I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 273 This Day, Qingqiu Fox Immortal Shocked the World

Chapter 273 On this day, Qingqiu Fox Immortal shocked the world
The broken golden light penetrated Xuandu's body and disappeared in a flash.

His body flickers on and off, sometimes turning into nothingness, sometimes turning into substance.The catastrophe-breaking golden light shot out by Yang Gang's Tianmu supernatural power did not cause any harm to him.

"Immune to damage?"

"Is this the technique of burning soul? Jiang Jiang's previous life. Could it be that he learned it from him? At this time, his physical body and primordial spirit have become like a true spirit... It is true that he cannot be killed in a short time."

Yang Gang frowned slightly, and then slowly relaxed.

"However, you can be immune to my harm, but you can't protect this Conferred God Altar."

above the sky.

Suddenly, there was an aura that surpassed the Three Realms.

Yang Gang's heart was shaken, and he felt a deep palpitation.

"It's Haotian!"

"Qingqiu Fox Immortal!"

That is the power that belongs to the soul, the power that belongs to the true spirit.


As Wangchen I, the descendant of Nuwa's descendant, the only creature in the Three Realms who is qualified to practice luck and supernatural powers.

Yang Gang frowned.


It's this guy!
He led the catastrophe of conferring gods, causing brother Erlang God to go through hardships time and time again, and was seriously injured.

Haotian, in the center of people like Chaoge, hastily exercised the power of the power of heaven, and with the insight of Shihuang, he has already vaguely guessed the truth.

Yang Gang shattered the plan of Fengshentai and declared a complete failure.

The rocks pierced through the sky, and countless true spirits wailed and begged for mercy on the list of gods, rolling up thousands of divine lights.

Just one breath is enough to dominate the life and death of Yang Gang, the number one God of War in the Three Realms!
This is the end.

No one would have imagined that countless people put in so much effort, but they were ultimately defeated by an 'inconspicuous' Xuandu.

"I have done this step, is it still not enough?"

At this moment, the Three Realms were in an uproar.

Then, under everyone's stunned gaze, he stepped forward.

The illusory body of the great mage Xuandu burst into a strong gray light.

It is actually the same as the previous form of Xuandu, sometimes nothingness, sometimes substance, between reality and illusion.

The supernatural power of Xuandu seems to turn everything into a state of nothingness, a bit similar to the state of Wangchen's transformation into a mortal world. Everything seems real and illusory, and ordinary attacks can't affect it at all.

Without using any supernatural powers and mana, a pair of jade feet actually stepped onto the crazily flickering Conferred God Stage.

But her current state is not about whether she is willing, but whether she can.

Although conferring the gods is in accordance with the trend of the sky, the huge cause and effect must be borne by someone.

Haotian God, sitting in the sky above, is in charge of the throne of the emperor.

Yang Gang let out a long sigh, his face full of regret.

On a platform that was only three feet in size, Jiang Shang's Yuanshen sat quietly cross-legged on it, with an illusory list of gods on top of his head.

As the most honorable god in the world, Yang Gang finally saw his face.


Emperor Shi said solemnly: "We are already deeply surrounded, plus Haotian... If we don't leave, it will be too late!"

A strange 'wind' suddenly blew by.

A powerful coercion descended from the sky.

A strange breeze blows over the Conferred God Stage, turning it into a space between illusion and reality.

Haotian's far-reaching calculations and sufficient preparation can be said to be unmatched by anyone in the Three Realms.

The startled voice of Master Xuandu echoed on the Conferred God Stage.


If you want to deal with such supernatural powers, maybe you really need to ask Wangchen to do it.

Everything is not over.

A majestic emperor slowly emerged.He wears a nine-fold canopy on his head, wearing a gold and jade imperial robe, and his wide sleeves spread his wings in the wind, turning into ancient flying phoenixes, unicorns, and ancestral dragons in various forms.

It's really a wave of unrest, a wave of another.

The little fox stood proudly, with a straight chest, without even looking at the primordial spirit of the Great Master Xuandu.

Boom boom boom!
The three-pointed, two-edged saber was used seven times in a row, and Yang Gang used supernatural powers such as Fentian, Shanhai, Yuanshen, and Breaking Tribulation Jinguang one by one, but he was unable to destroy the Sanzhang Conferred God Platform.

Thousands of true spirits fled in all directions.

Puff puff puff ~~
The divine light on the list of gods above his head was dim, and the four swords of Jade Immortal suddenly burst into boundless murderous aura, and they fell apart with a bang.

That weird 'wind' turned into the image of Xuandu, and involved the Sanzhang Conferred God Platform.

Yang Gang still has to do it.

The terrifying majesty is like the ten suns in ancient times, like the emperor of heaven, who is alive, crushing the void around Yang Gang, and falling into chaos and nothingness.

The Conferred God Stage that caused this catastrophe was finally completely shattered.

In the one-billionth gap, he stepped over the barriers of reality and illusion.

Yang Gang showed hesitation.

above the sky.

Human Sovereign didn't make a move yet.



A big hand covered with golden hair grabbed his arm.

a time.

An uninvited guest finally boarded the Conferred God Stage at this time against thousands of broken stones and strong winds.

Together with Jiang Shang's body, the Conferred God Platform was smashed into thousands of pieces.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal shocked the world.

When his eyes fell.


However, there is a kind of peak return called Luzhuan.

"Grand Master Xuandu, disciple of Daode Tianzun, worthy of his name..."

"it is good!"

"Could it be that this three-foot-high platform is the real Conferred God Platform?"

Assuming the responsibility of enshrining a god, his soul, true spirit and even his body are already filled with great karma that has never been seen before.From then on, life after life, she will bear the curse of ten thousand immortals and will not die well!

It seems that somewhere, there is a magical force guiding her.

But seeing the little fox with a look of disgust on his face, he waved his hand and slapped the void.

woohoo hoo...

A coercion that surpasses the Three Realms makes people intuitively feel as if they are facing the way of heaven.

He only stared at Jiang Shang's Yuanshen.

The little fox looked coldly at Jiang Shang's figure on the Conferred God Stage, his eyes were full of resentment.

The vertical eyes on the forehead erupted with golden light, fixedly looking at the wreckage of the Fengshentai flying around in troubled times.

Yang Gang's expression kept changing.

Yang Gang struck again with all his strength.

The Conferred God Terrace was shattered inch by inch, Jiang Shang spit out a mouthful of purple blood, and blossoming red lotus fires burned in it.

"Come on!"

The Stone Emperor shouted loudly: "The Conferred God Terrace exists, we are only at a disadvantage. If you are trapped here, the sentient beings of the Three Realms and the army of millions of gods... will really have no hope!"


Haotian God... finally wants to take action himself!
Just feeling this aura, Yang Gang felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.This Haotian's understanding of the power of the power of heaven absolutely surpasses any creature in this world.

He didn't have the heart to dawdle with Xuandu anymore, he directly jumped over his body, and slammed the saber fiercely on the Conferred God Stage.

"The culprit."

She can break through the true and illusory supernatural powers that no one in the Three Realms can break.She can touch the Conferred God Stage that is so close in front of her eyes but no one can touch it!
this moment.

The shrill scream was quick and short, and disappeared in an instant.

The Great Master Xuandu of Burning Soul III, his divine soul and true spirit completely dissipated in the world.Compared to Zhao Ling in the Northland back then, he didn't even have a chance of being reincarnated.

The true spirit has completely dissipated, and there is no possibility of reincarnation.

This is the power of luck.

She can destroy the true spirit that ordinary people cannot touch!
(End of this chapter)

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