I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 290 Who is Writing the Classic of Mountains and Seas?

Chapter 290 Who is Writing the Classic of Mountains and Seas?

Zhu Qinglong slammed into Buzhou Mountain angrily, leaving a strong and colorful stroke in the mountain and sea catastrophe.

The mountains and seas fell into a catastrophe of annihilation, and hundreds of millions of calamities were entangled.

Yang Gang bumped into the Sansheng Stone silently in the reincarnation, and divided himself into two parts.

Only Yuanshen, with a part of mana, and the three-pointed two-edged knife escaped from the cycle of reincarnation.

No one knows what happened.

There is a causal cycle, and karma will be wonderful.

Chaoge ruins.

The original location of the Emperor's Palace.

A hole suddenly opened in the void, and a figure rolled to the ground.

It grows quickly, and turns into the figure of Yang Gang in the blink of an eye.

Rebirth of flesh and blood.

The will is immortal.

After experiencing catastrophes in mountains and seas, he can now be reborn quickly with the help of his soul.It seems that the gap is not too far away from the rebirth of a thought in the future, immortality.

However, it is not so easy to cultivate the foundation left in samsara.

of course.

That was originally a hole card that Yang Gang left for himself in the future.

Now the great enemy has been 'destroyed', Haotian has been shut down in the Heaven Realm, and the Eastern Emperor has left for the land of the rising sun.As long as the three-pointed and two-edged knife is by his side, there is no one in this mountain and sea worthy of his full attack.

"came back."

Yang Gang walked step by step in the ruins of Chaoge, looking at the devastated environment, he felt faintly in his heart: "The strength of me now is at least [-]% weaker than before."

"I want to see who is that 'enemy' hiding in the dark!"


This is another calculation.

A plan to lure a snake out of its hole.

After the Tianzhu collapsed, everything became unknown, there was no story from another world as a reference, and there was no context to follow.

But he knows it's not over yet.

As long as the three-pointed two-edged knife is not broken, everything is not over.

He wanted to know who was writing the "Shan Hai Jing" behind his back, and who was erasing the traces of his past existence.What a tragic battle...the three-pointed double-edged sword, an ancient artifact, was smashed into pieces.

a few days later.

The heaven and earth catastrophe intensified.

The series of consequences caused by the collapse of Tianzhu are thousands of times more serious than the first battle of Chaoge.

Just three days.

Hundreds of millions of souls fell one after another in the mountains and seas, the sky and the earth were gloomy, and the sun rose and the moon did not set for three consecutive days.

Yang Gang was haunted by Wanjie again, looking like a demon covered in black energy from a distance.

When the fourth day.

The sun still hasn't risen in the east.

Yang Gang was thinking about whether he should go to the Land of Sunrise to have a chat with Donghuang.

A majestic and benevolent figure suddenly rose from the distant land.

The peerless Wangchen.

At this moment, it is like an innate god, majesticly suppressing the world, turning into a huge god with a human upper body and a snake tail lower body, continuously throwing its own brilliance to the earth.

She... is finally going to save the world.

"Forget the dust."

Yang Gang's figure appeared in front of her.

"Step aside."

The deity smiled slightly, benevolent and loving, but gave people a sense of strangeness separated by hundreds of millions of miles.

Forget about the world.

Has completely transformed into a descendant of Nuwa, to do the mission that he should do for the sentient beings of this world.


Yang Gang sighed in a low voice.

Take the initiative to get out of the way.

Now Wangchen is no longer 'Wangchen', and he is powerless to stop her mighty power.

I had to tell myself silently in my heart, "The time has not come yet, wait a little longer, wait a little longer..."

The body of the great god keeps running around, gathering the essence of the world and the earth with its own magnificent divine power, and repairing the holes in the mountains and seas.

The broken world is being repaired bit by bit.


This is a time-consuming road to salvation.

It will continue until the world is completely repaired and complete.

It continued until... Wangchen died of exhaustion, exhausting his last bit of strength for all beings in the world.

The power provided by the wishes of all beings will only be just right, and will never be a little bit more.

This is the fixed number of Yin and Yang balance in heaven and earth.

Yang Gang, whose Taoism is becoming more and more advanced, has such a clear understanding in his heart.

A few days later.

The emperor's army never turned back to Chaoge in Zhoushan, and found the 'missing' Yang Gang.Immediately surprised again and again, pay homage ceremony.

He is now.

He is the number one God of War in the Three Realms, the savior of all beings in the mountains and seas, and the most respected person in the Human Emperor's army.

Although there is no emperor, there are people who are emperors.

It's a pity that he is destined not to be recognized by all beings in the world, and he will not be able to become the emperor.

"But this position is not important to me."

Yang Gang rejected Wen Zhong's proposal to make himself emperor.

Shen Sheng said: "The position of emperor is selfless. I have the virtue of no emperor. If I forcibly ascend the throne, what is the difference with that Ji Chang? But the public world becomes the family world. Isn't all everyone's efforts in vain?"

"The coach is the heart of the world, and the sun and the moon can learn from each other. Minister..." Wen Zhong couldn't help crying, and bowed deeply to Yang Gang.

behind him.

Countless figures knelt down.

"The coach please ascend the throne!"

"The coach please ascend the throne!"

"Please, Commander..."

Yang Gang turned his back to everyone, and said resolutely: "Okay, don't bring up this matter again. Let's all go down!"

Say it.

He ignored everyone's pleas and walked away directly.

days thereafter.

Yang Gang ordered the emperor's army to temporarily suspend rest and disperse across the mountains and seas to participate in the salvation of hundreds of millions of people from water and fire.

As such.

The power around him was a little weaker.


"Why don't you show your spearhead?"

Yang Gang secretly searched for the unknown 'enemy', but found nothing.

I can't help but whisper in my heart.

"Theoretically speaking, it should not be weak to be able to break the existence of the three-pointed double-edged sword. After all, the Haotian mirror is so strong, and the Sanjiang double-edged sword is only cracked..."

"What is 'he' waiting for?"


Yang Gang silently looked into the distance, towards the direction where Buzhou Mountain used to exist.

"Should I go to Nuwa to re-establish the four poles for the heaven and the earth, and repair the central pillar of heaven, right? That piece of god iron, which is said to be related to the collapse of mountains and seas and the connection between heaven and earth, where will it come from?"

"Could it be the Eastern Emperor Taiyi?"

"It shouldn't be Haotian..."

"But what kind of power is it that can shatter the three-pointed two-edged sword and force existences like Haotian and Donghuang to transform into Tao again?"

Yang Gang was very curious.

But I still can't figure it out.

I had to wait silently.

Time passed little by little.

Three days.

half a month.

a month...

Shan Hai Jing Ji: [Buzhou mountain falls, the sky tilts to the northwest.The four poles are useless, and Kyushu is split.The sky does not cover at the same time, and the earth does not contain weeks.The flames of fire never go out, and the ocean of water never ceases.Wild beasts devour the people, and birds of prey grab the old and the weak.So Nv Huo took the essence of heaven and earth and spent three months refining five-color stones to mend the sky, breaking off enough to set up the four poles, killing the black dragon to help Jizhou, and accumulating reed ashes to stop...]

【Of course.The collapse of Tianzhu is irreversible.The sky is gradually falling, and Nuwa's power is exhausted day by day...]

In the dim candlelight.

A figure leans over the desk and writes quickly, using a magical 'pen', gradually writes lines of words engraved with ancient and modern times.

until this day.

He finally raised his head and looked out the window.

On the ruins of the ancient Buzhou Mountain.

Numerous broken stones rose up in the air, blooming with boundless divine light.

"Finally...it's time to start."

(End of this chapter)

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