I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 271 Blood-stained God Conferred Altar

Chapter 271 Blood-stained God Conferred Altar
There was a loud bang.

Stone Emperor's black iron rod slammed heavily on the head of Master Xuandu, but was blocked by a purple and gold gossip furnace.

The magic weapon spun slowly, exuding a layer of nine-color divine light. Although it was not as good as the Eight Diagrams Furnace of Daode Tianzun, it was not far behind.

"Stone Emperor, if you dare to destroy the Conferred God Platform, you are making an enemy of the gods of the Three Realms!"

Grand Master Xuandu sits on the nine-color lotus throne, with ten crane caps hanging from his head, pinches the magic formula with his hands, and develops the boundless and truly wonderful law.

He concocted all the top supernatural powers and spells of the Three Realms, and with the power of the Stone Emperor, he couldn't get close for a while.

Although this great disciple of the Moral Heavenly Venerable is not the top power in the Three Realms, he is still only a little short.In him, Yang Gang and Shi Huang seemed to see the shadow of Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

Such a person's desperation is enough to block the Stone Emperor for a moment.

And this moment.

Enough for reinforcements around!

The four great generals of the Heavenly Court, one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, and one hundred thousand demons attacked together, and the sky was filled with fairy light and demon magic. Ren Shihuang turned the black iron rod into sparks, and resisted countless attacks one by one, and his figure kept retreating. .


Shihuang stared angrily, clenched his teeth, and vowed to die.

A series of fairy swords slashed across his body, causing countless bloody flowers to bloom, leaving wounds one after another.

Inside the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

"I am leaving."

Yang Gang withdrew his gaze and stood up suddenly.

"I send you."

Taoist Tongtian got up and said.

"it is good!"

Yang Gang shouted suddenly, turned around and struck Tianqiong with a knife, leaving his back to Tongtian.

At this very moment.

"Zhu Xian Sword Formation, get up!"

Taoist Tong Tian pinched the sword formula with his hands and pushed forward.

The four Supreme Immortal Swords suddenly pierced through the void and slammed heavily behind Yang Gang.


A roar of pain spread throughout Chaoge.

next moment.

The three-pointed and two-edged knife pierced through the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, breaking a huge hole.

Everyone saw a blood-stained god of war in silver armor, pointing his sword obliquely at the ground, and flew out of the formation of ten thousand immortals.There were four dazzle-killing swords stuck behind his back, and streams of blood kept gushing out, shocking people.


The God of War laughed loudly, "Hahahaha, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation has been broken. Brother Stone Emperor, I will help you!"


"The Ten Thousand Immortal Formation is broken?"

"How is it possible, how could this be the case!"

The monks of the three religions were stunned, and the surrounding heavenly army was even more at a loss.

Suddenly, an angry shout came from the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

"Yang Jian, you despicable villain, you actually tried to frame me!" Taoist Tongtian chased out from Yang Gang's opening, and using his supernatural powers, he slammed towards Yang Gang's back.


Yang Gang spat out a mouthful of blood, but laughed miserably, and then flew away with this force, a bit faster.

in a blink.

The Conferred God Platform is in sight.

"Brother Erlang God!"

People outside the palace.

The little fox next to Empress Jiang finally couldn't bear it anymore, lifted her skirt and jumped into the void.With a flash of her figure, she instantly transformed into a nine-tailed white fox, making a sharp and angry howl, rushing towards the Conferred God Stage.


Empress Jiang moved her bare hands slightly, but in the end she made no movement and let out a deep sigh.

She looked at Yang Gang, who was covered in blood and besieged by countless gods.

A pair of eyes as cold as water gradually ignited a little bit of anger.

The sharp blade pierced the sky, and Yang Gang finally broke through the siege, severely wounding the Great Master Xuandu with one blow.

He had already reached his limit in resisting the attack of the Stone Emperor, and if he added Yang Gang at this time, his teacher Daode Tianzun would probably end up in the same way.

Suddenly, there was chaos in front of the Conferred God Stage.

No one expected that Yang Gang would break through the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation at this time, and together with Emperor Shi, would raid the Conferred God Stage.

The Emperor's army in the distance immediately launched a fierce offensive, which was bound to hold back the enemies in front of them and buy time for their commander.

The battle has finally reached the most critical moment.

For this time.

The far-sighted Haotian God will not be unprepared.

I saw the emperor, one of the three emperors, sitting high on the cloud, and gave an order: "Please ask the five elders of the five directions, the Western venerable, to subdue the demons!"

"Money Mi."

The resounding Buddha's name instantly appeared around the altar.

A venerable venerable covered in Buddha's light came from the void, turned his palms and fell, and the sky was filled with Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and venerables like raindrops.

Five parties and five elders.

It's not just one person, but one of the five forces in the heavenly court.

For example, ancient Buddhism from the Western Regions.

"Venerable Kutuo!"

Yang Gang's face was suddenly cold, like thousands of ice.

The ancient Western Buddhism has almost been wiped out by him.

However, after not seeing him for a while, the other party actually enlightened so many Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to prevent him from destroying the Conferred God Stage.

"Yang Jian, you destroyed the foundation of my Buddhism and Taoism that day, but you should have thought that there will be such a calamity today!" Venerable Kutuo snorted coldly, as if the Buddha was glaring.

He flipped his hand and filled it, and a Buddha kingdom in the palm of his hand appeared, and his magical powers immediately changed the surrounding space, and filled Yang Gang and Shi Huang together.

Thousands of Buddha lights shine in the sky.

In the Human Sovereign camp, the hearts of many people sank to the bottom of the valley.

"Palm Buddha Kingdom?"

Yang Gang said coldly, "This Buddhist kingdom of yours can't even hold back my brother, how dare you entrust us to come in?"

"Today broke the magic power of this bald donkey!"

Stone Emperor suddenly shouted.

The three-pointed double-edged knife and the black iron rod pierced the void together, and opened two big holes in the Buddha Kingdom in the palm.

The two got out immediately.


Countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas had been waiting for a long time, and they had prepared countless supernatural powers and Dharma to attack the two of them.

Yang Gang and Shi Huang suddenly lost their footing and were kicked out of the Conferred God Stage.

He couldn't help but glanced at the old man sitting upright with his eyes closed, and thousands of true spirits "wandering blankly" surrounded by one after another primordial spirits on the Conferred God Stage.

It's too late to say all this.

Also at this time.

Daoist Tongtian who had been chased out of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation finally arrived outside the Conferred God Stage.Beside him, there are also two Immortal Daoist Headmasters surrounded by splendor, Tao Dao and Yuan Shi.


Taoist Tongtian shouted loudly.

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and sucked it out, unexpectedly forcibly sucking out the Four Swords of Zhu Xian that were pierced behind Yang Gang's back.Yang Gang immediately opened his mouth and raised his head with a 'puff' sound, blood stained the sky, and landed on the majestic Conferred God Stage.

This scene made many people tremble.

A deep despair enveloped my heart.

The number one God of War in the Three Realms, who had always been invincible in all directions, has actually reached this point?This battle... can they really be tough?

"it is good!"

Daode and Yuanshi agreed at the same time, only as their junior brother invited them to deal with the Erlang God Yang Jian together.


On the Conferred God Stage, countless true spirits opened their eyes in unison, and their bewildered expressions became clear and sharp.

"not good!"

Jiang Shang felt a sudden sensation and opened his eyes.


It's too late!
The power of countless primordial spirits erupted, and each of them was at its peak state, directly smashing the huge Conferred God Platform into pieces.The list of gods hanging above Jiang Shang's head suddenly dimmed.



Daoist Tongtian stretched out both palms, and the four immortal swords pierced the sky. Under everyone's unexpected eyes, they suddenly pierced through the list of gods above Jiang Shang's head.

at the same time.

His palms were also imprinted on the backs of his two senior brothers in shock.

(End of this chapter)

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