Chapter 297

A hut that seems to exist between illusion and reality, and seems to be hidden in the cracks of the world.

Under dim lights.

The mysterious man is writing quickly.

[In the last years of the Emperor, the world was in chaos.There are evil gods trying to destroy the world, preventing Nuwa from repairing the sky and repelling her.The Tongtian Pillar stands on Zhoushan Mountain, and with the help of the sun, moon and stars, it becomes eternal and immortal. 】

[Nuwa bestowed his name on it, the God of Tianhe Dingdi...]

The pen suddenly paused.

The mysterious man raised his head and looked at the dimly lit candle above his head.

Continue to write: [The world is peaceful.Nu Wa retired to the temple, and the incense will last forever. 】

pen down.

There was a sudden wind blowing outside the window.

It seems that there are ghosts and gods crying, and it seems that countless innocent souls are mourning.

In the eyes of all living beings in the three realms.

This ancient catastrophe that caused hundreds of millions of casualties and millions of fallen immortals and gods has finally been completely eliminated.

But few people know.

What kind of end will the two people who bear everything for them end up in.

And Yang Gang's goal was also achieved.

He has lived up to none of the Three Realms and the beauties.

Forget about the dust.

Yang Gang did not die either, but he paid a heavy price.

It's just that none of this is known.And what he did was destined not to be understood.

Even... because of the massacre in the ruins of Buzhou Mountain, he was excluded by humanity.

in the following days.

A period of peace and harmony began in the Three Realms.

All sentient beings began to rebuild their homes, actively joined the team of repairing mountains and rivers, and multiplied.

Time passed year by year.

The broken world gradually returned to life.

The Emperor's army also established a new capital in another place.

They occupied the capital of Xiqi, which was half planned for the construction of the Zhou Dynasty, and directly moved all their families and relatives there.

A new dynasty is established, and powers overlap.

Under Wen Zhong's organization, the Emperor's army rewarded each other for meritorious service, and divided the world.

In Yang Gang's eyes, such a system is very ignorant and short-sighted.But for all living beings in the world today, it is the best path they have seen.

The capital of the Xiqi Kingdom was established, reaching all directions.

The world began to restore prosperity.

In the past few decades, the entire mountain, sea and world have changed greatly. The reproductive ability evolved from ancient generations has allowed the remaining races to recover rapidly.

When the population of the Three Realms reached a certain level, the power of Heavenly Dao authority suddenly began to recover.


There is still no one who can take the position of emperor.The power of the masterless heavenly power is wandering around the mountains and seas, as if looking for that future 'true dragon'...


At this time, the mountain and the sea can match the virtue of the emperor has not yet been born.

Wen Zhong cannot take the position of emperor.

Neither can Red Lotus Underlord.

The highly respected generals Huang Feihu, Kong Xuan and others in the Human Emperor's army are even more unworthy of the Human Emperor's position.

As for Yang Gang, who has long lost the trust of humanity, no one has ever mentioned his name.

The position of emperor is still in the air, but the princes stand together.

The world is becoming unstable again.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Yang Gang.

He built an ordinary hut next to the former site of Chaoge, and lived a life almost isolated from the world alone.

20 years.

30 years have passed.

A hundred years passed by gradually.
Except for the younger generation of monks who occasionally visited places of interest and traveled the mountains and seas, no one paid attention to him anymore.Even the relatives and friends around him are unwilling to approach that gloomy hut.

He seemed to be a sinner abandoned by the Three Realms.

until one day.

An anecdote began to circulate outside the world.

Some people saw that Erlang God Yang Jian, who was the most powerful man in the world, had become a decayed old man.

This rumor is indeed an anecdote for the three generations of the Three Realms in the past hundred years.


For the old man back then, it was a major event that was enough to shock people's minds.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

"How could Yang Jian grow old? He has a near-immortal life, a peerless supernatural power that overwhelms the Three Realms, and an almost invincible will. How could he... grow old?"

"No, I'm going to take a look at Chaoge Old Land!"

Back then, Erlang God Yang Jian suppressed I.

As long as he is still alive, no one dares to reach out to humanity.

But if he dies...

No one has been able to ascend the throne of the Human Emperor yet.

And Haotian, who has been planning the Three Realms for hundreds of millions of years in the dark, and Donghuang Taiyi, the ancient lord of the heaven... who can be their opponent?
No one is eligible!

When people don't need 'Yang Jian', no one thinks of him.But when the crisis loomed, people finally remembered this once brilliant and invincible No. [-] God of War in the Three Realms.

a time.

Due to the unresolved position of the emperor, the human nature, which was turbulent with dark clouds, gathered again.

Return to the ruins of Chaoge a hundred years ago.

Converge to the lonely hut that makes people suffocate.


"Wang Wang~~"

"Wang Wang Wang~~"

When Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu and other high-level human beings rushed from the capital of Xiqi to the old place of Chaoge.

When approaching that barren hut cautiously.

Suddenly, a frenzied barking was heard.


An old roar came over.


"Get out of here!"

"Haotian, get out of the mountains and seas! Hahahaha, you can't beat me, you can't beat mine..."

The old voice laughed wildly, with a sense of delirious madness.

this sound...

Wen Zhong and the others listened in their ears, subconsciously looked at each other, and frowned.

next moment.


A figure with a face full of sneer was pushed out of the hut.


He seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned his head to look at the place where Wen Zhong and the others were hiding their whereabouts.

A pair of fiery red eyes immediately met the crowd.

"It's you!"

Wen Zhong and the others took a closer look, and found that this man was red-faced and tall, but had a childlike face. He was the ancient god who had been hidden for a hundred years after the First World War in Buzhou Mountain—the Red Lotus Underlord.

"Brother Honglian, why are you here?"

Wen Zhong appeared and asked.

"When you came here, you must have heard the news." Red Lotus Underlord sighed, in this special place, he no longer has the power of the great god who fought the Three Realms in anger.

Instead, he looked sad.

"Of course."

A look of worry flashed across Wen Zhong's face, he hesitated to speak, "Brother Honglian, that voice just now..."

"That's right, it's Yang—"


There was a sound of bottles and bowls falling.

There was a burst of cursing in the room, "Get out! You black dog must be a fake Donghuang! Get out of here quickly, and you get out of the mountains and seas too... Hahaha, this mountain and sea is as long as I, Yang Jian, and you don't even want to get your hands on it!" !"


A low growl of aggrieved.

Then, under the stunned eyes of everyone, the black dog stood up like a man, carefully opened the door, and retreated from the room.

Then turn around.

He met everyone's surprised eyes.


The Xiaotian dog roared, his eyes were instantly bloodshot, and there was a strong hatred in the eyes, and he was about to pounce.

"Shoutian dog, don't mess around!"

Red Lotus Lord hurriedly stopped in front of Wen Zhong and the others, and persuaded Zhao Xiaotiangou earnestly: "It's already this time, and if you have any anger in your heart, you have to wait for Yang Jian to heal first."

"Don't make any more trouble at this time, be good, be good! Xiao Tiangou is obedient..."

Like coaxing a child, Honglian kept coaxing Xiaotiangou.

(End of this chapter)

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