I can enter the past lives of all beings

Chapter 308 Paozhe, would you like to follow me, Yang Jian, into the mountains and seas to fight ano

Chapter 308 Paozhe, would you like to follow me, Yang Jian, into the mountains and seas to fight again?
Yang Gang shook his head slightly and said: "I didn't act. Because... I really don't know all this in the human world. Everything that happened in the past hundred years is true. In the human world... I am really helpless, and I was brought by you. The pressure tormented him into a state of insanity."

"Otherwise, how can we deceive the wise and powerful God Haotian who has no plans?" When he said this, there was a hint of teasing on his face.



Haotian lost his voice, apparently surprised.

Wen Zhong, Hong Lian and the crowd from the Emperor's camp couldn't help but exclaimed.


It's all messed up.

If everything is not acted out, then how did Yang Jian in reincarnation appear?Is he really Yang Jian?
A thick doubt lingered in everyone's mind.

"I understand."

"I understand too!"

Haotian and Jifa made their voices almost simultaneously.

Then he looked at the figure in the reincarnation in surprise, with a hint of admiration in his eyes, and he didn't make a sound for a long time.

"Understand what?"

"What the hell are they talking about?"

It's a pity that no one will help them explain all this.

the present time.

It is also not allowed to have a leisurely conversation between the two parties.

Just a moment of this conversation.

The gate of reincarnation was banging crazily, and Yang Gang and Haotian had already fought countless times in secret.

A door to destroy reincarnation.

A portal to protect oneself from entering the world.

The invisible dao rhyme surged, almost obliterating and destroying the dao in the endless abyss.


A terrifying killing intent rushed out of the gate of reincarnation crazily.

"Yang Jian, my nephew. You really want to kill me?"

Haotian's furious expression suddenly became very calm at this moment.

He even looked at Yang Gang amusedly, as if laughing at his overreaching.

"Yang Jian." He said in a deep voice: "Based on your current situation, the so-called immortal will only survives through reincarnation and has no root or source. Can you slash once or three times? Hahahaha..."

He looked up to the sky and laughed.

Suddenly, his face darkened again, and he said coldly, "Don't say you are dead. Even if you are not dead, how can you fight with me alone now? Fight with this fairy, demon, god and Buddha?"

"Just relying on the demoralized trash below?"

He suddenly pointed at the remnants of the Emperor's army on the ground, his tone extremely disdainful.



Haotian's words were like a knife's edge, cutting a bloody gash in the heart of a blood-stained soldier.

They want to open their mouths to refute, but they don't know how to speak.

They froze in place for a moment.


Compared with the past, they are now a bunch of waste, driven from Xiqi to the old place of Chaoge like a group of bereaved dogs.Without Ren Huang and Yang Jian, they are nothing...

"Who says I'm alone? Who dares to say that I, the soldiers of the human race, are trash!"

Yang Gang took another step forward.

It caused the gate of reincarnation to tremble crazily, and his figure was also shaking like smoke.

Three steps in a row.

He is already very, very close to the world of mountains and seas!
"You - get up!"

Yang Gang shouted loudly like thunder, "Haotian destroys the morale of the Emperor's army because he wants to destroy humanity's will to resist forever. He wants to enslave our descendants forever and feed us like ants forever."

"And you... are the backbone of the human race! With the burden of humanity on your shoulders, how can you be depressed because of a temporary defeat? That's what I taught you before?"

A sound of shouting and cursing was deafening, echoing in the ears of the emperor's remnant army.


"Cowardly and war-afraid, that's the real waste!" Yang Gang took a further step, the aura on his body collided with the samsara fiercely, the aura collapsed and disintegrated, and fell into the boundless samsara.


He is still moving forward step by step firmly, four steps, five steps, six steps... He is still walking against the sky, as if he wants to set an example for the remnants of the emperor who have been demoralized on the ground!
"Get up for me!"

Yang Gang shouted loudly, his face full of anger: "The whole army listens to the order and stands up!"


Everyone subconsciously straightened their backs, got up from the muddy ground, and stood in the original army formation.


Their eyes were still blank.

Look at the left side, look at the right side, and see that the places around you that should be full of figures are empty one after another.


All eyes were on Yang Gang.

"Boss..." Wen Zhong said in a low voice, "But we... we... only have these people."

see this scene.

The countless immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons who surrounded Chaoge's old land suddenly smiled and mocked.

They admit that Yang Gang is very powerful.

The ability to lead troops is unparalleled in the world, number one in the Three Realms.

With just a few words, the will of the Emperor's army was once again inspired.


Just these people?

Why fight them!
"Who said...we only have these people?"

Yang Gang took the last three steps and stretched out a hand outside the gate of reincarnation.

Reach out.

A stream of light fell from the sky and fell into his hands automatically.

It turned into a peerless weapon with three points and two blades.

On the edge of the blade, a broken humanitarian flag rolled over at unknown time.

"I don't have clothes? I'm in the same robe as my son. I repair my spear. I have the same hatred with my son..." At this moment, Yang Gang was between the two realms, waving the flag of the emperor's army, and he actually sang about the past and the soldiers. The battle song of going out together.

"Would you say Wuyi? Same robe with Zi... How could you say Wuyi? Same Ze with Zi..." The soldiers of Renhuang's remnant army murmured a sentence, their faces were excited, and they were about to sing loudly.

next moment.

Yang Gang's complexion suddenly straightened, and he turned back to Samsara and shouted: "Those robes who have entered Samsara, the army souls—return!"


"This battle song...isn't it for us?"

Many of the emperor's remnants were dumbfounded.

The surrounding Heavenly Court army was also dumbfounded, seeing Yang Gang's weird movements, they were all puzzled.

Summon the dead?

What a joke!The reincarnation of this side of the world is the natural movement controlled by the heaven and the earth, with spirits but no ghosts.What can be summoned with just a call and a broken flag?

The next moment, a miracle appeared!
An old figure gradually gathered in front of the gate of reincarnation.Standing on that broken flag, he raised his head and stared blankly, staring at... the above dull eyes seemed to be gradually filled with an inexplicable emotion.

Seeing the familiar figure of the old man, many Human Emperor Remnant Army couldn't help but startled.

"He... he is..."

"He was on the way to escape, that old soldier who yelled at King Wu! I remember that in the end they died together in the rebellious army in order to kill us."

"He is back?"


Figures appeared one after another, Chengwu King Huang Feihu, Meishan Boss Yang Jian's personal guard Yuan Hong, Ya Bigan... one after another familiar figure, one after another robe Ze who had fallen on the battlefield before, appeared in everyone's field of vision.

They all stared blankly at the broken humane army flag being pulled into reincarnation by Yang Gang, and there seemed to be an inexplicable emotion in their eyes, which turned into flames and began to burn blazingly.

see this scene.

There was a smile on Yang Gang's face, as if he let out a long sigh of relief.

Turn around and look outside the gate of reincarnation.

A loud shout: "Humanity is immortal, and the soul of the army will last forever! Paoze, would you like to follow me, Yang Jian, into the mountains and seas, and fight another battle for our homeland?"


A suffocating silence.


The first veteran who appeared slowly turned his head and looked at the familiar figures outside the gate of reincarnation, the magnificent mountains and rivers... A bright smile gradually appeared on his dull face.

"I am willing!"



Humanity is immortal, and the soul of the army will last forever.

In the previous chapters, you thought of water, but I can't help it.Everything needs to be foreshadowed, I can't just let Yang Gang summon the assistant casually.

Only such a large army, such a military spirit, and such a fearless sacrifice are... worth it!
(End of this chapter)

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