't understand, you are already the ancestor of the earth immortal, you are noble, and you are the same king as the world. Even the three emperors dare not underestimate you. Why do you do this..." Yang Gang pointed the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand at Zhen Yuanzi , Open your mouth slowly.

"You don't understand, and you never will."

Zhen Yuanzi smiled infatuatedly, with a hint of disdain in his eyes, "You, a 'weapon' who can stand shoulder to shoulder with us only by relying on external force, how can you understand what we are looking for?"

"The way is different, don't you conspire with each other? I understand. So in your eyes, I am just a weapon... a knife that belongs to the emperor?"

Yang Gang nodded if he realized something, "But let me tell you, even though I am a weapon, no matter where I go, I will not use such despicable means. I disdain your way!"

You can kill.

But killing for the sake of enlightenment is definitely not Yang Gang's way.

"What nonsense are you talking to this old man? If you are an enemy of my brother, you can kill him!" Shi Huang's face flickered with ferocity.

"it is good!"

A white-gold divine weapon and a huge golden stick struck out in all directions.


A scream resounded through Wuzhuang Temple.

With the abilities of Yang Gang and Shihuang, the ordinary immortal family is not an enemy at all.

"Don't dare to be presumptuous!"

Zhen Yuanzi shouted loudly.

However, there are thousands of supernatural powers and spells that come first, and they fight with each other, gradually dissolving the supreme supernatural power of the two.

All the fairy families and monster clans around who had been prepared for a long time suddenly had a chance to breathe and launched a siege to the two.

"Brother Monkey!"

Yang Gang suddenly shouted loudly.

"Leave it to me, brother, don't worry!"

Emperor Shi responded in a deep voice.

The two exchanged figures tacitly, and passed by in a flash.

One ran towards Zhenyuan Daxian, and the other drew a stick on the ground as a prison, encircling the surrounding enemies.


Shi Huang grinned grimly.

"Monster, eat me!"

boom boom boom

It was said to be a stick, but thousands of iron sticks pierced through the void and fell on the surrounding enemies one by one.

"Hahaha, after hearing my brother's words, this stick is really easy to use!" Stone Emperor laughed out loud.

Suddenly he pulled out a bunch of monkey hair and opened his mouth to blow.

Immediately, he saw monkeys jumping down from his palm, holding iron rods, shouting and attacking the surrounding immortals and monsters.

The battle here is in full swing.

the other side.

Yang Gang also found the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, the famous and mysterious ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

The world only knows that it has the art of moving the world.

He is also the master of all dharmas in the world.

Even the patriarchs of the three religions of immortality may not be as complicated as one of them.


Based on this information, it seems that he still lacks some sure-kill means to fight against Da Neng.

is it possible?

"Thank you for your hospitality during this period of time, Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan, in the next life, I'm afraid we will meet again in reincarnation."

Yang Gang waved the weapon in his hand and attacked Zhen Yuanzi.

The moves are simple and unpretentious, but they used the same skills as Shihuang.

Simplify all supernatural powers and spells, and use the supreme power of sanctification of your own body as the strongest supernatural power.

"Fellow Daoist has such thoughts, I am very relieved. But... since I claim to be the same as the world, I will not fall here." Zhen Yuanzi swept the dust in his hand, and a flower bone condensed in the void.

In an instant.

The flower buds bloom with hundreds of petals.

Hundreds of spells came together, each forming a formation, as if a hundred earth immortals attacked Yang Gang at the same time.

However, these one hundred attacks were superimposed to form an array, but it gave him a feeling of facing the attacks of a hundred immortals at the same time.

"Damn it today, it's you!"

"it is good!"

"What an ancestor of earth immortals, what an ancestor of Wanliu!"

Yang Gang gave a compliment.

Say it.

He forcibly suppressed his thoughts of using supernatural powers such as the Great Sun Burning the Sky and Shanhai Yidao, and continued to defend against the enemy with basic saber techniques, trying to make further progress in the way of attack.

What Zhen Yuanzi said was right.

His Taoism is indeed far from being comparable to the top powers of the Three Realms.

Since it is incomparable in Taoism, then use strength to win.

Prove it with strength!

When I conquer you, you will naturally gain respect!

Boom boom boom!
The powerful force broke through everything and defeated all kinds of supernatural powers and spells one by one.

Immortal Zhenyuan didn't panic at all.

The whisk swept away again.

One flower, two flowers, dozens of flowers appear at the same time.

Yang Gang's expression suddenly became serious.

at the same time.

Zhen Yuanzi waved his long sleeve with his left hand.

Suddenly Yang Gang only felt the space around his body constantly changing, and his body voluntarily bumped into the blossoming flowers containing thousands of magical powers.

"What a skill to move the universe."

Yang Gang's face remained unchanged, as if he suddenly gave up resisting.

Let a flower fall on you.

Flowers and rain scattered all over the sky.

Yang Gang's body rippled a little bit, his sleeves flew, and his flesh and blood splattered.


He looked down at himself and smiled.

"It's just a skin injury. If you only have this ability, you can't be called the ancestor of the earth immortal!"


The long knife pierced through the air.

It directly crushed the void in front of it, defeated the technique of moving the universe, and landed on Zhen Yuanzi with a crash.

With Yang Gang's terrifying physical and divine power.

As long as you let him get close, Zhen Yuanzi will not be able to use it even if he has supernatural powers!


A loud drink.

Zhen Yuanzi's face was serious, and his hands were rounded at the dantian, as if turning into a chaotic black hole.

The tip of Yang Gang's three-pronged knife was directly sucked in.

Yang Gang's expression suddenly changed slightly.

Pull hard.

Unable to draw out the three-pointed two-edged knife.


Zhen Yuanzi raised his head and laughed loudly, "I've been waiting for so long, just waiting for this moment when you get close!"

The space moves again.

Yang Gang only felt a huge force coming, as if he wanted to suck his weapon into the void and exile him to the chaotic place outside the sky.

"You want to destroy my weapon?"

Yang Gang raised his head suddenly.

"Yeah." Zhen Yuanzi smiled leisurely, "This is the sky outside the sky, deep in the chaos. The power of the power of the heaven is also hard to match. Look at your 'weapon' without the weapon and the power of the power of the heaven. How to fight me?"

"is it?"

Yang Gang also suddenly laughed.

Zhen Yuanzi suddenly felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

"not good!"


Brilliant stars emerged in the void outside Wuzhuang Temple.

"Heaven sends murderous intentions, moving stars and changing places!"

(End of this chapter)

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