I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 301 The long river of luck, the evolution of the emperor for a lifetime

Chapter 301 The long river of luck, the evolution of the emperor's life

"Yang Jian, is he dead?"

Above the Nine Heavens, in the Lingxiao Palace in the Heaven Realm, a doubtful voice echoed.

"Yang Jian, he's dead."

In the place where the sun rises, in the Golden Crow's lair, a miniature palace suddenly appears.

"Yang Jian, he is finally dead!"

In the far western region, a spiritual mountain flies out of the chaos, and the light of thousands of Buddhas on it shines in the world.

The moment when the long river of human luck appeared.

The whole Three Realms knew the news of Yang Jian's death.

Some people are ecstatic, some people are jumping for joy.

Someone mourns, someone breaks down.

Someone stared blankly at the sky in disbelief.

Watching the evolution of that bright long river, from the initial Guanjiangkou, the story of an ordinary young man rising step by step to the top of the Three Realms.

There are thousands of visions in the sky, and auspicious signs appear frequently.

It seems that the whole world is praising Yang Jian's merits and virtues, mourning his departure, and congratulating him for finally stepping into reincarnation on the road of becoming an emperor.

Chaoge old place.

Everyone in front of the hut stared blankly at the sky.

"Yang Jian. Is there really nothing wrong?"

"Second brother is right, second brother will definitely not be wrong!"

"Whether Yang Jian is wrong or not depends on the evolution of the long river of human luck, and we will naturally know."

"The human emperor's merits and demerits are determined by God."

The long river of human luck turned into a light curtain, spreading across the entire mountain, sea and sky.

Scenes flowed quickly.

Yang Jian has been wise since he was a child, as if he knew by nature that he had to shoulder a certain mission, and he worked hard every day to practice.

Finally this day.

The pursuers of the heavens... are here.

"The way of heaven is ruthless, so I will change my fate against the sky!"

The young man's vigorous voice resounded through the sky.

"Second brother..."

Yang Lian raised her head with tears in her eyes, staring blankly at the handsome man in the sky.

I was crazy for a while.

How long has she not seen such a second brother?It seems that it has been a long, long time... since the battle of Buzhou Mountain, no!From the time he traveled around the world to Chaoge...

Everything has changed.

The vitality of the second brother is gone, his back seems to be carrying a mountain, and his waist is no longer as straight as before.

this moment.

All beings in the three realms fell into silence.

The young man silently looking at the sky, opened his peerless eyes, held ancient magic weapons, walked against the sky, fought against the gods of the heavens alone, and finally killed the giant spirit god in anger.


Time is long, and the evolution of the long river of humanity is fast.

In the blink of an eye, we arrived at Zhuolu Field, that great battle.

In the battle of Zhuolu, the young man conferred the title of god, and fought against Xingtian, the god of war of Jiuyou, in front of the two camps.

Watching him fight bloody battles again and again, watching him behead Xing Tian, ​​laugh wildly in front of the gods of mountains and seas, and show off in front of the great powers of the Three Realms.

The number one god of war in the mountains and seas back then was defeated by him just like that.

Some people who were born after Yang Jian knew about it.

How high-spirited was the Erlang God Yang Jian at that time, and how he became an idol in the hearts of the younger generation of the Three Realms with his unparalleled talent.


The river of humanity continues to evolve.

The picture appeared on an ice field.

All beings in the three realms watched Yang Jian silently, guarding Moyuan alone, fighting against Xingtian again and again, silently dedicating their youthful years in that unknown place.

"Yang Jian... did such a thing back then?" Wen Zhong subconsciously opened his mouth wide and said in astonishment.

See here.

Many people have begun to cry.

Such a Yang Jian, with such a noble character, is worth learning from everyone in the Three Realms.

The emperors of all dynasties were just like this when they were young.

Even worse!

It's just that everyone still doesn't understand why such a man would give up all beings in the three realms to prevent Wangchen from saving the world because of his own selfish desires?
Perhaps it is because of a little selfishness.

Such an outstanding him, he will never be able to become the real emperor!

Then time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye 3000 years have passed.


The evolution of the river of humanity has slowed down.

Everyone discovered that it was Yang Jian who brought a little fox to an ancient temple.

Only then did they know that Yang Jian had had some contact with Wangchen, a descendant of Nuwa, a long time ago.

It's just that they don't know.

The crisis in the Three Realms also began at this time.


Yang Jian turned into a mortal in front of the Nuwa Temple. Although everyone didn't know what happened in his dream, they must have something to do with the noble Mother of the Earth.

And there is a premonition in my heart.

In this Nuwa temple, some unknown events must have happened!
The mutation is coming soon.

The human emperor 'Di Xin' appeared in front of the Nuwa Temple, snatched the colorful stones left by the ancient Nuwa God, and beat Yang Jian in front of the temple to pieces with one blow.

"Second brother!"


In front of the hut, Yang Lian couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although she knew that Yang Gang was fine later, she still couldn't help but worry for a while.

at the same time.

Yaoji's family is also in another place, the ancient Zhuolu Field, looking at the long river of luck in the sky.

Seeing that Yang Gang was actually killed by the Emperor, Yao Ji had already burst into tears.

"Why didn't he say it, why didn't he tell us that he has experienced so many dangers outside..."

Yang Tianyou, Yang Zhen and his son stood aside, silent.


In the cycle of reincarnation, a dialogue concerning the future of the Three Realms was finally exposed to the world.

see this scene.

All the beings in the three realms were shocked and horrified.


The Emperor Xin of the year was actually a fake Haotian.He calculated... really deep!
If it weren't for Yang Jian's many adventures at that time, and his cards were rich, he would have been saved by the emperor with his life to escape from the cycle of reincarnation.Without his participation in the Battle of the Conferred Gods, wouldn't Haotian have long since unified the Three Realms?
Do not!
Perhaps earlier, Haotian had unified the Three Realms!

The crowd continued to watch.

Only then did I know the great ambitions of Emperor Xin, his desperate determination, and his absolute trust in Yang Jian.

And Yang Jian did not disappoint him.

Carrying everything silently alone, he led the army to fight everywhere and calm down the world.On the one hand, they have to deal with the threat of Wen Zhong and other ministers to form a harem.

In the end, it was Wangchen who came out of the Nuwa Temple himself and became the titular Queen Jiang, and only then did Yang Jian get out of the siege.

"Five-colored stones...five-colored stones..." Wen Zhong muttered to himself foolishly.

"Master Wen, what are you talking about?" Huang Feihu couldn't help asking.

"I said... colorful stones."

Wen Zhong turned his head, his expression was dull, and there seemed to be endless horror in his eyes.

There is still a trace of remorse that will emerge.

As the grand master of the emperor, the leader of contemporary civil servants, as wise as he is, he seems to have foreseen something.

And that year.

For the matter of the harem, I have repeatedly made things difficult for him...

"I know it's a colorful stone, but what does it matter?"

Huang Feihu looked bewildered.

"I said, Wucaishi...the Haotian of the year...maybe...has been counted in the future, counted...now!" Wen Zhong's voice was very difficult.


Huang Feihu was startled.

People around also cast their attention.

"Mountains and seas collapsed, heaven and earth were destroyed... the descendants of Nuwa lost the multicolored stones, so they had to forcibly mend the sky with divine power, and finally... exhausted their origin and died." Wen Zhong said in a dull and authentic tone.


Everyone took a long breath when they heard the words.

"No, Wen Zhong, your expression is wrong!" Red Lotus Underlord said solemnly.


Wen Zhong took a deep breath.

Suddenly fell silent.

After a long time, he murmured foolishly to himself: "Keep reading, keep reading. I hope... I guessed wrong! No, it must not be what I thought!"


"Otherwise those of us..."

(End of this chapter)

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